Why some whites are anti-semtic?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
I don't think anyone really has a valid reason.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

You forgot to mention... incredibly handsome.
No one needs a reason to be a bigot. They just are. It is always the loser types though.
I suspect it has to do with how they get rich. Payday money lending, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, etc...
I suspect it has to do with how they get rich. Payday money lending, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, etc...

those are highly qualified respected proffessions for normal if goyims do it which require intelligence skills and a phd in science, medicine, law or economics.
I suspect it has to do with how they get rich. Payday money lending, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, etc...

those are highly qualified respected proffessions for normal if goyims do it which require intelligence skills and a phd in science, medicine, law or economics.
Payday money lenders collect money from negroes too stupid to understand basic finances. Where do those negroes get money often? Government jobs and funds.

Pharmacists and doctors get special licenses from the government that limit the ability of others to enter the same marketplaces. They also screw medicaid/medicare when treating worthless negroes.

First search for medicare fraud gets me what:

Doctor convicted of Medicare fraud may testify against New Jersey senator

Dr. Salomon Melgen. Guess what he is?

I can go on and on, but the bottom line is it's not just intelligence that got them there. It's more a matter of lack of morality and willingness to abuse or cheat the government system that collects money from all of us that work a needed job.
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Or, perhaps, African...


Or Russian. Is Russia part of the 'West'?
So whats to dislike about them?

Nothing at all. Everyone's entitled to hold a religious view; I've no problem with that. Most people seem to have a problem, however, with how Zionist colonists behave towards native populations and sadly their actions and policies tend to tar all Jewish people everywhere with the same brush, much along the same lines as "all blacks are criminals" or more recently "all Mexicans are rapists" .
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Nazism started in Germany. At the time, they didn't have many blacks. So they used Jews.
Not just whites are anti-semitic. But the reason is ignorance. IMO
Historically the Jews have worn out their welcome everywhere they've set up shop. Everywhere. I'd say there's a little more to it than ignorance...
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Considering that Jews are an Antichrist hate group predicated on exploiting non-Jews, and that only allows rich and intelligent people to join, it's a given that they're "better" than the rest of us. Everyone who isn't in a cult who think Jews are gods (or God's chosen people) naturally hates Jews, for Jews are deserving up utmost contempt. Even Jesus was moved to call them children of the devil - now, that's hate.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, Jews operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar manner, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
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