Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Homosexuals can't perpetuate the species. Does this reconcile with evolution?

Non sequitur.

Does monogamous marriage reconcile with evolution?


Do child tax credits reconcile with evolution?


Do Social Security survivor's benefits reconcile with evolution?


Non sequitor

Marriage, child tax credits, or SS have nothing to do with evolution. Not following your line of thought.
That is exactly my point.

Gay marriage is a GOVERNMENT recognition and has nothing to do with evolution. All this bogus talk about evolution is a red herring. A non sequitur. All gays are asking for is the same government cash and prizes the rest of us get for being married, and has absolutely nothing to do with evolution. If a gay couple gets Social Security survivor benefits, it affects evolution not at all.

So stop throwing out red herrings and stick to the issue.
So what do the rest of us get out of gays getting those things?
exactly the same thing we get from heterosexual marriages.
Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...
God hates gays more than murderers, it's an abomination to humanity. At least murderers only kill one person. Gays not only do not procreate but they poison the rest of society

LOL.....Kaz trolling again.

You know gay is a disease, right? The CDC says so
So much for your claim that this is a "financial thread". :lol:

It always cracks me up how liberals are too arrogant and stupid to process your being mocked. You think no one is smarter than you are, which makes you wrong about everyone...
I'm not afraid to admit that there are many people smarter than I am. You, my dear, are not one of them.

Empirical data directly contradicts that hypothesis
Does ANYONE on this board know what kaz is talking about? Or should we write it off to simple garden variety incoherent ignorance and let it go at that?
Yes, Kaz want's to know what the federal filing tax status will be for married gay folk and if they will be able to enter their children as exemptions like the rest of the breeders. I think he does not understand that even single people file exemptions for their children. Marriage is only a requirement for selecting married filling joint return which is used to select the rate box for same when filing jointly.

Strawman. How's the vagina? Enjoying having your own?
Didn't you claim this was a financial thread? What do vagina's and your mental focus on them have to do with finances?

What do you care since you never answered the question?
:lol: Still waiting for you to point out what you are ACTIVELY doing to get rid of government marriage....besides avoiding government marriage yourself, that is.
The species is going to die out if gays are allowed to marry.

How mental is that?
About as mental as the poster who stated that gay marriage was the reason there were so many out-of-wedlock births in Europe.

Oh dear no, the species won't die out because opposite sex couples will still do what opposite sex couples do. (Thank your lucky stars for that).

And when you call that doctor for the life saving proceedure you need, thank the opposite sex couple that produced the doctor.

I really can't say the opposite is true though.
Does ANYONE on this board know what kaz is talking about? Or should we write it off to simple garden variety incoherent ignorance and let it go at that?
Yes, Kaz want's to know what the federal filing tax status will be for married gay folk and if they will be able to enter their children as exemptions like the rest of the breeders. I think he does not understand that even single people file exemptions for their children. Marriage is only a requirement for selecting married filling joint return which is used to select the rate box for same when filing jointly.

Strawman. How's the vagina? Enjoying having your own?
Didn't you claim this was a financial thread? What do vagina's and your mental focus on them have to do with finances?

What do you care since you never answered the question?
:lol: Still waiting for you to point out what you are ACTIVELY doing to get rid of government marriage....besides avoiding government marriage yourself, that is.

When I agree with your premise I need your approval on my strategy, I'll get back to you. Again, your grabbing a sign and joining a liberal cluster fuck isn't convincing anyone of anything, other than possibly convincing your fellow marchers to orgasm
LOL.....Kaz trolling again.

You know gay is a disease, right? The CDC says so
So much for your claim that this is a "financial thread". :lol:

It always cracks me up how liberals are too arrogant and stupid to process your being mocked. You think no one is smarter than you are, which makes you wrong about everyone...
I'm not afraid to admit that there are many people smarter than I am. You, my dear, are not one of them.

Empirical data directly contradicts that hypothesis
Provide said empirical data.
Marriage government gifts are separate from government gifts you get for having kids. So it is not a given that marriage government gifts are there to encourage procreation.

They are bread and circuses to please the crowd's demand. Nothing more. It is what the crowd demanded. Everything else is the bogus rationalization of an entitlement-minded welfare dependent.

Tax benefits for people with children are one of those things that normally conservatives would rant about, i.e.,

people voting themselves money from the government.

Tax benefits for creating new tax payers.

Absurd ain't it?

You get those whether you're married or not.

Absurd ain't it?

This is about marriage?

Hetro same sex couples won't procreate either, but will get all the rights and benefits of marriage, like everyone else.

How long do you think employers will have spousal benefits once straight same sex couples find out how beneficial a 50 buck license is?

Bet they were thinking they'd only have to cover a few gay couples, but damn, the married straight same sex couples could bankrupt that concept.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.


why do you assume that a homosexual couple does not provide the same financial benefit to society that a heterosexual couple does?
Yes, but how is that relevant to perpetuation of the species. I'm able to obtain endless amounts of information at other's expense. I didn't work for that information so discipline can and is easily thrown out as everyone thinks they know everything.
You keep forgetting about sentience. A pretty fucking large part of the equation.

We need literally zero straight people, at this point, to perpetuate the species.

Have you ever heard of milking a bull, by chance? His prostate. Not actual milk.

One would have to cease all scientific knowledge, want humanity to die, and or run out of men or women altogether.........at this point in order to stop perpetuating the species.

Can you think of any other creature on earth that voluntarily saves it's sperm or egg for future progeny?
Can you think of any creature on earth that makes love with protection so as NOT to reproduce?

Bottom line is this. If we were all gay, we would have heterosexual sex to reproduce only...pretty much like all other living creatures.

That would be bisexual wouldn't it?
Oh, I see. You are confused between desire and the act. We can all have sex with someone we don't desire....but the desire is what makes us what we are. If the survival of the species required I have sex with a man....I'd do it. But I would never ever desire a man.

You dont see anything. Is that natural? Of course not.

Just curious, form a point that was made earlier.

The CDC tracks diseases that impact homosexuals (i.e. rates of infection for HIV). Therefore being a homosexual is a disease.

Since the CDC tracks diseases that impact women (i.e. breast cancer for example - swap a male disease like testicular cancer if you wish) does that mean that being a woman (or a man) is a disease?


Just so you know, I really try to respond to everyone who quotes me. But I get so many responses that I can't even always do that. If you don't quote me, I will only see your posts by shear luck. I did happen to see this one.

The CDC argument I only use with the most leftist of moonbats like Syrious, Faun, Skylar and Bodecea who are so far removed from actually addressing any lucid point that I just fuck with them. I'm not serious
I at least get the concept of straight government marriage. Perpetuation of the species. It is the best situation for kids to have a traditional family with a mother and father because:

1) Men and women have different personalities and it is ideal for kids to have a parental relationship with one of each. Having two of the same sex is like having two left shoes or two right shoes. Neither a left shoe nor right shoes is more important than the other, you need one of each. They are different.

2) Kids are best served with a stay at home parent, generally a mother for many reasons for nurturing, caring and helping them stay out of trouble unattended

So for a mother to stay home, it's expensive. Taxpayers as part of the species benefit from the advancement of the species. And frankly that leads even financially to better taxpayers on average in the future.

If gays want to mate and pool resources, that's fine. But why should taxpayers pay for that? Government revenue is reduced, but why? What do we get out of it? Why should we have to fund it? What benefit is it to society that we should be paying for it?

The question: This is a financial question, not a moral one. How financially do the rest of us benefit that government should be charging us higher taxes to make up for lower taxes for people to have gay sex who do not perpetuate the species? Why do we gain for that we should pay for it? That is the question

If the fundie nutters get what they want, this is a first step in requiring heterosexual couples to reproduce in order for their marriage to be legally recognized and for them to get the couple's tax break.

Note to OP -

1. If you're not gay, you really can't say what their sex is like FOR THEM.

2. No one "subsidizes" stay-at-home mothers and, if they can afford it, there's no other reason why a gay parent cannot stay home with their child.

Gays make up less than 5% of our population. An even smaller percentage of those will get married. You really think this will amount to much money?

The hateful RWs really need to stop their meddling and MYOB.

Gay couples don't have children.
Of course we do, silly boy.
Tax benefits for people with children are one of those things that normally conservatives would rant about, i.e.,

people voting themselves money from the government.

Tax benefits for creating new tax payers.

Absurd ain't it?

You get those whether you're married or not.

Absurd ain't it?

This is about marriage?

Hetro same sex couples won't procreate either, but will get all the rights and benefits of marriage, like everyone else.

How long do you think employers will have spousal benefits once straight same sex couples find out how beneficial a 50 buck license is?

Bet they were thinking they'd only have to cover a few gay couples, but damn, the married straight same sex couples could bankrupt that concept.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Yes, but how is that relevant to perpetuation of the species. I'm able to obtain endless amounts of information at other's expense. I didn't work for that information so discipline can and is easily thrown out as everyone thinks they know everything.
You keep forgetting about sentience. A pretty fucking large part of the equation.

We need literally zero straight people, at this point, to perpetuate the species.

Have you ever heard of milking a bull, by chance? His prostate. Not actual milk.

One would have to cease all scientific knowledge, want humanity to die, and or run out of men or women altogether.........at this point in order to stop perpetuating the species.

Can you think of any other creature on earth that voluntarily saves it's sperm or egg for future progeny?
Can you think of any creature on earth that makes love with protection so as NOT to reproduce?

Bottom line is this. If we were all gay, we would have heterosexual sex to reproduce only...pretty much like all other living creatures.

That would be bisexual wouldn't it?
Oh, I see. You are confused between desire and the act. We can all have sex with someone we don't desire....but the desire is what makes us what we are. If the survival of the species required I have sex with a man....I'd do it. But I would never ever desire a man.

OK but you do need a male to reproduce in one way, form, fashion, or manner.
Tax benefits for creating new tax payers.

Absurd ain't it?

You get those whether you're married or not.

Absurd ain't it?

This is about marriage?

Hetro same sex couples won't procreate either, but will get all the rights and benefits of marriage, like everyone else.

How long do you think employers will have spousal benefits once straight same sex couples find out how beneficial a 50 buck license is?

Bet they were thinking they'd only have to cover a few gay couples, but damn, the married straight same sex couples could bankrupt that concept.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Oh its a super secret from straight people?

Lol wow
You get those whether you're married or not.

Absurd ain't it?

This is about marriage?

Hetro same sex couples won't procreate either, but will get all the rights and benefits of marriage, like everyone else.

How long do you think employers will have spousal benefits once straight same sex couples find out how beneficial a 50 buck license is?

Bet they were thinking they'd only have to cover a few gay couples, but damn, the married straight same sex couples could bankrupt that concept.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Oh its a super secret from straight people?

Lol wow

Have you heard it discussed elsewhere?

Kindly link this.

Do you really think corporations, or for that matter, those implementing obamacare, want this source of individual savings out there discussed?
This is about marriage?

Hetro same sex couples won't procreate either, but will get all the rights and benefits of marriage, like everyone else.

How long do you think employers will have spousal benefits once straight same sex couples find out how beneficial a 50 buck license is?

Bet they were thinking they'd only have to cover a few gay couples, but damn, the married straight same sex couples could bankrupt that concept.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Oh its a super secret from straight people?

Lol wow

Have you heard it discussed elsewhere?

Kindly link this.
Yes. Each year i do my taxes or taxes for others, its pretty common knowledge.
This is exactly where this is headed.
Marriage will cease to have any meaning outside of a financial arrangement. That is actually the goal of the gay movement, to destroy societal institutions than impinge on their views. Thus the military was sacrificed, the Boy Scouts demonized, churches forced to conform, etc.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Oh its a super secret from straight people?

Lol wow

Have you heard it discussed elsewhere?

Kindly link this.
Yes. Each year i do my taxes or taxes for others, its pretty common knowledge.

I'll try again

Please link to a source discussing same sex straight marriage and its financial benefits.
Of course, theres no rational basis for this or else people.of opposite sex would be doing this scam.

And if they already are, your whole sanctimonious bullshit was meaningless to begin with.



No, not true.

See the whole debate has been whether gays can marry. No straight same sex couple has yet figured out the cool benefits that they could get by simply marrying.

A 50 buck license could save hundreds a month on health insurance alone.

AND there is no reason they can't just keep dating.

Once people figure this out, it's pure BANK.
Oh its a super secret from straight people?

Lol wow

Have you heard it discussed elsewhere?

Kindly link this.
Yes. Each year i do my taxes or taxes for others, its pretty common knowledge.

I'll try again

Please link to a source discussing same sex straight marriage and its financial benefits.
GT is an idiot. As the spousal benefits add up and as the sanctity of marriage goes away we will see more of this. There is already an issue with convenience marriages for citizrenship. When marriage is nothing more than a fee and a license, and you can save hundreds of thousands of dollas by doing it it will become commonplace.
why do you assume that a homosexual couple does not provide the same financial benefit to society that a heterosexual couple does?

I'm not sure what you are asking me that I didn't cover in my OP post. Also, I didn't make the assumption you just said, I said that's the "concept," it's what people generally think. I didn't say what I think. Though I did repeatedly in the thread. I think there is a better solution than government marriage for everyone, gay or straight, than government marriage

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