Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

The next questions are do you believe in science do you think non christians are going to hell do you think america is a christian nation do you think a woman should have the right to choose do you believe in stem cell.

It matters very much what his answer is.

Obama doesn't like broccoli.

No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
You mean Ernie S., of course. He is simply an irrelevant asshole. :)

LOL, do you read Joe's posts or just see his name and click agree? Once again you side with the leftist while claiming to be a Republican.
LOL! I read your post and since it was a response to a member I ignore, it appeared as though it was responding to me.
I clicked on shoe ignored content and lo and behold, I see FakeSmarmy's post calling me an irrelevant asshole.

We had a poll for that, he lost big time. Shall I link it again, Fake, or would you like to let it die?

A poll of far right wingers disagreed with me. :) Big suprise.

The fun thing is that I told you that the GOP mainstream would smash your far right reactionary TP nonsense, and guess what: they did.

Now we have a Congress not worrying about your party of stupid.

Tis what is.

get back in the sewer where you belong rightwinger/jake. you aren't fooling anyone with your canned left wing talking point bullshit.
When you have demonstrated you are a good Mainstream Republican, I will pay attention to what you write.

Right now, you and the rest of the Irrelevant Far Right just don't count.

I am mainstream america, you are far left lunatic fringe. You are not what you claim to be and everyone knows it. continue the delusion if it makes your handlers happy, but you are not fooling anyone.
No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you

thats what you guys said about obozo until he destroyed her majesty HRC.
get back in the sewer where you belong rightwinger/jake. you aren't fooling anyone with your canned left wing talking point bullshit.
When you have demonstrated you are a good Mainstream Republican, I will pay attention to what you write.

Right now, you and the rest of the Irrelevant Far Right just don't count.

Good, Mainstream Republican meaning Democrat, right Jake?
But Bill Clinton and the Democrats had a budget surplus of $236 billion (equivalent to $512 billion today). Peanuts by Jimmy Carter standards.

I understand why the Democrats killed the Supercollider, which would of been the greatest Supercollider ever built, had it been built. The Democrats killed Science for politics. The Democrats killed it because it was a Republican administration that started it, they killed it cause it was in Texas, It was George Bush, the Democrats would never allow the Republicans to beat them at Science.

Democrats are politicians of greed and power, nothing more. Science is a political tool, nothing more.

bill Clinton had a surplus at the end of his term because he WASN'T wasting money on things we didn't need.

That's the whole fucking point.

You now, like not pissing away 11 million for a hole inthe ground.
My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

Well, you kn ow what, maybe you should take your crazy Libertarian thoughts out among real people and see how they start treating you like the homeless person on a street corner.

Its easy to be a libertarian. Every solution is the same. What should we do about fillintheblank? Nothing. What should we do? Deregulate. What went wrong for bush? He didn't deregulate enough.

And a libertarian can never be wrong because to them we'll never deregulate enough.

I use to chat with the head of the michigan libertarian party all the time. Anarchy is what they'd cause.
Libertarian equals rich own everything including National Parks. Government couldn't stop them. They'd even privatize the government. Already did our vote. Rigged electronic voting machines are made by private companies hired by the politician who needs to win re election.

Jeb bush should be out just for Florida 2000. Is that how he will run the government? What a mess if not on purpose.
My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

Well, you kn ow what, maybe you should take your crazy Libertarian thoughts out among real people and see how they start treating you like the homeless person on a street corner.

That doesn't even make sense. I respect the right of others to their life, liberty and property and I expect them to respect my right to life, liberty and property. If I chose, I will give a homeless person on the street a meal. I often do that, BTW. I won't give them money, but if I have the time I buy them a meal. I've lived most of my adult life in NYC and other cities, so I've had many occasions to do that.

Now if you live your ideology, the homeless man will take your wallet and throw you a $20 back and keep the rest, tell you this is your fault for being so fucking greedy, kick you in the gut and walk away.
Silly diatribe, Kaz.

You live in a constitutional republic, and you will follow the laws of We the People.
That doesn't even make sense. I respect the right of others to their life, liberty and property and I expect them to respect my right to life, liberty and property. If I chose, I will give a homeless person on the street a meal. I often do that, BTW. I won't give them money, but if I have the time I buy them a meal. I've lived most of my adult life in NYC and other cities, so I've had many occasions to do that.

Now if you live your ideology, the homeless man will take your wallet and throw you a $20 back and keep the rest, tell you this is your fault for being so fucking greedy, kick you in the gut and walk away.

Guy, let's get real here.

1% of the population controls 43% of the wealth. the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. The hypothetical homeless dude you just talked about is amongst the bottom 40% who control less than 1% of the wealth. There has been wealth redistribution in this country, and it's gone towards the top, not the bottom.
bill Clinton had a surplus at the end of his term because he WASN'T wasting money on things we didn't need.

That's the whole fucking point.

You now, like not pissing away 11 million for a hole inthe ground.
11 million dollars is nothing in comparison to a $512 billion dollar surplus.

Its Science, Physics, there is no greater field of Science than matter itself, and the Democrats threw it all away, for pennies.
My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

Well, you kn ow what, maybe you should take your crazy Libertarian thoughts out among real people and see how they start treating you like the homeless person on a street corner.

That doesn't even make sense. I respect the right of others to their life, liberty and property and I expect them to respect my right to life, liberty and property. If I chose, I will give a homeless person on the street a meal. I often do that, BTW. I won't give them money, but if I have the time I buy them a meal. I've lived most of my adult life in NYC and other cities, so I've had many occasions to do that.

Now if you live your ideology, the homeless man will take your wallet and throw you a $20 back and keep the rest, tell you this is your fault for being so fucking greedy, kick you in the gut and walk away.

That's not much of an argument against food stamps or school lunches.

"Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim."

Francis Beckett
bill Clinton had a surplus at the end of his term because he WASN'T wasting money on things we didn't need.

That's the whole fucking point.

You now, like not pissing away 11 million for a hole inthe ground.
11 million dollars is nothing in comparison to a $512 billion dollar surplus.

Its Science, Physics, there is no greater field of Science than matter itself, and the Democrats threw it all away, for pennies.

Actualy, it was 11 BILLION not 11 Million. And we already have a particle accellerator at FermiLab that works perfectly fine, thanks.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.

Then he shouldn't have a problem answering the question, then.
Then he shouldnt answer it at all.

Yes, he should totally look like he's embarrassed to answer the question and hem and haw.

Because that looks soo much better.
No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Bullshit. It's nobody's business what he believes. Totally irrelevant. Libs just stirring shit with faux outrage because Walker is perceived to be the front runner.
No he isn't a front runner. He's one of the first who will be knocked off your list of hopefuls. You're saving the best for last. Remember this is the same thing that happened to perry bachmann and Cain last time. We do your vetting for you
He isnt the front runner so far? Really?
BBC News - Scott Walker A little-known 2016 frontrunner
Walker is among the most vetted pols in the GOP. Unlike Obama he has a long career in politics, with lots of hostile opposition. The fact that libs are glomming on to this stupid piece of shit incident shows just how scared they are of Walker and how little they have to use against him.
I wish to thank sitting bull for posting this thread. It is testemony to the failure of the democrat procress and the democrat party itself. Hillary can refuse to answer questions and many IMPORTANT issues and the media just allows it to happen with hardly a word. I think it is great of them showing her some allowance considering her brain injury but it certainly doesn't do much for their credibility. Hillary won't answer questions about the economy but to the press and democrats answering a question about evolution is important. BS, evolution is worthless it serves no purpose. Other then being interesting it doesn't serve mankind at all. We made it up to Darwin without the theory I think we could go on some more.

But of course doing so doesn't match the left wing's lying agenda. So thanks sitting bull for once again pointing out the disingenuous nature of the media and the liberal left.

Here is an article on the subject and a snippet from it:

Media Accuses Scott Walker of Punting on Evolution Ignores Hillary 8217 s Refusal to Answer Questions FrontPage Magazine

It’s a Mean Girls version of Pravda in which any misstep by a Dem quickly gets airbrushed and even turned into a virtue and any problem, no matter how mild, by a Republican is mocked, ridiculed and blown up.
I wish to thank sitting bull for posting this thread. It is testemony to the failure of the democrat procress and the democrat party itself. Hillary can refuse to answer questions and many IMPORTANT issues and the media just allows it to happen with hardly a word. I think it is great of them showing her some allowance considering her brain injury but it certainly doesn't do much for their credibility. Hillary won't answer questions about the economy but to the press and democrats answering a question about evolution is important. BS, evolution is worthless it serves no purpose. Other then being interesting it doesn't serve mankind at all. We made it up to Darwin without the theory I think we could go on some more.

I'm actually considering voting for Walker, and I'd still like to see the guy answer the question. I want to know how he processes science vs. faith.

Mrs. Clinton has had a 70 million dollar investigation of her family life, she's been vetted by Congress numerous times.

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