Why so much anger on USMB

The only people who ever were enchanted by and supportive of KKK mentality were the Democrats. I would say just ask grand wizard Robert K. Byrd, but thankfully and luckily for the world, that bastard is gone.

The man who repented and spent the rest of us life making it up, as compared, say, to Strom Thurmond who became a Republican and doubled down.

Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"?

Before you answer hastily, consider that what Donald Sterling said was a private conversation, illegally recorded, never used the N-word, would not stand up in any court, but the court of politically correct public opinion, which enjoys the poisoned fruit of any and all poisoned tree as long as it tastes racially sweet, while Robert Byrd openly, repeatedly and proudly used the N-word on the Senate floor, without any consequences or censure.

If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

Ummm.... no, dear. Strom Thurmond (not Thurman) left the Democratic Party because it wouldn't support racists like him any more. His roots never changed.

Matter of fact he left that party twice. The first time being 1948. The second time being right after LBJ signed the CRA in 1964.
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Oh bullshit. Show an instance of Strom Thurmond doubling down on offensive positions. Make sure you pick an instance which occurred after Robert Byrd's extraordinarily late conversion from being a brazen bigot.

Strom's not publicly acknowledging his illegitimate black daughter?

Effie Mae Washington Williams, now deceased. A relative of mine.
Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"? . . . . If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

Byrd changed his ways, FJO, but Strom did not. Tell your rant to his illegitimate black daughter Strom never acknowledged, and I bet she would laugh in your face.

When a white man has child with a black woman, it is proof that the man is NOT a racist.

Uhhhh..... thanks for playin'.

Ever hear of "rape"?
How would you feel if your party tricked the entire country into a war costing trillions and claiming the lives of thousands of young Americans and we didn't even get the oil?

How would you feel if you found out your party protected BP and kept them from being investigated for months after they ruined our gulf coast?

How would you feel if you found out your party promotes "let him die" in public at presidential debates?

How would you feel if you found your leaders saying "snob" when asked about education, or trying to bring in immigrants with degrees while doing nothing to help their base?

How would you feel if you found out your leaders were holding the unemployment benefits for millions of Americans hostage while they extended tax cuts for rich people?

How would you feel if the entire world thought you were dangerous idiots after invading the wrong country?

There is a lot of reason for anger, but it will never be solved as long as there is no "acknowledgement".

It was never about oil and you know it.

You can safely swim and fish in that "ruined gulf coast".

Ask the 40 veterans who waited in vain.

It was always about oil and I know it.

Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP spill effects | Fox News

Wow, that's from Fox News? Fox????? Really?????


You eat that shit. I dare you. Not me. Look how Fox describes it:

Darla Rooks, another lifelong fisher from Port Sulfur, La., told the broadcaster she was seeing "eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills."

Rooks added that she had never seen such deformities in Gulf waters in her life -- a refrain common to most fishers featured in the report -- and said her seafood catch last year was "ten percent what it normally is."


So desperate to protect BP, these idiot right wingers will lie and cover up. But when the truth is so out there even Fox can't lie about it, they are only fucked and refuse to believe it.

And shame on any right winger who pretends to be concerned about the veterans. Not after what they did to the first responders, the scum:

GOP blocks first responder health care for 10 years

I can't help being mad at right wingers. They refuse to learn. They could look up the truth and won't. They are seriously damaged people.

Come on. Are these right wingers still going to eat the shrimp? It least it can't see what's coming.
Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"? . . . . If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

Byrd changed his ways, FJO, but Strom did not. Tell your rant to his illegitimate black daughter Strom never acknowledged, and I bet she would laugh in your face.

When a white man has child with a black woman, it is proof that the man is NOT a racist.

This is among the more idiotic posts of the day, and that’s quite an accomplishment.
Would you be so forgiving, loving and understanding if Donald Sterling "repented"? . . . . If anyone "repented" it was Strom Thurman by abandoning his racist Democrat roots and became Republican.

Byrd changed his ways, FJO, but Strom did not. Tell your rant to his illegitimate black daughter Strom never acknowledged, and I bet she would laugh in your face.

Neither Strom Thurmond, nor I ever used the N-word as KKK Grand Wizard Robert K, Byrd did, so there is nothing to repent.

Byrd, on the other hand.....

Wrong again dood.

I know you lived in Hungary when this went down (1948) but it's fairly well known...


This would be the presidential campaign referenced earlier, when he found the Democratic Party's civil rights platform planks so unacceptable that he bolted the party, walked out of the convention and started his own party where he could run with his racism.

Also the same campaign Trent Lott was talking about when he said "if the rest of the country had followed our lead (Mississippi voting for Thurmond), we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years either!"
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OMG -- a politician who had an affair didn't publicly admit it and that's him doubling down on racist positions?


Robert Byrd in 2001 on the subject of race relations:

If that's how a Republican "repented and spent the rest of us life making it up", there would be no end to the castigation of him.

Pretty much when he supports his actions with beautiful quotes like this:

"I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, there’s not enough
troops in the army to force the southern people to break
down segregation and accept the Negro [pronounced Nigra]
into our theatres, into our swimming pools, into our homes,
and into our churches."

You have to go back to a 1948 quote from Strom Thurmond when I give you a 2001 quote from Robert Byrd?

Uhhhmmm... you had to go back further than that to find a Byrd association with the Klan soooo....

-- which was also before he ever ran for office...
When a white man has child with a black woman, it is proof that the man is NOT a racist.

Please explain that retarded statement.^^^

OK, let me try.

I don't know about you, but I would not make love to a woman whose skin, manners, voice, hair, nose, lips, accent and fragrance repulsed me. For me, the smell of tobacco breath, unwashed underarms and lack of sense of humor would be a far stronger deal breaker.

I had girl friends in my youth who had skin color different from mine. One girl, from Ghana I was so much in love with, I proposed. She accepted but her parents could not live with the idea that their daughter would marry a white guy, so they broke my heart and squashed our plans.

Tell me who was the racist.

People who are displaying negative emotions and lack of physical attraction towards people who look different are people to whom skin color is only skin deep.

Looking back now, if I had married the girl from Ghana, and I would be as happy and content with being married to her as I am being married to my wife of 45 years, I think that would disqualify me for the accusations of Jake Starkey.

People who are repulsed by skin color, manners, voice, hair, nose, lips accent or fragrance are bigots and racists, and I am not now, nor have I ever been.

I hope that helps.

Then you don't understand the psychology of racism, and perhaps even that of sex.

Number one, you need to know that racism comes from a fundamental failure to understand what it naïvely perceives as an "other" -- which commonly involves a dualism that entertains both attraction and revulsion simultaneously. That's part of the irreconcilable paradox that makes racists insane; as long as that fundamental logical fallacy is held as a truism, it presents contradictions which can never be explained. And that frustration is usually taken out on the racist's target. Because it's a path of lesser resistance to take it out on somebody else -- even though it's not their doing -- than to find a way to settle the contradictions in one's own core beliefs (in other words, to admit one has been wrong).

Number two, you need to understand that rape is not a perverted manifestation of sexual attraction; it is a perverted manifestation of personal power. And that doesn't require a physical attraction. Because that isn't the point.
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April has been a horrific month. There have been more tragedies, horrific news coming out of this past month than I can recall in recent years. It has been almost unbelievable. Someone ought to do a day by day review of April 2014 just to have a look at how bad it was. That alone added to the stress level seen here.

Gee...what horrible, never-before-experienced things did I miss?
You would fit right in at stormfront, in my opinion.

then you can surely cite one post of mine that is racist.....right?

all you do is lie jake. i don't understand why. really, why lie so much on the internet? is it just to get a rise out of people? or is it because you're pathological?

Your entire posting can be found in your information sheet under 'statistics.'

It's all there. You, of all people, don't get to decide what is proof.

and you of all people do?

all you have do to is cite one post jake. but you can't, because you know such a post does not exist. you can prove your point. but you of all people never do, because your people are liars and leftwingers that pretend to be middle of the road folks. you're a phony. the only the ones that don't know it are the far left wingers.
That person you accuse told me that you were harassing that poster, that you tried to set him up, and you got hammered. True or false?

do you give me permission to post your PM's about this? i know you won't, because your post is an entire lie.

True or false, Yurt? You messed up. You are out in the open and no where to hide.

can i post the PM's, yes or no?

yes, i messed up. i admitted it to the mod who was not going to ban me. but then i looked at my inbox, and realized i responded to you. hence why we both got banned. had i not been honest, only you would have been banned.

you started this, care to go further....care to explain why we got banned? i doubt you will, because you will lose all credibility. oh wait, you won't, because only the far leftwingers give you any.
The anger from the right began when Obama was elected in 2008. Then in 2012, when he won his second term, the anger that I have seen on USMB and even among many in the community is unprecedented. I mean look at what is happening in Nevada. Really?

These people are not accepting the rule of law. They are making a mockery of the justice system by thumbing their nose at several court rulings and then defending a criminal. They are pointing their weapons at citizens and law officers. The anger is becoming more and more aggressive in nature.

The good news, perhaps, is that most Americans are level headed enough to see just how crazy those crazies are.
I see some, not all, on the right simply responding in kind to the constant angry nasty from the left.
Then how do you explain the fact that I've never been nasty to anyone, yet I'm constantly attacked by the right?

How do you explain that, you fucking assh............um............fellow USMB poster?
The right has had only a very limited "time of importance" in the past 60+ years.

And what conservatives seek is not so much to acquire "importance," but the ability to effect necessary change.

If that's what Fakey calls "importance," thankfully he is as wrong about his vision of the future as he is dishonest ab out his political affiliation.

The conservative movement is gearing up, not getting crushed. It will stage a comeback. That is important actually. We NEED to undo the Obamadamage.

As more of you nutcakes die off and the younger kids reject your ideas that are retarded, the conservative movement you think will comeback will be a lot less virulent in its racism. Nothing wrong with being conservative but when you combine that with your idiotic social values you get a particularly nasty oppressive stench that fills the room.

Assclapius, you pathetic idiot, you and your filthy ilk are the racists, you dipshit scumbag asshole. Dayum, are you one stupid racist pigshit lying piece of filth.

Conservatism has no essential correlation with racism, you hack lying stooge moron.

As is typical with mindless scumbag lolberal drones, you simpleton, you confuse conservatism with "social conservatism" as if those two are the same thing.

I'm talking about conservatism you asshole. You don't even have the slightest ability to comprehend the topic since you are an idiot like so may asshole lolberals who rely on cartoonish stereotypes.

I was about to agree with and develop "Conservatism has no essential correlation with racism" ...
-- but it's surrounded with so much 14-year-old level ad hom bullshit, forget it. Maybe a mature adult can make the point.
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post 139 proves jake is a liar. initially he agreed with the OP and did not mention anything about the left. after i called him on this, he then started complaining about the left so people wouldn't realize he is just like the leftwinger who started this thread.

--> Jake: "Much of the anger from the far right" <-- OP said the same and jake concurred


The anger comes from both the far right and far left, but is something I notice from people like you, Squirt. I mean if we are going to insult by playing on people's names, that seems like a fair deal, as childish and juvenile as it seems.

playing on people's names is not anger jim. if you think that is anger, then you have issues.

btw...your OP clearly indicated "MUCH" of it is from the RW. that alone makes you lose all credibility. it comes from both sides equally. calling out one side and not the other makes you look like a hypocrite.

Uh-- "Much" and "equally" are not mutually exclusive there, Noah Webster. Duh.
1. No they don't.
2. Tried once, nothing done. (Remember, stormfront affiliated website)

you're being unfair in judging this board and CK, you need to speak up

again [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I'm not being unfair at all. The thread is about why there is so much anger on this forum...I am explaining why. The board caters to, encourages and supports angry people. Period.

when you actually back up a claim jake....then you can ask me. until then....you're just another two faced hypocrite.

you've been asked repeatedly to back your claims, like most child molesters are rightwingers....and then this thread....you said "much" of the anger is from the right.

you never back up your claims, but oddly, you always demand others do so. and yet, some on this board still give you credibility. nice circle jerk you have.

Notice the anger, folks?

Yurt normally can't back his claims. When he does try, he fails and then gets mad.

I do believe "much" of the anger is from the right, and I think that most child molesters are from the far right.

You can't disprove either of them.

I will continue to treat Yurt as he tries to treat others, and then he ends up crying like above. :lol:

what an odd post. you finally admit that i was right when you agreed with the OP. and then you bring up another claim about the far right....and then to "prove" your claim.....you say i can't disprove either of them.

jake's method of debate: make a debate point, then demand the other person prove he is wrong.

can anyone explain the fallacy of this to jake? anyone? ''

you beat your dog jake. prove i'm wrong.

Oh Jesizz Christ on a cracker, get a frickin' room you two, holy shit!
you're being unfair in judging this board and CK, you need to speak up

again [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION]

I'm not being unfair at all. The thread is about why there is so much anger on this forum...I am explaining why. The board caters to, encourages and supports angry people. Period.


Which part?

You will say horseshit to me, but when the resident racist post the nonstop 'I hate blacks' nonsense, you are eerily silent or thanking them for their 'insight' after they derail a thread about fish to say blacks are stupid.

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