Why Testing Should Be Required To Vote

I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
Here's a simple solution.

EDUCATE PEOPLE. I know, I know, it's not the sort of policy that the politicians like. Educated people, people who can think for themselves, are people who are less likely to be taken in by the political bull sheet that goes on, ie, advertising to death with billions of dollars (7 billion last Presidential election), and therefore less likely to vote for the people who control the system (which demands useless education for many of the people).

But, you know, it's worth telling the politicians you want them to deal with education.

I mean, when you have things like the presidents wife saying kids should only eat one sachet of ketchup with their school meal and millions of people getting all worked up about the president telling people what to do, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

I mean (part 2), when you look on message boards like this and you see the carp that goes on (great fish, as long as you don't eat it), the complete lack of intelligence and the massive amounts of energy that go into reducing everything to the simplest, easiest way of understand and the most likely to solve absolutely anything, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

Great idea, I can get right to teaching those pigs to sing, I got plenty of time to waste and I love to annoy the pigs .....................

Kids don't want to learn, I heard a TV interview about labor skills and school.

The comment that stuck in my mind was that kids today wanted to sleep in school but expected to get out and make big money in the work force.

They get out dumb as bags of rocks and soon find out they are worthless ...............

What? Is there a point to your rant? Or just evidence that the education system doesn't work by writing nonsense?

Right on que, a product of that current education system and the appalling lack of comprehension skills ..................
I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
this comes from a poster with a clown picture?

My blue pit biscuit would eat you alive if I told him to do it.....

The difference between you and me....

I am real and don't hide who I am.
I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

After voting multiple times (as all us democrats do) I hope in my chevy.
Here's a simple solution.

EDUCATE PEOPLE. I know, I know, it's not the sort of policy that the politicians like. Educated people, people who can think for themselves, are people who are less likely to be taken in by the political bull sheet that goes on, ie, advertising to death with billions of dollars (7 billion last Presidential election), and therefore less likely to vote for the people who control the system (which demands useless education for many of the people).

But, you know, it's worth telling the politicians you want them to deal with education.

I mean, when you have things like the presidents wife saying kids should only eat one sachet of ketchup with their school meal and millions of people getting all worked up about the president telling people what to do, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

I mean (part 2), when you look on message boards like this and you see the carp that goes on (great fish, as long as you don't eat it), the complete lack of intelligence and the massive amounts of energy that go into reducing everything to the simplest, easiest way of understand and the most likely to solve absolutely anything, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

Great idea, I can get right to teaching those pigs to sing, I got plenty of time to waste and I love to annoy the pigs .....................

Kids don't want to learn, I heard a TV interview about labor skills and school.

The comment that stuck in my mind was that kids today wanted to sleep in school but expected to get out and make big money in the work force.

They get out dumb as bags of rocks and soon find out they are worthless ...............

Dumb as a bag of rocks is believing whatever you hear on t.v.
Here's a simple solution.

EDUCATE PEOPLE. I know, I know, it's not the sort of policy that the politicians like. Educated people, people who can think for themselves, are people who are less likely to be taken in by the political bull sheet that goes on, ie, advertising to death with billions of dollars (7 billion last Presidential election), and therefore less likely to vote for the people who control the system (which demands useless education for many of the people).

But, you know, it's worth telling the politicians you want them to deal with education.

I mean, when you have things like the presidents wife saying kids should only eat one sachet of ketchup with their school meal and millions of people getting all worked up about the president telling people what to do, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

I mean (part 2), when you look on message boards like this and you see the carp that goes on (great fish, as long as you don't eat it), the complete lack of intelligence and the massive amounts of energy that go into reducing everything to the simplest, easiest way of understand and the most likely to solve absolutely anything, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

Great idea, I can get right to teaching those pigs to sing, I got plenty of time to waste and I love to annoy the pigs .....................

Kids don't want to learn, I heard a TV interview about labor skills and school.

The comment that stuck in my mind was that kids today wanted to sleep in school but expected to get out and make big money in the work force.

They get out dumb as bags of rocks and soon find out they are worthless ...............

Dumb as a bag of rocks is believing whatever you hear on t.v.

Only if you use those left propaganda machines like MSNBC & the Communist News Network ....................
I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
this comes from a poster with a clown picture?

My blue pit biscuit would eat you alive if I told him to do it.....

The difference between you and me....

I am real and don't hide who I am.

You are a habitual liar. And.....I'm not impressed when you tell me that your fucking dog would eat me alive. Not at all.
Here's a simple solution.

EDUCATE PEOPLE. I know, I know, it's not the sort of policy that the politicians like. Educated people, people who can think for themselves, are people who are less likely to be taken in by the political bull sheet that goes on, ie, advertising to death with billions of dollars (7 billion last Presidential election), and therefore less likely to vote for the people who control the system (which demands useless education for many of the people).

But, you know, it's worth telling the politicians you want them to deal with education.

I mean, when you have things like the presidents wife saying kids should only eat one sachet of ketchup with their school meal and millions of people getting all worked up about the president telling people what to do, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

I mean (part 2), when you look on message boards like this and you see the carp that goes on (great fish, as long as you don't eat it), the complete lack of intelligence and the massive amounts of energy that go into reducing everything to the simplest, easiest way of understand and the most likely to solve absolutely anything, you know that there's a MASSIVE problem with education.

Great idea, I can get right to teaching those pigs to sing, I got plenty of time to waste and I love to annoy the pigs .....................

Kids don't want to learn, I heard a TV interview about labor skills and school.

The comment that stuck in my mind was that kids today wanted to sleep in school but expected to get out and make big money in the work force.

They get out dumb as bags of rocks and soon find out they are worthless ...............

Dumb as a bag of rocks is believing whatever you hear on t.v.

Only if you use those left propaganda machines like MSNBC & the Communist News Network ....................

Well, we've established that you do use the t.v. for your sources and obviously believe whatever you hear. So, which network did you listen to that's not corporate owned?
I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
this comes from a poster with a clown picture?

My blue pit biscuit would eat you alive if I told him to do it.....

The difference between you and me....

I am real and don't hide who I am.

You are a habitual liar. And.....I'm not impressed when you tell me that your fucking dog would eat me alive. Not at all.
so this tells me one thing
You are a loser?

And if I lie so bad shouldn't I be a millionaire by now telling fiction story's?

Sorry pal what I post about my life is real, if I like it or not.....
Here's a test question to see if you should vote: Are you a financial support or drain on America?

I posted a thread on this in May - Voting Privileges System Needed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The thesis is that only those who financially support our country (in any give year) should be permitted to vote. This doesn't require any specific knowledge of American history or current events, but if you are making money and paying your taxes it means that you must know something.

I could get behind this ..............

Let's extend this one step farther, only those who work legally for the full 4 yr period get to vote in presidential elections.

and retirees?

Are they allowed to vote?

Sure, there would be qualifiers such as "physically fit", handicapped, age brackets, use some common sense .....................

I know you would like to paint this off as some compassion less act and me a bad guy for even agreeing with it.

Physically fit in order to vote, a novel idea. How many push ups for example? 10? 15?
Yo Bear....

I've got a few minutes. Let's find out how real you are.

Your avatar.....I assume that is you and your killer dog in your living room.

You've told us that you make something like 70K per year. Why do you live in a shithole like that, then?

And...I understand why you'd need the dog. You are awful petite.
Physically fit in order to vote, a novel idea. How many push ups for example? 10? 15?

Unfortunately those without brains would not consult a medical professional that is legitimate and adheres to legal standards clearly set and defined.

You have a good act of mental retardation, but I am sure a good doctor would bust that out quick.

Weak mind, strong back, works fine, all you need to do is become a productive member of society.

Then I would not mind if you voted ..................
I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
this comes from a poster with a clown picture?

My blue pit biscuit would eat you alive if I told him to do it.....

The difference between you and me....

I am real and don't hide who I am.

You are a habitual liar. And.....I'm not impressed when you tell me that your fucking dog would eat me alive. Not at all.
so this tells me one thing
You are a loser?

And if I lie so bad shouldn't I be a millionaire by now telling fiction story's?

Sorry pal what I post about my life is real, if I like it or not.....

I remember leaving a voting booth around 1995 and running into my mom, I will never forget what she asked me "You know who to vote for right?"

I told her what the fuck are you talking about?

I voted for bugs bunny, hoped in my 95 stang and went back to work.

Damn....you lie with such ease......about meaningless shit.
this comes from a poster with a clown picture?

My blue pit biscuit would eat you alive if I told him to do it.....

The difference between you and me....

I am real and don't hide who I am.

You are a habitual liar. And.....I'm not impressed when you tell me that your fucking dog would eat me alive. Not at all.
so this tells me one thing
You are a loser?

And if I lie so bad shouldn't I be a millionaire by now telling fiction story's?

Sorry pal what I post about my life is real, if I like it or not.....

It's fiction stories, not story's. Maybe there should be a spelling test for voter eligibility. This may really hinder republicans getting elected.

Well, we've established that you do use the t.v. for your sources and obviously believe whatever you hear. So, which network did you listen to that's not corporate owned?

When they hold the #1 slot in all time slots for all news networks what difference does it make if the network is corporately owned.

Say, since you brought it up name a channel that is not corporately owned.

Physically fit in order to vote, a novel idea. How many push ups for example? 10? 15?

Unfortunately those without brains would not consult a medical professional that is legitimate and adheres to legal standards clearly set and defined.

You have a good act of mental retardation, but I am sure a good doctor would bust that out quick.

Weak mind, strong back, works fine, all you need to do is become a productive member of society.

Then I would not mind if you voted ..................

Actually, those without brains wouldn't be able to consult anybody. They'd be dead. Keep posting though. It gives me an insight into the right wing mentality.

Well, we've established that you do use the t.v. for your sources and obviously believe whatever you hear. So, which network did you listen to that's not corporate owned?

When they hold the #1 slot in all time slots for all news networks what difference does it make if the network is corporately owned.

Say, since you brought it up name a channel that is not corporately owned.


What's this, a cut and paste marathon? We've already established that you depend on the news media for your world view. You don't have to keep proving what a shallow individual you are. I'm convinced. I really have to go, now. I have a real life, and I just check in here at the loony bin now and then for laughs.
Smart educated liberal academics from Harvard and Yale have done more damage to this nation than any 'Joe the Plumber' could even conceive of.

We would be better off if only stupid people were allowed to run for office or vote.

Smart educated liberal academics from Harvard and Yale have done more damage to this nation than any 'Joe the Plumber' could even conceive of.

We would be better off if only stupid people were allowed to run for office or vote.


That's awesome. A nutter being honest for a change.
Smart educated liberal academics from Harvard and Yale have done more damage to this nation than any 'Joe the Plumber' could even conceive of.

We would be better off if only stupid people were allowed to run for office or vote.


That's awesome. A nutter being honest for a change.

By posting that, you are no longer allowed to vote or run for office...:)

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