Why Romney lost


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvqHERTcytI]Mitt Romney in video: 47 percent of Americans 'Believe they are Victims' and feel 'Entitled' - YouTube[/ame]
I think this was one of just many mistakes, but I think we need to avoid putting all the blame for Romney's loss on Romney.

A lot more of it is how the GOP has become so radical that it has alienated people who voted for it just a few short years ago.

Romney got 1 Million less votes than McCain did and 4 million less than Bush. If he had just gotten Bush's votes, he would have won.
There were multiple GOP candidates out there making statements that were very extreme concerning how they were going to control women's choices. The statement that a baby conceived of rape was a 'gift from God' iced the cake. The GOP lost the womens vote.

For the last four years people in the GOP denigrated anyone of hispanic ancestory. They did not address the problem of illegal immigration as a legal issue, but rather as the invasion of the US by human vermin. The vast majority of the illegals just wanted work, and a chance at a good life. By addressing the problems that illegal immigration has caused as they did, the GOP alienated the Americans of hispanic ancestory. People who had up to the last two elections voted more for the GOP than the Dems.

The GOP has constantly described our young people as lazy, shiftless, and ignorant. They have completely ignored how little entry level wages pay in this economy. And they have lobbied for the banks to be able to continue to prey on the young people that wish to get a higher education by charging high interest rates on educational loans.

The GOP simply narrowed their base this election. In a bad economic period, with a President from a minority, they offended so many that they lost the election resoundingly.
Two moderates, two losses...what's the definition of insanity again?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results .
Two moderates, two losses...what's the definition of insanity again?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results .

I think you are one of the more sensible conservative posters, but come on!

Mitt toed the line on every issue the far right put out there.

It wasn't just Mitt who lost. It was the fact that Democrats retained 22 out of 23 Senate Seats that were up (Many of them in Red States) and took 3 of the 7 Republican seats that were up. (1 of them in a Red state).

In 2008, the moderate lost because the economy was in such awful shape and we were involved in 2 wars we didn't want to be in.

In 2012, the etch-a-sketch guy lost because he wasn't trustworthy, but also because his party has become too radical. Everything from calling 47% of the country moochers to telling ladies there was such a thing as "legitimate rape" or "Gift from God" rape.
Two moderates, two losses...what's the definition of insanity again?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results .

OK. Put up a hard right candidate in 2016. See how that flys.

The majority of Americans do not want an extreme conservative in the seat of power. A nineteenth century ideology doesn't work in a 21st century nation.

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