Why some whites are anti-semtic?

Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Considering that Jews are an Antichrist hate group predicated on exploiting non-Jews, and that only allows rich and intelligent people to join, it's a given that they're "better" than the rest of us. Everyone who isn't in a cult who think Jews are gods (or God's chosen people) naturally hates Jews, for Jews are deserving up utmost contempt. Even Jesus was moved to call them children of the devil - now, that's hate.
Get help you sick fuck.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Considering that Jews are an Antichrist hate group predicated on exploiting non-Jews, and that only allows rich and intelligent people to join, it's a given that they're "better" than the rest of us. Everyone who isn't in a cult who think Jews are gods (or God's chosen people) naturally hates Jews, for Jews are deserving up utmost contempt. Even Jesus was moved to call them children of the devil - now, that's hate.
Get help you sick fuck.

I'm only the messenger. Try to deal with reality.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Considering that Jews are an Antichrist hate group predicated on exploiting non-Jews, and that only allows rich and intelligent people to join, it's a given that they're "better" than the rest of us. Everyone who isn't in a cult who think Jews are gods (or God's chosen people) naturally hates Jews, for Jews are deserving up utmost contempt. Even Jesus was moved to call them children of the devil - now, that's hate.
Get help you sick fuck.

I'm only the messenger. Try to deal with reality.
I am surprised that you can spell reality.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Sick eh? Indulge me... Do elaborate...
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
The problem isn't Jews, per say... But they are however among the problems. The problem is allowing closed societies to operate within society in general. The same goes with Mormons, Muslims, Freemasons, Catholics, and Jews. Some to greater extents than others. The problem is typically financial, and often times political, to a finacial end. Far more money flows into these closed circles, than flows out. Its not rocket science...
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Sick eh? Indulge me... Do elaborate...
Your hatred of people different to yourself marks you down as deviant. You have a sick ideology and you glory in its sickness. Like a pig wallowing in its own shit. Hope this helps.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Sick eh? Indulge me... Do elaborate...
Your hatred of people different to yourself marks you down as deviant. You have a sick ideology and you glory in its sickness. Like a pig wallowing in its own shit. Hope this helps.
I've not spoken of hatred. Only you have done so. And interestingly enough... Your vitriol toward a person who merely sees things differently than yourself, coupled with your derisive commentary betrays the fact; that it is you who harbors hatred, and animosity toward those who are different than you...
From thine own mouth comes they judgement. It is often this way with liberals.
Losers need a scapegoat for their failings. Historically it has been Jews . Its worse when times are bad but I dont think that it ever goes away.
Of course the internet has given these scumbags a whole new playground as we can see on this forum and, pretty soon, on this thread.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Sick eh? Indulge me... Do elaborate...
Your hatred of people different to yourself marks you down as deviant. You have a sick ideology and you glory in its sickness. Like a pig wallowing in its own shit. Hope this helps.
I've not spoken of hatred. Only you have done so. And interestingly enough... Your vitriol toward a person who merely sees things differently than yourself, coupled with your derisive commentary betrays the fact; that it is you who harbors hatred, and animosity toward those who are different than you...
From thine own mouth comes they judgement. It is often this way with liberals.
Actually you have spoken of hatred, maybe your own personal sickness blinds you to it.
It has little to do with being "losers". Ironically name calling is the death knell of one's argument. Interesting that you should open with it...
Now. While I personally have never held a personal Animus for the Jews specifically; a quick study reveals why they are so widely despised as a group. Under the guise of religion, News operate in a "closed society" that recognizes no geographical boundaries. With their penchant for nepotism, and their knack for acummilating the wealth of their host nations, it doesn't take too long for people to start recognizing the score,and deciding that enough, is enough. The Muslims operate in a similar fasion, which is why they also become more despised, the more fundamentalist they become.
Perhaps you could suggest a "solution" to the Jewish problem ? Where do you pick up such sick ideas ?
Sick eh? Indulge me... Do elaborate...
Your hatred of people different to yourself marks you down as deviant. You have a sick ideology and you glory in its sickness. Like a pig wallowing in its own shit. Hope this helps.
I've not spoken of hatred. Only you have done so. And interestingly enough... Your vitriol toward a person who merely sees things differently than yourself, coupled with your derisive commentary betrays the fact; that it is you who harbors hatred, and animosity toward those who are different than you...
From thine own mouth comes they judgement. It is often this way with liberals.
Actually you have spoken of hatred, maybe your own personal sickness blinds you to it.
And of yours...?
Tommy Tainant, is your only purpose in life being a dumb, little, barking lapdog. You add nothing to this discussion, either pro or con. You should lap up your own vomit, little dog.
Tommy Tainant, is your only purpose in life being a dumb, little, barking lapdog. You add nothing to this discussion, either pro or con. You should lap up your own vomit, little dog.
This is you.
Considering that Jews are an Antichrist hate group predicated on exploiting non-Jews, and that only allows rich and intelligent people to join, it's a given that they're "better" than the rest of us. Everyone who isn't in a cult who think Jews are gods (or God's chosen people) naturally hates Jews, for Jews are deserving up utmost contempt. Even Jesus was moved to call them children of the devil - now, that's hate.

You are a sick fuck.
Jews have always considered themselves god's chosen people, so better than the rest. That might have something to do with it.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Fucking LOL. All a person has to do to be labeled antisemitic is criticize or question a jew... The most annoying ones only claim whiteness when they're advocating causes that are detrimental to the continued existence of white people, then they play the victim card when it's expedient. Some of them have a deep abiding disdain for white europeans...

Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Jews are not exactly "white." They come from a totally different culture.

You might want to check this out for an historical look at why Jews find so much opposition amongst the whites.

http://childrenofyhwh.com/multimedia/library/Comparet/ Your Heritage.pdf
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

I've always thought well of them. It could be how they remain united in any country they've been in, and respect education as a way to better themselves. I see the same thing in a lot of the asians that have come to this country. The young ones are the top students in the schools and colleges.

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