Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Oh, I read the post just fine. I still don't understand why you would think being called gay is an insult. It's never been an insult to me. But, you facing your demons isn't really something I can relate to.

You are not a smart girl. Why are you not asking GT why she implied I'm gay as an insult? Why do you keep asking me why she tried to use being gay as an insult? I don't know, ask her
Why do YOU take being called gay as an insult? That's something you need to ask yourself, don't you think?

That is exactly my point.

Gay marriage is a GOVERNMENT recognition and has nothing to do with evolution. All this bogus talk about evolution is a red herring. A non sequitur. All gays are asking for is the same government cash and prizes the rest of us get for being married, and has absolutely nothing to do with evolution. If a gay couple gets Social Security survivor benefits, it affects evolution not at all.

So stop throwing out red herrings and stick to the issue.
So what do the rest of us get out of gays getting those things?

Finally! A relevant post to the thread. And of course it didn't come from a liberal. They are unable to see past their own bias

Now, there's some good juicy Irony there. :lol:

Yes, I'm not liberal, you nailed me. Wow, what an insight, that was awesome
I'm truly enjoying this thread. Your thrashing around is quite entertaining. Truly it is.

Yes, I say one non-liberal thing after another, and you keep nailing me for it. LOL
It always cracks me up how liberals are too arrogant and stupid to process your being mocked. You think no one is smarter than you are, which makes you wrong about everyone...
I'm not afraid to admit that there are many people smarter than I am. You, my dear, are not one of them.

Empirical data directly contradicts that hypothesis
Provide said empirical data.

This and every other discussion we have where you can't follow the discussion and you have no long term memory, both classic symptoms of liberalism
You DO know that's not empirical data, right? Try again....this time with actual empirical data.

Actually, it is empirical data. Learn the English language
Oh, I read the post just fine. I still don't understand why you would think being called gay is an insult. It's never been an insult to me. But, you facing your demons isn't really something I can relate to.

You are not a smart girl. Why are you not asking GT why she implied I'm gay as an insult? Why do you keep asking me why she tried to use being gay as an insult? I don't know, ask her
Why do YOU take being called gay as an insult? That's something you need to ask yourself, don't you think?


Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...

What does your unnecessary use of the f word for gay men have to do with liberals?

Do you blame your constipation on liberals?

The phrase "the f word" is yet another lame liberal attempt to equate gays with blacks. Neither are not remotely the same, gays and blacks or "the f word" and "the n word."
Oh, I read the post just fine. I still don't understand why you would think being called gay is an insult. It's never been an insult to me. But, you facing your demons isn't really something I can relate to.

You are not a smart girl. Why are you not asking GT why she implied I'm gay as an insult? Why do you keep asking me why she tried to use being gay as an insult? I don't know, ask her
Why do YOU take being called gay as an insult? That's something you need to ask yourself, don't you think?

So you DON'T take being called gay an insult. Ok, why the crying over it then?
Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...

What does your unnecessary use of the f word for gay men have to do with liberals?

Do you blame your constipation on liberals?

The phrase "the f word" is yet another lame liberal attempt to equate gays with blacks. Neither are not remotely the same, gays and blacks or "the f word" and "the n word."
There are not gay black people?
I'm not afraid to admit that there are many people smarter than I am. You, my dear, are not one of them.

Empirical data directly contradicts that hypothesis
Provide said empirical data.

This and every other discussion we have where you can't follow the discussion and you have no long term memory, both classic symptoms of liberalism
You DO know that's not empirical data, right? Try again....this time with actual empirical data.

Actually, it is empirical data. Learn the English language
Well, I admitted that you don't know pure logic (if you'd bothered to read my posts)
So what do the rest of us get out of gays getting those things?

Finally! A relevant post to the thread. And of course it didn't come from a liberal. They are unable to see past their own bias

Now, there's some good juicy Irony there. :lol:

Yes, I'm not liberal, you nailed me. Wow, what an insight, that was awesome
I'm truly enjoying this thread. Your thrashing around is quite entertaining. Truly it is.

Yes, I say one non-liberal thing after another, and you keep nailing me for it. LOL
Again, the Irony is ironic. :lol: And that's what makes this thread and your posts so entertaining. :clap:
Can you think of any other creature on earth that voluntarily saves it's sperm or egg for future progeny?
Can you think of any creature on earth that makes love with protection so as NOT to reproduce?

Bottom line is this. If we were all gay, we would have heterosexual sex to reproduce only...pretty much like all other living creatures.

That would be bisexual wouldn't it?
Oh, I see. You are confused between desire and the act. We can all have sex with someone we don't desire....but the desire is what makes us what we are. If the survival of the species required I have sex with a man....I'd do it. But I would never ever desire a man.

OK but you do need a male to reproduce in one way, form, fashion, or manner.

For now.

Family and Relationships The Splice of Life Sex in the 21st Century

Good article, btw. I disagree with the sex evolving analogy....it hasn't. People have been doing weird, interesting things for millenia. Now if the X Y chromosomes started coding or evolving to the point of non reproduction....you would have my attention.
Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...

What does your unnecessary use of the f word for gay men have to do with liberals?

Do you blame your constipation on liberals?

The phrase "the f word" is yet another lame liberal attempt to equate gays with blacks. Neither are not remotely the same, gays and blacks or "the f word" and "the n word."

I wasn't equating blacks with gays...I was equating anti gay bigots with racists ones.
And Gallup released its newest results today on support for gay marriage. Cons....you're not going to like this.


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty percent of Americans now support same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on its constitutionality next month. This is up from 55% last year and is the highest Gallup has found on the question since it was first asked in 1996.

Record-High 60 of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

A 23 point spread.

Did you poor souls pick the wrong side of history, or what?
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
And Gallup released its newest results today on support for gay marriage. Cons....you're not going to like this.


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty percent of Americans now support same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on its constitutionality next month. This is up from 55% last year and is the highest Gallup has found on the question since it was first asked in 1996.

Record-High 60 of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

A 23 point spread.

Did you poor souls pick the wrong side of history, or what?
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.
And Gallup released its newest results today on support for gay marriage. Cons....you're not going to like this.


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty percent of Americans now support same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on its constitutionality next month. This is up from 55% last year and is the highest Gallup has found on the question since it was first asked in 1996.

Record-High 60 of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

A 23 point spread.

Did you poor souls pick the wrong side of history, or what?
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.

Within a month the decision will be made for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide

It is a perfect out for Republicans as they are not required to vote on anything and can now blame their loss on gay marriage on the Court

But are they bright enough to just let the issue go or will they offer the Democrats more ammunition for the 2016 election?
And Gallup released its newest results today on support for gay marriage. Cons....you're not going to like this.


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty percent of Americans now support same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on its constitutionality next month. This is up from 55% last year and is the highest Gallup has found on the question since it was first asked in 1996.

Record-High 60 of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

A 23 point spread.

Did you poor souls pick the wrong side of history, or what?
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.

Within a month the decision will be made for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide

It is a perfect out for Republicans as they are not required to vote on anything and can now blame their loss on gay marriage on the Court

But are they bright enough to just let the issue go or will they offer the Democrats more ammunition for the 2016 election?
Given that the MSM is heavily entrenched in the liberal camp... I'm 99% sure the media will not hesitate from asking republicans, repeatedly, what their stance is on religious issues of gay marriage, abortion, evolution etc...
And Gallup released its newest results today on support for gay marriage. Cons....you're not going to like this.


A 23 point spread.

Did you poor souls pick the wrong side of history, or what?
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.

Within a month the decision will be made for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide

It is a perfect out for Republicans as they are not required to vote on anything and can now blame their loss on gay marriage on the Court

But are they bright enough to just let the issue go or will they offer the Democrats more ammunition for the 2016 election?
Given that the MSM is heavily entrenched in the liberal camp... I'm 99% sure the media will not hesitate from asking republicans, repeatedly, what their stance is on religious issues of gay marriage, abortion, evolution etc...

And the Supreme Court will give them an out

"I personally do not agree with the court but we as a nation, need to move on"

However, if they use it as an excuse to go batshit crazy and scream about Constitutional amendments and nullification by the states, Democrats will hang them on it
Oh, I read the post just fine. I still don't understand why you would think being called gay is an insult. It's never been an insult to me. But, you facing your demons isn't really something I can relate to.

You are not a smart girl. Why are you not asking GT why she implied I'm gay as an insult? Why do you keep asking me why she tried to use being gay as an insult? I don't know, ask her
Why do YOU take being called gay as an insult? That's something you need to ask yourself, don't you think?



Liberals actually are illiterate, aren't you? You aren't just pretending.
Oh, I read the post just fine. I still don't understand why you would think being called gay is an insult. It's never been an insult to me. But, you facing your demons isn't really something I can relate to.

You are not a smart girl. Why are you not asking GT why she implied I'm gay as an insult? Why do you keep asking me why she tried to use being gay as an insult? I don't know, ask her
Why do YOU take being called gay as an insult? That's something you need to ask yourself, don't you think?

So you DON'T take being called gay an insult. Ok, why the crying over it then?

OK, you need to calm down now and stop being so upset. This is just a message board, you can't tell us what to think then start hysterical shrieking when we don't do it. Here's a GI Joe, go play with that for a while since you want to not gender stereotype and come back when you can calm down
Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...

What does your unnecessary use of the f word for gay men have to do with liberals?

Do you blame your constipation on liberals?

The phrase "the f word" is yet another lame liberal attempt to equate gays with blacks. Neither are not remotely the same, gays and blacks or "the f word" and "the n word."
There are not gay black people?

Wow, what a comeback. Nicely played, bravo

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