Why Ted Cruz Will NOT Win A Contested Convention

I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

I disagree. State Secretaries of State would have that responsibility. Essentially acting as gate keepers to that State's electorate.
It seems to me that since it's a national requirement in the US Constitution, the qualification should come at the national level, say the Federal Election Commission. If the decision was made at the state level it could easily become a political decision in which a presidential candidate is struck from the ballot in some states yet the vice president candidate would remain on the ballot.

The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

The best solution is to eliminate "natural born" from the constitution and let the voters decide. Where you were born does not determine your loyalty, at least not today. If Cruz were born about a hundred miles further South in the US, that would not make him any better qualified..

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.
Inert from a legal sense, but the political fallout?
All of the historical information may be accurate (btw very informative, thank you) but will it damage him too much in the election if nominated?

It remains to be seen but I don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate" ...especially not this time around. I posted something about this on Facebook the other day as my newsfeed was flooded with all kinds of political back-and-forth.... Hey, guess what? Come November, a new president is going to be elected and there are going to be people who don't like the new president. We'll continue living... life will go on!

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...

Oh, for God's sake. "I don't care what the law is, I don't care what the court says, THIS is reality, because I WANT it to be, and damn it, if I just keep boring everyone silly obsessing over it, it will eventually mean something!"

Get therapy. And do it somewhere else.
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

The Law Center gave Cruz a 2 week ultimatum: Withdraw the candidacy or face the music. Cruz was a Canadian citizen clear up until 2014; a couple years past when he ran for senator. Which makes him ineligible to be a senator also.

Which means they are totally full of crap. If you have evidence that destroys someone's candidacy you don't bluff them into withdrawing

Yeah, it's exactly like Trump's constant screeching of, "I could sue!" If you could, you would. You wouldn't be threatening and blustering, you pantywaist. "I'll spill the beans!" Same thing. If you had anything, you'd be doing it, not talking about it.
Which means they are totally full of crap. If you have evidence that destroys someone's candidacy you don't bluff them into withdrawing

This exists:


This also exists: (note the date of execution as 2014, near bottom)


Now: digest reality.

You know what else exists? Multiple court rulings that your fantasy is never going to happen. Your chickenshit candidate is going to have to fight this campaign out to his bitter (for him; I'm laughing my ass off) defeat.

Digest THAT reality, and choke on it.
What's your point? Neither changes the fact that he is a natural born citizen. He was a citizen by virtue of his birth. No one disputes that. At no point was he naturalized nor did he ever need to be.

So this argument will get you no where. Not sure why you are so desperate to eliminate the only conservative still running but this wont work. The courts already ruled against it

They have this vague, pie-eyed hope that the Supreme Court is going to issue a ruling to disqualify a popular candidate in the middle of a Presidential campaign, and in the process disown the children of American citizens, millions of whom work overseas on any given day of the year.

Yeah, that'll happen. The leftists on the court don't even want to deny citizenship to the children of illegal aliens, so they're sure not going to deny it to the children of actual citizens, and the right-leaning Justices have absolutely no reason to do so.
The only way Cruz will lose the nomination in a contested convention is if he does not take advantage of the rules concerning delagates!

I suspect Cruz know the rules like the back of his hand and having an actual coalition that supports him in the party gives him an incredible advantage over Trump!!

Either Trump wins on the first round, or Cruz most likely wins on the next round of votes.

But Cruz and Trump are not willing to work with each other in any way shape or form is what I am hearing/reading. IF they can cooperate and coordinate on keeping the Romney Rule 40B intact then the Establishment gets their pick after they are done with their shenanigans.

I hope that Trump and Cruz do coopoerate to keep the rules intact, but these rules committee meetings that are done without notice on an irregular schedule can pull the rug out from under folks.

read up ion the history of the Alaska GOP purging from its ranks the Ron Paul supporters; a real disgrace.

The GOP establishment doesn't like either Cruz or Trump though Trump scares them more. They enacted the Romney rule to prevent Paul from being a distraction at the Convention- I will not at all be surprised if they change the rule again in order to make it possible for Kasich or Ryan to be the ultimate candidate.

I love this primary.

I am wondering though if the Cruz people, who are ont the ball and attentive, will cooperate with Trumps organization to stop any change to Rule 40B?

The establishment has some sneaky ways about them. The RNC has the authority to call a meeting of the rules committee and change the convention rules without the convention being in session.

They're not going to, "Honest Jim". As much as you twiddledicks love to try vainly to be "Cleverest Guy in the Room" and think of some asinine theory you think is "out of the box thinking", the GOP wants to survive, and even they aren't stupid enough to think they can do that by shoehorning some random suit into the candidacy at this point.

Tone-deaf and elitist they may be (and certainly are), but even they know they're stuck with Trump or Cruz, and Cruz is neither a flaming embarrassment with sky-high unfavorability, nor someone whose current opponents have the will and focus to hold a grudge against him for that many months.

The requirement of a person running for President of the United States is that s/he be a natural born citizen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz is a natural born citizen of Alberta, Canada.

And if you think a Cruz nomination will not be challenged at the 11th hour by the left and their pocket liberal-majority on the USSC, eager to see one of their own take the empty Seat there for life to get a lock on their liberal majority for the next generation, you need to have your head examined.

http://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-canadian-citizen-415430 A growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become U.S. president...An increasing number of high-profile constitutional law professors, including one of Cruz's own professors from Harvard Law School, have in recent days argued publicly that Cruz's birth disqualifies him.... English common law was "unequivocal" on the subject, McManamon says: "Natural-born subjects had to be born in English territory."

Ultimately the USSC *sudden Decision* probably late this Summer or in September will be that what matters is the INTENT of the original law. The intent of course is to insure that because of the potential for foreign influence, the Office of POTUS must be completely scrubbed of potential for contamination. Other things that will be pondered as to this intent is also the requirement that a person reside continually within the US for a number of years just prior to running, in addition to being natural born.

For you see, the 14th Amendment means that even though it's "nice little ole' Canada" today, "born to a mommy born in the US"...tomorrow it can also legally be a Russian boy born to a Russian mother by a US-born serviceman on shore leave. And you cannot discriminate based on gender or country of origin, don't forget.

So, for the GOP to nominate (or to continue the charade further) with Ted Cruz would be political suicide. It's true that one of the two remaining "not Trump" candidates should leave the race so the other can legitimately finish off Trump. So let it be the one who isn't eligible to run anyway...
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

I disagree. State Secretaries of State would have that responsibility. Essentially acting as gate keepers to that State's electorate.

Well, I haven't noticed anyone official stepping up to try to argue his candidacy, and every court that's been asked has basically told the plaintiffs to piss off.
More desperate wind pissing. Cruz is eligible to be President. Get over it. Or don't. Either way, you're irrelevant.
Nonetheless, Cruz will not win a contested convention. Cruz is a stalking horse for some other as of yet undisclosed GOP Establishment figure; maybe Ryan, maybe Romney maybe Gingrich, who knows?

But Cruz has zero chance of winning the nomination on the first ballot and he knows this. He is just blowing smoke up everyones watoozee.
Very true. This is why Cruz has been lobbying delegates for the last five months. He's pinning his hopes on a contested convention and wining delegates as they are released after the first ballot. However, if the delegate count is really close going into the convention, the uncommitted delegates could make the difference of the 1st ballot.

Trump needs 495 delegates to avoid a contested convention. Even if Trump sweeps every primary in April and May, he still will not have the 1237 votes he needs to avoid a contested convention. The California Primary with 172 delegates awarded proportional to the vote on June 7th will be the earliest date that Trump could have enough delegates to avoid a contested convention. If after the California Primary, Trump does not have the delegates he needs, things should get really interesting.
.2016 Primary Schedule

It definitely looks like a brokered convention. Trump will need 50% of the remaining delegates. And up to this point he's managed 46%. His campaign is slowly losing steam. It seems unlikely he'll get the 50% he needs.
No matter what happens the GOP looses. In the last Republican contested convention, the incumbent Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter. Although a party can unite after contested convention that doesn't seem likely in this case. The two leading candidates are not just very unpopular with independents and Democrats but their own party leadership has opposed both of them.

If Trump is nominated, they lose. As Trump is ludicrously unpopular with the general electorate. Even among republicans the man is loathed. With nearly 1 in 4 republicans indicating they'll vote for Hillary before they vote for Trump.

If they don't nominate Trump but instead give the nomination to someone with fewer votes and delegates, millions of Trumps supporters just walk away.

They're fucked either way.

The only path to GOP victory is if the Dems fuck up. Which is possible....but unlikely.

Except they're also calculating how likely each candidate's opponents are to hold onto their anger and resentment all the way through the general. I personally don't think the Trumpettes have got that much focus, nor do I think their hostility to Cruz has as much to do with him personally as to the fact that he's keeping them from getting their way. But I KNOW the NeverTrumpers loathe him personally, and are unlikely to forget that by November.
Nonetheless, Cruz will not win a contested convention. Cruz is a stalking horse for some other as of yet undisclosed GOP Establishment figure; maybe Ryan, maybe Romney maybe Gingrich, who knows?

But Cruz has zero chance of winning the nomination on the first ballot and he knows this. He is just blowing smoke up everyones watoozee.
Very true. This is why Cruz has been lobbying delegates for the last five months. He's pinning his hopes on a contested convention and wining delegates as they are released after the first ballot. However, if the delegate count is really close going into the convention, the uncommitted delegates could make the difference of the 1st ballot.

Trump needs 495 delegates to avoid a contested convention. Even if Trump sweeps every primary in April and May, he still will not have the 1237 votes he needs to avoid a contested convention. The California Primary with 172 delegates awarded proportional to the vote on June 7th will be the earliest date that Trump could have enough delegates to avoid a contested convention. If after the California Primary, Trump does not have the delegates he needs, things should get really interesting.
.2016 Primary Schedule

It definitely looks like a brokered convention. Trump will need 50% of the remaining delegates. And up to this point he's managed 46%. His campaign is slowly losing steam. It seems unlikely he'll get the 50% he needs.
No matter what happens the GOP looses. In the last Republican contested convention, the incumbent Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter. Although a party can unite after contested convention that doesn't seem likely in this case. The two leading candidates are not just very unpopular with independents and Democrats but their own party leadership has opposed both of them.

If Trump is nominated, they lose. As Trump is ludicrously unpopular with the general electorate. Even among republicans the man is loathed. With nearly 1 in 4 republicans indicating they'll vote for Hillary before they vote for Trump.

If they don't nominate Trump but instead give the nomination to someone with fewer votes and delegates, millions of Trumps supporters just walk away.

They're fucked either way.

The only path to GOP victory is if the Dems fuck up. Which is possible....but unlikely.
The patriotic fed-up silent White majority will put Trump in and prevent the future browning of America. It's the only way to make America great again.

"Silent". I WISH you ass clowns were silent. Ever. For just a minute or two.
It definitely looks like a brokered convention. Trump will need 50% of the remaining delegates. And up to this point he's managed 46%. His campaign is slowly losing steam. It seems unlikely he'll get the 50% he needs.
No matter what happens the GOP looses. In the last Republican contested convention, the incumbent Gerald Ford lost to Jimmy Carter. Although a party can unite after contested convention that doesn't seem likely in this case. The two leading candidates are not just very unpopular with independents and Democrats but their own party leadership has opposed both of them.

If Trump is nominated, they lose. As Trump is ludicrously unpopular with the general electorate. Even among republicans the man is loathed. With nearly 1 in 4 republicans indicating they'll vote for Hillary before they vote for Trump.

If they don't nominate Trump but instead give the nomination to someone with fewer votes and delegates, millions of Trumps supporters just walk away.

They're fucked either way.

The only path to GOP victory is if the Dems fuck up. Which is possible....but unlikely.
The patriotic fed up silent White majority will put Trump in and prevent the future browning of America.

Most Americans don't share your white supremacist leanings.
You would be surprised they do.

No, we really don't.
I think your dreaming. The case would have to go through lower federal courts before the Supreme Court would considered hearing the case. I think the problem would be getting the lawsuit into federal court. The plaintiff would have be able to show how he would be personally harmed by a Cruz presidency.

The basic problem is no one has the responsibility of determining presidential eligibility.

I disagree. State Secretaries of State would have that responsibility. Essentially acting as gate keepers to that State's electorate.
It seems to me that since it's a national requirement in the US Constitution, the qualification should come at the national level, say the Federal Election Commission. If the decision was made at the state level it could easily become a political decision in which a presidential candidate is struck from the ballot in some states yet the vice president candidate would remain on the ballot.

The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

The best solution is to eliminate "natural born" from the constitution and let the voters decide. Where you were born does not determine your loyalty, at least not today. If Cruz were born about a hundred miles further South in the US, that would not make him any better qualified..

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Unless Trump Self destructs? Really? He has already run the most atypical campaign in modern history, he has said and done so many things wrong there are too many to list. Just how does he self destruct?

By being incapable of working the system effectively. Throwing out rhetorical red meat to gin up the Neanderthals isn't enough to get it done this time around.
Cruz will not be declared ineligible. His mother is an American citizen, therefore, he is also an American citizen. The very term "natural born" is derived from old English law which deemed those born by subjects of the crown as "natural born" under the crown, regardless of their place of birth. That is where the term itself originates.

Furthermore, the founding father most influential in articulating the concerns of foreign influence in government, the bedrock and foundation of the "natural born" clause in the Constitution, was John Jay. Jay served many years as Minister of Spain where he and his wife had several of six children born on foreign soil. So we have to suspend disbelief to think that John Jay would advocate for something that would prohibit several of his children from running for president while allowing the ones born on American soil to run. Clearly, that was not his concern or intent with regard to foreign influence. Surely, John Jay did not think some of his own children were disqualified from running for president just because they were born on Spanish soil.

Not only is there no foundation for this argument in the Constitution or Federalist Papers, there is yet another snafu. We went through this just 8 years ago when Barack Obama became a Democrat candidate for President. Some people don't realize, you don't just up and decide you're going to run for president on one of the two major party tickets, you have to be approved by the head of the party itself in order to put your name in the hat and run as a Republican or Democrat. Obama's candidacy was vetted and approved by Nancy Pelosi. To this day, we still have never seen the Certificate of Live Birth long form from Obama, we only have the word of Pelosi that he is duly qualified to hold the office.

Now, this is more important than you may think. You see, when a candidate is allowed to run and people go out and cast votes for them in good faith, you cannot just snatch their votes away and disenfranchise them because you don't think their candidate is qualified AFTER the process. The people who have voted for Cruz are irreparably harmed by such an act through no fault of their own. The time for an objection to his candidacy to be raised has come and gone.

Finally, should there be, by some quirk of fate, a case brought and appealed to SCOTUS on the matter, they have a long-standing doctrine regarding "political questions" which they have never ignored in the history of the court. To put this simply, the court is never going to involve itself in a case brought through the heat of politics. This would clearly be an example of such a case, brought solely on the basis of political bias. SCOTUS will simply not hear the case and the Cruz candidacy will stand.
All of the historical information may be accurate (btw very informative, thank you) but will it damage him too much in the election if nominated?

No. There aren't enough likely voters in the country who are going to care about this enough to shift the election focus from "President Hillary Clinton". *shudder*
All of the historical information may be accurate (btw very informative, thank you) but will it damage him too much in the election if nominated?

It remains to be seen but I don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate" ...especially not this time around. I posted something about this on Facebook the other day as my newsfeed was flooded with all kinds of political back-and-forth.... Hey, guess what? Come November, a new president is going to be elected and there are going to be people who don't like the new president. We'll continue living... life will go on!
You don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate"
Well, that's about the biggest understatement I have seen on USMB.
I disagree. State Secretaries of State would have that responsibility. Essentially acting as gate keepers to that State's electorate.
It seems to me that since it's a national requirement in the US Constitution, the qualification should come at the national level, say the Federal Election Commission. If the decision was made at the state level it could easily become a political decision in which a presidential candidate is struck from the ballot in some states yet the vice president candidate would remain on the ballot.

The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

The best solution is to eliminate "natural born" from the constitution and let the voters decide. Where you were born does not determine your loyalty, at least not today. If Cruz were born about a hundred miles further South in the US, that would not make him any better qualified..

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
A New Jersey Judge has just followed a Pennsylvanian judge in rejecting a challenge to Cruz's citizenship.
All of the historical information may be accurate (btw very informative, thank you) but will it damage him too much in the election if nominated?

It remains to be seen but I don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate" ...especially not this time around. I posted something about this on Facebook the other day as my newsfeed was flooded with all kinds of political back-and-forth.... Hey, guess what? Come November, a new president is going to be elected and there are going to be people who don't like the new president. We'll continue living... life will go on!
You don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate"
Well, that's about the biggest understatement I have seen on USMB.

Lol, yeah, I almost lost my bubble gum.
It seems to me that since it's a national requirement in the US Constitution, the qualification should come at the national level, say the Federal Election Commission. If the decision was made at the state level it could easily become a political decision in which a presidential candidate is struck from the ballot in some states yet the vice president candidate would remain on the ballot.

The Secretary of State could, at the very least, force a court battle on the topic. And given the fact that the process of election as the method of assigning electors is entirely at the discretion of the state legislatures....and the Secretary of State is acting on their behalf, he'd almost certainly have standing.

The best solution is to eliminate "natural born" from the constitution and let the voters decide. Where you were born does not determine your loyalty, at least not today. If Cruz were born about a hundred miles further South in the US, that would not make him any better qualified..

Best perhaps, hypothetically. But in terms of practical solutions, its a little ivory tower. There's 0.0% chance that such a solution would be implemented to resolve Cruz's eligibility if it were seriously challenged. A court ruling, congressional ruling, or the decision of individual state Secretaries of State would be the arbiters for all practical purposes.
Yes, I think the states do have the power but I doubt they would choose to exercise that power. The Secretary of State could just have the candidate certify that he or she meets the constitutional requirements. Some states may already do this.

Oh, no one is doing shit. Not the Secretaries of State, not the Congress, not the Courts. This issue is essentially inert. Sil is smoking dreams.

I can't imagine anyone holding such an office who is insane enough to want to stick his metaphorical dick into a wood chipper by taking on this question during THIS election.
A New Jersey Judge has just followed a Pennsylvanian judge in rejecting a challenge to Cruz's citizenship.

Like I said. Hell, if I was a judge, I wouldn't want to go there.
All of the historical information may be accurate (btw very informative, thank you) but will it damage him too much in the election if nominated?

It remains to be seen but I don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate" ...especially not this time around. I posted something about this on Facebook the other day as my newsfeed was flooded with all kinds of political back-and-forth.... Hey, guess what? Come November, a new president is going to be elected and there are going to be people who don't like the new president. We'll continue living... life will go on!
You don't think we're going to have a "perfect candidate"
Well, that's about the biggest understatement I have seen on USMB.

Honestly, I don't think America deserves good candidates any more, let alone "perfect" ones. We're too addicted to our warm, fuzzy feelings of smug superiority gained from savaging anyone who runs for office like a pack of rabid pit bulls to ever let ourselves be "naive" enough to appreciate a candidate. And then we wonder why good people don't run for office, as though we'd recognize them when they did.

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