Why so much anger on USMB

Amelia, Yurt chases me, so I have no trouble playing with his angst. If that is trolling to you, so be it. The condemnation bothers me not.

I do agree with you people should not use the PMs with the n-word or pornography or whatever. I have not spoke to Yurt in PM in quite awhile. I did not respond to his two PMs yesterday, and I won't open anymore of his nonsense.

Yes, I agree that Admin should protect one's privacy in the PM box.
Yurt chases me as well. Many times I'll look at a new thread I just created &, sure enough, Yurtle will be there criticizing it like anyone :gives: about his *cough* "opinion"
Why is there so much anger on USMB?

Here are some but perhaps not all of the answers:

1. The democrats are angry because people have the ability to think and when they think, they realize that the democrats are lying all the time. When democrats see this they not only get angry but they resort to the time tested technique of ridiculing when you can't make a logical argument.

2. One of the reasons conservatives are angry is because democrats are so dishonest. They know that what they are saying is wrong, they know that their leaders are corrupt and lying, but they don't care. It's all about the win with the left and people on the right cannot understand thinking that is that screwed up.

3. Then there are the left wing arguing tactics of smoke screens, strawman arguments, derailing, and ridicule.

4. Another thing that makes conservatives so angry is that liberals and their left wing nut talking points are like cockroaches. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you squash on in one thread, the same cockroach shows up in another thread saying the same stupid thing you already squashed previously. It never ends, they never admit they are wrong and they don't care.

5. The last thing that makes conservatives so mad right now is that these dishonest, ignorant, low-life's not only vote, but they are making little dishonest and ignorant low life babies faster than anyone else. It really pisses us off that they may be right about one thing and that is that we will fade away and all that will be left is a nation of ignorant, government dependant sheep.

So according to Predfan conservatives are 4 times as angry as Dems! Looks like he might have actually got something right by accident even if it is based entirely upon emoting rather than reason. :badgrin:

I think I quite adequately spelled out the reasons we are angry. What's the problem?

...and I'm always right.
Someone just remarked to me that Yurt act's like a twelve-year old, which comports with descriptions I have received about him elsewhere than on the open Board.

Yurt is limited, angry, challenged, and is in a state of mental decomposition.

What is truly fun is that the PM rules changed and he knew nothing about it until just yesterday. :lol:

Yes, it's truly fun that now people are allowed to harass others in PM and send porn and call them the n-word, and they won't be moderated for it.

That's truly fun. :eusa_hand:

Yurt tried to help someone feel better yesterday -- someone who has apparently been treated badly. And I hope that person will report it when other people harass him with the n-word. Maybe admin will rethink their policy once again and return to offering members protection from assholes who invade their inbox.

That would be nice. Until then, it's just "fun". :eusa_hand:

I wish Yurt would stop taking your bait and stop picking at the scabs in other threads. But just because he takes your bait doesn't mean you're not an ass for trolling.

All you have to do is block them, there's no need to call the police to protect you.
It appears that once again, progressives will be caught completely unawares when the people they abuse rise up against them. They always are. They were shocked, shocked I say! When they realized that the policies they supported during WWII led to the torture and death of millions of innocents. They'll always be *shocked* because if they aren't shocked, they have to admit that their policies violate human, and civil rights.

And they won't do that. Fascists won't, you know.
Amelia, Yurt chases me, so I have no trouble playing with his angst. If that is trolling to you, so be it. The condemnation bothers me not.

I do agree with you people should not use the PMs with the n-word or pornography or whatever. I have not spoke to Yurt in PM in quite awhile. I did not respond to his two PMs yesterday, and I won't open anymore of his nonsense.

Yes, I agree that Admin should protect one's privacy in the PM box.

thanks for surrendering your claim about our earlier PM's

i appreciate that
The velvet fascists of our corporate right and left surely won't protect human and civil rights if it threatens to interfer with their profits.
Someone just remarked to me that Yurt act's like a twelve-year old, which comports with descriptions I have received about him elsewhere than on the open Board.

Yurt is limited, angry, challenged, and is in a state of mental decomposition.

What is truly fun is that the PM rules changed and he knew nothing about it until just yesterday. :lol:

are you sad about the new rule changes?

Someone just remarked to me that Yurt act's like a twelve-year old, which comports with descriptions I have received about him elsewhere than on the open Board.

Yurt is limited, angry, challenged, and is in a state of mental decomposition.

What is truly fun is that the PM rules changed and he knew nothing about it until just yesterday. :lol:

Yes, it's truly fun that now people are allowed to harass others in PM and send porn and call them the n-word, and they won't be moderated for it.

That's truly fun. :eusa_hand:

Yurt tried to help someone feel better yesterday -- someone who has apparently been treated badly. And I hope that person will report it when other people harass him with the n-word. Maybe admin will rethink their policy once again and return to offering members protection from assholes who invade their inbox.

That would be nice. Until then, it's just "fun". :eusa_hand:

I wish Yurt would stop taking your bait and stop picking at the scabs in other threads. But just because he takes your bait doesn't mean you're not an ass for trolling.

i like toying with fakey

but your words are noted and considered

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


I don't see it as cons or libs, I see anger but I also see lashing out which makes no sense. I see accusations, etc. name calling. Both sides are guilty and I don't see one or the other as different, although I believe I seem more Ad hominem attacks from those far left of center.

The crazy thing is the attacks are directed at the wrong people. Everyone is so divided trying to defend their chosen party, they are missing we are fighting the wrong people, we need to attack the politicians and their policy which inevitably hurts all of us.
The ad homs come heavy from both sides for a fact.

What the Board does demonstrate as a snap shot of the extremes in America politics and society is that the Social Compact has crumbled.

It is gone and will not come back.
The ad homs come heavy from both sides for a fact.

What the Board does demonstrate as a snap shot of the extremes in America politics and society is that the Social Compact has crumbled.

It is gone and will not come back.
America has been polarized before, for long stretches of time.

I'm a little more optimistic about the future than you are, by the looks of it.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Much of the anger from the far right, eg., NLT, reveal s their awareness of the growing marginalization in preventing inevitable social, cultural, and political change in America. Some of it is racist but not as much as the left portrays it

don't let posters fool you
I am not as optimistic as Kondor.

Corporatism and fascism, from the left and right, are going to make us slaves if they can.
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


Well first off.... Human nature tends to naturally see the other side as being angry, while their side is not. It is always funny to see someone on the left looking at what appears to me to be a bitter angry insults of another leftist, and conclude "He's just being funny. Can't you take a joke?"

And then see that same leftist looking at my post in response, which was designed to be sarcastic and funny, and claim I'm an angry mad hater person.

I am sure that people on the right, do the same. It's just human nature.

Now granted there are some people that get angry and all bent at other posters and rip them the shreds, and the sad truth is, in many cases there are reasons. It's usually how the other poster is acting that incites the response.

Let me give you an example.


I had been posting in this thread on Capitalism Guaranteed Rising Inequality, when this poster brought up a study which showed that generally speaking, a person is often likely to end up in the same economic position as his parents.

So I wrote this post here, which explain that this wasn't very relevant, because it's not the money that makes the difference, but rather your parents passing on worth ethic, and genetic predisposition. Successful parents tend to pass on the same drive to succeed, to their kids.

I then posted evidence from his own report, supporting that claim, and explaining the counter evidence. Now up to this point, I had treated him with respect, as an adult mature person discussing the topic.

Now look how he responded.....

True and irrelevant.

This is irrelevant to you. That is true. But why do you think the 100s of millions of people this study refers to are irrelevant? It isn't irrelevant for me, many of my friends, my community, and 58% of Americans who will experience poverty for a year at least.

Please explain why millions and millions of human beings are irrelevant.

He deleted 99% of my post, keeping only one sentence, without context, and then just flat out fabricated that I was saying that millions of people are irrelevant.

Go look at the thread yourself. That's exactly what he did.

Now, how should I respond to such a person? Should I continue the discussion on the same terms? Why bother?

If I had continued to respond decently, as to another adult, he would have just deleted 99% of my post again, kept one sentence out of context again, and then simply made up whatever he wanted it to mean, all over again.

He proved he was a pathetic child, not worthy of the respect due an adult. He proved he was too stupid and immature to debate on a forum with intelligent people.

So... I treated him like he was. I told him off, for being the worthless pile of human excrement that he was. Now some people call me a hater.... I don't care. I don't hate him. I'm just calling him out for what he is.

If you don't want to be 'called' crap that needs flushed, don't 'be' crap that needs flushed. Simple enough. You want people to talk decently, be decent. How hard is that?
Why is there so much anger on USMB?

Here are some but perhaps not all of the answers:

1. The democrats are angry because people have the ability to think and when they think, they realize that the democrats are lying all the time. When democrats see this they not only get angry but they resort to the time tested technique of ridiculing when you can't make a logical argument.

2. One of the reasons conservatives are angry is because democrats are so dishonest. They know that what they are saying is wrong, they know that their leaders are corrupt and lying, but they don't care. It's all about the win with the left and people on the right cannot understand thinking that is that screwed up.

3. Then there are the left wing arguing tactics of smoke screens, strawman arguments, derailing, and ridicule.

4. Another thing that makes conservatives so angry is that liberals and their left wing nut talking points are like cockroaches. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you squash on in one thread, the same cockroach shows up in another thread saying the same stupid thing you already squashed previously. It never ends, they never admit they are wrong and they don't care.

5. The last thing that makes conservatives so mad right now is that these dishonest, ignorant, low-life's not only vote, but they are making little dishonest and ignorant low life babies faster than anyone else. It really pisses us off that they may be right about one thing and that is that we will fade away and all that will be left is a nation of ignorant, government dependant sheep.

So according to Predfan conservatives are 4 times as angry as Dems! Looks like he might have actually got something right by accident even if it is based entirely upon emoting rather than reason. :badgrin:

I think I quite adequately spelled out the reasons we are angry. What's the problem?

...and I'm always right.

Does that make you KG's sock? :lol:
CaféAuLait;9039120 said:
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


I don't see it as cons or libs, I see anger but I also see lashing out which makes no sense. I see accusations, etc. name calling. Both sides are guilty and I don't see one or the other as different, although I believe I seem more Ad hominem attacks from those far left of center.

The crazy thing is the attacks are directed at the wrong people. Everyone is so divided trying to defend their chosen party, they are missing we are fighting the wrong people, we need to attack the politicians and their policy which inevitably hurts all of us.

Exactly. And I'm not pointing fingers, I notice that there are times I come here and give myself cart blanche to behave badly because "what the hell, I have been so long on the high road, and payback's a bitch."
The anger expressed by political party supporters is directly related to who is in the WH. We all recall the eight years that W was there. The anger from the Dems on USMB was very prevalent. I remember it well. So I guess it would stand to reason that the anger from the right is more prevalent now. That is not a criticism or a admonishment by any means. It is just an observation.

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