Why so much anger on USMB

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


There are a lot of hyper partisans on the board from both the left and they right they tend to jump into the hate, anger and personal attack mode rather quickly especially when challenged in rational way. There are also those who aren't really political and don't want to debate anything they just want to push peoples buttons rile them up and stir the pot. Were also getting closer to the midterms every time another election gets near the people get more wound up.
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I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Judging by this thread Race seems to be the great divide and ignition point. Looks like some of us are angry that after several hundred years we haven't moved forward fast enough and those on the other side are angry that we can't go back.
post 139 proves jake is a liar. initially he agreed with the OP and did not mention anything about the left. after i called him on this, he then started complaining about the left so people wouldn't realize he is just like the leftwinger who started this thread.

--> Jake: "Much of the anger from the far right" <-- OP said the same and jake concurred


The anger comes from both the far right and far left, but is something I notice from people like you, Squirt. I mean if we are going to insult by playing on people's names, that seems like a fair deal, as childish and juvenile as it seems.

playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

I call it the way I see it. It appears there are many on this board who, when faced with facts that they cannot refute, revert to name calling and insults. I see it as a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Like always it is isolated to certain threads, and does not seem to have spiked or declined significantly in recent weeks.

Of course there are certain subjects that incite more anger than others, such as anything to do with the current President, and social issues such as the Donald Sterling case.
The anger comes from both the far right and far left, but is something I notice from people like you, Squirt. I mean if we are going to insult by playing on people's names, that seems like a fair deal, as childish and juvenile as it seems.

playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

I call it the way I see it. It appears there are many on this board who, when faced with facts that they cannot refute, revert to name calling and insults. I see it as a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies.

like this:

or like this:

And that is very scary! This woman is a MORON...
playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

I call it the way I see it. It appears there are many on this board who, when faced with facts that they cannot refute, revert to name calling and insults. I see it as a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies.

like this:

or like this:

And that is very scary! This woman is a MORON...

:badgrin: Yup, but I wasn't debating....I was stating a fact!
I call it the way I see it. It appears there are many on this board who, when faced with facts that they cannot refute, revert to name calling and insults. I see it as a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies.

like this:

or like this:

And that is very scary! This woman is a MORON...

:badgrin: Yup, but I wasn't debating....I was stating a fact!

i see. so then you will accept every insult directed at you and your fellow libbies as fact? or will you be intellectually dishonest about it?
I call it the way I see it. It appears there are many on this board who, when faced with facts that they cannot refute, revert to name calling and insults. I see it as a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies.

like this:

or like this:

And that is very scary! This woman is a MORON...

:badgrin: Yup, but I wasn't debating....I was stating a fact!

You were stating your opinion our opinions are not facts.
post 139 proves jake is a liar. initially he agreed with the OP and did not mention anything about the left. after i called him on this, he then started complaining about the left so people wouldn't realize he is just like the leftwinger who started this thread.

--> Jake: "Much of the anger from the far right" <-- OP said the same and jake concurred


The anger comes from both the far right and far left, but is something I notice from people like you, Squirt. I mean if we are going to insult by playing on people's names, that seems like a fair deal, as childish and juvenile as it seems.

playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

Yurt keeps crying, and showing his anger
like this:

or like this:

:badgrin: Yup, but I wasn't debating....I was stating a fact!

i see. so then you will accept every insult directed at you and your fellow libbies as fact? or will you be intellectually dishonest about it?

Whatever you want....:badgrin: We all occasionally say things we probably shouldn't, but such is life. You keep defending your position and we will keep defending ours. If an occasion insult comes from either side....well it happens.

Facts are Facts, just remember that. I would go back and copy some of your insults, but it would be too time consuming and, really I don't care.
:badgrin: Yup, but I wasn't debating....I was stating a fact!

i see. so then you will accept every insult directed at you and your fellow libbies as fact? or will you be intellectually dishonest about it?

Whatever you want....:badgrin: We all occasionally say things we probably shouldn't, but such is life. You keep defending your position and we will keep defending ours. If an occasion insult comes from either side....well it happens.

Facts are Facts, just remember that. I would go back and copy some of your insults, but it would be too time consuming and, really I don't care.

go ahead and list all my insults. i don't care. i'm not the one complaining that insults are "a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies".

YOU are. and you've been shown to be a hypocrite.

don't like it, don't be a fakey.
The anger comes from both the far right and far left, but is something I notice from people like you, Squirt. I mean if we are going to insult by playing on people's names, that seems like a fair deal, as childish and juvenile as it seems.

playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

Yurt keeps crying, and showing his anger

And all commies deserve a traitor's death.
no it isn't and that doesn't happen here. stormfront is solely for that. USMB isn't.

if you don't like people being able to freely express their irrational fears through racism, then don't post here. there are boards that much more strict about racist posts. i ignore virtually all racist posts. and most of those threads are put in the race forum to clean up the forum for the rest of us.

stormfront would never move those posts, they would be front and center.
They don't move posts here! The racist posts are always front and center. And putting racist threads in the race forum is nonsense...they should go in the badlands. The race forum is simply the meeting grounds for the pussy brigade...it has nothing to do with race, only hate.

Do you know how many PM's I have received with the racists calling me ******? That's A-OKAY on this forum!

1. they do move posts

2. if you're getting those PM's, report them as harassment, that is uncalled for. especially if you keep getting them.

1. No they don't.
2. Tried once, nothing done. (Remember, stormfront affiliated website)
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I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


How would you feel if your party tricked the entire country into a war costing trillions and claiming the lives of thousands of young Americans and we didn't even get the oil?

How would you feel if you found out your party protected BP and kept them from being investigated for months after they ruined our gulf coast?

How would you feel if you found out your party promotes "let him die" in public at presidential debates?

How would you feel if you found your leaders saying "snob" when asked about education, or trying to bring in immigrants with degrees while doing nothing to help their base?

How would you feel if you found out your leaders were holding the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans hostage while they extended tax cuts for rich people?

How would you feel if the entire world thought you were dangerous idiots after invading the wrong country?

There is a lot of reason for anger, but it will never be solved as long as there is no "acknowledgement".

It was never about oil and you know it.

You can safely swim and fish in that "ruined gulf coast".

Ask the 40 veterans who waited in vain.

It was always about oil and I know it.

Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP spill effects | Fox News

Wow, that's from Fox News? Fox????? Really?????


You eat that shit. I dare you. Not me. Look how Fox describes it:

Darla Rooks, another lifelong fisher from Port Sulfur, La., told the broadcaster she was seeing "eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills."

Rooks added that she had never seen such deformities in Gulf waters in her life -- a refrain common to most fishers featured in the report -- and said her seafood catch last year was "ten percent what it normally is."


So desperate to protect BP, these idiot right wingers will lie and cover up. But when the truth is so out there even Fox can't lie about it, they are only fucked and refuse to believe it.

And shame on any right winger who pretends to be concerned about the veterans. Not after what they did to the first responders, the scum:

GOP blocks first responder health care for 10 years

I can't help being mad at right wingers. They refuse to learn. They could look up the truth and won't. They are seriously damaged people.
i see. so then you will accept every insult directed at you and your fellow libbies as fact? or will you be intellectually dishonest about it?

Whatever you want....:badgrin: We all occasionally say things we probably shouldn't, but such is life. You keep defending your position and we will keep defending ours. If an occasion insult comes from either side....well it happens.

Facts are Facts, just remember that. I would go back and copy some of your insults, but it would be too time consuming and, really I don't care.

go ahead and list all my insults. i don't care. i'm not the one complaining that insults are "a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies".

YOU are. and you've been shown to be a hypocrite.

don't like it, don't be a fakey.

I said at the very beginning that we all do it, but that it seems the hate is coming more often. Don't be self righteous.
They don't move posts here! The racist posts are always front and center. And putting racist threads in the race forum is nonsense...they should go in the badlands. The race forum is simply the meeting grounds for the pussy brigade...it has nothing to do with race, only hate.

Do you know how many PM's I have received with the racists calling me ******? That's A-OKAY on this forum!

1. they do move posts

2. if you're getting those PM's, report them as harassment, that is uncalled for. especially if you keep getting them.

1. No they don't.
2. Tried once, nothing done. (Remember, stormfront affiliated website)

if it wasn't moved....contact [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION].

he is a fair admin

you're being unfair in judging this board and CK, you need to speak up

again [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]
Whatever you want....:badgrin: We all occasionally say things we probably shouldn't, but such is life. You keep defending your position and we will keep defending ours. If an occasion insult comes from either side....well it happens.

Facts are Facts, just remember that. I would go back and copy some of your insults, but it would be too time consuming and, really I don't care.

go ahead and list all my insults. i don't care. i'm not the one complaining that insults are "a desperate attempt at concealing their inadequacies".

YOU are. and you've been shown to be a hypocrite.

don't like it, don't be a fakey.

I said at the very beginning that we all do it, but that it seems the hate is coming more often. Don't be self righteous.

yet you and your buddy jakestarkey said MUCH of it is from the right. you both focused your energies on only the right .

your own posts show you to be a hypocrite. and you are much more reasonable than jake. saying we all do it, is not the same as saying, well, both sides do it, but 99% is the other side. not saying you said that, but your "much" implied that left was basically innocent or at least less culpable.

i am not self righteous in the slightest. both sides smear. i am certainly not innocent of never flaming or insulting. then again, i don't complain about it. it happens. it is a messageboard. the one's doing the most vile flaming and insults are those who are most insecure. because they hide behind the internet. you are not one of the those people, nor am i.

the anger rhetoric in politics cannot be attributed to any one political party or "side" if you will. i remember the gifford shooting and the left immediately blamed conservative or RW talking points for the shooting. that was disgusting. but i bet you that didn't bother you. are there folks in the RW aisle that do the same, damn right.
1. they do move posts

2. if you're getting those PM's, report them as harassment, that is uncalled for. especially if you keep getting them.

1. No they don't.
2. Tried once, nothing done. (Remember, stormfront affiliated website)

you're being unfair in judging this board and CK, you need to speak up

again [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I'm not being unfair at all. The thread is about why there is so much anger on this forum...I am explaining why. The board caters to, encourages and supports angry people. Period.

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