Why Ted Cruz Will NOT Win A Contested Convention


The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

No, it's just a system, one that Cruz took the time to understand and work with, and Trump decided he could bypass with his usual dog-and-pony show. Trump failed, and Cruz didn't.
The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
A New Jersey Judge has just followed a Pennsylvanian judge in rejecting a challenge to Cruz's citizenship.

Like I said. Hell, if I was a judge, I wouldn't want to go there.
The judge fell back on the argument that the constitution does not define "natural citizen" so English common law would apply which does not clarify anything.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

More WHINY propaganda... Nothing was rigged, no rules were changed... Trump and Cruz both knew what the caucus rules were in Colorado.... Ya BOY LOST! Grow up and get over it... pull up your big girl panties and move on! He'll win NY and you can cheer and celebrate again. He won't get the 1,237 delegates he needs and you can cry foul all you like.. LION TED will be your GOP nominee.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
A New Jersey Judge has just followed a Pennsylvanian judge in rejecting a challenge to Cruz's citizenship.

Like I said. Hell, if I was a judge, I wouldn't want to go there.
The judge fell back on the argument that the constitution does not define "natural citizen" so English common law would apply which does not clarify anything.

Sounds like a pretty safe, status quo, "I'M not sticking my neck out" answer to me.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.
The party eliminated the primary last August. Interestingly the change was criticized as favoring non-establishment candidates Several other states use a similar process. North Dakota delegates can vote for anyone they like.

I haven't followed Colorado but it does seem that Trump pretty much ignored the state preferring to use his resources in NY. Cruz has been working these delegates for weeks if not months visiting all the district caucus.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.
The party eliminated the primary last August. Interestingly the change was criticized as favoring non-establishment candidates Several other states use a similar process. North Dakota delegates can vote for anyone they like.

I haven't followed Colorado but it does seem that Trump pretty much ignored the state preferring to use his resources in NY. Cruz has been working these delegates for weeks if not months visiting all the district caucus.

Well, it's definitely a system that favors whoever takes the time and effort to figure it out and work it. Not actually a lot of room for unpredictable reactions.
Nonetheless, Cruz will not win a contested convention. Cruz is a stalking horse for some other as of yet undisclosed GOP Establishment figure; maybe Ryan, maybe Romney maybe Gingrich, who knows?

But Cruz has zero chance of winning the nomination on the first ballot and he knows this. He is just blowing smoke up everyones watoozee.
Very true. This is why Cruz has been lobbying delegates for the last five months. He's pinning his hopes on a contested convention and wining delegates as they are released after the first ballot. However, if the delegate count is really close going into the convention, the uncommitted delegates could make the difference of the 1st ballot.

Trump needs 495 delegates to avoid a contested convention. Even if Trump sweeps every primary in April and May, he still will not have the 1237 votes he needs to avoid a contested convention. The California Primary with 172 delegates awarded proportional to the vote on June 7th will be the earliest date that Trump could have enough delegates to avoid a contested convention. If after the California Primary, Trump does not have the delegates he needs, things should get really interesting.
.2016 Primary Schedule

It definitely looks like a brokered convention. Trump will need 50% of the remaining delegates. And up to this point he's managed 46%. His campaign is slowly losing steam. It seems unlikely he'll get the 50% he needs.
No matter what happens the GOP looses. In the last Republican contested convention, the incumbent Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter. Although a party can unite after contested convention that doesn't seem likely in this case. The two leading candidates are not just very unpopular with independents and Democrats but their own party leadership has opposed both of them.

If Trump is nominated, they lose. As Trump is ludicrously unpopular with the general electorate. Even among republicans the man is loathed. With nearly 1 in 4 republicans indicating they'll vote for Hillary before they vote for Trump.

If they don't nominate Trump but instead give the nomination to someone with fewer votes and delegates, millions of Trumps supporters just walk away.

They're fucked either way.

The only path to GOP victory is if the Dems fuck up. Which is possible....but unlikely.

Except they're also calculating how likely each candidate's opponents are to hold onto their anger and resentment all the way through the general. I personally don't think the Trumpettes have got that much focus, nor do I think their hostility to Cruz has as much to do with him personally as to the fact that he's keeping them from getting their way. But I KNOW the NeverTrumpers loathe him personally, and are unlikely to forget that by November.

It's not a matter of loathing him. It's a matter of him being so corrupt and lacking of character that I could never look my child in the eye and tell her I voted for him without shame and embarrassment.
It seems to me that since it's a national requirement in the US Constitution, the qualification should come at the national level, say the Federal Election Commission. If the decision was made at the state level it could easily become a political decision in which a presidential candidate is struck from the ballot in some states yet the vice president candidate would remain on the ballot.

The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

The best solution is to eliminate "natural born" from the constitution and let the voters decide. Where you were born does not determine your loyalty, at least not today. If Cruz were born about a hundred miles further South in the US, that would not make him any better qualified..

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
A New Jersey Judge has just followed a Pennsylvanian judge in rejecting a challenge to Cruz's citizenship.

You mean he stays on the new Jersey ballot? Steve will be sad
Again, I will gladly point out to the Trump Whiners who complain about "voice of the people" being ignored.... Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates.... So you need to tell Mr. Trump that you support "voice of the people" in this process and he needs to release 8% of his delegates immediately.

Otherwise... Shut your pie hole!

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

More WHINY propaganda... Nothing was rigged, no rules were changed... Trump and Cruz both knew what the caucus rules were in Colorado.... Ya BOY LOST! Grow up and get over it... pull up your big girl panties and move on! He'll win NY and you can cheer and celebrate again. He won't get the 1,237 delegates he needs and you can cry foul all you like.. LION TED will be your GOP nominee.

IT was ALL rigged and the rules were not changed, they were trampled all over and ignored.

roflmao, you sure do like Straw Man arguments, bubba
Again, I will gladly point out to the Trump Whiners who complain about "voice of the people" being ignored.... Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates.... So you need to tell Mr. Trump that you support "voice of the people" in this process and he needs to release 8% of his delegates immediately.

Otherwise... Shut your pie hole!

Lol, that is how a delegation system works, those who win get more and those who lose get less than proportional.

But when the state CHEATS dues paying members by stripping them fro,m the ballot? That is just low life thug character.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.
The party eliminated the primary last August. Interestingly the change was criticized as favoring non-establishment candidates Several other states use a similar process. North Dakota delegates can vote for anyone they like.

I haven't followed Colorado but it does seem that Trump pretty much ignored the state preferring to use his resources in NY. Cruz has been working these delegates for weeks if not months visiting all the district caucus.

I am not upset with the GOP leadership in Colorado for changing from a primary to an appointed system, but they broke their own rules by arbitrarily stripping off the ballot a great many Trump supporters and that is wrong.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

More WHINY propaganda... Nothing was rigged, no rules were changed... Trump and Cruz both knew what the caucus rules were in Colorado.... Ya BOY LOST! Grow up and get over it... pull up your big girl panties and move on! He'll win NY and you can cheer and celebrate again. He won't get the 1,237 delegates he needs and you can cry foul all you like.. LION TED will be your GOP nominee.

IT was ALL rigged and the rules were not changed, they were trampled all over and ignored.

roflmao, you sure do like Straw Man arguments, bubba

Nope... you can believe that if you like... it's just not true.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

No, it's just a system, one that Cruz took the time to understand and work with, and Trump decided he could bypass with his usual dog-and-pony show. Trump failed, and Cruz didn't.

Right Cecilie, but can you please explain the republican nomination system in Colorado?

Forgive me, I am a Colorado native, and I never took the civics class required to understand the Republican nomination process here. But If you live here, you will know I am not alone. The local talk shows have taken to bringing on experts to explain it. Thank God! Here is what I think I've learned-

There is no voting
You may or may not be able to voice an opinion, but only for 10 seconds.
There is no voting
People you don't know will do all the important stuff.
There is no voting
You'll will find out who you want as nominee when they tell you.
Oh and there is no voting
Again, I will gladly point out to the Trump Whiners who complain about "voice of the people" being ignored.... Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates.... So you need to tell Mr. Trump that you support "voice of the people" in this process and he needs to release 8% of his delegates immediately.

Otherwise... Shut your pie hole!

Lol, that is how a delegation system works, those who win get more and those who lose get less than proportional.

But when the state CHEATS dues paying members by stripping them fro,m the ballot? That is just low life thug character.

Again... You want "will of the people" then have Trump forfeit 8% of his delegates and let's make this FAIR! Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke and whining because ya boy didn't win.

No one was stripped from the ballot who followed the process. The ONE example you have presented is someone who failed to attend his county caucus and disqualified himself. Too bad... that's the rules and everyone knew them going in. If they didn't, they should have. Cruz delegates certainly knew the rules.

But again, you want "voice of the voter" and "will of the people" to decide the nominee... we need for Trump to give up 8% of his delegates.
Again, I will gladly point out to the Trump Whiners who complain about "voice of the people" being ignored.... Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates.... So you need to tell Mr. Trump that you support "voice of the people" in this process and he needs to release 8% of his delegates immediately.

Otherwise... Shut your pie hole!

Hey Boss, what was the vote count in Colorado? HINT - consider in your answer that there was NO vote in Colorado. How is that accounted for in
". Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates..."?
I know you can see there is something wrong in Colorado.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.

More WHINY propaganda... Nothing was rigged, no rules were changed... Trump and Cruz both knew what the caucus rules were in Colorado.... Ya BOY LOST! Grow up and get over it... pull up your big girl panties and move on! He'll win NY and you can cheer and celebrate again. He won't get the 1,237 delegates he needs and you can cry foul all you like.. LION TED will be your GOP nominee.

IT was ALL rigged and the rules were not changed, they were trampled all over and ignored.

roflmao, you sure do like Straw Man arguments, bubba

Really? What rules did they ignore and trample on? And I mean REAL rules, not your vague ideas of how you THOUGHT things worked.
Again, I will gladly point out to the Trump Whiners who complain about "voice of the people" being ignored.... Trump currently has received 37% of the popular vote nationwide yet holds 45% of the delegates.... So you need to tell Mr. Trump that you support "voice of the people" in this process and he needs to release 8% of his delegates immediately.

Otherwise... Shut your pie hole!

Lol, that is how a delegation system works, those who win get more and those who lose get less than proportional.

But when the state CHEATS dues paying members by stripping them fro,m the ballot? That is just low life thug character.

Oh, okay, so when the rules disproportionately favor Trump, THAT'S just "the way things work", and it's okay. But when the rules don't favor Trump and his slap-happy approach to campaigning, suddenly it's "rigged" and "cheating".

I guess that's in line with your whole "I can lie like a fucking rug, and then accuse OTHER people of being liars" approach to life. Too bad for you that reality makes no effort to match your hallucinations, "Honest Jim".

Oh, hey, did you ever get around to clarifying how many members were "stripped" from the ballot? I noticed you gave up the word "purge" after the last lie you got caught in while using it.

The plan was to hold caucus meetings to select delegates not pledged to any particular candidate, in order for the Colorado delegation to have more influence. But it didn’t work out that way. When the Convention met on Saturday, Cruz operatives were able to place Cruz delegates into all 34 slots.

And according to Republican delegate hopeful Larry Wayne Lindsey, he was refused credentials because he was a Trump supporter. “I’ve been in line for about 45 mins trying to get into the arena for the caucus. I am a delegate but we’ll see whether or not they have provided my credentials for me. I as threatened if I tried to vote for trump I would be replaced, my vote nullified, and they would replace me with an alternate of their choosing.”

A little later, when he was denied entry to the convention, Lindsey said, “I guess my precinct captain made good on her threats. My name is no longer on the roster as a delegate. I have been removed and replaced. My vote nullified because I voted for Trump. I am unbelievably pissed. I am sick to death with how dishonest and corrupt these people are in Douglas county for the GOP. I’m ashamed to call myself a republican.”

So Cruz maneuvered, and plotted, and got his people named as Colorado delegates.

And there was never a vote among Colorado Republicans.

Instead Cruz won 34 delegates in a system in Colorado that didn’t even bother to ask voters.

A rigged system?

Certainly looks that way.
The party eliminated the primary last August. Interestingly the change was criticized as favoring non-establishment candidates Several other states use a similar process. North Dakota delegates can vote for anyone they like.

I haven't followed Colorado but it does seem that Trump pretty much ignored the state preferring to use his resources in NY. Cruz has been working these delegates for weeks if not months visiting all the district caucus.

I am not upset with the GOP leadership in Colorado for changing from a primary to an appointed system, but they broke their own rules by arbitrarily stripping off the ballot a great many Trump supporters and that is wrong.

Stripped a great many Trump supporters, huh? HOW many is "a great many"? Exactly how many Trump supporters were purged . . . oops, I mean "stripped", since you're now avoiding your previous term after making a bald-faced, lying laughingstock out of yourself while using it.

Or are you now going to try to tell me that you didn't say "stripped a great many Trump supporters", because I left out some apocryphcal qualifier that changed the whole meaning of the direct quote from your own post again?

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