Why so much anger on USMB

I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?


The anger expressed by political party supporters is directly related to who is in the WH. We all recall the eight years that W was there. The anger from the Dems on USMB was very prevalent. I remember it well. So I guess it would stand to reason that the anger from the right is more prevalent now. That is not a criticism or a admonishment by any means. It is just an observation.

Jim has answered his question.

Check please, waiter!
And as I said in #20 "Much of the anger from the far right, eg., NLT, reveals their awareness of the growing marginalization in preventing inevitable social, cultural, and political change in America. Some of it is racist but not as much as the left portrays it."
Yurt chases me as well. Many times I'll look at a new thread I just created &, sure enough, Yurtle will be there criticizing it like anyone :gives: about his *cough* "opinion"

Don't flatter yourself twatty, no one is chasing you, we are all running the other way from you.
And as I said in #20 "Much of the anger from the far right, eg., NLT, reveals their awareness of the growing marginalization in preventing inevitable social, cultural, and political change in America. Some of it is racist but not as much as the left portrays it."

The only person that has ever accused me of being far right is Fakey, who claims to be a repub. :lol:

List the qualifications of some one who is far right Fakey, I bet they line up with a progressive liberals list.
NLT, you are not any person of merit to require anything of another person until you cure yourself of being a troll. Tis what tis, son.
The anger expressed by political party supporters is directly related to who is in the WH. We all recall the eight years that W was there. The anger from the Dems on USMB was very prevalent. I remember it well. So I guess it would stand to reason that the anger from the right is more prevalent now. That is not a criticism or a admonishment by any means. It is just an observation.

so you have nothing to say about jakestarkey....you just happened to call me out..alone....

whatever jim...you just lost your credibility
NLT, you are not any person of merit to require anything of another person until you cure yourself of being a troll. Tis what tis, son.

Yurt is right, you are a pussy that cannot back up the lies you post. :lol:
NLT, you are not any person of merit to require anything of another person until you cure yourself of being a troll. Tis what tis, son.

Yurt is right, you are a pussy that cannot back up the lies you post. :lol:

but he posts in places like the 'tavern' and so he get's a waiver from his lefty friends.....in fact, they constantly thank him and rep him

ask jake to show who reps him and he runs away
I am amazed lately at the anger that is being exhibited by many of the posters on USMB. While not exclusively so, it seems much of the anger if coming from the conservative and RW stance. I just don't understand why the elevated levels of anger. We are here to rationally debate different topics and issues. No reason to insert anger into the conversations.

Does anyone have any idea why?



• Jim, both the Right and the Left are guilty of political anger and venom. Thinking otherwise is unfair.

• The problem isn't solely one group. It takes two to dance. Two to make a fight. Politics itself is the problem.

• Restraining your anger, like restraining your bias and contention, should be exercised by all members here.

• Political taunting is another thing that stirs up anger, and both parties are guilty of this. Golden rule is wise.
Very good, Wake.

You can see the self toxicity in folks like Yurt and NLT and HBH: it is what it is.

But they are fun to toy with.
The anger expressed by political party supporters is directly related to who is in the WH. We all recall the eight years that W was there. The anger from the Dems on USMB was very prevalent. I remember it well. So I guess it would stand to reason that the anger from the right is more prevalent now. That is not a criticism or a admonishment by any means. It is just an observation.

so you have nothing to say about jakestarkey....you just happened to call me out..alone....

whatever jim...you just lost your credibility

Well deserved, you being called out.

Have not you heard this time and again elsewhere?
Grossly under stated -We have a President that never had a realjob in his life and in all likelihood isn't even an American Citizen

We have a Coward and a liar as secretary of State

We have a self centered greed driven monster as a former sec. of state and presidential aspirant

We have a Media that more resmbles an American Version of 1960s Pravda, and serves as an extension of the Obama Regime propaganda division.

We have perverts running wild , salivating all over our children while screaming about equal rights

Our economy is on the verge of collapse , a collapse fueled by decades of entrenched Liberal beauracracy and governmental incompetence.

Our children and Grand Children - in the direction we are going, are gonna be third World citizens - all thanks to Liberal Socio-Fascists, who ignorantly endorse an agenda of Super Wealthy Democratic Party Elitists.

And we have hoards of simpletons - Useful Idiots - who give free reign to the party of the Jack Ass and allow this shit to happen

But Hey -why get angry - Right ? I mean America has outlived its usefulness -it's about time someone else had a shot -question being who gets the chance is it China, Islam , or the Homosexuals ? HMmmmmm

This is the problem with the really ignorant and stupid fucks that call themselves right wingers these days. They don't believe in education so to them, teaching at a university for 10 years doesn't constitute a "real job". Not to mention the hard work it takes to put yourself into a position to be able to teach at a great University.

As far as Kerry, the Navy did a thorough investigation of Kerry's three Purple Hearts, his Bronze Star and his Silver Star and found nothing questionable. In fact, all the men, both liberals and conservatives who actually served with Kerry, defended Kerry and said he deserved what he was awarded. This is simply more Republican/GOP slime because they are dirty people. Not sure if it's from the ignorance or the inbreeding. But they are definitely dirty. They malign education and other people's service to the country. What else do they have? They aren't smart. They don't create anything of value. They shout out "let him die". What does that tell you?

Education - when it was properly applied - was the strength that made America what America once was. When knowledge of arithmetic was not politically correctly made 2+2=5. When history did not teach that white people are racist criminal bastards whose greatest pleasure is killing Native Americans and enslaving African Americans.

There was a time when people were real enough to realize that college education was NOT for everyone, and there was no shame of learning a trade and working as a plumber or as a carpenter was just as honorable and honest as any job that required a college degree.

There was a time when responding to differing opinions did not result in name-calling. When people who dared to promote self-respect and self-reliance were not called "ignorant and stupid fucks", "dirty people" and people of "ignorance and inbreeding".

There was a time when self-inflicted wound did not earn a Purple Heart, especially not for the cad who threw his unearned medals over the fence surrounding the White House, by a person who can rightfully be called a gigolo.

There was time when people who "weren't smart", but created value more than the current empty suit in the White House ever did, were respected for the work they did.

the Peson you replied to -who is on my ignore list is obviously unfamiliar with

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Unfit-For-Command-Veterans-Against/dp/0895260174/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399171231&sr=8-1&keywords=john+kerry+vietnam"]Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry[/ame]
no walls of text emilyngheim!!! :eusa_hand: GTFO w/ that


People have the right to fully express themselves and to neg someone for doing that is unworthy of people who come to a message board. Negged with extreme prejudice!

Agreed. That was uncalled for.

You don't like the writing, holy shit just move on. How hard is that?
kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.

I have no idea who "kg" and "dc" are. Are they people posting on this board, who were disrespected by JakeStarkey and his laziness to spell out their name?

When one talks to or about another poster, one should show enough respect to address or refer to that person by their name.

How do you dress yourself with that intellect? Figure it out from the poster names you see: KG - Koshergrl ; DC = DotCom.

Figure this one out: "DUH".
Guys... the best we can do is love and respect one another, and not tempt each other to wrath. I am not a religious person, but the Bible in my opinion does have quite a few gems on how we should treat our fellow brothers and sisters. We're not perfect, but we should to restrain ourselves, and not provoke one another.

That in no way means we cannot disagree. We can disagree as much as we wish! But it is how we disagree... that matters so much. Instead of calling one another names, or making quick assumptions and judgments about each other's personalities and intentions, we come closer to truly understanding. It is a very special thing to talk with someone who disagrees with most of what you believe in, but treat each other well, and maybe even finding ways to agree. Imagine all of the things you guys might agree on. I bet it's more than a handful of things. :D

The message of peace and mutual understand can be repetitive, but it is so vital in order to keep nations from going to war. We should all acknowledge that we may be wrong in our firm beliefs, and that there may in fact be more to this existence than we can see. I do believe in peace, understanding, and respect. That doesn't make me better than anyone, because no human is inherently better than anyone else. What is prudent, though, is doing what is possible to promote peace and understanding, lest people die in bloodshed and dark times.
Some of that far right angst has been reduced, particularly since the removal of the redex.

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