Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

People uses these words for the same reasons- the reason some white racist calls a black a n*gger is exactly the same reason why some bigot calls a homosexual a f*ggot or why some anti-semite calls a Jew a k*ke.

So why don't you just stop doing that?
The best part of catching these horrible people in a lie is when they fight like a hooked fish to deny it.

Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.

If he's called the HHS unconstitutional and demanded it be eliminated.....and the CDC is part of the HHS, then yes. What you posted was true.

I've invited him to tell us why the CDC is constitutional vs. all the other agencies.
Don't wait for a rational answer.

Apparently in kaz's Utopia the only federal government agency that would exist is the CDC. lol
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
I get that, quite clearly, only a moron could post what you just posted and actually believe the shit.

Only a moron would actually believe I believe that shit after reading my other posts. I can't take you seriously, you and NYCarbineer are just too stupid to have normal dialog with
So you fall back on your posts all being in jest when cornered and then have the vagina to actually say YOU cant take people seriously

Take a fuckin break, mule

Yeah, it never dawned on me when I said gay is a disease. Tell the truth, you actually are a rocket scientist, aren't you?
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

Thanks, but I think the liberals have figured out I'm not liberal without your beware of the non-liberal sign

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

I don't call him a conservative or a libertarian- because most of Conservatives and Libertarians, like most Liberals- are generally honest.
You have a long history of ranting about the unconstitutionality of federal agencies. A very common RWnut affliction on this board

Stopped reading here

2011 long enough history-wise?

Congress s First Power Demolishes Tea Party s Constitutional Principle Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Where does that say I want to eliminate the CDC?

You know, you dickless wonder. You have yet to show me this list of issues I'm right and not libertarian on. Shooting blanks again
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

Thanks, but I think the liberals have figured out I'm not liberal without your beware of the non-liberal sign

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

I don't call him a conservative or a libertarian- because most of Conservatives and Libertarians, like most Liberals- are generally honest.

You don't think that, liar. Read your posts
Yes, that was incredibly clever of you, catching me in that. Very subtle, I never saw it coming

I wasn't trying to 'catch' you doing anything. You instigated it by trying to attack me for posting something that was true.

If he's called the HHS unconstitutional and demanded it be eliminated.....and the CDC is part of the HHS, then yes. What you posted was true.

I've invited him to tell us why the CDC is constitutional vs. all the other agencies.
Don't wait for a rational answer.

Apparently in kaz's Utopia the only federal government agency that would exist is the CDC. lol

An idiot to the end, you are committed to the task
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
I get that, quite clearly, only a moron could post what you just posted and actually believe the shit.

Only a moron would actually believe I believe that shit after reading my other posts. I can't take you seriously, you and NYCarbineer are just too stupid to have normal dialog with

Like I said- Kaz is willing to lie in order to amuse himself.

Take that into consideration when reading any post he makes.

Nice! You do have rare moments of lucidity
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

Thanks, but I think the liberals have figured out I'm not liberal without your beware of the non-liberal sign

Just a reminder that Kaz is willing to outright lie whenever it suits him- or amuses him- so take into consideration when reading any of his posts.

Of course he will. I'm still waiting for him to quote me calling the British PM and British Intelligence liars.

But this 'cutting down the tree doesn't mean I want the branches to come down' nonsense is a new standard of batshit.
Say the moron who brought the gay agenda front & center AGAIN

Say the crotchety old far who won't not click on links you aren't interested in, you insist on repeatedly reading the thread and whining about it.

I don't give a shit what you give me permission to discuss, old man. Take your walker and go back in the house

The derp is the senile old geezer who keeps telling us what we can discuss.

If you aren't interested in a discussion, DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK

In what possible way was my thread title misleading to you?
I will mock you in your thread and you can do nothing about it.
Please continue your gay obsession faggot
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick

Like most Libertarians, you want to get rid of those functions that help other people but don't help you

Can you name a function that you want to get rid of that you benefit from?
Kaz...you're just too good at the anti gay thing. Maybe it's the insistence upon using the f word for gay man. Are you as blasé with the n-word?

If you believe that, then you're not very observant about liberals. They do that to all non-liberals. If you believe in liberal ideology, that's fine, but you should be honest about who you are in bed with. So to speak...

What does your unnecessary use of the f word for gay men have to do with liberals?

Do you blame your constipation on liberals?

The phrase "the f word" is yet another lame liberal attempt to equate gays with blacks. Neither are not remotely the same, gays and blacks or "the f word" and "the n word."

I wasn't equating blacks with gays...I was equating anti gay bigots with racists ones.

Fair enough on the blacks and gays as a group, but you're still trying to manufacture a gay equivalent to "the n word" and there isn't one

Sure there is. Both words are offensive in certain contexts...like when used as a pejorative by bigots.
Why do you jerks keep trying to make this a left vs right issue? To divide the country? Do we need to bring out the videos of your left wing messiahs claiming to be against gay marriage again?

Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.

Within a month the decision will be made for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide

It is a perfect out for Republicans as they are not required to vote on anything and can now blame their loss on gay marriage on the Court

But are they bright enough to just let the issue go or will they offer the Democrats more ammunition for the 2016 election?
Given that the MSM is heavily entrenched in the liberal camp... I'm 99% sure the media will not hesitate from asking republicans, repeatedly, what their stance is on religious issues of gay marriage, abortion, evolution etc...

And the Supreme Court will give them an out

"I personally do not agree with the court but we as a nation, need to move on"

However, if they use it as an excuse to go batshit crazy and scream about Constitutional amendments and nullification by the states, Democrats will hang them on it
Correction... Democrats, Conservatives, and Independents will all hang them on it. Again democrats don't own the issue of liberty.
Because in many ways it largely is a left and right issue. Among democrats support is 76%. Among republicans, 37%.

And in the past both democrats and republicans have been less supportive of gay marriage than they are now. But democrats have changed the fastest, moving 43% points on the issue over the lifetime of the poll. More than double the 21 points that republicans have moved.

Though the 37% support from republicans is a new record for them. They've finally managed to best democratic support for same sex marriage.

If this were 1996.
Patience Skylar. Patience. Making this a holy war between democrats and republicans is not gonna help your case, is it? A lot has to do with how the questions are formed on the polls. Many republicans bought into the idea of civil unions first before "democrats" and are invested in that approach and voting on the other side of gay marriage based on said support. Just because a republican may not have answered yes to the poll question does not mean he doesn't want to do something that they see as equivalent for the gay folk. Many folk just have not yet studied the issue. On the democrat side.. yeah many are just voting the way they are told to vote by the guy taking the poll.

Change the question to should government be deciding whether two consenting adults can get married or not.. and you will get a different set of poll results.

Within a month the decision will be made for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide

It is a perfect out for Republicans as they are not required to vote on anything and can now blame their loss on gay marriage on the Court

But are they bright enough to just let the issue go or will they offer the Democrats more ammunition for the 2016 election?
Given that the MSM is heavily entrenched in the liberal camp... I'm 99% sure the media will not hesitate from asking republicans, repeatedly, what their stance is on religious issues of gay marriage, abortion, evolution etc...

And the Supreme Court will give them an out

"I personally do not agree with the court but we as a nation, need to move on"

However, if they use it as an excuse to go batshit crazy and scream about Constitutional amendments and nullification by the states, Democrats will hang them on it
Correction... Democrats, Conservatives, and Independents will all hang them on it. Again democrats don't own the issue of liberty.

Democrats don't own the issue. But they do benefit the most from it. As the anti-gay marriage stance of the GOP hurts conservatives.
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
Good God Almighty, kaz.

It is going to be very, very difficult for another retard to top your stupidity.

No, seriously. I don't think I will live long enough to see anyone do it.
CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is

You said it right here, only a few days ago.

Q. For Small Government Adherents Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Eliminate unconstitutional programs and we're good. Social security, medicare, the department of education, HHS, agriculture, energy, HUD, labor."

Now shut up and stop being a fucking asshole.

Where is the CDC in that list?

The CDC is an agency of HHS.


Now apologize, bitch.

HHS is a huge agency, that I want to get rid of it implies that I want to eliminate every single function that it performs is a ridiculous hyperbole.

Do you notice I said at the beginning if you just ask me without being a dick I'd answer? Yet you are still working your ass off to prove you are a dick

Like most Libertarians, you want to get rid of those functions that help other people but don't help you

Can you name a function that you want to get rid of that you benefit from?
Lies. Why do you keep making up lies about libertarians?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Could you please link to the CDC defining homosexuality as a disease?

CDC Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men Gender Risk HIV AIDS

And then remind us that you don't believe the existence of the CDC is constitutional.

Remind me where I said that. You want to know my view, ask me, don't tell me what my view is
Link doesnt show the cdc defining homosexuality as a disease, dunderhead.

Sure it does. It's the "CDC," the "Center for Disease[/u] Control and so they study diseases. They study gays, so they are saying gays are a disease. And in that link they are saying HIV is a gay disease, it's a disease of the diseased. Get it now?
Good God Almighty, kaz.

It is going to be very, very difficult for another retard to top your stupidity.

No, seriously. I don't think I will live long enough to see anyone do it.

That was pretty stupid. I've already linked to the post and shown it to a few of my friends. We've been laughing since breakfast.

Worse, since Kaz has bizarrely insisted that gays are a disease because they're mentioned by the CDC........then does that mean that pregnant women, infants and children are also a disease because they have been mentioned by the CDC?

HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or breastfeeding is known as perinatal transmission and is the most common route of HIV infection in children. When HIV is diagnosed before or during pregnancy, perinatal transmission can be reduced to less than 1% if appropriate medical treatment is given, the virus becomes undetectable, and breastfeeding is avoided.

CDC - HIV Among Pregnant Women Infants and Children - Pregnant Women Gender Risk

Kaz is the kind of batshit that just keeps on shitting.
In other words you admit that neither of you is the child's father.
If one of them is the wife then the other must be the husband. OK, so we'll call the husband the wife and the father the parent. Or something.
How does society get any benefit from this mangling of the English language, this total fantasy that things are merely what we choose to call them, this canard that men=women=men? There is no justification for any of it.
Or they are both parents who love their child.....what a concept
They cant both be the child's parents. You understand that, right?
Why of course they are....just ask the child
ROLF! You're a moron. What do you think the child is going to say when both his guardians have been lying to him all his life?

Who has been lying? Our kids will tell you exactly how they came to be. My daughter loves telling the "FedEx" story.
I at least get the concept of straight government marriage. Perpetuation of the species. It is the best situation for kids to have a traditional family with a mother and father because:

1) Men and women have different personalities and it is ideal for kids to have a parental relationship with one of each. Having two of the same sex is like having two left shoes or two right shoes. Neither a left shoe nor right shoes is more important than the other, you need one of each. They are different.

2) Kids are best served with a stay at home parent, generally a mother for many reasons for nurturing, caring and helping them stay out of trouble unattended

So for a mother to stay home, it's expensive. Taxpayers as part of the species benefit from the advancement of the species. And frankly that leads even financially to better taxpayers on average in the future.

If gays want to mate and pool resources, that's fine. But why should taxpayers pay for that? Government revenue is reduced, but why? What do we get out of it? Why should we have to fund it? What benefit is it to society that we should be paying for it?

The question: This is a financial question, not a moral one. How financially do the rest of us benefit that government should be charging us higher taxes to make up for lower taxes for people to have gay sex who do not perpetuate the species? Why do we gain for that we should pay for it? That is the question

Obama to Joint Chiefs: Cut A-10 Warthog & Abrams Tank: We Need Funds for Transgender Surgery

Obama to Joint Chiefs Cut A-10 Warthog Abrams Tank We Need Funds for Transgender Surgery


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