Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.
I wish to thank sitting bull for posting this thread. It is testemony to the failure of the democrat procress and the democrat party itself. Hillary can refuse to answer questions and many IMPORTANT issues and the media just allows it to happen with hardly a word. I think it is great of them showing her some allowance considering her brain injury but it certainly doesn't do much for their credibility. Hillary won't answer questions about the economy but to the press and democrats answering a question about evolution is important. BS, evolution is worthless it serves no purpose. Other then being interesting it doesn't serve mankind at all. We made it up to Darwin without the theory I think we could go on some more.

I'm actually considering voting for Walker, and I'd still like to see the guy answer the question. I want to know how he processes science vs. faith.

Mrs. Clinton has had a 70 million dollar investigation of her family life, she's been vetted by Congress numerous times.

Yeah and I absolutely believe you would vote for Walker. She has been vetted by no one.
"Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim."

Francis Beckett
Yanked that out of your ass, did you?

It's true. Charity has proven a failure in adequately helping the needy. Turning to government as a more satisfactory solution is logical.
What I don't understand is the love affair with Hillary? WTF is it with her that the left sees as some sort of success. If a Republican pulled half the crap she pulled we would never hear from them again. Hillary lying about coming under fire and the press hardly makes mention and the left cares less. Her failure as SOS is testemony of how the press ignores anything negative about Hillary, her screeching "At this point what difference does it make?" Should have doomed her but the press made it a virtuous statement. Her promising the parents of the dead under Hillary's watch that she would make sure the video maker would pay again should doom Hillary but again the press just shrugs and moves on.

So what in the Hell has Hillary done to make the left think she is a shoe in. Run the old hag I dare you. You people were too stupid to see that if you had run her instead of Obama then democrats would for sure have controlled the WH for 16 years. Now all you got is a brain inured senior citizen without nothing but the support of a adoring MSM. Run her please.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.

Then he shouldn't have a problem answering the question, then.
Then he shouldnt answer it at all.

Yes, he should totally look like he's embarrassed to answer the question and hem and haw.

Because that looks soo much better.

To extend the football analogy, he punted on first down. That's sure to get attention.
What I don't understand is the love affair with Hillary? WTF is it with her that the left sees as some sort of success. If a Republican pulled half the crap she pulled we would never hear from them again. Hillary lying about coming under fire and the press hardly makes mention and the left cares less. Her failure as SOS is testemony of how the press ignores anything negative about Hillary, her screeching "At this point what difference does it make?" Should have doomed her but the press made it a virtuous statement. Her promising the parents of the dead under Hillary's watch that she would make sure the video maker would pay again should doom Hillary but again the press just shrugs and moves on.

So what in the Hell has Hillary done to make the left think she is a shoe in. Run the old hag I dare you. You people were too stupid to see that if you had run her instead of Obama then democrats would for sure have controlled the WH for 16 years. Now all you got is a brain inured senior citizen without nothing but the support of a adoring MSM. Run her please.

Maybe the Democrats will run another Obama and make the RWnuts cry for 8 more years.
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

First, the Europeans do have contempt for Americans in general on the faith issue. Not just Walker.

second, this is NOT the winning issue the left wants to think it is. 74% of Americans think that God had a hand in the creation of mankind. The 'You evolved from a monkey, deal with it' point of view (which happens to be my own) is only supported by 19% of the population.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
He didn't pay he was a rock star. Walker was a joke. They hope this guy isn't the next lotus or maybe they'll like making fun of him but they remember the last time we elected a right wing fool
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
He didn't pay he was a rock star. Walker was a joke. They hope this guy isn't the next lotus or maybe they'll like making fun of him but they remember the last time we elected a right wing fool

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

They continue to support Obama's illegal wars and then rant on about anything not far left.

And the far left drones actually believe they get choices for nominees..
First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

First, the Europeans do have contempt for Americans in general on the faith issue. Not just Walker.

second, this is NOT the winning issue the left wants to think it is. 74% of Americans think that God had a hand in the creation of mankind. The 'You evolved from a monkey, deal with it' point of view (which happens to be my own) is only supported by 19% of the population.
Good point. I like the fight though win or lose because the more we debate it the more people move over to our side. Atheists might be the fastest growing segment of the population.

Imagine the baptist southern ministers to the kid and that kid can now go home and do some research on it. I didn't have that growing up. A lot harder to brainwash when both sides have a seat at the table.
So not one far left drone can show where Walker has signed a law changing evolution to creationism. Which means this thread is more fear mongering and propaganda by the far left drones.

All this means the far left is scared of Walker and thus making him someone to pay attention to..
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.

1) Liberals never attacked McCain's time as a POW.
2) Liberals never attacked Palin's kid.
3) How much you let religion guide your decisions SHOULD be a consideration. For instance, if you think the End-Times are nigh, do we really want to give you the ability to bring them? I think not.
4) JFK (barely) got elected because he was able to assure people despite his faith, he wasn't going to take orders from Rome.
5) Romney never gave us assurances he wasn't going to take orders from Salt Lake City.

Now, all that said, I do think Walker is a serious contender, and if you guys think that it's a gotcha moment when 74% of the population think God created man, you guys are fooling yourselves. Walker doesn't have to pretend to be an Atheist to win, Clinton has to pretend to be a Christian.

Actually, I attacked McCain's time as a POW - many times!

But you're an idiot and an asshole and don't count for shit.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
He didn't pay he was a rock star. Walker was a joke. They hope this guy isn't the next lotus or maybe they'll like making fun of him but they remember the last time we elected a right wing fool

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

They continue to support Obama's illegal wars and then rant on about anything not far left.

And the far left drones actually believe they get choices for nominees..
We picked Obama when the democratic establishment wanted Hillary first.

You support whoever they pick.
So not one far left drone can show where Walker has signed a law changing evolution to creationism. Which means this thread is more fear mongering and propaganda by the far left drones.

All this means the far left is scared of Walker and thus making him someone to pay attention to..

Like rick Snyder he picks and chooses his battles. Walkers a little more bold and obvious.
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.

First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
He didn't pay he was a rock star. Walker was a joke. They hope this guy isn't the next lotus or maybe they'll like making fun of him but they remember the last time we elected a right wing fool

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

They continue to support Obama's illegal wars and then rant on about anything not far left.

And the far left drones actually believe they get choices for nominees..
We picked Obama when the democratic establishment wanted Hillary first.

You support whoever they pick.

It is cute to see the far left believe they actually get to choose for their nominations.

They even defend their non-choice status..

Also showing why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
So not one far left drone can show where Walker has signed a law changing evolution to creationism. Which means this thread is more fear mongering and propaganda by the far left drones.

All this means the far left is scared of Walker and thus making him someone to pay attention to..

Like rick Snyder he picks and chooses his battles. Walkers a little more bold and obvious.

So in other words the far left drones do not have one shred of evidence for their propaganda and fear mongering as they can not produce anything showing where Walker signed a law replacing evolution with creationism.

It was all far left propaganda not based anything connected to reality.
First of all this was walker going to england to pad his resume of foreign experiences. The europeans made fun of him not us americans who believe in evolution. The rest of the world thinks a bafoon now.

Please go ahead and run him against Hillary. I dare you.

You'll support every republican as we vet them one at a time.

Yeah Walker going to England is reminiscent of Obama going to Germany and paying for an adoring crowd. But that you had no problem, I assume.
He didn't pay he was a rock star. Walker was a joke. They hope this guy isn't the next lotus or maybe they'll like making fun of him but they remember the last time we elected a right wing fool

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

They continue to support Obama's illegal wars and then rant on about anything not far left.

And the far left drones actually believe they get choices for nominees..
We picked Obama when the democratic establishment wanted Hillary first.

You support whoever they pick.

It is cute to see the far left believe they actually get to choose for their nominations.

They even defend their non-choice status..

Also showing why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Truthfully, my state has their primary about in the middle of all the rest. For a least the last two presidential cycles I have had no say in the nominee, it was already decided.
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.

1) Liberals never attacked McCain's time as a POW.
2) Liberals never attacked Palin's kid.
3) How much you let religion guide your decisions SHOULD be a consideration. For instance, if you think the End-Times are nigh, do we really want to give you the ability to bring them? I think not.
4) JFK (barely) got elected because he was able to assure people despite his faith, he wasn't going to take orders from Rome.
5) Romney never gave us assurances he wasn't going to take orders from Salt Lake City.

Now, all that said, I do think Walker is a serious contender, and if you guys think that it's a gotcha moment when 74% of the population think God created man, you guys are fooling yourselves. Walker doesn't have to pretend to be an Atheist to win, Clinton has to pretend to be a Christian.

Actually, I attacked McCain's time as a POW - many times!

But you're an idiot and an asshole and don't count for shit.

Aw, do ya wanna neg me?

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