Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

You are sensitive over the fact I asked why should we have to tip people for just doing their job? either you worked as a waitress for a number of years or never got tips
^^^ Diagnosis: Panic attack, Sensitive, Karen ^^^
No one asked you to tip. There is no law that you need to tip. I tip for the service provided, if the food is delivered on time, and i dont have to ask for refills, they just show up, i tip 20% or more. Those that are lazy asses, who dont give a shit about the customers, i might leave 5% and a note telling them that if they want to make more, they need to show their desire to earn more. You must be a high school kid or something like that, because you sure dont seem to know about economics...
No, I am not. Have you experienced what I am talking about?

No, I generally don't confuse correlation with causation.

I've had excellent service in American restaurants where tipping is customary, less so where they don't allow tips but then tack on a "service fee", and excellent-fair service when traveling internationally. For the most part, I'd link good service to being friendly and courteous to the server, and following the customs of the place.
That is revisionist history. Tipping is practiced around the world. Interestingly, not in China, which is basically a giant slave state.

Not tipping per se, but putting the burden of paying the server (or whoever) on the customer instead of the employer by excluding certain jobs from the minimum wage requirements was Was done to avoid paying the mostly black laborers in the service industries more money.
No, I generally don't confuse correlation with causation.
Do you generally miss the entire point of a post? Have you experienced customer service at a restaurant in a country where there is no tradition of tipping?
That is revisionist history. Tipping is practiced around the world. Interestingly, not in China, which is basically a giant slave state.

Tipping is NOT practiced around the world let me inform you this is the list of 12 countries that (don't expect a tip) but tipping is greatly appreciated!

French Polynesia
hong kong
New Zealand
No one asked you to tip. There is no law that you need to tip. I tip for the service provided, if the food is delivered on time, and i dont have to ask for refills, they just show up, i tip 20% or more. Those that are lazy asses, who dont give a shit about the customers, i might leave 5% and a note telling them that if they want to make more, they need to show their desire to earn more. You must be a high school kid or something like that, because you sure dont seem to know about economics...
So basically you prove the point that tipping was just a device to elevate one's status as a supposed superior over a supposed inferior as well as being a way to avoid paying Black people the minimum wage.
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I don't think I read where anyone said they could not afford to tip. The discussion is around why it is that the employee isn't paying their help as opposed to the customer.

Now in reality the customer pays either way. Either by tipping or higher costs.

To address the OP, you do not have to tip. There is no law that says you do.
You don't have to tip and I recognize that the practice is exploitative but I also recognize that single moms need money.
It would serve Time ragazine well to read the article in post #41.
It would server the blog writer well to educate themselves and read the true history of tipping. It originated in europe not the US.
When I was little, we were told tips are for customer service people in any retail sect, that gave you service you would not normally get.

Many jobs "back when" that were customer service jobs, were also potential tip jobs.
When the bag boy took your groceries to your vehicle and placed them in nice and safe so they wouldn't fall over or bang around.
When someone in the department store helped you to find something you couldn't find on your own, or gave you an extra coupon or discount you didn't know about.
When the gas station attendant didn't spill gas all over the side of your car, and did an awesome job at cleaning your windshield.
When the waiter or waitress made sure your glass was always full, without you having to ask, and your bill was served to you with mints or chocolates (thats how they told you, you were a great customer).
When the maid at the hotel brought you those fresh towels you requested, or came in special to clean something you spilled something on, or to change the sheets.
The same guys who take care of your mother and father in the nursing home, that had been there for years and made sure all residents were treated humanely and respectfully.
The firemen or policemen who helped you or you and your family with something bad that happened. More often than not, people donated to their retirement funds or to their office charities.
Teachers got tips too. My grandma would bake large amounts of cookies and cupcakes and bring them to school for parties some of my teachers would throw, as the school wouldn't pay for any goodies for the kids.

Back then, if you got a tip from a customer, no matter what service position you had, you knew you did right by that customer. Even if it was just a dollar, it was extremely appreciated. Also, back then, it wasn't an employee just being nice for a hopeful tip, it was someone showing their gratitude to the service worker for being gracious and a hard worker.

Tips aren't just monetary. They come in the form of packs of beer, gift certificates, a big frozen turkey or ham, donated baked goods, voluntary help with a cause, even just talking to the clerk or employee as a human being, and not a servant.

But all thats been lost over the years. It's all about the money now. Nobody cares about being treated right or accepting something other than money.

And most retail people nowadays don't give a shit about customer service, they EXPECT and DEMAND tips.....even for super shitty service!!

I only tip people who have done something correct.....as in the proper and correct ways to be a service oriented employee. Customers aren't always right, but it's the employee's job to find a way to avoid confrontation and make sure the customer is happy when they leave.
There ARE people who purposely go into businesses looking for a "freebie", and they are going to get it no matter what they have to do, what they have to say, and who they have to attack. These pieces of shit need to be shot on site. They have single handedly ruined the entire service industry...........for employees AND honest, decent customers.
Tipping is the free markets at work. Professional servers often prefer to get tips because they are good at what they do. When tips are eliminated, restaurants raise prices to cover the extra amount they have to pay, and the best members of the staff leave for greener pastures.

Methinks the complaints about tipping are from cheap bastards.

Just sayin.
Youre exactly right. It's just our system. One way or another you're gonna pay for that meal. Eliminate tipping and prices will skyrocket. The "cheap bastards" like the benefits of a tipping culture but they dont want to participate. They want a free ride without paying

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