Why so much anger on USMB

kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.

I have no idea who "kg" and "dc" are. Are they people posting on this board, who were disrespected by JakeStarkey and his laziness to spell out their name?

When one talks to or about another poster, one should show enough respect to address or refer to that person by their name.

Your point, which is meaningless, is noticed. You, like Y, got your ass hand to you yesterday. :lol:
Your entire posting can be found in your information sheet under 'statistics.'

It's all there. You, of all people, don't get to decide what is proof.

and you of all people do?

all you have do to is cite one post jake. but you can't, because you know such a post does not exist. you can prove your point. but you of all people never do, because your people are liars and leftwingers that pretend to be middle of the road folks. you're a phony. the only the ones that don't know it are the far left wingers.

and jake never cited a single post.

saved for another fakey lie

Yurt, you are still whining because you got trounced again?
kg and dc make good points.

From the end of Vietnam to now, the finally tipping point being 9-11, we have watched the end of the republic in which so many of us grew to adulthood.

Both parties and many politicians, from all sides of the political compass, are responsible for its demise.

Many on the far right want to return to the America of pre-Vietnam days, many on the far liberals want a hard leftist state a lal Sweden, the corporatists right and left want a velvet fascisst state and they seem to be ahead.

I don't want any of that.

I have no idea who "kg" and "dc" are. Are they people posting on this board, who were disrespected by JakeStarkey and his laziness to spell out their name?

When one talks to or about another poster, one should show enough respect to address or refer to that person by their name.

Your point, which is meaningless, is noticed. You, like Y, got your ass hand to you yesterday. :lol:

is that you are running away from citing anything and letting me posts the PM's?


you lied, i called you on it and you ran away like you always do
I have no idea who "kg" and "dc" are. Are they people posting on this board, who were disrespected by JakeStarkey and his laziness to spell out their name?

When one talks to or about another poster, one should show enough respect to address or refer to that person by their name.

Your point, which is meaningless, is noticed. You, like Y, got your ass hand to you yesterday. :lol:

is that you are running away from citing anything and letting me posts the PM's?


you lied, i called you on it and you ran away like you always do

Why is there so much anger on USMB?

Here are some but perhaps not all of the answers:

1. The democrats are angry because people have the ability to think and when they think, they realize that the democrats are lying all the time. When democrats see this they not only get angry but they resort to the time tested technique of ridiculing when you can't make a logical argument.

2. One of the reasons conservatives are angry is because democrats are so dishonest. They know that what they are saying is wrong, they know that their leaders are corrupt and lying, but they don't care. It's all about the win with the left and people on the right cannot understand thinking that is that screwed up.

3. Then there are the left wing arguing tactics of smoke screens, strawman arguments, derailing, and ridicule.

4. Another thing that makes conservatives so angry is that liberals and their left wing nut talking points are like cockroaches. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you squash on in one thread, the same cockroach shows up in another thread saying the same stupid thing you already squashed previously. It never ends, they never admit they are wrong and they don't care.

5. The last thing that makes conservatives so mad right now is that these dishonest, ignorant, low-life's not only vote, but they are making little dishonest and ignorant low life babies faster than anyone else. It really pisses us off that they may be right about one thing and that is that we will fade away and all that will be left is a nation of ignorant, government dependant sheep.
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asking jake to back up his claims = whining



You are illustrating, better than anyone else, the point this thread is trying to make. Really...? Don't you have a life? Get on with it. You will feel better for it.

no, i'm not angry, i'm just toying with jake....and why is it you didn't say the same to him? is it because he is a liberal?
does jake ever say anything original? i say i'm toying with him and he parrots i'm a toy.

good boy jake, goood boy...there, there...settle down now....
Anger is a horrible way to live your life. I did it for 35 years and finally made peace with myself and finally understood it was killing me..
Why is there so much anger on USMB?

Here are some but perhaps not all of the answers:

1. The democrats are angry because people have the ability to think and when they think, they realize that the democrats are lying all the time. When democrats see this they not only get angry but they resort to the time tested technique of ridiculing when you can't make a logical argument.

2. One of the reasons conservatives are angry is because democrats are so dishonest. They know that what they are saying is wrong, they know that their leaders are corrupt and lying, but they don't care. It's all about the win with the left and people on the right cannot understand thinking that is that screwed up.

3. Then there are the left wing arguing tactics of smoke screens, strawman arguments, derailing, and ridicule.

4. Another thing that makes conservatives so angry is that liberals and their left wing nut talking points are like cockroaches. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you squash on in one thread, the same cockroach shows up in another thread saying the same stupid thing you already squashed previously. It never ends, they never admit they are wrong and they don't care.

5. The last thing that makes conservatives so mad right now is that these dishonest, ignorant, low-life's not only vote, but they are making little dishonest and ignorant low life babies faster than anyone else. It really pisses us off that they may be right about one thing and that is that we will fade away and all that will be left is a nation of ignorant, government dependant sheep.

So according to Predfan conservatives are 4 times as angry as Dems! Looks like he might have actually got something right by accident even if it is based entirely upon emoting rather than reason. :badgrin:
Someone just remarked to me that Yurt act's like a twelve-year old, which comports with descriptions I have received about him elsewhere than on the open Board.

Yurt is limited, angry, challenged, and is in a state of mental decomposition.

What is truly fun is that the PM rules changed and he knew nothing about it until just yesterday. :lol:
Someone just remarked to me that Yurt act's like a twelve-year old, which comports with descriptions I have received about him elsewhere than on the open Board.

Yurt is limited, angry, challenged, and is in a state of mental decomposition.

What is truly fun is that the PM rules changed and he knew nothing about it until just yesterday. :lol:

Yes, it's truly fun that now people are allowed to harass others in PM and send porn and call them the n-word, and they won't be moderated for it.

That's truly fun. :eusa_hand:

Yurt tried to help someone feel better yesterday -- someone who has apparently been treated badly. And I hope that person will report it when other people harass him with the n-word. Maybe admin will rethink their policy once again and return to offering members protection from assholes who invade their inbox.

That would be nice. Until then, it's just "fun". :eusa_hand:

I wish Yurt would stop taking your bait and stop picking at the scabs in other threads. But just because he takes your bait doesn't mean you're not an ass for trolling.
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