Why some whites are anti-semtic?

Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Antisemitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

Slavish workers don't have the guts to stand up to the clear and present ruling class, so they listen to their boss's stories about a hidden Jewish cabal controlling both him and them.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

I can never understand it myself. they are some dumb ass people who simply default to that belief
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

Why is slavishness and suppression of shame by pretending their precious Masters are enslaved by a hidden clique so hard to understand?
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

I can never understand it myself. they are some dumb ass people who simply default to that belief
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

Why is slavishness and suppression of shame by pretending their precious Masters are enslaved by a hidden clique so hard to understand?

Where do you get the idea that discussing who controls what is somehow "hidden?"
Where do you get the idea that discussing who controls what is somehow "hidden?"

shut it down.jpg
Sure, White Christians have the KKK, and Jews have the Irgun.

Jews are the eugenics version of the KKK.

Well, I don't know, Hasidim Jews are quite the poor, dirt-bags.

Maybe you should do some research on Kiryas Joel, and why this Hasidim Jewish village is more like the Jewish Mexico, rather than some kind of beacon of glimmering Jewish success.
As if it's some kind of crime to criticize, or question a Jew.

Meanwhile it's mainstream to criticize, or question White Christians.

It IS a crime in many people's minds both on the left and religious right. Especially in the minds of the fucking shitstains on society's underwear the baby boomer generation...so afraid of being called racist that they sold out genX and millennials' birthright to 3rd world idiots and death cult fanatics while they themselves engaged in childish narcissism...

If you point out that many NKVD agents were evil Jews, you're scum.

If you don't point out that SS agents were evil Christian Whites you're scum.

It's basically a game where no matter what Christian Whites are the boogie man.
Well, I don't know, Hasidim Jews are quite the poor, dirt-bags.

Maybe you should do some research on Kiryas Joel, and why this Hasidim Jewish village is more like the Jewish Mexico, rather than some kind of beacon of glimmering Jewish success.

There are definitely some poor Jews, but that's because the Talmud cult only kicks people out for accepting Christ, not for being poor.
I'm not white, but I also am aware of the Jews.
I dislike them for their control of the money supply and engineering inflation, which makes them super rich, control of the media, pornography, promoting blacks when they know blacks are dangerous, influencing foreign policy in favor of Israel, favoring open borders for America but closed borders for Israel, etc. etc.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.

not all jews are liberal/marxists and many liberals/marxists are goyim like hillary clinton. so why single out the jews? there are many conservative jews too.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.

not all jews are liberal/marxists and many liberals/marxists are goyim like hillary clinton. so why single out the jews? there are many conservative jews too.
You are correct. But if there were no Jews in the United States we would never have enacted the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, the seed of our destruction, passed through Jewish deceit, and control of the media, celebrated as a Jewish victory by Jews on the night of its passage.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.

not all jews are liberal/marxists and many liberals/marxists are goyim like hillary clinton. so why single out the jews? there are many conservative jews too.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.

Jews hate Christians because their religion is Antichrist. Also, Jews follow a religion that teaches they non-Jews are just animals. Beyond that, your proximity statement is right. We're constantly preached to by white, rich libtards who live in communities with very few on-whites.

Diversity is weakness. Diversity is a source of conflict. And, when "diversity" involves recruiting then less qualified, then it is also weakness for that reason.

"Diversity is our strength" is propaganda and a lie.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?
Why do some Jews hate Christians? Why do some Asians hate Latinos? Why do some blacks hate whites? The answer in all cases generally is proximity. I hate that the Jews fed us the lie "diversity is our strength". Exactly the opposite is true. I hate that we bought it.

Jews hate Christians because their religion is Antichrist. Also, Jews follow a religion that teaches they non-Jews are just animals. Beyond that, your proximity statement is right. We're constantly preached to by white, rich libtards who live in communities with very few on-whites.

Diversity is weakness. Diversity is a source of conflict. And, when "diversity" involves recruiting then less qualified, then it is also weakness for that reason.

"Diversity is our strength" is propaganda and a lie.

Most people do not want to pursue the simple truth you stated.

Ever since the most ancient of biblical times (in the Garden of Eden) it has been the destiny of Christians and Jews to be in constant warfare.

Genesis 3 :15

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." (AKJV)

"And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel." New Living Translation

The destiny has been for the offspring of Cain and the offspring of Eve (other than Cain who was banished to the land of Nod) to be at perpetual warfare... the classic battle between good and evil. If anyone wanted the real story as to why (if the OP is sincere), then the truth is found within these links:

Your Heritage | The Bertrand Comparet Archive at Christogenea.org


This goes beyond liberal v conservative; Democrat v Republican; right v. left. It is a history that goes back to Adam and Eve.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Penis envy. Us Jews have large cocks and we leave the small cock leftists and Skinheads in envy.

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Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

As a Jew I can explain some of why the non-skinhead right have issues with the Jews. And yes it is some what the Jews fault. Despite the great life this country offers the Jews are overwhelmingly leftists. Leftist have adopted antisemitism as a core values. Conservatives overwhelmingly support Israel and the leftist Jews spit in their faces and support the leftist movement that hates the Jews.

This infuriates me as a conservative and it should infuriate non-Jewish conservatives. Heck if Jews voted for people who had their best interests, FL would be untouchable to Democrats and NY and NJ would be in play!

But no the Jews vote for Demorats to the tune of 90%!

Dumb ducking Jews

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As a Jew I can explain some of why the non-skinhead right have issues with the Jews. And yes it is some what the Jews fault. Despite the great life this country offers the Jews are overwhelmingly leftists. Leftist have adopted antisemitism as a core values.

How gracious of you, Jew, to attribute some "antisemitism" to Jews themselves for being antisemitic themselves. It wouldn't have anything to do with Jews being Antichrist ethno-Supremacists who play gentiles for fools?

Eventually gentiles wise up and send Jews packing, as history has shown repeatedly.
Jews are

-Well integrated
-Western culturally
-Have relative to their seize the most nobel prize winners, chess grand masters, doctors/phd holders etc.

So whats to dislike about them?

Penis envy. Us Jews have large cocks and we leave the small cock leftists and Skinheads in envy.

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That long thing above your lips is not a penis. I know it grows when you tell a lie, so I understand the confusion, but it is not a penis.
As a Jew I can explain some of why the non-skinhead right have issues with the Jews. And yes it is some what the Jews fault. Despite the great life this country offers the Jews are overwhelmingly leftists. Leftist have adopted antisemitism as a core values.

How gracious of you, Jew, to attribute some "antisemitism" to Jews themselves for being antisemitic themselves. It wouldn't have anything to do with Jews being Antichrist ethno-Supremacists who play gentiles for fools?

Eventually gentiles wise up and send Jews packing, as history has shown repeatedly.

No it wouldn't fucko, but you do a great job proving why the Jews shouldn't care about you leftward homos

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