Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

All you do it measure it by test scores on one study you can't find, that's not exactly a compelling argument.

BTW, did you see my mention of you in Bodeca's post where I pointed out to you the truth of my point on why my being a pretend homophobe is irrelevant? She said exactly what I told you, that's what she already thought, LOL

Sarah Palin could not have made more word salad than you just did.

All major Parenting and Child Welfare organizations say the same thing...the children of gays are at no disadvantage to the children of straights. All parenting and child welfare organizations also agree that children do best in two parent households, period.

Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?
Links to any of this? Or is this the part where contradictory information is dismissed as biased and based on homophobia?

Direct links to policy statements in one place:

Professional Organizations on LGBT Parenting Resources Human Rights Campaign
WORLD Study Same-sex parents just aren t the same Daniel James Devine Feb. 17 2015


Conservatives Seize On Hugely Flawed Study About Same-Sex Parents ThinkProgress
Yes ThinkProgress is certainly the go to site for unbiased reporting.
Yes. Each year i do my taxes or taxes for others, its pretty common knowledge.

I'll try again

Please link to a source discussing same sex straight marriage and its financial benefits.
GT is an idiot. As the spousal benefits add up and as the sanctity of marriage goes away we will see more of this. There is already an issue with convenience marriages for citizrenship. When marriage is nothing more than a fee and a license, and you can save hundreds of thousands of dollas by doing it it will become commonplace.

Who saves hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting married?
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?
And it happens. Of course today "marriage" actually implies a bunch of things. Once "marriage" means "gimme da loot!" it wont be such a deal.
How can one rabbi say so many stupid fucking things? Its never not amazing.
Sarah Palin could not have made more word salad than you just did.

All major Parenting and Child Welfare organizations say the same thing...the children of gays are at no disadvantage to the children of straights. All parenting and child welfare organizations also agree that children do best in two parent households, period.

Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?
Links to any of this? Or is this the part where contradictory information is dismissed as biased and based on homophobia?

Direct links to policy statements in one place:

Professional Organizations on LGBT Parenting Resources Human Rights Campaign
WORLD Study Same-sex parents just aren t the same Daniel James Devine Feb. 17 2015


Conservatives Seize On Hugely Flawed Study About Same-Sex Parents ThinkProgress
Yes ThinkProgress is certainly the go to site for unbiased reporting.

You don't see the irony of that statement? The "study" you linked to came from where? The link itself came from what source? What peer reviewed journal did this appear in?
"Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?"

Whatever marriage's faults or failings, whatever objections one might have to the provisions of marriage contracts, those issues have nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that same-sex couples are eligible to access marriage law as required by the 14th Amendment.
No couples do not enjoy rights. Individuals enjoy rights. And there is no one who lacks access to marriage. Same rules for everyone.

You funny...

This is the part where Rabbi tells us gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex

Can't make this shit up
So you think gays are not allowed to marry members of the opposite sex? Loser.
Rabbi logic 101

Gays are allowed to marry as long as they behave just like us and ignore their sexuality

You should be a Supreme Court Justice
GT is an idiot. As the spousal benefits add up and as the sanctity of marriage goes away we will see more of this. There is already an issue with convenience marriages for citizrenship. When marriage is nothing more than a fee and a license, and you can save hundreds of thousands of dollas by doing it it will become commonplace.

Who saves hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting married?
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?

How many people do you know that takes every tax deduction that can.

OHHHH, there will be many, especially those with high college debt and forced to pay Obamacare

There is no downside

So they can do that now by marrying someone of the opposite sex, yes or no?

Of course, but that's a whole lot harder than simply wanting to find a buddy to share the savings!


Cash cow, here they come!

Financial advisors are gonna have a hey day!
Who saves hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting married?
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?

How many people do you know that takes every tax deduction that can.

OHHHH, there will be many, especially those with high college debt and forced to pay Obamacare

There is no downside

So they can do that now by marrying someone of the opposite sex, yes or no?

Of course, but that's a whole lot harder than simply wants to find a buddy to share the savings!

Cash cow, here they come!

Financial advisors are gonna have a hey day!
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?

How many people do you know that takes every tax deduction that can.

OHHHH, there will be many, especially those with high college debt and forced to pay Obamacare

There is no downside

So they can do that now by marrying someone of the opposite sex, yes or no?

Of course, but that's a whole lot harder than simply wants to find a buddy to share the savings!

Cash cow, here they come!

Financial advisors are gonna have a hey day!


Gee, how fun not answering anything!
Who saves hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting married?
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?

How many people do you know that takes every tax deduction that can.

OHHHH, there will be many, especially those with high college debt and forced to pay Obamacare

There is no downside

So they can do that now by marrying someone of the opposite sex, yes or no?

Of course, but that's a whole lot harder than simply wanting to find a buddy to share the savings!


Cash cow, here they come!

Financial advisors are gonna have a hey day!

Why is it any harder? A financial arrangement is a financial arrangement.
You got knocked up when another chick munched on your carpet?
:lol: Now now....it's not my fault you don't have a winning argument.

In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.
"Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?"

Whatever marriage's faults or failings, whatever objections one might have to the provisions of marriage contracts, those issues have nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that same-sex couples are eligible to access marriage law as required by the 14th Amendment.
No couples do not enjoy rights. Individuals enjoy rights. And there is no one who lacks access to marriage. Same rules for everyone.

You funny...

This is the part where Rabbi tells us gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex

Can't make this shit up
So you think gays are not allowed to marry members of the opposite sex? Loser.
Rabbi logic 101

Gays are allowed to marry as long as they behave just like us and ignore their sexuality

You should be a Supreme Court Justice
Gays are us, dummy. There is no such thing as "gay marriage." There is not and has never been an application for a marriage license that asks sexual preference.
And plenty of gays are and have been married to members of the opposite sex.
:lol: Now now....it's not my fault you don't have a winning argument.

In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.
Dude, it's California. They'll call a dog a "domestic companion" if they need to.
In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.
Dude, it's California. They'll call a dog a "domestic companion" if they need to.

Yeah, I know. Reality is of no importance to the California state legislature.
:lol: Now now....it's not my fault you don't have a winning argument.

In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.
"Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?"

Whatever marriage's faults or failings, whatever objections one might have to the provisions of marriage contracts, those issues have nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that same-sex couples are eligible to access marriage law as required by the 14th Amendment.
No couples do not enjoy rights. Individuals enjoy rights. And there is no one who lacks access to marriage. Same rules for everyone.

You funny...

This is the part where Rabbi tells us gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex

Can't make this shit up
So you think gays are not allowed to marry members of the opposite sex? Loser.
Rabbi logic 101

Gays are allowed to marry as long as they behave just like us and ignore their sexuality

You should be a Supreme Court Justice
Gays are us, dummy. There is no such thing as "gay marriage." There is not and has never been an application for a marriage license that asks sexual preference.
And plenty of gays are and have been married to members of the opposite sex.
Too funny...

And some here will not realize you are serious
In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.

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