Zone1 Why should I feel sorry for Suzanne summers death

Playboy is a magazine that shows women (maybe men too) nude and is sold to satisfy the lusts of it readers. Our Savior taught the following:

Matthew 5:27-28
27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I believe it is an evil to promote lust in society. Thus I believe the Lord Jesus is the judge of us all and He does not wish for us to lust. So if we wish to follow Jesus and to do his will, I believe he would not want us to provoke others to do evil. Posing in playboy is provoking others to do evil which is an evil in itself. Thus I believe it is a mistake to do such things.
Too bad you can't stoner her, isn't it?
When she posed in playboy and wanted to do it again at 75 years old
When she took the "demeaning" role as a "dumb blonde" she said she would have played a monkey if it was offered. She was driven to be successful. When she pushed the Thigh Master she said all women can now have nice legs. It made her very rich. I thought she was fantastic and an icon to admire.
Demeaning her, IMO, just doesn't cut it. Celebrate her life. It's not hard to do.
When she posed in playboy and wanted to do it again at 75 years old
And how much lesser is your sins to Gods view? He has judged you the same as her-The wages of sin = death. So don't ever think your sin is lesser than anothers. They all carry the same penalty. God appointed Jesus as judge, not you.
When she posed in playboy and wanted to do it again at 75 years old
She was a cute actress.

Us Boomers remember her from American Graffiti.

She did a lot of work for the USO supporting our troops.

She didn't go full Libtard bat shit crazy like a lot of Hollywood people.

It sucks that she died of breast cancer. Cancer sucks.


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