Why Should Trump Help Governors Who Are Mean To Him??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Why should Trump help governors like Cuomo or that guy in Washington state when those morons have a history of saying very mean things about him??

"During Tuesday's Fox News faux town hall, Trump demanded that these states seeking federal help better treat him nicely. 'I think we're doing very well but you know it's a two-way street," Trump said. He continued, "They have to treat us well also. They can't say, oh gee, we should get this we should get that. We are doing a great job."

Now these states are complaining about having to compete with other states and the federal government when it comes to buying ventilators...They are complaining that companies are holding out until the highest bidder comes along -- well duh, that is capitalism...if you can't pay more than what another state will, tough shit....and nobody can match the purchasing power of the federal government, so Trump can totally own all of these Democrat states when it comes to buying up ventilators and masks....that is the best way he can teach them a lesson...

If they want his help, they need to do him a favor first -- they need to be nicer to him, they need to speak more about how he is doing great things, maybe do a few campaign ads for him so they can get a little more help -- if they aren't willing to do it, that just means they would rather hurt their own people instead of doing what is right by the president...
Biff - shut up!

You can't even understand what Trump was saying.

Trump commented that some of the a-hole Govs he's handheld through this crisis are being ... well, @ssholes to him for no reason.

Trump is trying that Constitutional thingy , ya know, letting the States decide for themselves what they want to do (while holding their hands)

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
Biff - shut up!

You can't even understand what Trump was saying.

Trump commented that some of the a-hole Govs he's handheld through this crisis are being ... well, @ssholes to him for no reason.

Trump is trying that Constitutional thingy , ya know, letting the States decide for themselves what they want to do (while holding their hands)

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

Showing indifference, ineptness, and incompetence for 2 months, taking no action while campaigning and tweeting that everything was fine, nothing to worry about, it'll go away when the weather gets warmer. Now the states have cities of mass outbreaks, an almost overwhelmed health care system, and a lack of PPE stock in hospitals. Yeah, I can see why the governors are pissed. And it's not just the Democrats.

Lack of PPE stock, ventilators were both well within the government's ability to help with. If only we had a real leader sitting in that Oval Office chair.
Biff - shut up!

You can't even understand what Trump was saying.

Trump commented that some of the a-hole Govs he's handheld through this crisis are being ... well, @ssholes to him for no reason.

Trump is trying that Constitutional thingy , ya know, letting the States decide for themselves what they want to do (while holding their hands)

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
I remember when Obama said that --- he totally owned Chris Cristie during that Hurricane Sandy....he called Cristie a fatso and told him he better stop bad mouthing him...

Or who can forget when Obama totally owned republican governors during the H1N1 outbreak....

Shut yo stupid ass up.......you will try to defend Trump no matter what he does because you are a hack
Why should anyone be nice to a witless, worthless orange whore? He doesn't know anything and should just get the hell out of the way. The way he refers to himself as the royal "we" is a joke. No one should have to die so that he can congratulate himself. He doesn't deserve nice treatment. He does deserve a swift kick in the balls.

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