Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

I don't think you understand what "free" speech means...

Sure I do. It means the Koch Brothers are free to say whatever they are thinking.

It does not mean they have the right to drown out every conversation by flooding the media with money and then hiding behind straw groups and phony tax exemptions.

Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.

Then he shouldn't have a problem answering the question, then.
When did you stop beating your wife?

Never married, so never had a wife to beat.

This wasn't that kind of question, though. It was an honest question, do you believe in established scientific fact or not. If not, on what basis do you reject it?

This really isn't complicated.

Especially when the house is friendly to whatever answer you are likely to give.
Never married, huh. Thank goodness for the ladies of Chicago. You really shouldn't breed Joe.
Right, when 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of federal taxes while we earn 20% of the income, that is government giving us money.

Do you ever get dizzy from all your spin?

except that's not the case. first, income tax isn't the only tax being paid. second, the 1% control 43% of the wealth. they should be paying more of the income tax, and the country ran better when they did.
I don't think you understand what "free" speech means...

Sure I do. It means the Koch Brothers are free to say whatever they are thinking.

It does not mean they have the right to drown out every conversation by flooding the media with money and then hiding behind straw groups and phony tax exemptions.

So why are the Kochs any different than George Soros?
Never married, huh. Thank goodness for the ladies of Chicago. You really shouldn't breed Joe.

Naw, the ladies of chicago are always happy to see me..

I just don't sign over half my property and get soaked by divorce lawyers.
Right, when 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of federal taxes while we earn 20% of the income, that is government giving us money.

Do you ever get dizzy from all your spin?

except that's not the case. first, income tax isn't the only tax being paid. second, the 1% control 43% of the wealth. they should be paying more of the income tax, and the country ran better when they did.
We don't tax on wealth, at least until we die, idjut.
Well, off to go run my business. I'll be back this evening. In the mean time, I'd suggest staying away from the meth.
Sure I do. It means the Koch Brothers are free to say whatever they are thinking.

It does not mean they have the right to drown out every conversation by flooding the media with money and then hiding behind straw groups and phony tax exemptions.


But George Soros can.

And I appreciate your clarification that when I said "I don't think" you know what "free" speech means, I was in fact correct, so I can remove the "I don't think" part.

Isn't it wonderful we have government to tell us when and how we can exercise free speech? Turns out the first amendment wasn't a restriction on government, it was a power granted to government to decide what speech is protected.
Right, when 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of federal taxes while we earn 20% of the income, that is government giving us money.

Do you ever get dizzy from all your spin?

except that's not the case. first, income tax isn't the only tax being paid. second, the 1% control 43% of the wealth. they should be paying more of the income tax, and the country ran better when they did.

Yes, comrade, government should not just tax income once, it should tax it over and over.

Wealth should not be in the hands of the people, ay Joe? It should be where it belongs, in the hands of policians...
I don't think you understand what "free" speech means...

Sure I do. It means the Koch Brothers are free to say whatever they are thinking.

It does not mean they have the right to drown out every conversation by flooding the media with money and then hiding behind straw groups and phony tax exemptions.

So why are the Kochs any different than George Soros?

The Koch brothers are citizens
It was a completely irrelevant question with no good answer designed to place him in an awkward position. His beliefs are irrelevant. Has he issued an executive order to put creationism in the curriculum in Wisconsin? Why would anyone suspect he would if President?
You are, as is SOP with Liberals come GOP primary contests, picking front runners and looking for anything you can Lie about. Is Scott Walker a Creationist? You have no idea because he wouldn't play your silly game, yet you use his refusal to answer a snot nosed Liberal reporter's question as proof he is.

As I've said, Walker is probably the only GOP candidate I'd consider voting for at this point. But he makes himself look silly dodging this question. Is he embarrassed by his religious belief in talking snakes? Or does he not really believe in talking snakes, but he doesn't want to offend the stupid wing of hte religious right who thinks there were talking snakes. Either way, he looks dishonest.

6 months ago, y'all figured Christy was the front runner and you crucified him over toll bridge lane closures, something which as it has been proven, he had nothing to do with.

Actually, as a former boss (the one I liked) once said, "You don't get people into trouble, they get themselves into trouble". Christie got himself in trouble on that toll bridge, but the real thing that is going to do his fat ass in is that he cancelled a major transit project with New York, and now traffic is going to be snarled n ot for a day but for months as they have to repair damage from Sandy.

You crucified every GOP candidate in 2008 but John McCain who you figured would be fairly easy to beat and not too Conservative. even if he won. Then, after he was nominated, he was no longer the maverick, he was the enemy. In stead of concentrating on attacking him, you enlisted the aid of a television show to attack his running mate.

I'm sorry, which GOP Candidates did "we" crucify in 2008, again? It seems to me all the damage done in 2008 was fratricide. The Evangelicals wouldn't support Romney because he was a Mormon, the Wall Street Types wouldn't support Huckabee because he was a populist, Fred Thompson wasn't serious and Guiliani made horrible mistakes like thinking he could skip Iowa and New Hampshire. McCain won because he was the least objectionable to all the different factions in your party.

And frankly, even McCain's own people admit picking Palin was a horrible mistake. When you are running a 72 year old man with health issues, it helps to not pick a running mate who couldn't run the country. But instead of picking someone like Tom Ridge, who would have been a fine running mate, McCain had to appease the religious crazies.

But you have your version of 2008, I'm sure you're happy with.

Fast forward 4 years, and you repeat the same strategy.

Hopefully, the GOP will grow a set and say fuck the media and nominate someone the Network Media, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo and Democratic Underground truly hate.

No, the GOP will probably run Jeb Bush. Guys like you will fight it all the way up to the decision, fight for him when he's the nominee and after Hillary beats him, bleat about how he wasn't a "real conservative".
Never married, huh. Thank goodness for the ladies of Chicago. You really shouldn't breed Joe.

Naw, the ladies of chicago are always happy to see me..

I just don't sign over half my property and get soaked by divorce lawyers.

Half your property couldn't soak a hobo

Actually, my Wisconsin property is worth over a million dollars. My Condo was worth a lot of money until your boy Bush crashed the housing market.
Never married, huh. Thank goodness for the ladies of Chicago. You really shouldn't breed Joe.

Naw, the ladies of chicago are always happy to see me..

I just don't sign over half my property and get soaked by divorce lawyers.

Half your property couldn't soak a hobo

Actually, my Wisconsin property is worth over a million dollars. My Condo was worth a lot of money until your boy Bush crashed the housing market.

Yet you think a six figure income is a hugely ridiculous income...
You screwed up and it was Bush's fault. Yeah, we got that.

No, Bush screwed up and everyone got burned.

Just some of you are so sexist, racist and homophobic that you'd happily take it up the ass.

Heck, after the Bush family is done doing in Scott Walker, you'll be back here telling us all how you want Jeb for President.
Bush didnt screw up. Please post what he did to "crash the economy." As I recall Democrats ran Congress for 2 years prior.
You are the biggest bigot on this board. I'd vote for a black, a woman, or anyone else if I thought their views were sound and they were qualified. You wouldnt vote for a Mormon under any circumstances.

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