Why sane people oppose background checks

Leave it to stink progress to turn this quote into that headline...
think there is an opportunity to do something here. If we’re serious about doing something and not just having a political football here, I think we can work with Democrats, we can work even with the administration to say. I think we all agree that we shouldn’t have guns get into the hands with those with serious mental illness. We propose legislation to provide more of that legislation, more of those records into the background check system than is happening today. Let’s fix the current background system.

Not a freaking word about UBC's...

Of course he STILL sounds like an idiot. Why do we "propose legislation to provide more of that legislation"?

If you want more mental health records 'in the system', deal with HIPPA.
Gun registration is a non-starter. It's none of ANYONE'S business what guns or how many I own.

I'm sure Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza agree with you.

Two of those three people bought their guns legally after passing a background check, the other stole them after trying to purchase guns and failing to pass a background check.

Those background checks sure stop a lot of shootings.

Each of those killers was problematic in days, weeks even years before they committed murder. If they bought guns legally, there is an obvious need to reform the system.
Gun registration is a non-starter. It's none of ANYONE'S business what guns or how many I own.

I'm sure Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza agree with you.

I'm sure you're a dishonest hack.

Loughner and Holmes both bought their guns legally, and registering them would have done NOTHING to prevent their heinous actions. In fact, NOTHING you've proposed would have stopped them.

Lanza murdered his own mother to get his guns and again, NOTHING you propose would have stopped him, either.

Get a clue, would you please?

I'm sure you're a partisan hack. That was constructive, huh?

If Loughner and Holmes were able to legally buy guns, something is wrong and the sytem needs reform. Lanza's mother needed to buy a secure gun safe and used it.

See post 199 for follow up question.

It’s incumbent upon those who take issue with private sales with no background check to also provide a solution as to how a background check would be conducted.

Same way as car registrations, notify the state of type of gun sold, it's serial number and who bought it.

What if the parties to the transaction decline to do that?

Then by definition they are criminals and any use of the gun sold illegally attachés them to any subsequent tort. It's all about personal responsibility.
I'm sure Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza agree with you.

I'm sure you're a dishonest hack.

Loughner and Holmes both bought their guns legally, and registering them would have done NOTHING to prevent their heinous actions. In fact, NOTHING you've proposed would have stopped them.

Lanza murdered his own mother to get his guns and again, NOTHING you propose would have stopped him, either.

Get a clue, would you please?

I'm sure you're a partisan hack. That was constructive, huh?

If Loughner and Holmes were able to legally buy guns, something is wrong and the sytem needs reform. Lanza's mother needed to buy a secure gun safe and used it.

OK Wry, since you're so smart and all, what do you propose to 'reform the system' that doesn't violate the Constitutional rights of 100 million gun owners?

Because so far, NOTHING you've put out there would accomplish your stated goal of keeping guns out of the hands of the Loughners, Holmes's, Chos and Lanzas of this world.
I support background checks------------for presidential candidates.

Now, about those hidden college records-----------------------------------where dey at Barry?

With his birth certificate, dumb ass.

Hey, how is donald trump doing anyway? :eusa_angel:
Most people agree with back ground checks. So I don't think there is a lot of sane people opposing them?
And yes I am sure what you posted would stand up in court. :cuckoo: so in reality do sane people oppose background checks? Not many.

This explains why the NRA is against it.
Most people agree with back ground checks. So I don't think there is a lot of sane people opposing them?
And yes I am sure what you posted would stand up in court. :cuckoo: so in reality do sane people oppose background checks? Not many.

This explains why the NRA is against it.

Please show me where the NRA has opposed background checks.
You mean your delusions?

My delusions? In California you cannot buy a gun at a gun show unless you get a background check. This is a fact, not a delusion. That means that, in California, there is no gun show loophole even if we accept your misinterpretation of English. Despite this fact, there are politicians in this state who want to close the gun show loophole.

Which I agreed with, moron, then states in 33 states that was not the case.
But please explain to me why you are against the federal back ground check? And why you would be against people who sell guns at gun show being made to do one?

If they are selling to multiple people they do not know personally why shouldn't they?

Then explain to me the point you were making wit the drivers licenses? I still missed whatever point you were trying to make. I know it will be good, so please share.

You want me to explain why I am against the government infringing on people's rights? Seriously? Why the fuck should anyone explain that? Do you demand explanations from the ACLU when they defend people whose rights have been violated?

Why should anyone have to clear it with the government before they sell something?

Do you know how to read? I pointed out that I was not making a point with the drivers license loophole, I was mocking you for believing in the non existent gun show loophole. Mocking is not a point, it is mocking.
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I'm sure Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza agree with you.

Two of those three people bought their guns legally after passing a background check, the other stole them after trying to purchase guns and failing to pass a background check.

Those background checks sure stop a lot of shootings.

Each of those killers was problematic in days, weeks even years before they committed murder. If they bought guns legally, there is an obvious need to reform the system.

Tell me something, why isn't Dorner on that list? I would think he would be the poster boy for gun control nuts, yet not a single one of you ever mentions him. I find that very interesting.

By the way, unless you know something no one else on the planet knows, not a single person on your list who legally bought their guns had serious mental health issues, and they did not commit any crimes. I guess you just want to ban anyone you don't like from owning a gun, no big surprise.
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I'm sure Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes and Adam Lanza agree with you.

I'm sure you're a dishonest hack.

Loughner and Holmes both bought their guns legally, and registering them would have done NOTHING to prevent their heinous actions. In fact, NOTHING you've proposed would have stopped them.

Lanza murdered his own mother to get his guns and again, NOTHING you propose would have stopped him, either.

Get a clue, would you please?

I'm sure you're a partisan hack. That was constructive, huh?

If Loughner and Holmes were able to legally buy guns, something is wrong and the sytem needs reform. Lanza's mother needed to buy a secure gun safe and used it.

Do you have a fail safe method of predicting the future? If not, what's your fucking point?
Most people agree with back ground checks. So I don't think there is a lot of sane people opposing them?
And yes I am sure what you posted would stand up in court. :cuckoo: so in reality do sane people oppose background checks? Not many.

This explains why the NRA is against it.

If we ignore the fact that the NRA has always supported background checks your post actually makes sense.
Most people agree with back ground checks. So I don't think there is a lot of sane people opposing them?
And yes I am sure what you posted would stand up in court. :cuckoo: so in reality do sane people oppose background checks? Not many.

This explains why the NRA is against it.

Please show me where the NRA has opposed background checks.

NRA opposes, and will continue to oppose, universal background checks and registration schemes.
NRA-ILA | Background Checks

Please look at the source of the link.
Most people agree with back ground checks. So I don't think there is a lot of sane people opposing them?
And yes I am sure what you posted would stand up in court. :cuckoo: so in reality do sane people oppose background checks? Not many.

This explains why the NRA is against it.

If we ignore the fact that the NRA has always supported background checks your post actually makes sense.

But things change. You see, Obama and his administration is FOR it, so of course now they are against it.

This type thing has been going on since Obama was sworn in.
Please show me where the NRA has opposed background checks.

That's a good point.

Which means, that to oppose background checks, you must be even more extreme on this issue than the NRA.

Which, I believe, completely invalidates the title and premise of the thread. Unless the OP considers everyone in the nation, except those who are to the right of the NRA, to be "insane"...
Or does pointing out that this is happening prove I am paranoid?

The University of Iowa has been quietly sharing federally protected student information with Johnson County law enforcement officials who handle gun permit applications — an arrangement that one national organization calls a “license to snoop.”
The information includes some data on classroom achievement that by law can’t be considered by sheriffs when processing permit-to-carry applications and are normally protected from disclosure by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Mark Braun, chief of staff for U of I President Sally Mason, said that in some cases the information speaks to a student’s perceived status as a “troublemaker,” but could also include information on failing grades or signs of depression or anger.
“This is incredibly alarming,” said Justin Dedecker, a graduate student who sought a gun permit in 2011. “How does my performance in class become an indicator of my mental stability?”


The school's behavior in this matter is immoral, and is certainly not mandated by any background check that I've ever encountered.

In other words, local law enforcement was over-reaching, and the problem has nothing to do with mandatory background checks, and everything to do with people at the local level doing shit they shouldn't.

The problem would be solved with a simple class-action lawsuit.
This explains why the NRA is against it.

Please show me where the NRA has opposed background checks.

NRA opposes, and will continue to oppose, universal background checks and registration schemes.
NRA-ILA | Background Checks

Please look at the source of the link.

From your link.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which became operational in 1998, verifies that a person seeking to buy a firearm from a gun dealer is not prohibited from doing so by federal or state law. The National Rifle Association supported its establishment. Gun control supporters opposed NICS...

I stand by what I said.
The idea that no solutions exists never occurs to them, and in this lies their strength.

People kill people, and guns make the killing of people easy, at a distance and less risky to the killer.

Anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a gun should have a license to do so. A license which can be suspended or revoked for cause. Such a person should also carry insurance for any harm done to another by their gun(s); private insurance records can be shielded from intrusive government to protect the privacy of honorable citizens.

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