Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??


As one who twice proudly voted for the Honorable Donald J. Trump, I feel that the general was way out of line if he actually made that statement.

I hope that the Dem administration will have the wisdom to simply ignore his comments and not try to punish him.


the man whore of NYC who traipsed all over the city w/ his pregnant whore
( soon to be 2nd wife ) on his arm making sure it was plastered all over the covers of tabloids whilst still married to his 1st wife; humiliating her & (at the time ) his 3 young spawn could see & read about it?

or when he raw dogged a porn star a mere 4 months after his 3rd wife gave birth to his 5th spawn, risking giving them both some nasty STD ( which he said STDs were his personal vietnam )

or when he tried to use eminent domain to throw an old woman outa her house, so it & her property could be demolished & paved over to CONstruct a limo parking lot that his casino patrons could use instead of walking a bit further to his now bankrupted torn down POS casino?

is ' honorable '?

This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.

This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.
the election.. was fraudulent with thousands of made up fake votes.......evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN ..........

Seems like well-plowed ground. We've been here before. The Sequel, #79.

Step One: Poster TurtleSoup comes on to the forum and whines about a 'fraudulent election', 'thousands of made up votes'.

Step Two: Some other poster asks Turtlesoup to prove it. To show us he knows what he is talking about.

Step Three: Turtlesoup disappears. Or Turtlesoup flips to another thread. Or Turtlesoup hides out in the boy's bathroom.

Step Four: Rinse and repeat.

Conclusion: Turtlesoup has no aces in his hand. All hat, no cows. And talks about stuff he knows nothing about....but fervently wishes were true.
And, importantly, inescapably -----Turtlesoup is a whiner.

It pains us all to realize that.

No disrespect intended.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

You lying sack of shit...Flynn said nothing about rounding up americans.

The POS is you and your Anti-American busllshit. Fuck off you traitor. What do you think he meant by Myanmar-like coup, you dumb fuck?

That one isn't the only one.

We have one right here on the board.

crazy .png
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

No one believes you for a second.

Try looking up Qanon for yourself then.

I did.

Over 66 million results came up.

This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

You lying sack of shit...Flynn said nothing about rounding up americans.

The POS is you and your Anti-American busllshit. Fuck off you traitor. What do you think he meant by Myanmar-like coup, you dumb fuck?

That one isn't the only one.

We have one right here on the board.

View attachment 495800

Anyone who advocates for a military coup is a traitor to the nation and the Constitution.
The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.

lol... your ' fallen military hero ' - is just another putin puppet...


who was pardoned by yer chosen one .... after PLEADING GUILTY to the charge of being an unregistered FOREIGN AGENT among other charges, sure liked his pootey poot.

Gen. Flynn is actually innocent of the charges he plead guilty to.

He only made the plea because he ran out of money to defend himself and Mueller and the other persecutors were threatening to literally crucify his beloved son.

The fact that he broke bread with foreign leaders is irrelevant.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

I don't support corruption.

It's why I push for Proportional Representation.

Do you see Flynn pushing for Proportional Representation?

Least corrupt countries on the planet.

1/2 Denmark and New Zealand. Both use Proportional Representation.
3/4/5/6 Finland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland. Only Singapore doesn't use PR.
7 Norway, uses PR
8 Netherlands, uses PR
9/10 Germany and Luxembourg. Both use PR.

So, 9 out of the top 10 use PR. Why? Because PR leads to less corruption.

You know what a lot of right wingers say about PR? They call it "mob rule", that's how much they want to get rid of corruption. They just don't want the Democrats to be corrupt, they don't mind their own being corrupt.

When the largest proportion can simply vote to take money from the smallest proportions, all is lost. That is where we are. The Democrat hamburger flippers want to take high and even middle wage earner’s salaries and give it to themselves. The only reason the Democratic elites are all for it is because they know it creates serfdom amongst the masses but they will be excluded. Willful idiots and/or those would want to steal are voting for Democrats.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.

Sure but I highly doubt that person is that deep.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

So, you want to commit treason then?

How do you commit treason against a corrupt government--especially one that committed election fraud? It's actually the opposite...supporting such a government is the treason....(but atlas you would have to have a moral compass to figure this out.)

Secondly, again---nothing flynn said was wrong.

Because treason is treason no matter how corrupt the government is.

And the government is corrupt, but you don't try and CHANGE how the government works.

Every time I mention Proportional Representation as the best form of voting, because the LEAST CORRUPT COUNTRIES on this planet use it (not a coincidence), I get right wingers talking about how democracy is "mob rule"

Most don't care about the corruption, they don't care about the lack of democracy. They only care when they LOSE. This is just "boo hoo, mommy, I lost, make him give it me back" bull.

You still don't get it.............Flynn supports the country fully------------he doesn't support our corrupt government and this how it should be. Country over corrupt pols.

No, clearly I don't get it.

This seems to be the one where "Everything I support equals patriotism, everything I hate equals treason".

It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

I'm rational....you are irrational and manipulative. I have a strong moral backbone and see things for what they are.

If you support a corrupt government destroying your nation-----this is true treason.
Flynn has simply made a distinction that he would fight to protect the nation over the corrupt pols. You do the opposite, you support corrupt pols over the nation. Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT.

We got rid of the NYC, grifter that was destroying our nation.
Then his cult takes over for him.
All those lawsuits, over 60 about election fraud, were laughed out of court.
"But, but we have 1000's of affidavits".
But, not ONE eyewitness, willing to testify?

" Flynn is right and you obviously lack both common sense and a moral backbone because you don't understand this SIMPLE CONCONCEPT".

You got that right, I DON'T understand Q NUT, morality or what they consider "sense".

By every measure---everything improved under Trump-----------hence why CHINA had to release the Fauci Kung FLU to affect the election and try to kill the USeconomy. I saw judges not want to show some backbone and fight for the nation-------the evidence of fraud is overwhelming. Votes for Trump flipped for BIDEN is more than just operator error.

Where is this "overwhelming" evidence?
That's all crazy eyes and the kraken woman presented to the courts.
So, Trump installed over 200 federal judges, and Rudy couldn't find ONE of them to present his affidavits to?

They must be part of the "deep state".

Maybe Q NUT daily could present their evidence.

Next election will be even tougher to prove because the Democrats wan’t to enable the masses to cheat by not providing any sort of identify verification. It is the perfect plan as we are not able to investigate every ballot. They can go with the ”you can’t prove any massive vote fraud” argument again. Even Democrats can’t be so naive as to not see the true motive of behind no voter ID...or can they?
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.

Flynn is a misfit among his peers. No wonder Obama fired him.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I agree.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.

Flynn is a misfit among his peers. No wonder Obama fired him.

Says the mediocre, anonymous internet poster.

As one who twice proudly voted for the Honorable Donald J. Trump, I feel that the general was way out of line if he actually made that statement.

I hope that the Dem administration will have the wisdom to simply ignore his comments and not try to punish him.


the man whore of NYC who traipsed all over the city w/ his pregnant whore
( soon to be 2nd wife ) on his arm making sure it was plastered all over the covers of tabloids whilst still married to his 1st wife; humiliating her & (at the time ) his 3 young spawn could see & read about it?

or when he raw dogged a porn star a mere 4 months after his 3rd wife gave birth to his 5th spawn, risking giving them both some nasty STD ( which he said STDs were his personal vietnam )

or when he tried to use eminent domain to throw an old woman outa her house, so it & her property could be demolished & paved over to CONstruct a limo parking lot that his casino patrons could use instead of walking a bit further to his now bankrupted torn down POS casino?

is ' honorable '?


I do not know whether all or any of your comments are accurate.

But even if they are, this 84-year-old believes in being civil and respectful of our "leaders."

Therefore, for example, I always refer to "Mr." Biden, not some of the unkind terms used here by other members.

(I admit that I cannot bring myself to call him "President" Biden. That word sticks in my craw when it comes to that gentleman.)
There has not been 1, not one, let me make this clear to you fools, not one president I will give one ounce of credit, for a n y t h I n g. So what does that make me please be as low as you can.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.

Flynn is a misfit among his peers. No wonder Obama fired him.

Says the mediocre, anonymous internet poster.

Flynn was a problem long before Obama was elected. His management style was both incompetent and belligerent.. His outrageous conspiracies doomed his career long ago. Naturally Trump would not only hire him but praise him as well.

As one who twice proudly voted for the Honorable Donald J. Trump, I feel that the general was way out of line if he actually made that statement.

I hope that the Dem administration will have the wisdom to simply ignore his comments and not try to punish him.


the man whore of NYC who traipsed all over the city w/ his pregnant whore
( soon to be 2nd wife ) on his arm making sure it was plastered all over the covers of tabloids whilst still married to his 1st wife; humiliating her & (at the time ) his 3 young spawn could see & read about it?

or when he raw dogged a porn star a mere 4 months after his 3rd wife gave birth to his 5th spawn, risking giving them both some nasty STD ( which he said STDs were his personal vietnam )

or when he tried to use eminent domain to throw an old woman outa her house, so it & her property could be demolished & paved over to CONstruct a limo parking lot that his casino patrons could use instead of walking a bit further to his now bankrupted torn down POS casino?

is ' honorable '?


I do not know whether all or any of your comments are accurate.

But even if they are, this 84-year-old believes in being civil and respectful of our "leaders."

Therefore, for example, I always refer to "Mr." Biden, not some of the unkind terms used here by other members.

(I admit that I cannot bring myself to call him "President" Biden. That word sticks in my craw when it comes to that gentleman.)

I think EVERYONE should be respectful and civil. You deserve to be treated with good manners as much as Biden.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

Either you're a liar or you don't know how to do a simple search.

I do.

Which is why when I went to a search engine then typed in qanon, over 66 million results came up.

So either you're a liar or a very special kind of stupid.


There is a third option that is more psychological in nature.

Flynn is a misfit among his peers. No wonder Obama fired him.

Says the mediocre, anonymous internet poster.

Flynn was a problem long before Obama was elected. His management style was both incompetent and belligerent.. His outrageous conspiracies doomed his career long ago. Naturally Trump would not only hire him but praise him as well.

What conspiracy theory?

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