Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

Nobody wants to take credit for the worst recovery in post war history.
Why didnt Quinn run on Obama's recovery? Maybe because Quinn's policies sucked ass while Walker's were succcessful.

Quinn's defeat had nothing to do with the economy and more to do with the fact that he had raised taxes and still couldn't balance the budget.
Which relates to the shitty economy. Duh.
Which relates to the shitty economy. Duh.

No, which relates to the fact he couldn't get concessions out of hte unions, and, oh, yeah, property taxes dropped because your Hero Bush crashed the housing market.

I used to pay $1900 a year in property taxes on my Condo. Last year, it was less than $800.

Now, I'll give Walker his props. He took tough stands and made tough decisions. But he'd probably have been thrown out in the Recall if the economy hadn't recovered to the point it had by 2012.
Which relates to the shitty economy. Duh.

No, which relates to the fact he couldn't get concessions out of hte unions, and, oh, yeah, property taxes dropped because your Hero Bush crashed the housing market.

I used to pay $1900 a year in property taxes on my Condo. Last year, it was less than $800.

Now, I'll give Walker his props. He took tough stands and made tough decisions. But he'd probably have been thrown out in the Recall if the economy hadn't recovered to the point it had by 2012.
No, he tried to balance the budget by raising taxes. Then he went around to Caterpillar etc and cut them deals to stay in state. Other businesses moved across the border.
Raising taxes to balance a budget never works. Never. Wisconsin's economy recovered while Illinois' floundered. Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin than he had won before. And Quinn went down in defeat.
No, he tried to balance the budget by raising taxes. Then he went around to Caterpillar etc and cut them deals to stay in state. Other businesses moved across the border.
Raising taxes to balance a budget never works. Never. Wisconsin's economy recovered while Illinois' floundered. Walker was re-elected by a bigger margin than he had won before. And Quinn went down in defeat.

Yeah, it never works except when Clinton did it. Oh, wait, that totally worked.

Actually, IL is still a lot m ore prosperous than Wisconsin is. Wisconsin only has an economy because the FIB's go out there to vacation.
No they're wrong because they're wrong. And stupid. And so is anyone looking to them for information

Except neither one of you could PROVE how they were wrong.

Hey, if you think Bush was so wonderful, by all means, run Jeb. The Democrats will run Hillary.

If you want to make 2016 Bush vs. Clinton, that won't end well for you.
It's obvious they are qwrong. They cherry pick data points and ignore other factors. Sort of like you adn the other brain dead libs on this board.
No they're wrong because they're wrong. And stupid. And so is anyone looking to them for information

Except neither one of you could PROVE how they were wrong.

Hey, if you think Bush was so wonderful, by all means, run Jeb. The Democrats will run Hillary.

If you want to make 2016 Bush vs. Clinton, that won't end well for you.
They are wrong now, because they are never right. EVER!
If any of you ethically challanged Liberals are at all concerned about how and where you get your news, I'd suggest you read this description of how a biased blog at Soros funded Think Progress becomes front page news at the NYT.
Posted on March 22, 2011 by John Hinderaker in The War on the Koch Brothers
Anatomy of a Smear
The Center for American Progress is generally regarded as a front for the Obama administration. Its President and CEO is John Podesta, formerly Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and the chairman of Barack Obama’s transition team. CAP is lavishly funded by George Soros and several other left-wing billionaires. It runs, among other things, a web site called Think Progress, which cranks out a steady stream of slimy hit pieces for the benefit of the Obama administration and the far left.
If any of you ethically challanged Liberals are at all concerned about how and where you get your news, I'd suggest you read this description of how a biased blog at Soros funded Think Progress becomes front page news at the NYT.

Guy, Smearing the Koch Brothers, a family that got rich by helping Stalin exploit his oil, would imply there was something decent about these two.

the Koch Brothers are scum.
Notice all these republican governors are going to take credit for Obamas economic recovery?
You mean cutting growth by the House? Since when did obama become the House majority leader? They put some brakes on his insane spending.

obama recovery? LOL. You should do standup comedy on cable.[/QUOTE]
Notice all these republican governors are going to take credit for Obamas economic recovery?
You mean cutting growth by the House? Since when did obama become the House majority leader? They put some brakes on his insane spending.

obama recovery? LOL. You should do standup comedy on cable.
How is walker and Snyders recovery not Obamas?
Notice all these republican governors are going to take credit for Obamas economic recovery?
You mean cutting growth by the House? Since when did obama become the House majority leader? They put some brakes on his insane spending.

obama recovery? LOL. You should do standup comedy on cable.
How is walker and Snyders recovery not Obamas?[/QUOTE]Why not throw Texas in there too while you're at it? How is obama responsible for Walker's policies?

Act 10 Reform Updates Office of the Governor - Scott Walker
Why not throw Texas in there too while you're at it? How is obama responsible for Walker's policies?

I think you miss the point. the economy improved for the whole country, not just Texas or Wisconsin. That means that Obama probably had more to do with it than Rick Perry or Scott Walker.

Both of these guys are going to have to run on a 'The Economy Sucks, but my state is great", which means drilling down into their records.

Texas has a lot of problems, especially since the bottom fell out of oil prices.
Notice all these republican governors are going to take credit for Obamas economic recovery?
You mean cutting growth by the House? Since when did obama become the House majority leader? They put some brakes on his insane spending.

obama recovery? LOL. You should do standup comedy on cable.
How is walker and Snyders recovery not Obamas?
Why not throw Texas in there too while you're at it? How is obama responsible for Walker's policies?

Act 10 Reform Updates Office of the Governor - Scott Walker[/QUOTE]
Walker needed Obama to get us out of bush's recession before he could do anything.

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