Why should I get the COVID vaccine

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.
Outstanding. Which vaccine did you get?
Don’t get it. Leave the world to us liberals. We’ll take care of the Earth while you lie in it.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?

Its bizarre that they are pushing the vaccines so hard upon everyone else...it is really really strange that they are applying so much effort to it.
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I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
What's the SCIENCE???

The science is not cut and dried yet. Lots of competing opinions, many based on studies, some even peer reviewed, but still just opinions. Sometimes, that all you have. There ain't no guarantees. If you aren't favoring one way or the other for political reasons, then I assume you are evaluating what you have read of various opinions on the subject. Make your decision and have peace with it.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?

With all respect.......don't ask us....you do what your heart and gut and mind tells you, that will be a better advice.

I on my part...will never have the poison jab myself.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?

I went to the link, and according to the article the Cleveland Clinic recommends anyone who is eligible should get the vaccine.
The clinic still recommends that anyone who can get the vaccine, should. The Cleveland Clinic tells FOX 8, “We don’t know how long the immune system will protect against reinfection or protect against variants. We still recommend those eligible receive the vaccine.”

Does that mean you are going to get the vaccination? Or are you smarter than the Cleveland Clinic? :p

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.
Outstanding. Which vaccine did you get?
Moderna lot 010A21A, back in March and early April. If thinking of doing it, I still recommend going into the VAERS database and wangling for the one with the least adverse reactions. I had a 100 Degree fever that came up the next day after first shot. Took 2 ibuprofen and about a quart of chicken noodle soup (a highly ignored miracle drug, I have used to treat all fevers over the years) just like when I had the 102 degree fever for days with the COVID-19. Fever after shot was gone within a few hours. I had no reaction after the second shot. Still not recommending any course of action for you.
I will never understand the immense push for people to get a vacine that admits it doesn’t stop you from getting a particular disease or virus... With that said there is another interesting article from January 26 2021 by a Sharon Reynolds which delvesinto the possibility that once you have had COVID your body will retain the memory and will fight off any reinfection... If it seems this is the case then could not a serum be made from the people who have recovered and then all could share in this blessing...There is more I could say but quite frankly it is pretty straightforward and since the supposed infection rate in the states is extremely high and many more people probably had mild symptoms and didn’t even know they were infected then why the overkill and race to inject them when they might not need it at all...Should they not be tested to see if this is true before injecting them doesnt that make common sense...

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.
Outstanding. Which vaccine did you get?
Moderna lot 010A21A, back in March and early April. If thinking of doing it, I still recommend going into the VAERS database and wangling for the one with the least adverse reactions. I had a 100 Degree fever that came up the next day after first shot. Took 2 ibuprofen and about a quart of chicken noodle soup (a highly ignored miracle drug, I have used to treat all fevers over the years) just like when I had the 102 degree fever for days with the COVID-19. Fever after shot was gone within a few hours. I had no reaction after the second shot. Still not recommending any course of action for you.
Problem is I never had a fever or cough but it messed up my stomach and appetite something fierce. Made me tired too. Would like to avoid that if I truly don’t need the shot.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.
Outstanding. Which vaccine did you get?
Moderna lot 010A21A, back in March and early April. If thinking of doing it, I still recommend going into the VAERS database and wangling for the one with the least adverse reactions. I had a 100 Degree fever that came up the next day after first shot. Took 2 ibuprofen and about a quart of chicken noodle soup (a highly ignored miracle drug, I have used to treat all fevers over the years) just like when I had the 102 degree fever for days with the COVID-19. Fever after shot was gone within a few hours. I had no reaction after the second shot. Still not recommending any course of action for you.
Problem is I never had a fever or cough but it messed up my stomach and appetite something fierce. Made me tired too. Would like to avoid that if I truly don’t need the shot.
I had the whole ball of wax, including a racking cough for the week and have had a recurring productive cough ever since. No appetite and food didn't taste right if it had much taste. Forced the chicken soup because my mom forced me when I was a kid, and it did help, even way back then. On the shot, I had absolutely no stomach distress or change of taste, but loss of appetite when having a fever is a given.
So the Cleveland Clinic, the number 2 best hospital in the world, recommends that we should all get vaccinated. Hmm, good to know.

Unless you think you’re smarter than the Cleveland Clinic, maybe you should go with what they recommend?

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?

My understanding is that the immune it doesnt last forever, but if you had it and re covered, it seems your body can handle it.

I know a couple people who will be fighting the effects probably for the rest of their life.

It's your decision. It's everyone's personal choice. "My body, my choice," right?

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Probably the best hospital in the universe. But libturds still know more.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Roll them bones, dude, and good luck to ya.
Dude. I've talked with you for a year and a half now. You are mainly going to what you want to do or not do, in this case. Not going to try to change your mind. Just wishing you luck with your gamble, as every decision regarding personal health care is a gamble. So, roll them bones, as in throw the dice. You're in command of the throw. Hope you don't come up "craps".
Cleveland Clinic is fairly reputable?
Sounds reputable enough to have a valid opinion. Whether it is the correct opinion is hard to say and will not be known for years. Seriously take what you think is your best shot, whether it is taking the shot or not. You are not exactly one of the uninformed, knee-jerk political followers on the board, even when we disagree. You usually, actually have reasons. Not only that, but you are probably not going to affect anybody else personal opinion of what they should decide at this stage of the game on this subject, either.
What I did, certainly does not matter. I had my reasons and am different from you physically and in age, having something like 26 years on you. Both of us had the virus. Both tested positive for the anti-bodies, though I no longer have them or at least not in amounts of therapeutic value anymore. I will tell you this. Some of my lack of energy seems to be abating since the vaccinations. Getting it has had a benefit to me, at my age, in my personal health. That doesn't mean it will help you a bit, though it might. You don't know for sure. Take your best guess and have peace with it.
Outstanding. Which vaccine did you get?
Moderna lot 010A21A, back in March and early April. If thinking of doing it, I still recommend going into the VAERS database and wangling for the one with the least adverse reactions. I had a 100 Degree fever that came up the next day after first shot. Took 2 ibuprofen and about a quart of chicken noodle soup (a highly ignored miracle drug, I have used to treat all fevers over the years) just like when I had the 102 degree fever for days with the COVID-19. Fever after shot was gone within a few hours. I had no reaction after the second shot. Still not recommending any course of action for you.
Problem is I never had a fever or cough but it messed up my stomach and appetite something fierce. Made me tired too. Would like to avoid that if I truly don’t need the shot.
I had the whole ball of wax, including a racking cough for the week and have had a recurring productive cough ever since. No appetite and food didn't taste right if it had much taste. Forced the chicken soup because my mom forced me when I was a kid, and it did help, even way back then. On the shot, I had absolutely no stomach distress or change of taste, but loss of appetite when having a fever is a given.
I Didn’t have a fever.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Probably the best hospital in the universe. But libturds still know more.
So you do realize that psychology is completely disparate from biology? Actually you don’t because you’re a fucking idiot.

I had COVID19 in March 2020, still have the antibodies. Donated gallons of blood that was used to help COVID patients. Is our Govt smarter than the Cleveland Clinic?
Probably the best hospital in the universe. But libturds still know more.
^^^^^^See what I mean!!!!!! Mrs Eder has used the Clinic for her gender reassignment procedures and recommends it to all the libturds out there

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