Why so much anger on USMB

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Hi Jim: I went through this same thing when Bush was in office. I could not speak to some of my left wing friends without getting my EAR yelled off, screamed at, and I am STILL BLAMED TODAY as being in bed with Bush cronies or all kinds of namecalling.
I agree with the left on reimbursement and corrections owed to taxpayers, but I still got an earful and verbally abused by my own colleagues for even SUGGESTING to work WITH both parties to enforce points of agreement and correction. The worst was falsely assumed of me, and still is,
for wanting to collaborate between all parties to address what is owed to the taxpayers and how to delegate each party to fix their own programs.

I am a prochoice liberal Democrat, and I was surrounded by a bunch of stressed out, freaked out people, who couldn't focus on corrections to the problems with corrupt war policy and spending, but were herded into supporting whatever it took to "get rid of Bush."

Now I see the opposite is happening. Instead of solving the problems, the politicians are abusing the conflict for votes and campaigns against each other's parties! This is keeping the people in a constant state of division, distrust and projected blame at each other.

I believe this process is from the shoe being on the other foot.

Whatever blame game and outrage at Bush was never acknowledged as real objections but were written off as Bush haters who are UNAMERICAN and only interested in their own political agenda

has come back the other way, and now people are asking what this hatred, is it because Obama is black and these people are just RACIST.

So the more the people seem complacent and simply dismiss the objections as unfounded,
it makes the petitioners and protests even more distressed those grievances are not heard, but blamed on race the same way objections against Bush policies were "invalid."

I believe the anger and angst could be put aside if we set up means of
hearing out what the problems are and how can they be addressed,
instead of just rallying against each other's parties with verbal warfare in the media and legal warfare in the courts, or political warfare in elections and legislative campaigns.

The anger is mutual when people's SINCERE objections and grievances are "written off"
and people are called NAMES and blamed as the problem. Either UNAMERICAN COMMUNISTS if you have issues with Bush policies (which even many Republican conservative and Constitutionalists on all sides also had with his use of executive and military authority), or RACIST HATERS if you have issues with Obama policies (which even the far left and liberal Constitutionalists have and not just conservatives).

Both sides felt BLAMED as the VICTIM, which escalates the outrage.

The saddest thing, is I don't believe people MEAN to do this or understand.
People sincerely believe the others are just being political and do not have valid
beliefs or objections to defend!

So that is the only reason I am not as angered, I am more DEPRESSED.
I am in GRIEF for both sides of both issues with both Presidents seen as imposing
overreaching policies at taxpayers' expense.

I have been fighting depression for months, it comes and goes.

But when people start namecalling me, calling me a liar, and punishing me "without defense or due process" to prove any of their accusations, yes, I get angry
and have to go think of something else. I haven't been able to get work done I wanted
for about a year now because this whole thing has been too disturbing and depressing.

I believe if people understood the grief is MUTUAL
that we have done this to each other, taking turns,
maybe we could see where it is coming from and agree to avoid this in the future.
By working out our objections and resolutions directly with each other
and NOT let politicians exploit our conflicts to go abuse us this way!

I really blame the political parties for profiting off these objections, abusing them to name call and incite fear division and hateful rejection and distrust, instead of resolving them
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Today, 08:08 AM Remove user from ignore list
Dot Com This message is hidden because Dot Com is on your ignore list.
no walls of text emilyngheim!!! :eusa_hand: GTFO w/ that


Sorry Dot Com, that is the way I think and write.

I'm sorry if it offends you.

And yes you do show "extreme prejudice"
for punishing someone for how I naturally speak.

Would you punish an autistic person?

Or someone with PTSD from legal abuse?

I am in recovery from long years of legal and govt abuse.
If you would please take that into consideration,
I would appreciate not being judged unfairly or punished
just because I express myself the way I do.

I do not judge people on here, no matter how their statements come out.

So may I ask you to judge me by the system I use to judge others,
which is based on whether we respond to corrections, not judging by our mistakes.

I am happy to judge you by your own criteria you use for you.
But I do not believe that is fair to judge me by your criteria which I do not use for others.

That is as wrong as judging a Christian by Atheist beliefs,
or judging an Atheist by Christian beliefs. I don't believe in doing that.

If you believe in imposing your own judgment on people
WITHOUT due process, defense or considering any mitigating circumstances,
you are welcome to have that system imposed on you.

I believe in Constitutional due process and do not consent to
being judged unfairly by your system of punishing others this way.

Thank you but no thanks
Yours truly,
Emily Nghiem

PS would you like to discuss this in the BullRing
if it is fair for you to judge me for how I write
without considering my background, intent or mitigating circumstances
but to project your own judgment on me and punish me with negative rep?

I am happy to show the message I posted which you objected to,
and you can explain what in my msg was so offensive.

I am happy to apologize and correct the post if you can tell me
how to express the same personal experiences in a better format.

So I am willing to make corrections.
Are you?
We Progressives don't start the fights here but we sure do finish 'em :mad:

I believe in therapy not fighting, which wastes resources and kills relations
instead of building community partnerships to solve problems from all political angles.

And especially do not believe in "friendly fire" to shoot down your own team members!
I am a fellow Progressive, and have been working for years to defend sustainable
progressive plans to solve govt problems of abuse, and pay back taxpayers for damages.


Dot Com can we align on the same side?
I appreciate your fighting spirit, but just don't enjoy getting my head blown off.
Especially not by a fellow compatriot in the same battles I've been fighting for years!
do you give me permission to post your PM's about this? i know you won't, because your post is an entire lie.

True or false, Yurt? You messed up. You are out in the open and no where to hide.

can i post the PM's, yes or no?

yes, i messed up. i admitted it to the mod who was not going to ban me. but then i looked at my inbox, and realized i responded to you. hence why we both got banned. had i not been honest, only you would have been banned.

you started this, care to go further....care to explain why we got banned? i doubt you will, because you will lose all credibility. oh wait, you won't, because only the far leftwingers give you any.

i knew jake would run away....when i pointed out the truth

then you can surely cite one post of mine that is racist.....right?

all you do is lie jake. i don't understand why. really, why lie so much on the internet? is it just to get a rise out of people? or is it because you're pathological?

Your entire posting can be found in your information sheet under 'statistics.'

It's all there. You, of all people, don't get to decide what is proof.

and you of all people do?

all you have do to is cite one post jake. but you can't, because you know such a post does not exist. you can prove your point. but you of all people never do, because your people are liars and leftwingers that pretend to be middle of the road folks. you're a phony. the only the ones that don't know it are the far left wingers.

and jake never cited a single post.

saved for another fakey lie
kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.
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kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.

I have no idea who "kg" and "dc" are. Are they people posting on this board, who were disrespected by JakeStarkey and his laziness to spell out their name?

When one talks to or about another poster, one should show enough respect to address or refer to that person by their name.
Ignorance is forgivable, but the willful ignorance of the lefties here just pisses me off.

Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?
Ignorance is forgivable, but the willful ignorance of the lefties here just pisses me off.

Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?

Education - when it was properly applied - was the strength that made America what America once was. When knowledge of arithmetic was not politically correctly made 2+2=5. When history did not teach that white people are racist criminal bastards whose greatest pleasure is killing Native Americans and enslaving African Americans.

There was a time when people were real enough to realize that college education was NOT for everyone, and there was no shame of learning a trade and working as a plumber or as a carpenter was just as honorable and honest as any job that required a college degree.

There was a time when responding to differing opinions did not result in name-calling. When people who dared to promote self-respect and self-reliance were not called "ignorant and stupid fucks", "dirty people" and people of "ignorance and inbreeding".

There was a time when self-inflicted wound did not earn a Purple Heart, especially not for the cad who threw his unearned medals over the fence surrounding the White House, by a person who can rightfully be called a gigolo.

There was time when people who "weren't smart", but created value more than the current empty suit in the White House ever did, were respected for the work they did.
kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.

While I agree that none of those options are viable in the long term what is is that you do want?
Ignorance is forgivable, but the willful ignorance of the lefties here just pisses me off.

Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?

Your a dumb ass lying piece of dog shit.
Ignorance is forgivable, but the willful ignorance of the lefties here just pisses me off.

Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?
Why so angry libtard? :badgrin:
Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?
Why so angry libtard? :badgrin:

He's afraid we'll stop his welfare check.
rw'ers are still in disbelief that their "redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top 1%" was rejected by the voters of this great nation.

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