Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.

Right, but because it is inconceivable that Democrats would want to promote cheating. You are the one with teh mental disorder. Indoctrination prevents you seeing what is right in front of your face.
QAnon followers are holding "conferences"? Talk about a great people watching opportunity, I'd imagine one could gather enough material for a fairly extensive manuscript on abnormal psychology in a single afternoon at one of those.

Is there a schedule published somewhere for these little soirees?
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

What voter fraud was occurring, before govt issued voter photo ID was required at the polling booth, that the govt photo id was needed to stop?

Why was voting for 220 years ok without it? 160 years of absentee voting ok without it?


How can 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania be fraudulent? What kind of voter fraud occurred that could give Biden those votes that you all claim were trump votes???

I just don't get where in the heck you guys are coming from with your claims?

And exactly how did 150,000 citizen's votes in Michigan that Biden got over trump, really be trump votes....how could fraud so BIG occur?

There are so many checks and balances in place with our election process, that such...is IMPOSSIBLE.....

Y'all are out in cuckoo land, left field.... And are without a drop of common sense and skill in logic....

How can anyone think otherwise? :dunno:
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

What voter fraud was occurring, before govt issued voter photo ID was required at the polling booth, that the govt photo id was needed to stop?

Why was voting for 220 years ok without it? 160 years of absentee voting ok without it?


How can 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania be fraudulent? What kind of voter fraud occurred that could give Biden those votes that you all claim were trump votes???

I just don't get where in the heck you guys are coming from with your claims?

And exactly how did 150,000 citizen's votes in Michigan that Biden got over trump, really be trump votes....how could fraud so BIG occur?

There are so many checks and balances in place with our election process, that such...is IMPOSSIBLE.....

Y'all are out in cuckoo land, left field.... And are without a drop of common sense and skill in logic....

How can anyone think otherwise? :dunno:

You are an idiot. Fraud increased with mail in balloting. The reason the Democrats are pushing for the pandemic rules voting is because they know this and that it worked to their advantage. Democratic lemmings don’t care as long as it works to their advantage. Cheating is VERY easy with the pandemic rules in place.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.

Right, but because it is inconceivable that Democrats would want to promote cheating. You are the one with teh mental disorder. Indoctrination prevents you seeing what is right in front of your face.

Election fraud is a lie. It is a lie meant to undermine our democracy. You and your Trumpist ilk are making a mockery of those that died defending our nation, freedom and democracy this Memorial Day be perpetuating the election fraud lie.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

Happy Memorial Day!


Lock his ass up
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

He talks about it all the time.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.

Right, but because it is inconceivable that Democrats would want to promote cheating. You are the one with teh mental disorder. Indoctrination prevents you seeing what is right in front of your face.

Election fraud is a lie. It is a lie meant to undermine our democracy. You and your Trumpist ilk are making a mockery of those that died defending our nation, freedom and democracy this Memorial Day be perpetuating the election fraud lie.

Just another useful idiot. Carry on.
I'm rational
tenor (2).gif
tenor (1).gif
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.

Right, but because it is inconceivable that Democrats would want to promote cheating. You are the one with teh mental disorder. Indoctrination prevents you seeing what is right in front of your face.

Election fraud is a lie. It is a lie meant to undermine our democracy. You and your Trumpist ilk are making a mockery of those that died defending our nation, freedom and democracy this Memorial Day be perpetuating the election fraud lie.

Just another useful idiot. Carry on.

Look in the mirror for the idiot.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

its called trust. The lack of trust for politicians and the media and the entertainers. Every day citizens who do not vote Prog are slandered unmercifully in everyway possible. For his bluster, Trump had an opportunity to get a lot done. And was fought near all the way. Sabotaged by some of his own also. The infrastructure bill could have been passed 4 years ago. But Progs would have none of that. The Prog Party rules its servants and discards them when not needed.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

You lying sack of shit...Flynn said nothing about rounding up americans.

The POS is you and your Anti-American busllshit. Fuck off you traitor. What do you think he meant by Myanmar-like coup, you dumb fuck?

That one isn't the only one.

We have one right here on the board.

View attachment 495800

Incredible. But not surprising.
The evidence of fraud is neither here nor there because the whole damn system is corrupt. Four years of Trump and no one word about changing the system to something that would lead to less corruption. Why not?

Um, the voting laws were changed after the pandemic hit. Trump raised alarm bells at that time. In other words, this election was unlike any other election we have ever had. Had we not changed the rules, Trump would have EASILY won and the Democrats knew it. They took full advantage, at the very least, of the pandemic. It was a last ditch effort after 4 years of non-stop fruitless investigations. Pre-pandemic, they had ZERO chance of winning and they knew it. The economy was far too good for him to lose. It is not coincidental that a demented old man was supposedly elected just after the rules changed.
(I admit that I cannot bring myself to call him "President" Biden. That word sticks in my craw when it comes to that gentleman.)
Biden is a person. Not a gentleman. Gentlemen do not lust after young girls, live off bribes
and defend the enemies of the USA.
Biden does all that and more.
The Republican Party is the most dangerous threat to our Democracy. They are moving from state to state settings up barriers to voting making it easier for fair elections to be overturned. trumpism is a cancer on America.
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“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?

With posts like the above, you have little to wonder why Trumpism is considered a mental disease.

Right, but because it is inconceivable that Democrats would want to promote cheating. You are the one with teh mental disorder. Indoctrination prevents you seeing what is right in front of your face.

Election fraud is a lie. It is a lie meant to undermine our democracy. You and your Trumpist ilk are making a mockery of those that died defending our nation, freedom and democracy this Memorial Day be perpetuating the election fraud lie.

Just another useful idiot. Carry on.

Look in the mirror for the idiot.

By all means, continue to think you are carrying the torch for the downtrodden in our society. I will continue to laugh at the pure idiocy of folks like you.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

You lying sack of shit...Flynn said nothing about rounding up americans.

The POS is you and your Anti-American busllshit. Fuck off you traitor. What do you think he meant by Myanmar-like coup, you dumb fuck?

That one isn't the only one.

We have one right here on the board.

View attachment 495800

at least in that post she finally managed to spell myanmar correctly, instead of miramar
Well March is fast approaching. Miramar anyone??

Well March is fast approaching so we shall see what happens.

Myenmar anyone??

or myenmar.

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