Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

I disagree. the question is relevant and legitimate. We voters deserve to know the positions candidates take on the issues. Because you are frightened by the answers, you shout "Irrelevant". declare victory and clear the field.

Some might be looking for dirt to use against a candidate, but not me specifically. Are you suggesting that finding dirt on a candidate is something no respectable Conservative voter would do? Where's your birth certificate?

How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?
Are you using "God knows" as just an expression, or do you beleive that God really knows.......?
It's double entendre. A bit of poetry. But, for the record, I do believe in God and have been a faithful Presbyterian all my life.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who said he did or would make such a change?

Now the far left tries to deny their own propaganda..

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is...
the are so out of ideas. we go through this crap with evolution every frikken Presidential election. I think the the people want to know about jobs and how they are going to feed their families in this gawdawful economy under Obama. and they will also be looking for someone who will repeal all the NEW TAXES he has laid on their backs. they didn't kick Democrats out of Congress just for SHIT'S AND GRINS. they are PISSED
To be fair, the campaign drum most often thumped by the Right Wing is "God, guns and Old Glory". We are told our God is being diluted. We are told our guns will be confiscated. We are told that the flag is sacrosanct and America can do no harm, if only you submit.

Come campaign season and tell me I'm wrong.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who said he did or would make such a change?

Now the far left tries to deny their own propaganda..

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is...
the are so out of ideas. we go through this crap with evolution every frikken Presidential election. I think the the people want to know about jobs and how they are going to feed their families in this gawdawful economy under Obama. and they will also be looking for someone who will repeal all the NEW TAXES he has laid on their backs. they didn't kick Democrats out of Congress just for SHIT'S AND GRINS. they are PISSED
To be fair, the campaign drum most often thumped by the Right Wing is "God, guns and Old Glory". We are told our God is being diluted. We are told our guns will be confiscated. We are told that the flag is sacrosanct and America can do no harm, if only you submit.

Come campaign season and tell me I'm wrong.

So you see how the far left propaganda programming shows us how dangerous the far left religion truly is..

Yet still not one far left drone can show where Walker signed a law replacing evolution with creationism..
I disagree. the question is relevant and legitimate. We voters deserve to know the positions candidates take on the issues. Because you are frightened by the answers, you shout "Irrelevant". declare victory and clear the field.

Some might be looking for dirt to use against a candidate, but not me specifically. Are you suggesting that finding dirt on a candidate is something no respectable Conservative voter would do? Where's your birth certificate?

How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who has claimed he has?

But others Creationists have tried. It's in their nature:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design.[1]

In October 2004 the Dover Area School District changed its biology teaching curriculum to require that intelligent design be presented as an alternative to evolution theory, and that Of Pandas and People was to be used as a reference book.[2]

The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who said he did or would make such a change?

Now the far left tries to deny their own propaganda..

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is...
the are so out of ideas. we go through this crap with evolution every frikken Presidential election. I think the the people want to know about jobs and how they are going to feed their families in this gawdawful economy under Obama. and they will also be looking for someone who will repeal all the NEW TAXES he has laid on their backs. they didn't kick Democrats out of Congress just for SHIT'S AND GRINS. they are PISSED

Maybe if the new Republican Congress hadn't come right out of the gate trying to pass new anti-abortion legislation,

the rightwing social agenda wouldn't seem more important to them than jobs and the economy.
How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who has claimed he has?

But others Creationists have tried. It's in their nature:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design.[1]

In October 2004 the Dover Area School District changed its biology teaching curriculum to require that intelligent design be presented as an alternative to evolution theory, and that Of Pandas and People was to be used as a reference book.[2]

The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

So yes the far left can not find anywhere Walker has signed a law replacing evolution with creationism..
Thus proving this is nothing but far let propagdna hatred and fear mongering..
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who has claimed he has?

But others Creationists have tried. It's in their nature:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design.[1]

In October 2004 the Dover Area School District changed its biology teaching curriculum to require that intelligent design be presented as an alternative to evolution theory, and that Of Pandas and People was to be used as a reference book.[2]

The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

So yes the far left can not find anywhere Walker has signed a law replacing evolution with creationism..
Thus proving this is nothing but far let propagdna hatred and fear mongering..

You can't find any evidence of me being on the far left.
Actually, guy . . . those are your silly words.

You can no more prove God does not exist than someone can prove that God does.

Okay- just to point out how silly that last sentence is...

"You can no more prove Unicorns do not exist than someone can prove that Unicorns do."

"You can no more prove Leprechauns do not exist than someone can prove that Leprechauns do."

"You can no more prove Bigfoot does not exist than someone can prove that Bigfoot does."

Well, you get the idea. It's kind of not on my to prove something fantastic doesn't exist, it's on you to prove something fantastic does.

So then, we get into the meat and potatoes of it, your "evidence' of God. You have a creation story we know now is wrong- People evolved from apes, they weren't created from Mud and Ribs. There's no evidence the Hebrews were ever in Egypt. and so on.
How is evolution an "issue"?
If Creationism was about to be taught in a science class in your schools by state mandate, would you be concerned about the quality of education offered there? While Conservatives whine and rail about perceived 'indoctrination' at institutions of higher learning, they have no objections to science cirriculae that does not teach science. Modern people want contemporary science taught. Not alchemy, not sorcery and certainly not mythology.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?
Are you using "God knows" as just an expression, or do you beleive that God really knows.......?
It's double entendre. A bit of poetry. But, for the record, I do believe in God and have been a faithful Presbyterian all my life.
Okay, I think I better understand what you are saying now.
Actually, guy . . . those are your silly words.

You can no more prove God does not exist than someone can prove that God does.

Okay- just to point out how silly that last sentence is...

"You can no more prove Unicorns do not exist than someone can prove that Unicorns do."

"You can no more prove Leprechauns do not exist than someone can prove that Leprechauns do."

"You can no more prove Bigfoot does not exist than someone can prove that Bigfoot does."

Well, you get the idea. It's kind of not on my to prove something fantastic doesn't exist, it's on you to prove something fantastic does.

So then, we get into the meat and potatoes of it, your "evidence' of God. You have a creation story we know now is wrong- People evolved from apes, they weren't created from Mud and Ribs. There's no evidence the Hebrews were ever in Egypt. and so on.
You are in fact, guy, talking about your lack of disproof for God's existence.

That's OK. You operate on faith.
If creationism was taught, I would point out that the school is doing the correct thing in teaching young minds to think critically about everything, and not lock their minds into their own preconceived notions of reality.

Forbidding any subject in a school designed to open the mind of students based solely upon hatred is not what I would call a quality education.

I simply don't understand the unreasonable hatred shown by a tiny sect of this country against religion. What does it matter to anyone what others believe.
To be fair, I have ALWAYS said that teaching Creationism in public schools by mandate is fine, if it is taught in a Philosophy class, but never in a Science class. Science is science and Creatuonism is mythology. We have been able to see the difference since the Enlightenment.

I bear no hatred toward Creationism. Notice I capitalize it out of respect.

But Science is science and Creationism is mythology. We have been seeing the difference since the Enlightenment. The argument is not about forbidding teaching anything. God knows we crave and deserve to think as broadly and as critically as humanly possible.

But Creationism does not rise to the threshold of science and the scientific method. A method that has brought all the wonders of the man made environment we share on this glorious planet. And a method that has given mankind a quantifiable and qualifiable way of understanding this planet with all its wonders.

Creationism is one of many scriptural myths among every culture. Isn't teaching the Judeo-Christian myth as science, while relegating the creation myths of other cultures to their appropriate place in Philosophy, a way of the state establishing a religion, and therefore unconstitional?

So no far left drone can post where Walker has tried to change the law so that evolution would be replaced with creationism.

Who has claimed he has?

But others Creationists have tried. It's in their nature:

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District

the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts testing a public school district policy that required the teaching of intelligent design.[1]

In October 2004 the Dover Area School District changed its biology teaching curriculum to require that intelligent design be presented as an alternative to evolution theory, and that Of Pandas and People was to be used as a reference book.[2]

The plaintiffs successfully argued that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

So yes the far left can not find anywhere Walker has signed a law replacing evolution with creationism..
Thus proving this is nothing but far let propagdna hatred and fear mongering..

You can't find any evidence of me being on the far left.

LOL, only every post that you make.

But on the OP. Schools should teach evolution and the biblical version and not take a position on which is right or wrong. Schools should teach, not indoctrinate.

They should present all views and opinions equally on matters of culture, beliefs, etc. Then let the kids make their own choices based on knowledge.

But that would defeat the leftist dogma of indoctrination and demonization of anyone who dares disagree with what is PC at the moment.
Walker doesn't want to talk about evolution or religion, but Obama said that the muslim call to prayer is the "most beautiful sound on earth" and you libs just ignore that statement--------------------WTF is wrong with you.
Walker doesn't want to talk about evolution or religion, but Obama said that the muslim call to prayer is the "most beautiful sound on earth" and you libs just ignore that statement--------------------WTF is wrong with you.

What's wrong with the Muslim call to prayer?
Walker doesn't want to talk about evolution or religion, but Obama said that the muslim call to prayer is the "most beautiful sound on earth" and you libs just ignore that statement--------------------WTF is wrong with you.

Actually, there is a lot of beauty in religious song of all faiths. The call to prayer for Muslims or Gregorian Chants by Catholics. One of my favorite bits of music are the Reqeium masses by Mozart, Dvorak, and Verdi

That's a little different than whether or not a contender for President really believes there were talking snakes or not.

Walker doesn't want to talk about evolution or religion, but Obama said that the muslim call to prayer is the "most beautiful sound on earth" and you libs just ignore that statement--------------------WTF is wrong with you.

Just for the record could you post the source of that Obama quote.

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