Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.
WTF? That was the question, what if he can't because he's a man? You are actually a little kid, aren't you? Or is it just the clown in you?
He still has access to play basketball. No discrimination.

Separate but equal, you mentioned that. So as bripat said, blacks got to drink from drinking fountains and use the bathroom, so according to you, no discrimination
Ummm... blacks were not even treated as equals.
Nope, males get to play basketball. No discrimination there.

OK, clown, so if that's the standard, then women get to enter into man woman marriage, so no discrimination there. Think about it. But don't hurt yourself. Be sure to sit down first in case you lose your balance
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.
The courts have ruled that gender discrimination is perfectly constitutional. In fact, it's legally mandated. Just consider Title XI which forces universities to create women's sports teams.

Do you think men should be allowed to play on the women's basketball team?
Umm... that's not discrimination ... that's equality. Now women can play sports too.

So when seawytch claims man woman marriage is "gender discrimination" even though she can't show how women are treated differently, you get it.

When bripat asks so can men be excluded from a women's team, you don't get how that's discrimination

Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.

Morons like you said it when you claimed the fact that a woman can't marry another woman is discrimination.
Ummm ... please show me where playing basketball is a right?

If it's not, then what's the justification for Title IX?
Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.
WTF? That was the question, what if he can't because he's a man? You are actually a little kid, aren't you? Or is it just the clown in you?
He still has access to play basketball. No discrimination.

Separate but equal, you mentioned that. So as bripat said, blacks got to drink from drinking fountains and use the bathroom, so according to you, no discrimination
Ummm... blacks were not even treated as equals.

According to your theory of equality they were.
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That's a clown post, bro. Our Forefathers were very aware of marriage. If it's an "inalienable right," then why didn't they mention it in The Constitution or the Declaration of Independence or any other of those documents?

They did mention God a bunch of times, so that would make us a Theocracy, right?
I didn't say marriage was an inalienable right. I said they're being denied an inalienable right. Which they are by being denied marriage. No matter how many times this is explained to you, you still don't get it. That's ok, not everyone is capable of understanding. :itsok:

Marriage is not an inalienable right, but denying marriage is denying an inalienable right.

If mothers only would read this and realize what liberalism does to your brain, they would make sure none of you ever existed again
I didn't say that either. A pity you're not bright enough to understand what I said. :itsok:
You said marriage is not an inalienable right, but denying marriage is denying an inalienable right. That means marriage is an inalienable right, but it isn't an inalienable right.

I don't speak doublespeak, so no, I am not bright enough to understand it
Doublespeak is not required. Just a basic understanding of English is. You don't possess the required skills. :itsok:

Face it: you're an irrational moron. You've been sliced, diced and pureed. You've stepped on your own arguments too many times to count.
OK, clown, so if that's the standard, then women get to enter into man woman marriage, so no discrimination there. Think about it. But don't hurt yourself. Be sure to sit down first in case you lose your balance
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.
You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.

Dumbest liberal in the forum would be quite an accomplishment for him, the competition is fierce. But he makes a great case
Nope, males get to play basketball. No discrimination there.

OK, clown, so if that's the standard, then women get to enter into man woman marriage, so no discrimination there. Think about it. But don't hurt yourself. Be sure to sit down first in case you lose your balance
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
Because it's denying people access to an inalienable right and I don't believe there is valid reason for doing so.
You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.
Spits the dumbfuck who actually compared a drivers license is to driving lime a marriage licence is to procreation. :cuckoo:

Should I care what an abject imbecile thinks of me?
OK, clown, so if that's the standard, then women get to enter into man woman marriage, so no discrimination there. Think about it. But don't hurt yourself. Be sure to sit down first in case you lose your balance
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
Because it's denying people access to an inalienable right and I don't believe there is valid reason for doing so.

So, clown, more doublespeak. I can't believe you actually picked that avatar, it's like the only self awareness you've ever exhibited.

So it's not important to you, but it's critical that people have an inalienable right that isn't inalienable but it is. Orwell would be proud
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.
Spits the dumbfuck who actually compared a drivers license is to driving lime a marriage licence is to procreation. :cuckoo:

Should I care what an abject imbecile thinks of me?

Google the word "analogy" so you learn what it means. Seriously. You may one day have a discussion with people who don't already know you're stupid. At least make it as challenging as you can for them to figure it out
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.
Spits the dumbfuck who actually compared a drivers license is to driving lime a marriage licence is to procreation. :cuckoo:

Should I care what an abject imbecile thinks of me?

You're only proving that you lack the capacity to commit logic.
Umm... that's not discrimination ... that's equality. Now women can play sports too.

So when seawytch claims man woman marriage is "gender discrimination" even though she can't show how women are treated differently, you get it.

When bripat asks so can men be excluded from a women's team, you don't get how that's discrimination

Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.

Morons like you said it when you claimed the fact that a woman can't marry another woman is discrimination.
Ummm ... please show me where playing basketball is a right?

If it's not, then what's the justification for Title IX?
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever brain-dead.

It's justifiable because it's not mandated that universities add a women's basketball team. That's a choice made by the university. If a university doesn't want to add a women's basketball program, they don't have to.

Laws mandate equality; title XI is not a law.
Last edited:
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you
Same-sex marriage is not a huge issue for me ... denying people access to their inalienable rights is. I would defend anyone's rights regardless of the issue. Shame you can't fathom that. :itsok:
So when seawytch claims man woman marriage is "gender discrimination" even though she can't show how women are treated differently, you get it.

When bripat asks so can men be excluded from a women's team, you don't get how that's discrimination

Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.

Morons like you said it when you claimed the fact that a woman can't marry another woman is discrimination.
Ummm ... please show me where playing basketball is a right?

If it's not, then what's the justification for Title IX?
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever brain-dead.

It's justifiable because it's not mandated that universities add a women's basketball team. That's a choice made by the university. If a university doesn't want to add a women's basketball program, they don't have to.

Laws mandate equality; title IX is not a law.

Title IX is not a law? You just reached new depths of stupidity.

Title XI mandates that universities spend just as much money on women's sports as they spend on men's sports, even if those sports don't generate any revenue.

The very existence of something called "women's basketball" is discrimination.

You're simply an idiot because you don't want to admit that you're also an astounding hypocrite.
It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
It's not a huge issue for me. Chalk this strawman of yours up to more validation that you have no clue to what you're talking about and can't understand a word I'm saying.

Right, hundreds of posts in this thread are for something that doesn't really matter to you

I think FAUN is in the running for dumbest liberal turd in the forum. He's got the "deer in the headlights" appearance now.
Spits the dumbfuck who actually compared a drivers license is to driving lime a marriage licence is to procreation. :cuckoo:

Should I care what an abject imbecile thinks of me?

Google the word "analogy" so you learn what it means. Seriously. You may one day have a discussion with people who don't already know you're stupid. At least make it as challenging as you can for them to figure it out
In response to me pointing out how marriage is not is not a requirement to procreate, dumbfuckbri replied with people drive without a drivers license. Too stupid beyond words, but that's what people can expect from idiots like you and him. Marriage licenses and drivers licenses establish each as legal. A marriage license has nothing to do with procreation. Furthermore, marriage is a right, driving is not.
Why would I hurt myself with your false analogy when you still don't understand the purpose of marriage?

You think it's tax breaks and validation, I think it's children. At least that's the "concept" which I was very clear on in my OP post. Why would society create it for your reason? What does society get from marriage other than perpetuation of the species?
Nope, I don't think that. But thanks again for proving you don't understand. :thup:

It's not about children, validation or tax breaks. Yet it's a hugely important issue to you. Why?
Because it's denying people access to an inalienable right and I don't believe there is valid reason for doing so.

So, clown, more doublespeak. I can't believe you actually picked that avatar, it's like the only self awareness you've ever exhibited.

So it's not important to you, but it's critical that people have an inalienable right that isn't inalienable but it is. Orwell would be proud
The clown you felt was qualified to lead the nation. :mm:
So when seawytch claims man woman marriage is "gender discrimination" even though she can't show how women are treated differently, you get it.

When bripat asks so can men be excluded from a women's team, you don't get how that's discrimination

Dude, you aren't supposed to swim in the kool-aid, just sip it

Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.

Morons like you said it when you claimed the fact that a woman can't marry another woman is discrimination.
Ummm ... please show me where playing basketball is a right?

If it's not, then what's the justification for Title IX?
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever brain-dead.

It's justifiable because it's not mandated that universities add a women's basketball team. That's a choice made by the university. If a university doesn't want to add a women's basketball program, they don't have to.

Laws mandate equality; title XI is not a law.

Of course Title IX is a law, seriously what is wrong with you?
Who on Earth said a man not getting to play on a woman's basketball team is discrimination?? That's fucking retarded. It would be discrimination if the man wasn't allowed to play on any team because he's a man.

You morons will never get it. Because you can't understand, you'll remain baying at the moon.

Morons like you said it when you claimed the fact that a woman can't marry another woman is discrimination.
Ummm ... please show me where playing basketball is a right?

If it's not, then what's the justification for Title IX?
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever brain-dead.

It's justifiable because it's not mandated that universities add a women's basketball team. That's a choice made by the university. If a university doesn't want to add a women's basketball program, they don't have to.

Laws mandate equality; title XI is not a law.

Of course Title IX is a law, seriously what is wrong with you?

Public Law No. 92‑318, 86 Stat. 235 (June 23, 1972)

Title IX - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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