Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

Of course I have stated that. How does "many federal agencies" equate to "all federal agencies?" I have never stated a view on the Constitutionality of the CDC

then state for the record that you believe there are no constitutional issues with the existence of the CDC and I'll stand corrected.

Ask me, don't tell me my position and don't tell me what to say. You can't not be a dick, can you?

Dude, that was actually quite polite. He did ask you. You intentionally omited this:

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

He's being cool about this. And instead of answering, you're calling him names.

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Read the conversation

I have. You've starkly refused to answer the question. Here it is yet again:

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
I get that, quite clearly, only a moron could post what you just posted and actually believe the shit.

Only a moron would actually believe I believe that shit after reading my other posts. I can't take you seriously, you and NYCarbineer are just too stupid to have normal dialog with
So you fall back on your posts all being in jest when cornered and then have the vagina to actually say YOU cant take people seriously

Take a fuckin break, mule

I just want gays to be saved. Gay is worse than murder, at least when you murder you only kill one person, gays threaten the survival of the species and poison the rest. They need to repent, there may be hope still
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick

So you want to eliminate the HHS....but not the agencies in it?

LMAO! You're always good for a laugh, Kaz.
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
I get that, quite clearly, only a moron could post what you just posted and actually believe the shit.

Only a moron would actually believe I believe that shit after reading my other posts. I can't take you seriously, you and NYCarbineer are just too stupid to have normal dialog with
So you fall back on your posts all being in jest when cornered and then have the vagina to actually say YOU cant take people seriously

Take a fuckin break, mule

I just want gays to be saved. Gay is worse than murder, at least when you murder you only kill one person, gays threaten the survival of the species and poison the rest. They need to repent, there may be hope still
Maybe theres hope for your brain but uh...

Prolly not : (
So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

Of course I have stated that. How does "many federal agencies" equate to "all federal agencies?" I have never stated a view on the Constitutionality of the CDC

then state for the record that you believe there are no constitutional issues with the existence of the CDC and I'll stand corrected.

Ask me, don't tell me my position and don't tell me what to say. You can't not be a dick, can you?

Dude, that was actually quite polite. He did ask you. You intentionally omited this:

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

He's being cool about this. And instead of answering, you're calling him names.

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Read the conversation

I have. You've starkly refused to answer the question. Here it is yet again:

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Right, that was deflection. That I advocated any agency be eliminated does not in any way logically imply I want them all eliminated.

If he wanted to actually know at that point, why did he not just honor my request and say, dude, is the CDC Constitutional? Rather than that, he asked me a question that did not contradict my point I never took a position on the Constitutionality of the CDC.

This is a classic circle jerk. How long ago did I say you want to know, ask me. None of you do it, you just keep putting your hands down each other's pants and pump
You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick

So you want to eliminate the HHS....but not the agencies in it?

LMAO! You're always good for a laugh, Kaz.

This is a textbook example of the RW cult in action. The circle-the-wagons-save-the-last-bullet-for-yourself move,

all for the sake of not admitting a wrong.
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
I get that, quite clearly, only a moron could post what you just posted and actually believe the shit.

Only a moron would actually believe I believe that shit after reading my other posts. I can't take you seriously, you and NYCarbineer are just too stupid to have normal dialog with
So you fall back on your posts all being in jest when cornered and then have the vagina to actually say YOU cant take people seriously

Take a fuckin break, mule

I just want gays to be saved. Gay is worse than murder, at least when you murder you only kill one person, gays threaten the survival of the species and poison the rest. They need to repent, there may be hope still

You do realize that most cases of HIV are among straights, yes?

Oh, and if the mention of gays on the CDC website means that gays are disease, can we correctly conclude that you consider pregnant women, infants and children disease as well?

HIV Among Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children

HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or breastfeeding is known as perinatal transmission and is the most common route of HIV infection in children. When HIV is diagnosed before or during pregnancy, perinatal transmission can be reduced to less than 1% if appropriate medical treatment is given, the virus becomes undetectable, and breastfeeding is avoided. Since the mid-1990s, HIV testing and preventive interventions have resulted in more than a 90% decline in the number of children perinatally infected with HIV in the United States.

CDC - HIV Among Pregnant Women Infants and Children - Pregnant Women Gender Risk

Wouldn't that also make being a pregnant woman 'worse than murder'...at least using your batshit logic?

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

Of course I have stated that. How does "many federal agencies" equate to "all federal agencies?" I have never stated a view on the Constitutionality of the CDC

then state for the record that you believe there are no constitutional issues with the existence of the CDC and I'll stand corrected.

Ask me, don't tell me my position and don't tell me what to say. You can't not be a dick, can you?

Dude, that was actually quite polite. He did ask you. You intentionally omited this:

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

He's being cool about this. And instead of answering, you're calling him names.

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Read the conversation

I have. You've starkly refused to answer the question. Here it is yet again:

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Right, that was deflection. That I advocated any agency be eliminated does not in any way logically imply I want them all eliminated.

If he wanted to actually know at that point, why did he not just honor my request and say, dude, is the CDC Constitutional? Rather than that, he asked me a question that did not contradict my point I never took a position on the Constitutionality of the CDC.

This is a classic circle jerk. How long ago did I say you want to know, ask me. None of you do it, you just keep putting your hands down each other's pants and pump

You have a long history of ranting about the unconstitutionality of federal agencies. A very common RWnut affliction on this board.

Why are you still song and dancing around?

Why don't you just tell us in your own words why all of the other agencies you listed are unconstitutional,

but the CDC IS constitutional.

Do that.
Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.
So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

Of course I have stated that. How does "many federal agencies" equate to "all federal agencies?" I have never stated a view on the Constitutionality of the CDC

then state for the record that you believe there are no constitutional issues with the existence of the CDC and I'll stand corrected.

Ask me, don't tell me my position and don't tell me what to say. You can't not be a dick, can you?

Dude, that was actually quite polite. He did ask you. You intentionally omited this:

So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? Am I confusing you with another poster, okay,

He's being cool about this. And instead of answering, you're calling him names.

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Read the conversation

I have. You've starkly refused to answer the question. Here it is yet again:

So perhaps it will help if I ask: So you've never said or implied that many federal agencies are unconstitutional? And do you consider the CDC unconstitutional?

Right, that was deflection. That I advocated any agency be eliminated does not in any way logically imply I want them all eliminated.

Yet when the CDC is part of an agency you demand be eliminated as 'unconstitutional', that strongly implies that you want the CDC eliminated. And you've called for the HHS to be eliminated.

And I've asked you if you consider the CDC constitutional twice already. Once in the post you're replying to. And you've starkly refused to answer my question. Eliminating your 'all he had to do was ask me' nonsense. As you've already demonstrated, you won't answer.

So you've strongly implied that the CDC should be eliminated as unconstitutional, and refuse to answer if you believe the CDC is unconstitutional.

Try again.
The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.

If he's called the HHS unconstitutional and demanded it be eliminated.....and the CDC is part of the HHS, then yes. What you posted was true.
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?

You are a pathological liar, which is in fact a disease of sorts. You need to quit lying.
I've reached the same conclusion with that one. He spends half of his time here lying and the other half trying to weasel out of the lies he's caught telling.
If the fundie nutters get what they want, this is a first step in requiring heterosexual couples to reproduce in order for their marriage to be legally recognized and for them to get the couple's tax break.

Note to OP -

1. If you're not gay, you really can't say what their sex is like FOR THEM.

2. No one "subsidizes" stay-at-home mothers and, if they can afford it, there's no other reason why a gay parent cannot stay home with their child.

Gays make up less than 5% of our population. An even smaller percentage of those will get married. You really think this will amount to much money?

The hateful RWs really need to stop their meddling and MYOB.

Gay couples don't have children.
Of course we do, silly boy.

You got knocked up when another chick munched on your carpet?
:lol: Now now....it's not my fault you don't have a winning argument.

In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

In other words, you admit you kick puppies.
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?

You are a pathological liar, which is in fact a disease of sorts. You need to quit lying.
I've reached the same conclusion with that one. He spends half of his time here lying and the other half trying to weasel out of the lies he's caught telling.

I'm sort of enjoying the irony of the fact that he put me on ignore for about a year and told me it was because I was always misrepresenting what he said.
HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.

If he's called the HHS unconstitutional and demanded it be eliminated.....and the CDC is part of the HHS, then yes. What you posted was true.

I've invited him to tell us why the CDC is constitutional vs. all the other agencies.
Wow @ that spin ^^^


The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.

If he's called the HHS unconstitutional and demanded it be eliminated.....and the CDC is part of the HHS, then yes. What you posted was true.

I've invited him to tell us why the CDC is constitutional vs. all the other agencies.
Don't wait for a rational answer.
:lol: Now now....it's not my fault you don't have a winning argument.

In other words, you admit that homosexual couples don't have children.

Our children's birth certificates prove you wrong. They'll tell you themselves how wrong you are.

Really? Who does it list as the biological father of the child?

It does not list one. Parent One: me Parent Two: my wife

ROFL! In other words, it's a fraud. How can both of you possibly the child's biological parents?

You live in a world of make believe.

Bob and Dolores Hope- parents with their children.

Yet their children have none of the Hope's genes

How is this possible?
Does this mean that those children were lying when they called Dolores Hope 'Mother'......

Stay tuned for the next episode of "Responses to Stupid things Bigots Say about Parents"
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