Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

Well, other than all the space I occupy in your head...
You're the one following me around, unable to lose with dignity and shut your pie hole.

Yes, Joe and dignity go together like leopards and pajamas.

My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

You mean Ernie S., of course. He is simply an irrelevant asshole. :)

LOL, do you read Joe's posts or just see his name and click agree? Once again you side with the leftist while claiming to be a Republican.
LOL! I read your post and since it was a response to a member I ignore, it appeared as though it was responding to me.
I clicked on shoe ignored content and lo and behold, I see FakeSmarmy's post calling me an irrelevant asshole.

We had a poll for that, he lost big time. Shall I link it again, Fake, or would you like to let it die?

A poll of far right wingers disagreed with me. :) Big suprise.

The fun thing is that I told you that the GOP mainstream would smash your far right reactionary TP nonsense, and guess what: they did.

Now we have a Congress not worrying about your party of stupid.

Tis what is.
You're the one following me around, unable to lose with dignity and shut your pie hole.

Yes, Joe and dignity go together like leopards and pajamas.

My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

You mean Ernie S., of course. He is simply an irrelevant asshole. :)

LOL, do you read Joe's posts or just see his name and click agree? Once again you side with the leftist while claiming to be a Republican.
LOL! I read your post and since it was a response to a member I ignore, it appeared as though it was responding to me.
I clicked on shoe ignored content and lo and behold, I see FakeSmarmy's post calling me an irrelevant asshole.

We had a poll for that, he lost big time. Shall I link it again, Fake, or would you like to let it die?

A poll of far right wingers disagreed with me. :) Big suprise.

The fun thing is that I told you that the GOP mainstream would smash your far right reactionary TP nonsense, and guess what: they did.

Now we have a Congress not worrying about your party of stupid.

Tis what is.

A bunch of left authoritarians agreed with you, big surprise...
You're the one following me around, unable to lose with dignity and shut your pie hole.

Yes, Joe and dignity go together like leopards and pajamas.

My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

You mean Ernie S., of course. He is simply an irrelevant asshole. :)

LOL, do you read Joe's posts or just see his name and click agree? Once again you side with the leftist while claiming to be a Republican.
LOL! I read your post and since it was a response to a member I ignore, it appeared as though it was responding to me.
I clicked on shoe ignored content and lo and behold, I see FakeSmarmy's post calling me an irrelevant asshole.

We had a poll for that, he lost big time. Shall I link it again, Fake, or would you like to let it die?

A poll of far right wingers disagreed with me. :) Big suprise.

The fun thing is that I told you that the GOP mainstream would smash your far right reactionary TP nonsense, and guess what: they did.

Now we have a Congress not worrying about your party of stupid.

Tis what is.

get back in the sewer where you belong rightwinger/jake. you aren't fooling anyone with your canned left wing talking point bullshit.
Shouldn't he be responsible enough to clarify his own position? if you are firmly on one side or the other, why say 'punt'? Unless you want to later pander to the anti-knowledge cadre of Conservatives.
What are Walker's views on evolution? Why is it even important to know? What are Obama's views on broccoli?

The next questions are do you believe in science do you think non christians are going to hell do you think america is a christian nation do you think a woman should have the right to choose do you believe in stem cell.

It matters very much what his answer is.

Obama doesn't like broccoli.

No, it doesn't matter except to people who fear opinions other than their own.
Fear? We want to know if we agree with the retard before we vote for him.

Why did it matter if Obama was a Muslim to you guys?
Why should it matter to you? You wouldn't consider voting for him, even if he ran against the corpse of Democrat George Wallace. He has an "R" after his name. You just want ammo to pound him with in the press because you know there is no Democrat candidate with his record of success.
If it really is 'ammo to pound him with in the press', why would it be 'ammo'? Holding a Creationist position is a factor to be considered in a leader. Do you think a Walker Creationist position is a safe position? Would you distance yourself from the Creationists or pander to them? Why would Walker elect to 'punt' on the question? If he opposes Creationism as science, why not say so? Is Walkwr keeping his cards close to his vest because he wants Creationism in his back pocket so groups who do support Creationism as science won't turn their backs on him?

Walker reserves credibility when pandering to the Creationists on the campaign trail. A politician with integrity would have honestly answered the question.
Ernie S. is simply the grime under one's shoes.

Others have told me that he reads everything that I post and pretend he does not.

He's been irrelevant ever since he went up against Stat and the good posters on this Board. They broke the rep back of the far right, and Mr. Irrelevant has been pouting ever since.
Yes, Joe and dignity go together like leopards and pajamas.

My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

You mean Ernie S., of course. He is simply an irrelevant asshole. :)

LOL, do you read Joe's posts or just see his name and click agree? Once again you side with the leftist while claiming to be a Republican.
LOL! I read your post and since it was a response to a member I ignore, it appeared as though it was responding to me.
I clicked on shoe ignored content and lo and behold, I see FakeSmarmy's post calling me an irrelevant asshole.

We had a poll for that, he lost big time. Shall I link it again, Fake, or would you like to let it die?

A poll of far right wingers disagreed with me. :) Big suprise.

The fun thing is that I told you that the GOP mainstream would smash your far right reactionary TP nonsense, and guess what: they did.

Now we have a Congress not worrying about your party of stupid.

Tis what is.

get back in the sewer where you belong rightwinger/jake. you aren't fooling anyone with your canned left wing talking point bullshit.
When you have demonstrated you are a good Mainstream Republican, I will pay attention to what you write.

Right now, you and the rest of the Irrelevant Far Right just don't count.
You're the one following me around, unable to lose with dignity and shut your pie hole.

Naw, man, you are the one spewing profanity and putting my quotes in your signature like a rejected boyfriend.

I'd probably be getting drunk phone calls from you if you knew my number.
My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

Well, you kn ow what, maybe you should take your crazy Libertarian thoughts out among real people and see how they start treating you like the homeless person on a street corner.
My favorite part his how with his deep seeded anger and hostility issues he constantly calls people angry and hostile. Well either that or when he talks about people being crazy. That's a hard one

Well, you kn ow what, maybe you should take your crazy Libertarian thoughts out among real people and see how they start treating you like the homeless person on a street corner.

You should tell your boss you blacklist Mormons.

See what he does.
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.

He wasn't asked if he was a creationist. He was asked if he believed in a scientific theory.
You should tell your boss you blacklist Mormons.

See what he does.

Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, are you STILL whining about that.

"booo-hooo, in addition to the 50 other reasons Joe thought Mitt Romney was a horrible human being, one of them was his crackpot religion".

I doubt he'd care, as we don't have a lot of Mormons in my state. I live in a state where we proudly shot Joseph Smith like a dog.
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.

1) Liberals never attacked McCain's time as a POW.
2) Liberals never attacked Palin's kid.
3) How much you let religion guide your decisions SHOULD be a consideration. For instance, if you think the End-Times are nigh, do we really want to give you the ability to bring them? I think not.
4) JFK (barely) got elected because he was able to assure people despite his faith, he wasn't going to take orders from Rome.
5) Romney never gave us assurances he wasn't going to take orders from Salt Lake City.

Now, all that said, I do think Walker is a serious contender, and if you guys think that it's a gotcha moment when 74% of the population think God created man, you guys are fooling yourselves. Walker doesn't have to pretend to be an Atheist to win, Clinton has to pretend to be a Christian.
Eh. While I'm totally aware that evolution is irrefutably true, I have to agree with him that it wasn't really an appropriate question. A politician's private faith shouldn't be considered a public concern. It was nobody's business that JFK was Catholic. It wasn't anyone's business that Romney is Mormon. It's not anyone's business that Walker is a creationist. You might as well be attacking his family, like how liberals attacked Palin's disabled son, or how they attacked McCain's time as a POW. It shows about as much class.

1) Liberals never attacked McCain's time as a POW.
2) Liberals never attacked Palin's kid.
3) How much you let religion guide your decisions SHOULD be a consideration. For instance, if you think the End-Times are nigh, do we really want to give you the ability to bring them? I think not.
4) JFK (barely) got elected because he was able to assure people despite his faith, he wasn't going to take orders from Rome.
5) Romney never gave us assurances he wasn't going to take orders from Salt Lake City.

Now, all that said, I do think Walker is a serious contender, and if you guys think that it's a gotcha moment when 74% of the population think God created man, you guys are fooling yourselves. Walker doesn't have to pretend to be an Atheist to win, Clinton has to pretend to be a Christian.

Actually, I attacked McCain's time as a POW - many times!

Actually, I attacked McCain's time as a POW - many times!

Yeah, but you are kind of an embarrassment to progressives. And liberals. and Americans. And, well, let's be honest, homo sapiens as a species.
When a debate comes up, and the stupid Socialist question comes up, than he can tell the American people what he thinks! Until then, he does not have to talk or answer any Socialist Agenda questions!!!
Its funny the Socialist didn`t ask Obama any questions?
Go Scott Walker!!!

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