Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.

If they want to put their personal lives out on the forum, then they have only themselves to blame if other people discuss them.
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.

Liberal judges and bureaucrats don't give a damn about what's in the best interests of society. Catering to their pet constituencies is all that matters. That's how you gain power, after all.
Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
All it does is perpetuate this stupid fucking topic endlessly. Our side is just as guilty for this dumb shit having legs for every election. It HURTS US.
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
All it does is perpetuate this stupid fucking topic endlessly. Our side is just as guilty for this dumb shit having legs for every election. It HURTS US.
It's a different topic. And a worth one. It examines this from a public policy perspective, not a legal or personal perspective.
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So straight people can do this now, right? In fact...you encourage gays to do just that, marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to be married, right?

You know a lot of people who would marry someone of the same gender for all these "bennies" do you?

How many people do you know that takes every tax deduction that can.

OHHHH, there will be many, especially those with high college debt and forced to pay Obamacare

There is no downside

So they can do that now by marrying someone of the opposite sex, yes or no?

Of course, but that's a whole lot harder than simply wanting to find a buddy to share the savings!


Cash cow, here they come!

Financial advisors are gonna have a hey day!

Why is it any harder? A financial arrangement is a financial arrangement.

Ummmmmm, us hetro's probably understand, but that's OK

Playin dumb?

Human beings do not need government intervention to hump each others brains out and produce children. There is absolutely no need for government to "encourage" procreation. It has always happened, and always will. We've gotten very, very good at it without government "help".

Therefore, government gifts for procreation are entirely unnecessary. They produce no addtional societal benefit whatsoever. They are a cost which come at the expense of others.

Government gifts for procreation are 100 percent wasteful spending. As are government gifts for marriage.
Finally someone makes the point. Thank you. I disagree with you, but still I thank you for correctly stating the issue. I think govt has a legit interest in making child rearing less hard to do. I realize there's a distinction between a tax break for breeders than taxing everyone for schools, even if they're non-breeders. Perhaps it would be better civics to simply not have the tax break, but instead offer more public services to kids so the parents don't have a direct expense.

Kaz was masking it with his irrational loathing of gays. And that in turn gave those who either don't know, or choose to ignore, that pretty much universally people who find sex with same sex persons or person if more fulfilling, than sex with non-same sex person or persons, have previously had sex with said non-same sex person or persons.

You people are actually, really, truly stupid. That is the one thing you continually demonstrate

Kaz yanking his own dick again.

I am surprised he has managed to keep it attached.

I only have that problem after seeing some great lesbian porn. Gay is a disease, you know. The CDC says so and they are trying to help. I'm hoping it's just a vitamin deficiency and they can fix them without medication. Though medication would be better than hell I suppose. Don't you think?

Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.
Have you heard it discussed elsewhere?

Kindly link this.
Yes. Each year i do my taxes or taxes for others, its pretty common knowledge.

I'll try again

Please link to a source discussing same sex straight marriage and its financial benefits.
GT is an idiot. As the spousal benefits add up and as the sanctity of marriage goes away we will see more of this. There is already an issue with convenience marriages for citizrenship. When marriage is nothing more than a fee and a license, and you can save hundreds of thousands of dollas by doing it it will become commonplace.

Who saves hundreds of thousands of dollars by getting married?
People who lack medical insurance but need expensive procedures and marry their old college roomate who works for a big company.
People who have big estates and want to leave them to their children so marry their sons.
The list is endless. Of course it would take imagination and logic. So that counts you out.

So you're saying marriages for money have always been around, and in the next sentence you're saying it's something that will only happen if gays can marry.

Jesus on a biscuit you're dumber than kaz.
ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
Why of course they are....just ask the child
KAZ, are you a cock sucking faggot?

I see no other explination for your constant creation of or bumping of threads about the queer lifestyle.

Just come out of the closet & stfu about it already ok?

Perhaps I should start creating threads about my straight lifestyle? My straight love? My straight sex?

Get it dumbfuck? You and all the rest of you fag obsessed idiots, left or right, need to stop.
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
Nobody has forced you to marry anyone you don't approve of
In other words, it's called a 2nd parent adoption and its legal in most states.

In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
Why of course they are....just ask the child
ROLF! You're a moron. What do you think the child is going to say when both his guardians have been lying to him all his life?
Are you trolling him, Gramps? Did your stay in the graybar give you a taste for cock?
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
Nobody has forced you to marry anyone you don't approve of

They are demanding that we pay benefits to people who have no business being married.
Human beings do not need government intervention to hump each others brains out and produce children. There is absolutely no need for government to "encourage" procreation. It has always happened, and always will. We've gotten very, very good at it without government "help".

Therefore, government gifts for procreation are entirely unnecessary. They produce no addtional societal benefit whatsoever. They are a cost which come at the expense of others.

Government gifts for procreation are 100 percent wasteful spending. As are government gifts for marriage.
Finally someone makes the point. Thank you. I disagree with you, but still I thank you for correctly stating the issue. I think govt has a legit interest in making child rearing less hard to do. I realize there's a distinction between a tax break for breeders than taxing everyone for schools, even if they're non-breeders. Perhaps it would be better civics to simply not have the tax break, but instead offer more public services to kids so the parents don't have a direct expense.

Kaz was masking it with his irrational loathing of gays. And that in turn gave those who either don't know, or choose to ignore, that pretty much universally people who find sex with same sex persons or person if more fulfilling, than sex with non-same sex person or persons, have previously had sex with said non-same sex person or persons.

You people are actually, really, truly stupid. That is the one thing you continually demonstrate

Kaz yanking his own dick again.

I am surprised he has managed to keep it attached.

I only have that problem after seeing some great lesbian porn. Gay is a disease, you know. The CDC says so and they are trying to help. I'm hoping it's just a vitamin deficiency and they can fix them without medication. Though medication would be better than hell I suppose. Don't you think?

Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Why would anyone ask a totally discredited organization like the CDC?
In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
Why of course they are....just ask the child
ROLF! You're a moron. What do you think the child is going to say when both his guardians have been lying to him all his life?


They tell him they love him just like all parents should
I will troll any idiot who keeps obsessing about the personal lives of others.
Did you bother to read the OP? The question was a good one: What benefit does society get by imposing gay marriage? Of course the morons here cannot deal with a topic that runs counter to their programmed noises. So they deflect to stupid things like "the personal lives of others."
Nobody is imposing gay marriage

They are merely allowing two people who love each other to marry
LOL! No, federal judges didnt strike down laws and constitutional amendments in states. That was some kind of conservative lie.
Nobody has forced you to marry anyone you don't approve of

They are demanding that we pay benefits to people who have no business being married.
Same benefits everyone else gets

What a country
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
Why of course they are....just ask the child
ROLF! You're a moron. What do you think the child is going to say when both his guardians have been lying to him all his life?


They tell him they love him just like all parents should

You implied they tell the kid they are his biological parents.

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