Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

What are Walker's views on evolution? Post sources.
Shouldn't he be responsible enough to clarify his own position? if you are firmly on one side or the other, why say 'punt'? Unless you want to later pander to the anti-knowledge cadre of Conservatives.
What are Walker's views on evolution? Why is it even important to know? What are Obama's views on broccoli?

The next questions are do you believe in science do you think non christians are going to hell do you think america is a christian nation do you think a woman should have the right to choose do you believe in stem cell.

It matters very much what his answer is.

Obama doesn't like broccoli.

No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?

I laughed at those assertions when I voted for him the first time. They are just as ridiculous as most of the claims about him. He has, however, proven to be a disaster of a president.
Shouldn't he be responsible enough to clarify his own position? if you are firmly on one side or the other, why say 'punt'? Unless you want to later pander to the anti-knowledge cadre of Conservatives.
What are Walker's views on evolution? Why is it even important to know? What are Obama's views on broccoli?

The next questions are do you believe in science do you think non christians are going to hell do you think america is a christian nation do you think a woman should have the right to choose do you believe in stem cell.

It matters very much what his answer is.

Obama doesn't like broccoli.

No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?

I laughed at those assertions when I voted for him the first time. They are just as ridiculous as most of the claims about him. He has, however, proven to be a disaster of a president.
You must be poor
What are Walker's views on evolution? Why is it even important to know? What are Obama's views on broccoli?

The next questions are do you believe in science do you think non christians are going to hell do you think america is a christian nation do you think a woman should have the right to choose do you believe in stem cell.

It matters very much what his answer is.

Obama doesn't like broccoli.

No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?

I laughed at those assertions when I voted for him the first time. They are just as ridiculous as most of the claims about him. He has, however, proven to be a disaster of a president.
You must be poor

Quite the opposite. I'm retired and living the good life.
Doubt that very much, west mall cop.

Yeah, well I am so sad that you don't believe me... truly I am!:laugh::laugh::laugh: Care to let the class know how an attack on me is relevant to the OP?
I'll tell you what: When evolutionists can produce life from non-life in a lab experiment, manipulating all the conditions any way they want, then talk to me about evolution being a credible theory. The discovery of staggeringly complex life forms at the biochemical level has decimated evolution.

Again, assuming a godless universe, how could "natural selection" have "just happened" to have "selected" components that were useless by themselves that would later be used to perform a function that didn't exist yet, and then amazingly "just happened" to have combined those components in just the right order to form bio-machines that are more complex than anything we can build? It's just nonsense.

And where did all the genetic information come from? How would such mind-bogglingly complex information have developed by chance?

Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible

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Care to point out why your original remark was relevant to the OP, which was "Quite the opposite. I'm retired and living the good life."

You got what you dished, west mall cop. :)

To the OP: yes, voters want to know if a candidate believes in the scientific process.
Walkers views on evolution and religion are only relevant when and if they affect his decisions as Governor. Do you believe atheist should be subject to scrutiny and ridicule for their beliefs when they are in a position of power?

Silly beliefs don't become LESS silly because you dress them up in vestments and call them "Religion".

Can't answer the question? OK Joey. Have a cookie and shut up.

I thought I answered the question pretty well. I'm sorry, that as usual, it went ovver your head, Cleetus.
So your morality compels you to attack and ridicule the beliefs of others?

How reasonable and logical. Have another cookie, little one.

Absolutely right. Because they are deserving of ridicule, and because they've done so much harm.

The best way to render religion harmless is to make it a subject of ridicule.
Why is it any business of yours?
Has he ever advocated teaching myths instead of science? See, unlike Obama Walker actually has a track record you can consult
What are you afraid of?
purposely vague answers to perfectly phrased questions.
Irrelevant questions deserve no answers.
The truth is you couldnt give a shit about his views. You're just hoping for something so you can stick a label like "anti science whacko" on him. If some woman comes forward and claims that Walker pinched her ass in junior highschool you'd claim he was unfit for the presidency.
I disagree. the question is relevant and legitimate. We voters deserve to know the positions candidates take on the issues. Because you are frightened by the answers, you shout "Irrelevant". declare victory and clear the field.

Some might be looking for dirt to use against a candidate, but not me specifically. Are you suggesting that finding dirt on a candidate is something no respectable Conservative voter would do? Where's your birth certificate?

How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
So your morality compels you to attack and ridicule the beliefs of others?

How reasonable and logical. Have another cookie, little one.

Absolutely right. Because they are deserving of ridicule, and because they've done so much harm.

The best way to render religion harmless is to make it a subject of ridicule.
And the same with militant atheism: it is subject worthy of ridicule.
Evolution is a campaign issue? WHere?
What is Obama's view of "Black Athena"? WHat are Hillary's iview of Afro centrism? Why arent you questioning those?

Probably because I've never heard of them before you just mentioned them. And I admit, I subject myself to more Right Wing Crazy than I should.
purposely vague answers to perfectly phrased questions.
Irrelevant questions deserve no answers.
The truth is you couldnt give a shit about his views. You're just hoping for something so you can stick a label like "anti science whacko" on him. If some woman comes forward and claims that Walker pinched her ass in junior highschool you'd claim he was unfit for the presidency.
I disagree. the question is relevant and legitimate. We voters deserve to know the positions candidates take on the issues. Because you are frightened by the answers, you shout "Irrelevant". declare victory and clear the field.

Some might be looking for dirt to use against a candidate, but not me specifically. Are you suggesting that finding dirt on a candidate is something no respectable Conservative voter would do? Where's your birth certificate?

How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
Creationism and ID belong in the liberal arts or comparative religions classroom certainly, but never in the biology classroom.
Just curious: Have you ever read a single scholarly critique of the theory of evolution?

If Scott Walker has doubts about the fairy tale of evolution, good for him. It's not "science"--it's dogma cooked up to allow people to reject God and morality.

I'm still waiting for any evolutionist to explain how "natural selection" could have selected components that provided no advantage when selected, that would then have been magically used for a previously non-existent function, and that would be used in such a way that it was assembled with other components in just the right order for the bio-machine to work, e.g., the flagellum, the eye, etc., etc., etc. It's nonsense.

Uh, guy, I think that if you don't know the difference between "natural Selection" and "abiogenesis", you probably shouldn't be having the conversation.
Irrelevant questions deserve no answers.
The truth is you couldnt give a shit about his views. You're just hoping for something so you can stick a label like "anti science whacko" on him. If some woman comes forward and claims that Walker pinched her ass in junior highschool you'd claim he was unfit for the presidency.
I disagree. the question is relevant and legitimate. We voters deserve to know the positions candidates take on the issues. Because you are frightened by the answers, you shout "Irrelevant". declare victory and clear the field.

Some might be looking for dirt to use against a candidate, but not me specifically. Are you suggesting that finding dirt on a candidate is something no respectable Conservative voter would do? Where's your birth certificate?

How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
Creationism and ID belong in the liberal arts or comparative religions classroom certainly, but never in the biology classroom.
Can you name a specific case in which either of those two were incorporated in a biology class?
And the same with militant atheism: it is subject worthy of ridicule.

Yes, questioning fairy tales from the Bronze Age and logically fallacies in the bible... why that's just ridiculous.

We should totally accept a book that includes talking snakes, talking donkeys, every animal in teh world being fit into small boat, and a thousand other ridiculous things because... um... respecting other people's beliefs. Yeah.
Sure, a college biology professor tried and three students stood up and told him to stop right then and there, or they would walk out and go straight to the department chair. East Texas State University at Commerce back in the mid 1990s. Look it up.

I am sure there are plenty of examples.

And I know that ID and Creationism are part of comparative religion classes.

What's your point?
And the same with militant atheism: it is subject worthy of ridicule.

Yes, questioning fairy tales from the Bronze Age and logically fallacies in the bible... why that's just ridiculous.

We should totally accept a book that includes talking snakes, talking donkeys, every animal in teh world being fit into small boat, and a thousand other ridiculous things because... um... respecting other people's beliefs. Yeah.
Actually, guy . . . those are your silly words.

You can no more prove God does not exist than someone can prove that God does.
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And the same with militant atheism: it is subject worthy of ridicule.

Yes, questioning fairy tales from the Bronze Age and logically fallacies in the bible... why that's just ridiculous.

We should totally accept a book that includes talking snakes, talking donkeys, every animal in teh world being fit into small boat, and a thousand other ridiculous things because... um... respecting other people's beliefs. Yeah.
Actually, guy . . . those are your silly words.

You can no more prove God does not exist than someone can prove that God does.

It is impossible to prove non-existence.

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