Why so much hate for the Confederacy.? It can't be about slavery.

This first part of his post pretty much killed his argument. Remember he said in the same post no transcripts were made. :laugh:

"The Savannah speech exists in transcripts. There is no original version of Stephens's speech, because he spoke extemporaneously. His words were jotted down and printed in the Savannah newspapers."

Dumbass lonelystar....

"The speech was never written, no transcript has ever been made"

You cant make this kind of comedy up....

Transcript was the wrong word, the fact is the speech was not a written speech the only record of what was said it is what reporters have reported.

You idiots pick and choose what you take literally.
No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.
This first part of his post pretty much killed his argument. Remember he said in the same post no transcripts were made. :laugh:

"The Savannah speech exists in transcripts. There is no original version of Stephens's speech, because he spoke extemporaneously. His words were jotted down and printed in the Savannah newspapers."

Dumbass lonelystar....

"The speech was never written, no transcript has ever been made"

You cant make this kind of comedy up....

Transcript was the wrong word, the fact is the speech was not a written speech the only record of what was said it is what reporters have reported.

You idiots pick and choose what you take literally.
No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
Your concession has been dually noted.
Transcript was the wrong word, the fact is the speech was not a written speech the only record of what was said it is what reporters have reported.

You idiots pick and choose what you take literally.
No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.
Stupidity is as stupidity does. He is embarrassed he said the speech was transcribed then turned around in the same post and said it wasnt transcribed. :laugh:
Transcript was the wrong word, the fact is the speech was not a written speech the only record of what was said it is what reporters have reported.

You idiots pick and choose what you take literally.
No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
And this:


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No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Link...to the bolded.
Slaves too afraid and ignorant to live freely says nothing of the benevolence of slave holders...any other suggestion is plain stupid.
If I beat a dog enough times for running from it's cage and then finally decide to set it free, what will it do???
No transcript was the right word. You just fucked up as usual. The speech didnt have to be written down prior him giving it. The reporter transcribed word for word. Are you claiming the reporter wrote it down knowing that the south would lose and he wanted the narrative to be that it was about slavery for the south?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Ooops! Stephens not only said they were fighting over slavery, Stephens actually doubled down on his cornerstone speech. His issue was was not with the reporter. He was concerned that it made it seem like he speaking badly about the founding fathers. You stay looking like an idiot. :laugh:

Alexander Stephens Reinforces The Cornerstone CIVIL WAR MEMORY

Here is where he doubles down on saying slavery was the reason the losers went to war.

"The order of subordination was nature’s great law; philosophy taught that order as the normal condition of the African amongst European races. Upon this recognized principle of a proper subordination, let it be called slavery or what not, our State institutions were formed and rested. The new Confederation was entered into with this distinct understanding."
Not only did he double down on his cornerstone speech he is on record prior to the speech as advocating strongly for slavery so we know it was not some gigantic misunderstanding as Lonelystar claims. Here he is addressing the Virginia Secession Convention on 23Apr1861

Alexander H. Stephens speech before the Virginia Secession Convention

"As a race, the African is inferior to the white man. Subordination to the white man, is his normal condition. He is not his equal by nature, and cannot be made so by human laws or human institutions. Our system, therefore, so far as regards this inferior race, rests upon this great immutable law of nature. It is founded not upon wrong or injustice, but upon the eternal fitness of things. Hence, its harmonious working for the benefit and advantage of both. Why one race was made inferior to another, is not for us to inquire. The statesman and the Christian, as well as the philosopher, must take things as they find them, and do the best he can with them as he finds them.

The great truth, I repeat, upon which our system rests, is the inferiority of the African.
The enemies of our institutions ignore this truth. They set out with the assumption that the races are equal; that the negro is equal to the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be legitimate. But their premises being false, their conclusions are false also."

I have to thank lonely star for peaking my interest enough to look further into this. Thanks dummy. :laugh:
Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Link...to the bolded.
Slaves too afraid and ignorant to live freely says nothing of the benevolence of slave holders...any other suggestion is plain stupid.
If I beat a dog enough times for running from it's cage and then finally decide to set it free, what will it do???

It's been linked to already in one of my previous posts.

You're equating slaves to dogs? How liberal democratic of you.
Word for word? Of course you can't prove that.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Ooops! Stephens not only said they were fighting over slavery, Stephens actually doubled down on his cornerstone speech. His issue was was not with the reporter. He was concerned that it made it seem like he speaking badly about the founding fathers. You stay looking like an idiot. :laugh:

Alexander Stephens Reinforces The Cornerstone CIVIL WAR MEMORY

Here is where he doubles down on saying slavery was the reason the losers went to war.

"The order of subordination was nature’s great law; philosophy taught that order as the normal condition of the African amongst European races. Upon this recognized principle of a proper subordination, let it be called slavery or what not, our State institutions were formed and rested. The new Confederation was entered into with this distinct understanding."

They will also try to tell you that there is absolutely nothing racist about the idea of "proper subordination" or the flags that flew for that cause. These fools have themselves completely twisted up trying to spin this.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Ooops! Stephens not only said they were fighting over slavery, Stephens actually doubled down on his cornerstone speech. His issue was was not with the reporter. He was concerned that it made it seem like he speaking badly about the founding fathers. You stay looking like an idiot. :laugh:

Alexander Stephens Reinforces The Cornerstone CIVIL WAR MEMORY

Here is where he doubles down on saying slavery was the reason the losers went to war.

"The order of subordination was nature’s great law; philosophy taught that order as the normal condition of the African amongst European races. Upon this recognized principle of a proper subordination, let it be called slavery or what not, our State institutions were formed and rested. The new Confederation was entered into with this distinct understanding."

They will also try to tell you that there is absolutely nothing racist about the idea of "proper subordination" or the flags that flew for that cause. These fools have themselves completely twisted up trying to spin this.

The US flag flew over slave states as well. Want to ban that flag too?
"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition. [Applause.] This, our new Government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. "
-Alexander Stephenson
Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Ooops! Stephens not only said they were fighting over slavery, Stephens actually doubled down on his cornerstone speech. His issue was was not with the reporter. He was concerned that it made it seem like he speaking badly about the founding fathers. You stay looking like an idiot. :laugh:

Alexander Stephens Reinforces The Cornerstone CIVIL WAR MEMORY

Here is where he doubles down on saying slavery was the reason the losers went to war.

"The order of subordination was nature’s great law; philosophy taught that order as the normal condition of the African amongst European races. Upon this recognized principle of a proper subordination, let it be called slavery or what not, our State institutions were formed and rested. The new Confederation was entered into with this distinct understanding."

They will also try to tell you that there is absolutely nothing racist about the idea of "proper subordination" or the flags that flew for that cause. These fools have themselves completely twisted up trying to spin this.

The US flag flew over slave states as well. Want to ban that flag too?
The U.S. Flag was never the standard for idiots attempting to cede from the union in a quest to maintain chattel slavery...not even a nice try on your part.

Now back to your lies concerning the cornerstone speech...
"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition. [Applause.] This, our new Government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. "
-Alexander Stephenson

We'll never know what is exact words were. What you presented was a reporters take on what was said.
I dont have to prove anything. You have to prove the reporter made up the part about slavery being the reason. Until you can do that you just look like a silly little fool claiming it was made up.

Your concession is duly noted.
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Link...to the bolded.
Slaves too afraid and ignorant to live freely says nothing of the benevolence of slave holders...any other suggestion is plain stupid.
If I beat a dog enough times for running from it's cage and then finally decide to set it free, what will it do???

It's been linked to already in one of my previous posts.

You're equating slaves to dogs? How liberal democratic of you.
Yes I'm equating their treatment to that of dogs...your ignorance of the treatment of chattel slaves is mind numbing...how Republican of you.
Now back to that Cornerstone speech...
So now you are trying to suggest that the reports and articles of this speech are figments of the reporter's imagination???...stop being a willfully dumb ass.

Not at all, I'm saying that it wasn't as accurate as some believe, Stephens himself said the reporters article was inaccurate in some of the things he said. To better understand what Stephens was speaking about is to better understand the man himself. He actually voted against secession in the convention, he believed that whites were superior and subordination was natural and normal. He believed it was the duty of the superior race to provide work, food, and housing for blacks. Almost every one of his slaves chose to remain working for him after emancipation for little or no money and these servants stayed with him until his death.
Ooops! Stephens not only said they were fighting over slavery, Stephens actually doubled down on his cornerstone speech. His issue was was not with the reporter. He was concerned that it made it seem like he speaking badly about the founding fathers. You stay looking like an idiot. :laugh:

Alexander Stephens Reinforces The Cornerstone CIVIL WAR MEMORY

Here is where he doubles down on saying slavery was the reason the losers went to war.

"The order of subordination was nature’s great law; philosophy taught that order as the normal condition of the African amongst European races. Upon this recognized principle of a proper subordination, let it be called slavery or what not, our State institutions were formed and rested. The new Confederation was entered into with this distinct understanding."

They will also try to tell you that there is absolutely nothing racist about the idea of "proper subordination" or the flags that flew for that cause. These fools have themselves completely twisted up trying to spin this.

The US flag flew over slave states as well. Want to ban that flag too?
The U.S. Flag was never the standard for idiots attempting to cede from the union in a quest to maintain chattel slavery...not even a nice try on your part.

Now back to your lies concerning the cornerstone speech...

Wow..... another idiot that thinks that ninety percent of southerners would go to war to benefit the ten percent of slaveholders.

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