Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

Carbon dating disproves Creationism.
Carbon dating was not the issue the issue is that believing in creationism does not make one a nut and that you don't trash religious liberals.

Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
Carbon dating disproves Creationism.
Carbon dating was not the issue the issue is that believing in creationism does not make one a nut and that you don't trash religious liberals.

Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Carbon dating was not the issue the issue is that believing in creationism does not make one a nut and that you don't trash religious liberals.

Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
Carbon dating was not the issue the issue is that believing in creationism does not make one a nut and that you don't trash religious liberals.

Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.
Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.

Aw, so now you've resorted to racist name-calling - which means you have lost the debate.
First believing in creationism does not make one a religious nut and second that claim would actually hold water If had ever seen you gripe about religious liberals.

Carbon dating disproves Creationism.
Carbon dating was not the issue the issue is that believing in creationism does not make one a nut and that you don't trash religious liberals.

Give me some names of religious liberals who are legislating based on the Bible or religious beliefs.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link

All Christians use that maxim. Show me -proof- that Scott Walker's decisions in governing are based on scripture and I'll agree that he's a nut job.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.

Aw, so now you've resorted to racist name-calling - which means you have lost the debate.
You stared it by calling me liar so your the one who lost if you can't take what you dish out I suggest you stop calling people liars.
George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.

Aw, so now you've resorted to racist name-calling - which means you have lost the debate.
You stared it by calling me liar so your the one who lost if you can't take what you dish out I suggest you stop calling people liars.

I can't help it that you're so fucking stupid - and you are a liar.
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.

Aw, so now you've resorted to racist name-calling - which means you have lost the debate.
You stared it by calling me liar so your the one who lost if you can't take what you dish out I suggest you stop calling people liars.

I can't help it that you're so fucking stupid - and you are a liar.
What I quoted came from the articles you linked the fact your so fucking stupid you don't read the articles you link is not my problem. I understand getting called out on your idiocy is embarrassing for you stop being a dishonest lying hack and you won't get embarrassed so much.
Scott Walker doesn’t want reporters to ask him about his position on evolution. That’s one more reason why they should.

Walker, the newly re-elected governor of Wisconsin, is a front-runner for the 2016 Republican nomination. This week he was in London to promote his state’s business interests and, undoubtedly, to establish himself as a credible figure on the world stage. But then a reporter asked Walker whether he believed in evolution. Walker said he would “punt” on that question and added “that’s a question a politician shouldn’t be involved in one way or the other.”

Supporters and other conservatives rallied to Walker’s defense, suggesting that the question itself was out of bounds -- or at least another example of the mainstream media ganging up on Republican candidates.

But there’s a reason reporters are curious to learn what Walker thinks about evolution. Some 90 years after the Scopes Trial, the theory of evolution and its place in the schools remain matters of public debate. Two states, Louisiana and Tennessee, now allow public schools to teach “alternatives” to evolution. Several others allow public funding to support such teaching through charter schools or vouchers. At least for the sake of politics, the issue isn't really whether “faith & science are compatible,” as Scott put it; Pope Francis has said he believes in evolution, for example. Rather, the issue is whether discussions of divine intervention belong in the classroom. That raises fundamental questions about the boundaries between religion and science that Walker, as a president appointing federal judges, would have to consider.

Basic respect for, and appreciation of, science is another issue. Put a bunch of evolutionary biologists in a room and you'll get a lively debate over the precise origins of some species, such as the bat, and the extent to which "random processes," rather than the familiar power of natural selection, shaped populations over time. What you won’t get is denial or skepticism of the insights we now associate with Darwin -- the idea that the species on Earth emerged over a very long time, through a process of hereditary, generation-to-generation change. The science on this is just not up for reasonable debate. "You have to be blinkered or ignorant not to know that," saysJerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago and author of the book Why Evolution Is True.

Interrogating Democrats about whether they accept the expert consensus on evolution, or any other scientific issue, is absolutely fair game. But Republicans have given the press, and the public, more reason to ask questions. Walker's silence turns out to be typical of the GOP presidential field, as Salon's Luke Brinker noted this week. And Republicans have shown similar disregard for science on other issues -- most critically, climate change. As with evolution, you can get a spirited, meaningful debate among the experts over precisely how quickly global warming will take place or exactly what consequences it will have. What you won’t find is a significant number of scientists questioning that the planet is warming because of human activity. And yet Republicans routinely deny this, citing supposed uncertainty over the details as reason not to take action on reducing emissions or pursuing alternative energy more aggressively.

It’s possible that Walker believes in evolution and is simply wary of offending voters -- particularly the white evangelical voters who hold enormous sway in the Republican primaries and are more likely than other groups to question the theory’s basic tenets. Walker’s carefully worded tweets, which manage to talk about science without using the word “evolution,” would be consistent with such caution. Of course, this would only render the question more relevant. As president, Walker would surely have those same voters in mind when contemplating decisions about other issues -- reproductive rights, for instance, or same-sex marriage.

More: Why Scott Walker's Views On Evolution Are Totally Relevant

It should be obvious that Walker's views on evolution are totally relevant.

It's begun, folks. Walker Derangement Syndrome.

Do not pull it out in public. In other words, don't go asking politicians if they believe in evolution, because it's not relevant. Keep your penis to yourself. Thank goodness Walker is smart enough to keep his pants zipped.
There is no proof of Creationism...or God.
There is no proof that there is no God either. I choose to believe that all this happened much as scientists describe it according to His master plan.

You are free to believe that it's all some cosmic accident, but I don't buy coincidences.
There is no proof of Creationism...or God.
Plenty of proof...but you have to be high enough up the evolutionary ladder to understand it.

Please indulge me and give us some proof. BTW, carbon dating disproves Creationism.
It only disproves it if you accept the word of a minor sect as the gospel for everyone. Since they don't, your little talking point is laughable.

You indulge Me. What proof will you accept? Since I already know that if God appeared before you and proclaimed your destruction, you'd still disbelieve, tell Me. What proof does the baboon require that will convince him that the pretty colors on a painting truly is art?

I won't wait for an intelligent reply and since I have to go now....good luck with your own personal evolution...

I know from the Old Testament and from living 68 years that if God exists - he is a vicious, narcissistic psychopath.
Blasphemy! You sir may be a vicious, narcissistic psychopath, but you are not God.
Pelosi professes to be a Catholic. Libs you voted a church going prays to God believing Christian into the White House and a Catholic speaker of the House of Representatives...things that make you go hmmmm :eusa_think: so basically you libs have no cred to point a finger at Gov. Walker.
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
Give some religious conservatives who are and keep in mind your opinion is not proof.

George W. Bush said God told him to invade Iraq Link

Scott Walker said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Link
First the Bush claim that the author is quoting was made by a Palestinian politician and there is nothing to support the claim. Second Walker posted a bible verse on his facebook and twitter feeds neither of which constitutes legislating based on the bible or religious beliefs.

Lies and bullshit. You have zero credibility.
Try reading your links instead of just titles shitting bull you will look like less of an idiot though not by much.

Aw, so now you've resorted to racist name-calling - which means you have lost the debate.
YOU declare yourself a winner??? THAT is hillaryous! (sp intentional)
WHO CARES. you people just don't give up do you?
His views aren't yours so that MAKES HIM WRONG?

JUST how uppity snobbish and INTOLERANT is that folks

You kicked them out of power for stuff like this and them telling YOU THAT YOUR views are wrong and not worthy.

plus it's already been posted and it was was dude also
They're making fun of walker on Seth Meyers late show. Walker just showed england how dumb the american religious conservative is denying evolution?

Do not pull it out in public. In other words, don't go asking politicians if they believe in evolution, because it's not relevant. Keep your penis to yourself. Thank goodness Walker is smart enough to keep his pants zipped.
It is very relevant if a guy who wants to rule the free world thinks its flat.

More likely he doesn't want to let his dumb supporters know he thinks they are dumb. He knows evolution is real.

Do not pull it out in public. In other words, don't go asking politicians if they believe in evolution, because it's not relevant. Keep your penis to yourself. Thank goodness Walker is smart enough to keep his pants zipped.
It is very relevant if a guy who wants to rule the free world thinks its flat.

More likely he doesn't want to let his dumb supporters know he thinks they are dumb. He knows evolution is real.

Oh look more far left propaganda not connected to reality..

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