Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??

If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?

I support rectifying a wrong if proven. Although I greatly appreciate many of Trump's policies I do not believe justice would be served or faith in our system be restored simply by returning Trump to office. I believe that another election would be warranted and if deemed appropriate at all levels of government. Elections could be staggered so as to allow the choice of candidates so as not to fully deplete the government.

Again, if fraud is proven our goal must be to restore faith in the system. If we fail to do that we are finished as a country.

The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.
Stop with promulgating the proven election fraud lie. How is Flynn “fallen” when is is still living? Just shows you have no idea what the hell you are talking about,

Why not just have a Federal, Bipartisan commission to look into and investigate the disputed 2020 election then? What are libs afraid of? Don't they want Biden to be seen as legit by the people? A commission would given Sleepy Joe a chance to testify under oath in regards to the election and give him a chance to prove he's a true , fairly elected , President and not a pretender.
The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.
Stop with promulgating the proven election fraud lie. How is Flynn “fallen” when is is still living? Just shows you have no idea what the hell you are talking about,

Why not just have a Federal, Bipartisan commission to look into and investigate the disputed 2020 election then? What are libs afraid of? Don't they want Biden to be seen as legit by the people? A commission would given Sleepy Joe a chance to testify under oath in regards to the election and give him a chance to prove he's a true , fairly elected , President and not a pretender.
Numerous recounts and court cases found no fraud and even Trump’s own Administration officials said the election was among the most secure in history. Stop lying about election fraud.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.

Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.

Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.
Hero? Hardly. The man is talking treason. He is a disgrace to his uniform and the country he swore to protect.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

If it turns out, as is fairly obvious, that without democrats massive fraud, Trump not only won all swing States, but CA as well, then Biden/Harris must step down and Trump sworn in.
The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.

You mean traitor. He's about as much of a military hero as I am. And if Mr Flynn would like a Mynamar style coup, I have no problem with both him and anyone around being treated like Myanmar's opposition. :)
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.

Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

What is it you do not understand that we have had numerous recounts and court cases that found no fraud. Trump’s own administration called the election among the safest in history. Why is it that you persist in telling the lie of election fraud knowing that it is destroying our nation? I ask again why do you hate our democracy?
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

I do.........something must be done about our corrupt government

no doubt you would be 1st in line, Qanon girl.

What is Qanon? Seriously....I've tried to look them up and there really isn't anything.

lol ... sure you did. take yer pick of alllllllllllllll the info out there to enlighten yerself! lol .... as if you didn't already know. HAPPY READING!


Qanon - Bing

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qanon what is it - Yahoo Search Results
The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.
Stop with promulgating the proven election fraud lie. How is Flynn “fallen” when is is still living? Just shows you have no idea what the hell you are talking about,

Why not just have a Federal, Bipartisan commission to look into and investigate the disputed 2020 election then? What are libs afraid of? Don't they want Biden to be seen as legit by the people? A commission would given Sleepy Joe a chance to testify under oath in regards to the election and give him a chance to prove he's a true , fairly elected , President and not a pretender.
The Republicans would not go along with a bi-partisan committee.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

You lying sack of shit...Flynn said nothing about rounding up americans.

the disgraced, guilty AF, rw nutter who should have every star & stripe ripped off his uniform is a Qanon freak of the highest order.

but you knew that too.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

It is ironic that in this Memorial Day you have Trumpist morons agreeing with Flynn that we need a military coup to ”round up” Americans with whom they disagree. That these anti-American slime would destroy our constitutional republic for a lie just says how little they respect those that gave their lives to defend our freedom.

and oh my gawd...are you really so clueless....A military coup would by necessity be the people who have fought in wars to defend our freedoms...

A military coup would, by definition, be carried out by traitors.

So you calling George Washington a traitor, Benedict Arnold?
Flynn was national security advisor with, presumably, a top secret clearance. He was close to trump. He called for martial law even as Congress was certifying the electiohn. His brother was involved in the decision-making at the Pentagon during the invasion of Congress. Now he's saying, with absolutely no evidence, that the election was rigged and a coup is in order.

It's blatantly obvious why the republicans so vehemently opposed a 1/6 commission. They want to cover up how high up the conspiracy to attack our democratic instituions went.

This all smells like treason.
This just gets worse. And it's not funny any more.

Flynn (Q-TrumpWorld) told the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" audience that it's time for a Myanmar-style military coup. Right now. They loved it.

How many Trump supporters agree?

MAGAiNFO.tv - Political Programming

Again: How many Trump supporters agree with Flynn that Trump won the popular and electoral votes, and that we need a Myanmar-style military coup right now?

He stands in front of the God signs as if he is doing gods work. Just like trump flashing a bible in front of that church and the godbotherers cheered in unison that divine intervention had arrived.

Here we go again. Another Republican nut job is calling for another insurrection because he's not happy with democracy. No. He wants a fascist pillaging hordes of godbotherering republicans to mount a challenge to it. So much for being a democratic republic.

Go to the figures again and both assumptions about the count are completely false. But I know, like trump, they suck you guys in with everything you want to hear.

You have to start thinking it was not stolen. Ok it wasn't what you wanted but to fabricate lies about it stolen is disgraceful. No amount of belching lies will change the result.
Hold you riots and storm the barriers. The military will take care of you rednecks.
The Tremendous Hero General Flynn is a lot closer to the focus of power in this country than I am. And he was brought down by insurrectionists wbk decided to punish him for his son's revelations about Child Molestation among Obama's underlings.

He's in a lot better position to make the call than I am.

Of course, the military's job is to protect our Democracy and to squash those who would subvert it. Why wouldn't the military step in if the election was rigged?
Election fraud is a lie.

The question is, why do you hate our country? What do you fear about our democracy that you want to destroy it?

If you want to attack the word of a fallen military hero like General Flynn, on Memorial Day of all days, be my guest.

But I haven't see any proof from Sleepy Joe that his election was legit.

And the way the libs are trying to stop any audits into the disputed 2020 election tells me there is something up.
Hero? Hardly. The man is talking treason. He is a disgrace to his uniform and the country he swore to protect.

General Flynn was attacked LONG BEFORE the disputed 2020 election.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.

Why do you hate our democracy?

If fraud is proven, whose vote should count??

Election fraud is lie. Why do you want to destroy our country over a lie?

I would like to see a full audit of the vote. Given that you believe that all was fair and above board you should welcome confirmation of your opinion.

What is it you do not understand that we have had numerous recounts and court cases that found no fraud. Trump’s own administration called the election among the safest in history. Why is it that you persist in telling the lie of election fraud knowing that it is destroying our nation? I ask again why do you hate our democracy?

I am not interested in recounts or courts that ruled in many cases that they didn't have standing to launch a case. I am interested in verifying the ballots and ascertaining their legitimacy. Mail-in ballots are my primary question.

Absentee ballots at least provide greater assurance of their legitimacy given that they are requested by the voter and provide a clearer understanding of their origin and legitimacy.



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