Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?


Active Member
Aug 19, 2021
Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
Because it's not really a tip, it's the salary the employer should be paying but isn't.
Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
Is welfare for the business owner. You are subsidizing the abysmally low wages they are paying their employees. If you want to really go deep on this check out how this situation developed as a tool to stick it to Black people.

A journalist quoted in Kerry Segrave’s 2009 book, Tipping: An American Social History of Gratuities, wrote in 1902 that he was embarrassed to offer a tip to a white man. “Negroes take tips, of course; one expects that of them—it is a token of their inferiority,” he wrote. “Tips go with servility, and no man who is a voter in this country is in the least justified in being in service.”
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Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
It's been the norm longer than decades. And you're right, restaurant owners should be paying their employees a living wage. These are the same people that got the majority of PPP money when it was being handed out. The last time I checked, nobody has to eat out in a restaurant. That is a luxury. You can buy and prepare your own food. Why is my tax money going to bail out a luxury industry? The majority of the industry now is large corporate franchises. Fuck them, they shouldn't get one dime of tax payer money for anything.
Tipping is a custom in this country among certain professions, but not others. Its about being socially aware of our society's norms.

Its traditional, for example, to tip a barmaid when she brings you a drink, but not the stewardess if you are getting snooted on a plane.
Having dated several waitresses and barmaids I can assure you they remember the tipping habits of their customers. If you like to have good drinks and spittle free food you should tip. 20% is easy to calculate. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out.
Its traditional to tip a taxi driver, but not an uber driver. As a result, Uber has basically wiped out the taxi cab racket. People don't like to tip, that's the point.
Having dated several waitresses and barmaids I can assure you they remember the tipping habits of their customers. If you like to have good drinks and spittle free food you should tip. 20% is easy to calculate. If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out.
I used to date this chick that would clear 3-4 hundred a night in tips. I thought she was hoin on the side or something until I sat at the restaurant and watched her work. She was really good with the customers and the men loved her.
Tipping is the free markets at work. Professional servers often prefer to get tips because they are good at what they do. When tips are eliminated, restaurants raise prices to cover the extra amount they have to pay, and the best members of the staff leave for greener pastures.

Methinks the complaints about tipping are from cheap bastards.

Just sayin.
Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
Go work as a food server for a year, then get back to us...
Eating in a restaurant in a country with no tipping is very refreshing.
Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
I don't know if they did away with the minimum for tipper personnel but
in 1980 when the min was 3.25 the tipped minimum was $.35.
Don't know if you know this but a lot of the work your waiter does is done without customers in the restaurant.
It's called "side work."
Back in the day that meant 3 hours per day working for 35 cents an hour.
And 5 trying to scrape a living on tips.

Ban tips and watch your favorite bars and restaurants disappear.
Tipping is the free markets at work. Professional servers often prefer to get tips because they are good at what they do. When tips are eliminated, restaurants raise prices to cover the extra amount they have to pay, and the best members of the staff leave for greener pastures.

Methinks the complaints about tipping are from cheap bastards.

Just sayin.
When there is no tipping allowed, the service is FAR better.

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