Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.
I insist that anti semites be logically consistent. A neat way of eliminating morons from the gene pool
So you want genocide anyone who notices you?
Who wants that? I just think they should be logically consistent. It means they would not be able to post in neews groups, which suits me. If they get sick, that is their choice.
I personally do not think they should boycott. But if they do, they should be logically consistent.
Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.
I insist that anti semites be logically consistent. A neat way of eliminating morons from the gene pool
So you want genocide anyone who notices you?
Who wants that? I just think they should be logically consistent. It means they would not be able to post in neews groups, which suits me. If they get sick, that is their choice.
I personally do not think they should boycott. But if they do, they should be logically consistent.
"If they get sick, that is their choice"?

"Self sabotage"Huh?
The next time a member of your family needs to go to a hospital make sure it wasn't built by a Jew.
Or a museum, or a library, or a bank, or an investment firm.
In fact, shut off your PC.

that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Its still important to understand the danger. They are best avoided.

I think anti-semites are best avoided.
Yeah better to bury your head in the sand,easier to ignore the genocide of palestinian civilians,the multiple wars that we have gotten involved in because of their influence in politics,the control over our financial and media centers as well. Just ignore it. Let the adults that are proud Americans take care of it.

there is no genocide of Palestinians. there are repeated terrorist attacks on jews who then retaliate.

you're a true kkk'er aren't you... hating blacks, women and jews. funny how you feign sympathy for terrorists.

you must truly be a failure at life given your fear and loathing of anyone but people like you.
Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump? | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.
I insist that anti semites be logically consistent. A neat way of eliminating morons from the gene pool
So you want genocide anyone who notices you?
Everybody notices the Jew in the library and not in the bar.

that can be said about a number of ethic groups... at least as a stereotype.
No one is forcing them to be assholes. that is their choice
they are assholes for making an observation?

I'd say if they start picking on someone for being different, then they'd be an asshole.

I'm torn between being grateful to them for letting me know and being angry with them for letting me know. I'm still alive I guess, so I guess I'm grateful.
No one is forcing them to be assholes. that is their choice
they are assholes for making an observation?

I'd say if they start picking on someone for being different, then they'd be an asshole.

I'm torn between being grateful to them for letting me know and being angry with them for letting me know. I'm still alive I guess, so I guess I'm grateful.
I love your fur.
No one is forcing them to be assholes. that is their choice
they are assholes for making an observation?

I'd say if they start picking on someone for being different, then they'd be an asshole.

I'm torn between being grateful to them for letting me know and being angry with them for letting me know. I'm still alive I guess, so I guess I'm grateful.
I love your fur.
For anyone interested in the various reading habits of our fellow posters----
simply google "jews fear trump" or any variation thereof The islamo Nazi
literature is LOADED WITH IT
For anyone interested in the various reading habits of our fellow posters----
simply google "jews fear trump" or any variation thereof The islamo Nazi
literature is LOADED WITH IT
Yeah, it's a Nazi thing.

Trump's granddad emigrated here from Germany, and his dad was a Kluxer, so the Nazis are hoping the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
For anyone interested in the various reading habits of our fellow posters----
simply google "jews fear trump" or any variation thereof The islamo Nazi
literature is LOADED WITH IT
Yeah, it's a Nazi thing.

Trump's granddad emigrated here from Germany, and his dad was a Kluxer, so the Nazis are hoping the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

what happened to his putative "jewish ancestor"?? I cannot find him
For anyone interested in the various reading habits of our fellow posters----
simply google "jews fear trump" or any variation thereof The islamo Nazi
literature is LOADED WITH IT
Yeah, it's a Nazi thing.

Trump's granddad emigrated here from Germany, and his dad was a Kluxer, so the Nazis are hoping the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

what happened to his putative "jewish ancestor"?? I cannot find him

He wasn't Jewish.

I think perhaps someone saw this opinion piece and suffered from a lack of reading comprehension.
For anyone interested in the various reading habits of our fellow posters----
simply google "jews fear trump" or any variation thereof The islamo Nazi
literature is LOADED WITH IT
Yeah, it's a Nazi thing.

Trump's granddad emigrated here from Germany, and his dad was a Kluxer, so the Nazis are hoping the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

what happened to his putative "jewish ancestor"?? I cannot find him

He wasn't Jewish.

I think perhaps someone saw this opinion piece and suffered from a lack of reading comprehension.

good article--------Trump kinda "rubs me the wrong way"------for the reasons
stated in that article. BUT he cannot do worse than Obama ---who
DOES NOT "rub me the wrong way"------he is, simply, not a wartime
president. nice guy-------just a nice guy
Why so much Jewish fear an loathing of Donald Trump?

The question should be

why so much fear and loathing towards Jews from the stupid OP
There is not "much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump". The OP made that shit up. He linked to a Nazi web site.

I was right not to click on it. I just hovered over it to read the link. Never heard of it so I didn't bother clicking on it ESPECIALLY since Odium supplied it

Many medieval texts covering the expulsion of Jews from countries and kingdoms in Europe often cite Jewish efforts at influencing or attempting to gain control of powerful guilds and attempts at monopolising trading fleets, as opposed to avoiding debts owed by royalty and/or treasuries.
that's all fascinating..however irrelevant.

jews are supremacists who see white christians as "unclean", "goyim", "shiksas" and "gentiles"...This is a fact.

.LMAO...and they imagine themselves as "gods chosen people"....This is a fact.
..there are reasons they've been run out of 70 or 80 countries/empires in their history. More facts.
Why do you dislike facts?

Sam Levenson's Answer To An Anti-semite
"It's a free world; you don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diphtheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan; the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

"Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and tuberculosis as a matter of principle.

"You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good!"
Its still important to understand the danger. They are best avoided.

I think anti-semites are best avoided.
Yeah better to bury your head in the sand,easier to ignore the genocide of palestinian civilians,the multiple wars that we have gotten involved in because of their influence in politics,the control over our financial and media centers as well. Just ignore it. Let the adults that are proud Americans take care of it.

there is no genocide of Palestinians. there are repeated terrorist attacks on jews who then retaliate.

you're a true kkk'er aren't you... hating blacks, women and jews. funny how you feign sympathy for terrorists.

you must truly be a failure at life given your fear and loathing of anyone but people like you.
Keep lying to yourself or even worse believe such ignorant lies without doing your own research. Scum like you will get the fixing they need in due time. Not worried about that.
There is not "much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump". The OP made that shit up. He linked to a Nazi web site.

I was right not to click on it. I just hovered over it to read the link. Never heard of it so I didn't bother clicking on it ESPECIALLY since Odium supplied it

Oh no what will we do without more whining and ignorant comments from dot com!?

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