Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

jews are outspoken bigots and supremacists...no doubt about it."LMAO.."gods chosen people"...pure comedy, that.

With them, the tribe comes first and us unclean, goyim gentiles and shiksas can pound sand...

There are reasons the jews have been run out of various countries throughout their history....the whole world can't be wrong...

The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?
Sounds like they would be spot on in your case. See? They ARE smart.

You acknowledge jews are supremacists who see whites and christians as inferior, but then try to make it about me as a smokescreen to hide behind... this isn't about me, though...Why are you trying to change the subject?

Just go ahead and refute any of the statements I made.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles".

they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"

they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history.
Just dont worry about it because you'll get in trouble.!

trouble? that's ok...
I advocate for my race and culture.No shame in that....just like negroes and asians and other minorities advocate for THEIR race and culture.
The problem here is that white people have been cowed by generations of propaganda into passively allowing minorities and other anti white interests to infiltrate the government and then twist it against them.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?
Lol...you do realize his daughter converted to Judaism and is married to a Jew and is raising their kids as Jewish....

(A) What office is his daughter running for?
(B) Bigot against one group, bigot against another. After Trump finished rounding up all the brown people, who do you figure he'd go for next...in his dreams and yours, anyway.

I would say that someone who assumes all illegal aliens are brown is the bigot.
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?
Lol...you do realize his daughter converted to Judaism and is married to a Jew and is raising their kids as Jewish....

(A) What office is his daughter running for?
(B) Bigot against one group, bigot against another. After Trump finished rounding up all the brown people, who do you figure he'd go for next...in his dreams and yours, anyway.
Are you always so alarmist? Lol...he said ILLEGALS dumb dumb....stop trying to change the subject.
The subject is that Trump is a bigot, and smart people don't need to consult a site for "White Identity, Interests, and Culture" to be told what to think.
On the other hand, you do need to consult walmart1percent.org to be told what you think.
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?
Lol...you do realize his daughter converted to Judaism and is married to a Jew and is raising their kids as Jewish....yeah that damn bigot Trump! Lol....try again,actually try READING the article.
Connections to those you discriminate against is no guarantee. Hitler had some Jewish roots himself. Phyllis Schlafly is herself (shudder) a woman. The Jews have learned from Mohammed, from Martin Luther, from the Bosheviks, from Hitler to be very very wary of demagoguery.

I shudder at the thought that you're a woman.
They are brought up to resist xenophobia.

It's not complicated, but I dare say, it is for them.

Liberal Dictionary:
xenophobia - the ability to reason and thereby support a sensible immigration policy.
The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?
Sounds like they would be spot on in your case. See? They ARE smart.

You acknowledge jews are supremacists who see whites and christians as inferior, but then try to make it about me as a smokescreen to hide behind... this isn't about me, though...Why are you trying to change the subject?

Just go ahead and refute any of the statements I made.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles".

they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"

they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history.
Just dont worry about it because you'll get in trouble.!

trouble? that's ok...
I advocate for my race and culture.No shame in that....just like negroes and asians and other minorities advocate for THEIR race and culture.
The problem here is that white people have been cowed by generations of propaganda into passively allowing minorities and other anti white interests to infiltrate the government and then twist it against them.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.
Get out those Con-federate crying towels, folks.
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

Odious-----Kevin Macdonald is a professional white supremacist Nazi------you should find I better source-------I know lots of jews----none are afraid of Donald Trump
Clearly. :eusa_think:
Donald Trump's Phone Call with Hillary Clinton - The Tonight Show

I don't have speakers Mister------I have no idea what your citation is all about
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

Odious-----Kevin Macdonald is a professional white supremacist Nazi------you should find I better source-------I know lots of jews----none are afraid of Donald Trump
Respected college professor darling. :) I know it really chaps your ass doesn't it.

who respects him? Josef Stalin was such a good scholar that his teachers had
him slated to be a clergyman------just about the HEIGHT of achievement in his world.
Your hero did a degree in evolution just to work on a theory that WHITES IS BETTAH------kinda like MENGELE
Trump is xenophobic and the numbers don't add up for his tax plan. He is a blow hard who is a racist. Jews are nervous about anybody who makes any kind of racist appeal, even if he likes jews for various reasons.

The OP has a very wacky conspiracy tin foil link. I had to wash my hands after reading it

true------deer-----jews are a little nervous about his 'tendencies' -----he leans to the
right of white trash mindset------but I really do have a sense that if elected he will RISE to the position--------he has some rising to do
The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?
Sounds like they would be spot on in your case. See? They ARE smart.

You acknowledge jews are supremacists who see whites and christians as inferior, but then try to make it about me as a smokescreen to hide behind... this isn't about me, though...Why are you trying to change the subject?

Just go ahead and refute any of the statements I made.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles".

they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"

they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history.
Just dont worry about it because you'll get in trouble.!

trouble? that's ok...
I advocate for my race and culture.No shame in that....just like negroes and asians and other minorities advocate for THEIR race and culture.
The problem here is that white people have been cowed by generations of propaganda into passively allowing minorities and other anti white interests to infiltrate the government and then twist it against them.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.

More fantasy
Trump having a Jewish grandfather and daughter, I agree with opinion piece that nobody in the campaign Trumps Trump Jewish credentials. Other than his non-support of invading Iraq I don't see why Trump can't be claimed as one of their own. He certainly seems to have that attitude of an eye-for-an-eye and do onto others before they do it to you.
The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?
Sounds like they would be spot on in your case. See? They ARE smart.

You acknowledge jews are supremacists who see whites and christians as inferior, but then try to make it about me as a smokescreen to hide behind... this isn't about me, though...Why are you trying to change the subject?

Just go ahead and refute any of the statements I made.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles".

they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"

they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history.
Just dont worry about it because you'll get in trouble.!

trouble? that's ok...
I advocate for my race and culture.No shame in that....just like negroes and asians and other minorities advocate for THEIR race and culture.
The problem here is that white people have been cowed by generations of propaganda into passively allowing minorities and other anti white interests to infiltrate the government and then twist it against them.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.

poor white supremacist nut bar.... and a conspiracy loon on top of it.

Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?

jews are outspoken bigots and supremacists...no doubt about it."LMAO.."gods chosen people"...pure comedy, that.

With them, the tribe comes first and us unclean, goyim gentiles and shiksas can pound sand...

There are reasons the jews have been run out of various countries throughout their history....the whole world can't be wrong...

The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Legit question but for anyone who has studied the problem we know why.

An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?

jews are outspoken bigots and supremacists...no doubt about it."LMAO.."gods chosen people"...pure comedy, that.

With them, the tribe comes first and us unclean, goyim gentiles and shiksas can pound sand...

There are reasons the jews have been run out of various countries throughout their history....the whole world can't be wrong...

The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Its still important to understand the danger. They are best avoided.
The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?
Sounds like they would be spot on in your case. See? They ARE smart.

You acknowledge jews are supremacists who see whites and christians as inferior, but then try to make it about me as a smokescreen to hide behind... this isn't about me, though...Why are you trying to change the subject?

Just go ahead and refute any of the statements I made.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles".

they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"

they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history.
Just dont worry about it because you'll get in trouble.!

trouble? that's ok...
I advocate for my race and culture.No shame in that....just like negroes and asians and other minorities advocate for THEIR race and culture.
The problem here is that white people have been cowed by generations of propaganda into passively allowing minorities and other anti white interests to infiltrate the government and then twist it against them.
All good.. a day of reckoning approaches.

ANTI-SEMITIC STEREOTYPES and their talking points

1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to this country.
2) Jews have too much power in the business world.
3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets.
4) Jews don’t care about what happens to anyone but their own kind.
5) Jews have too much control over global affairs.
6) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave.
7) Jews think they are better than other people.
8) Jews have too much control over the United States government.
9) Jews have too much control over the media.
10) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.
11) Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars.

Nothing new on the list, it's standard fare for the anti semite
An historical wariness of outspoken bigots and what happens when they assume power?

jews are outspoken bigots and supremacists...no doubt about it."LMAO.."gods chosen people"...pure comedy, that.

With them, the tribe comes first and us unclean, goyim gentiles and shiksas can pound sand...

There are reasons the jews have been run out of various countries throughout their history....the whole world can't be wrong...

The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Its still important to understand the danger. They are best avoided.
Good idea that you and your ilk avoid and stay away from me and my family

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