Why so much anger on USMB

I'm not being unfair at all. The thread is about why there is so much anger on this forum...I am explaining why. The board caters to, encourages and supports angry people. Period.


Which part?

You will say horseshit to me, but when the resident racist post the nonstop 'I hate blacks' nonsense, you are eerily silent or thanking them for their 'insight' after they derail a thread about fish to say blacks are stupid.

What in the wide world of blue fuck are you talking about?

"Fish"? "Insight"?

And that's why you folks are dying out; the millenials have nothing to do with you.

My children are a bit older than to be called millennials, but since they were not raised by the most wasteful and useless generation, you know, baby boomers, they will have respect for their elders and would look out for us, even though we have been conservatives all our lives (well maybe not between the age of 9 and 14) and could manage on our own. You should be so lucky.
As have we: four children, four marriages, four graduate degrees, fifteen grandchildren, no divorces, no bankrupticies, no drugs, no addictions. And the grandchildren will have nothing to with the far right. Nor will their friends nor their friends friends.

But they will have to pay off - or die trying to pay off - the debt you free-spending liberals piled upon them.
Jake, how do your grandchildren and their friends know when they are in the presence of someone that is far right? Do they ask everyone they meet about their politics before asking their names? That sounds kind of unusual!
My children are a bit older than to be called millennials, but since they were not raised by the most wasteful and useless generation, you know, baby boomers, they will have respect for their elders and would look out for us, even though we have been conservatives all our lives (well maybe not between the age of 9 and 14) and could manage on our own. You should be so lucky.
As have we: four children, four marriages, four graduate degrees, fifteen grandchildren, no divorces, no bankrupticies, no drugs, no addictions. And the grandchildren will have nothing to with the far right. Nor will their friends nor their friends friends.

But they will have to pay off - or die trying to pay off - the debt you free-spending liberals piled upon them.

And free spending "conservatives" with their welfare capitalism and bloated DoD budgets.
Jake, how do your grandchildren and their friends know when they are in the presence of someone that is far right? Do they ask everyone they meet about their politics before asking their names? That sounds kind of unusual!

I should have added 'principles' to 'far right'. They tell me they vote GOP almost all of the time but are quite frustrated with the far right in the party here in Utah. They supported the Count My Vote effort that resulted in a mixed caucus and primary approach to opening the candidate selection process, for example. They are not afraid of government being involved in resolving our terrible pollution in Utah along the Wasatch Front. They have no use for racism, ageism, sexism, etc., of the far right, yet they are glad the AA decision came down. I believe they are modern Republicans who will have nothing to do with the far right politically.
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When you have posters like
Nutty luddite
Twat com
Fakey Jakey
posting endless threads sucking obama ass, I can see why some cons get mad. :D

IMHO, this board would suck without their nutty threads from Bubbleland!! All the human racist hate America types are why we keep coming back in here......and for me, populating my gay MSPaint Photobucket classics library and keep the creativity going!!! These people allow us to highlight the level of absurdity in the things they advocate for = win.
When you have posters like
Nutty luddite
Twat com
Fakey Jakey
posting endless threads sucking obama ass, I can see why some cons get mad. :D

Damn. I was left out. Wah............wah..........................

Funny, most of what I post are about Republicans. The most recent one was the funniest one I posted in a long time. Not the one about Republicans blocking the BP investigation or the one about Republicans holding millions of unemployed hostage to get tax cuts for the rich or the one about Republicans blocking health care for first responders for 10 years after 9/11.

No, the one in response to the wonderful clean up after the BP oil "spill" and how the food is now so "tasty".

Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP spill effects | Fox News

And look at that, it's from Fox News. Can you believe it? You would think they would be telling their base "bon apatite".

I think this is the best part right here:

eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills

Now who was it that apologized to who? Hint, it was BP who received the "apology".

They tell me I suck Obama's ass. I dare you morons to go suck an eyeless shrimp. I double dare you.
When you have posters like
Nutty luddite
Twat com
Fakey Jakey
posting endless threads sucking obama ass, I can see why some cons get mad. :D

Damn. I was left out. Wah............wah..........................

Funny, most of what I post are about Republicans. The most recent one was the funniest one I posted in a long time. Not the one about Republicans blocking the BP investigation or the one about Republicans holding millions of unemployed hostage to get tax cuts for the rich or the one about Republicans blocking health care for first responders for 10 years after 9/11.

No, the one in response to the wonderful clean up after the BP oil "spill" and how the food is now so "tasty".

Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP spill effects | Fox News

And look at that, it's from Fox News. Can you believe it? You would think they would be telling their base "bon apatite".

I think this is the best part right here:

eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills

Now who was it that apologized to who? Hint, it was BP who received the "apology".

They tell me I suck Obama's ass. I dare you morons to go suck an eyeless shrimp. I double dare you.

Repub- voter (rw drones) hypocrisy knows no bounds. I think it REALLY stung when they lost to the black guy THE SECOND TIME :( EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS 8% unemployment. Reason? Voters see what repubs do when they get in office :up: screw the middle-class over again & again, & again, etc...
Ignorance is forgivable, but the willful ignorance of the lefties here just pisses me off.

Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm
When you have posters like
Nutty luddite
Twat com
Fakey Jakey
posting endless threads sucking obama ass, I can see why some cons get mad. :D

IMHO, this board would suck without their nutty threads from Bubbleland!! All the human racist hate America types are why we keep coming back in here......and for me, populating my gay MSPaint Photobucket classics library and keep the creativity going!!! These people allow us to highlight the level of absurdity in the things they advocate for = win.

Well said. But it's not just the wacko left. There are plenty of wacko authoritarian right folk around to that make this place fun for us libertarians.
The loonies of the far right and the far left and the libertarians, in particular, continue to entertain for grins and chuckles only.
Damn. I was left out. Wah............wah..........................

Funny, most of what I post are about Republicans. The most recent one was the funniest one I posted in a long time. Not the one about Republicans blocking the BP investigation or the one about Republicans holding millions of unemployed hostage to get tax cuts for the rich or the one about Republicans blocking health care for first responders for 10 years after 9/11.

No, the one in response to the wonderful clean up after the BP oil "spill" and how the food is now so "tasty".

Eyeless shrimp and mutant fish raise concerns over BP spill effects | Fox News

And look at that, it's from Fox News. Can you believe it? You would think they would be telling their base "bon apatite".

I think this is the best part right here:

eyeless fish, and fish lacking even eye sockets, and fish with lesions, fish without covers over their gills and others with large pink masses hanging off their eyes and gills

Now who was it that apologized to who? Hint, it was BP who received the "apology".

They tell me I suck Obama's ass. I dare you morons to go suck an eyeless shrimp. I double dare you.

Repub- voter (rw drones) hypocrisy knows no bounds. I think it REALLY stung when they lost to the black guy THE SECOND TIME :( EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS 8% unemployment. Reason? Voters see what repubs do when they get in office :up: screw the middle-class over again & again, & again, etc...

Your just pissed you didn't make the list.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Why what?

We Progressives don't start the fights here but we sure do finish 'em :mad:

I don't like the last Repub president's huge increase in gov't power & bureaucracy either.

"The President proposes to create a new Department of Homeland Security, the most significant transformation of the U.S. government in over half-century by largely transforming and realigning the current confusing patchwork of government activities into a single department whose primary mission is to protect our homeland. The creation of a Department of Homeland Security is one more key step in the President’s national strategy for homeland security."

-From the Department of Homeland Security June 2002 - George W. Bush
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