Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.

Then he shouldn't have a problem answering the question, then.
When did you stop beating your wife?

Never married, so never had a wife to beat.

This wasn't that kind of question, though. It was an honest question, do you believe in established scientific fact or not. If not, on what basis do you reject it?

This really isn't complicated.

Especially when the house is friendly to whatever answer you are likely to give.

Yawn, you guys still going on about Benghazi?

Here's the thing. No one outside your right wing fever swamps gives a shit about benghazi.
Good point. I like the fight though win or lose because the more we debate it the more people move over to our side. Atheists might be the fastest growing segment of the population.

Imagine the baptist southern ministers to the kid and that kid can now go home and do some research on it. I didn't have that growing up. A lot harder to brainwash when both sides have a seat at the table.

not really. What happens is that the science textbooks, which are mostly written for Texas because Texas buys the most of them, skip over evolution, so a lot of kids don't understand it.
Right, when 1% of the population pay 40% of the taxes, you are doing nothing but handing us money. And that doesn't even count redundant taxes like business taxes and the death tax.

And you are a liar. Money is controlling government, so you want MORE government? If you actually believed that, you would want less. Liberals pick an action you want, an end you want and then claim the action will lead to the end. If you thought it through, you would not be liberals...

First, it's not a death tax it's an estate tax, and you have to inherit obscene amounts of money to even qualify for one.

Second, very easy way to get money out of politics. Treat campaign contributions like any other kind of bribe. The Koch Brothers give money to Senator Windbag, and Senator Windbag votes the Koch Brothers way, you arrest all three of them for bribery and send them to big-boy jail. Problem. Fucking. Solved.
Should I give a shit what you think? You may be a black lesbian Jew for all I know. Who cares?

Yeah, but I'm not picking "Black Lesbian Jew" as a screen name.... unlike yourself, Ward.

Hey, guy, I'm pretty left of center, and even I think you add little to conversations.

So why do you even respond to what I post? Do us both a favor - and don't. Or better yet - put me on "ignore"...
You'll have to excuse Joe. Joe is bitter because he fucked up at work, got fired, bought a house at the top of the market that he couldn't afford, invested his retirement money in high risk crap and lost it. And he thinks it's George Bush's fault that all that happened.

I didn't fuck up at work. I didn't lose our biggest customer right before Bush wrecked the economy. We can thank my non-Mormon boss for that. And I wish I had a say in where they put my 401K money before Bush busted the stock market.

Here's the thing. I made the exact kind of decisions when Clinton was President. Lo and behold, I sold my property for twice what i paid for it and I had a nice fat 401K when he left office. Bush managed to fuck all that up, of course.
Should I give a shit what you think? You may be a black lesbian Jew for all I know. Who cares?

Yeah, but I'm not picking "Black Lesbian Jew" as a screen name.... unlike yourself, Ward.

Hey, guy, I'm pretty left of center, and even I think you add little to conversations.

So why do you even respond to what I post? Do us both a favor - and don't. Or better yet - put me on "ignore"...

Naw, you're too fun to make fun of, and frankly, someone has to point out you don't speak for the entire left.
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You'll have to excuse Joe. Joe is bitter because he fucked up at work, got fired, bought a house at the top of the market that he couldn't afford, invested his retirement money in high risk crap and lost it. And he thinks it's George Bush's fault that all that happened.

I didn't fuck up at work. I didn't lose our biggest customer right before Bush wrecked the economy. We can thank my non-Mormon boss for that. And I wish I had a say in where they put my 401K money before Bush busted the stock market.

Here's the thing. I made the exact kind of decisions when Clinton was President. Lo and behold, I sold my property for twice what i paid for it and I had a nice fat 401K when he left office. Bush managed to fuck all that up, of course.
You screwed up and it was Bush's fault. Yeah, we got that.
Right, when 1% of the population pay 40% of the taxes, you are doing nothing but handing us money. And that doesn't even count redundant taxes like business taxes and the death tax.

And you are a liar. Money is controlling government, so you want MORE government? If you actually believed that, you would want less. Liberals pick an action you want, an end you want and then claim the action will lead to the end. If you thought it through, you would not be liberals...

First, it's not a death tax it's an estate tax, and you have to inherit obscene amounts of money to even qualify for one.

You think $1M is an obscene amount of money? That's pathetic.

and you're just using a euphemism, I'm being consistent with how we name taxes.

What is the triggering event of income tax? Generation of income.

What is the trigger event of a sales tax? The sale of an item.

What is the trigger even of property tax? Obtaining property.

What is the trigger event of a death tax? A death. An estate is not a root cause, the death is. The death results in the creation of an estate and the estate is taxed. Estates are not created on their own, they are only created on a death.

Second, very easy way to get money out of politics. Treat campaign contributions like any other kind of bribe. The Koch Brothers give money to Senator Windbag, and Senator Windbag votes the Koch Brothers way, you arrest all three of them for bribery and send them to big-boy jail. Problem. Fucking. Solved.

What a simpleton you are. First of all, you believe that politicians want to change the system and they would implement rules that actually work. And second, you believe money would ever stop pursuing controlling power. Don't talk to telemarketers. Seriously.
Government unions and private unions are entirely different things. With private unions, the ones footing the bill are on the other side of the table.

Not really. By that logic, the side footing the bills is onthe other side of the table in the private sector, too.

No they are not, in the private sector, taxpayers pay the bills.
You screwed up and it was Bush's fault. Yeah, we got that.

No, Bush screwed up and everyone got burned.

Just some of you are so sexist, racist and homophobic that you'd happily take it up the ass.

Heck, after the Bush family is done doing in Scott Walker, you'll be back here telling us all how you want Jeb for President.

W did screw up and everyone got burned. People with gonads then moved on and you supported a guy who continued to make the same mistakes, only moreso, and keep whining about W.

I'll let you in on a little secret, BigotMan, W is gone now. He has been for over six years. Tell your friends.
You think $1M is an obscene amount of money? That's pathetic.

and you're just using a euphemism, I'm being consistent with how we name taxes.

What is the triggering event of income tax? Generation of income.

What is the trigger event of a sales tax? The sale of an item.

What is the trigger even of property tax? Obtaining property.

What is the trigger event of a death tax? A death. An estate is not a root cause, the death is. The death results in the creation of an estate and the estate is taxed. Estates are not created on their own, they are only created on a death.

Your logic is faulty. The dead person isn't paying the tax. He's dead. The person who inherited his wealth is paying the tax. That person is alive, and he now has something he didn't have before. He should pay a tax on it just like the rest of us have to pay taxes on our property, or income or anything else.

What a simpleton you are. First of all, you believe that politicians want to change the system and they would implement rules that actually work. And second, you believe money would ever stop pursuing controlling power. Don't talk to telemarketers. Seriously.

The politicians passed laws that worked just fine. The laws that were imposed after Watergate and McCain-Feingold did a reasonably good job of limiting legal bribery.

Until five fools in robes decided money was speech.

Treat campaign contributions like bribery.
W did screw up and everyone got burned. People with gonads then moved on and you supported a guy who continued to make the same mistakes, only moreso, and keep whining about W.

I'll let you in on a little secret, BigotMan, W is gone now. He has been for over six years. Tell your friends.

But your side is going to try it's level best to put Jeb in like it never happened.

And, no Obama actually FIXED a lot of Bush's mistakes. He rolled back the obscene tax giveaways to the rich, he regulated the banks, and he got us mostly out of the MIddle East.
W did screw up and everyone got burned. People with gonads then moved on and you supported a guy who continued to make the same mistakes, only moreso, and keep whining about W.

I'll let you in on a little secret, BigotMan, W is gone now. He has been for over six years. Tell your friends.

But your side is going to try it's level best to put Jeb in like it never happened.

Um...no....Jeb is pretty unpopular with libertarians. I actually don't know any who support Jeb.

And, no Obama actually FIXED a lot of Bush's mistakes. He rolled back the obscene tax giveaways to the rich, he regulated the banks, and he got us mostly out of the MIddle East.

Right, when 1% of taxpayers pay 40% of federal taxes while we earn 20% of the income, that is government giving us money.

Do you ever get dizzy from all your spin?
They should have asked him: If he thinks brainwashing works on the Democrat base of people

Because it's seems all they (their favorite media or one of their Masters in their party) have to do is suggest something about their opponent.

and it's their cue to their base that they should all march in lockstep and spread the petty stuff around no matter if they look a fool

I'm blown away over it myself

SERIOUSLY they can't be thinking this is helping their party
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.

Then he shouldn't have a problem answering the question, then.
When did you stop beating your wife?

Never married, so never had a wife to beat.

This wasn't that kind of question, though. It was an honest question, do you believe in established scientific fact or not. If not, on what basis do you reject it?

This really isn't complicated.

Especially when the house is friendly to whatever answer you are likely to give.
It was a completely irrelevant question with no good answer designed to place him in an awkward position. His beliefs are irrelevant. Has he issued an executive order to put creationism in the curriculum in Wisconsin? Why would anyone suspect he would if President?
You are, as is SOP with Liberals come GOP primary contests, picking front runners and looking for anything you can Lie about. Is Scott Walker a Creationist? You have no idea because he wouldn't play your silly game, yet you use his refusal to answer a snot nosed Liberal reporter's question as proof he is.
6 months ago, y'all figured Christy was the front runner and you crucified him over toll bridge lane closures, something which as it has been proven, he had nothing to do with.
You crucified every GOP candidate in 2008 but John McCain who you figured would be fairly easy to beat and not too Conservative. even if he won. Then, after he was nominated, he was no longer the maverick, he was the enemy. In stead of concentrating on attacking him, you enlisted the aid of a television show to attack his running mate.
Fast forward 4 years, and you repeat the same strategy.

Hopefully, the GOP will grow a set and say fuck the media and nominate someone the Network Media, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo and Democratic Underground truly hate.

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