Why the Baha’i World Center is in Israel, not in “Palestine”

Arab Israeli Yoseph Haddad: For Arabs and Muslims, Israel is an oasis of democracy
Oh. I didn't know. Pestilinians get a vote for members of the Knesset?


Not like South Africa's Bantustans or Poland's ghettos at all, then.

Silly me.
Oh. I didn't know. Pestilinians get a vote for members of the Knesset?


Not like South Africa's Bantustans or Poland's ghettos at all, then.

Silly me.
Dumbass: Pestilinians are citizens of the Pestilinian Authority and Gaza.

“Palestinian leaders are going around the world speaking about rights at the same time as they are directing a machinery of oppression to crush dissent”

“Methods employed by the Palestinian Authority include beatings, electric shocks and stress positions. On one occasion PA security forces tied a cord around a detainee’s penis for eight hours, causing it to swell and turn blue”

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It's always the case that the victims of apartheid deserve it. If only they'd recognise the imperative of the oppressors everyone would get on together, no worries.

Too bad for your propaganda attempts, we've seen the results of your 'noble oppressed victims' and their 'revolution'. None of you 'freedum fighters' will be caught dead going there and impressing them with your wonderfulness and global citizen rubbish.
If the Baha’i World Center leaves Israel, you’ll have a point. Until then, STFU.

You racists really get all butthurt when you get caught spreading your manure piles. You should go see on of your fellow con artists and pay him to 'analyze' you and recommend some crank therapies for you to focus on..
Oh. I didn't know. Pestilinians get a vote for members of the Knesset?


Not like South Africa's Bantustans or Poland's ghettos at all, then.

Silly me.

Arabs do vote in Israeli elections.

You being just another ignorant parrot wouldn;t know anything like that, though, so you're safe with your peers and fellow deviants.
Sure, in the land the Israelis haven't stolen. Maintained by Israel's blockades and political isolation. The Israelis certainly learned the lessons of the Nazis and the Boers, no one can say they aren't quick learners.

lol rubbish. Arabs were pro-Nazi, and their attempts to invade the Mandate all failed, because they're morons and their armies degenerated into mobs of looters and rapists. They lost wars they started; sucks to be such feral losers but that's the way it rolls. You could there and build them a hospital or something, but then you would miss out on all that quality time you spend smoking meth and surfing tranny porn.
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You racists really get all butthurt when you get caught spreading your manure piles. You should go see on of your fellow con artists and pay him to 'analyze' you and recommend some crank therapies for you to focus on..

Bahai World Center is in Israel, oasis of inclusion and diversity. Muslims hate them but Muslims hate everyone including other Muslims.



Freedom for Baha’i! In Israel the oasis of democracy and inclusion...

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Nor in reading comprehension, from appearances.

Yes, you should work on that. You just parroting left wing gibberish is rather pedestrian and demonstrates a lack of critical thinking skills.
Note I referred to those categorised as Pestilinians.

Dumbass: Pestilinians are self-governing, under the fascist Pestilinian Authority and Hamas.

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This is how Baha’i are treated in the Islamic world, and why their World Center is in Israel…


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