Why is Texas seeing such weather extremes?

China is a developing country and that then requires that modern countries pick up the slack for them.

But that only applies to Americans if the majority believe in AGW. The rest of them shouldn't give a fk!

After all questions, it becomes obvious that Communists believe in AGW.

While America is in a state of political flux on whether to believe or not believe?

Trump's verdict will tell us more about Americans' choice!
Now you are willing to give China a pass because they are a developing country? You tried to claim they were not big polluters, now they get a pass. Are you being paid by China or are you just a big believer in communism and feel that you want everyone to bow to your ideas of the way the world should be?
Now you are willing to give China a pass because they are a developing country? You tried to claim they were not big polluters, now they get a pass.
No, i didn't claim that China wasn't a big polluter. That's just one of your careless lies
Are you being paid by China or are you just a big believer in communism
I'm not being paid by China directly but I'm a believer in China's system of capitalism that contains a healthy measure of socialism and perhaps some communism.
and feel that you want everyone to bow to your ideas of the way the world should be?
The ideas aren't mine, they are China's and they've proven to be the largest success the world has ever seen, on raising hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty.

Do you think China's efforts justify some increase in polluting? Or do you not believe in AGW, and so the point is moot?
No, i didn't claim that China wasn't a big polluter. That's just one of your careless lies

I'm not being paid by China directly but I'm a believer in China's system of capitalism that contains a healthy measure of socialism and perhaps some communism.

The ideas aren't mine, they are China's and they've proven to be the largest success the world has ever seen, on raising hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty.

Do you think China's efforts justify some increase in polluting? Or do you not believe in AGW, and so the point is moot?
(I'm sorry to have to cut you off, due to your failure to keep the discussion polite!)

You'll be given another opportunity in a few days.

It's the fact of human caused climate change.
How long have you been a member/dupe of Al Gore's Global Warming Doomsday Cult?

Kinda funny how you moronic worshippers cling to the prophecies of Gore and the GWDC priests at the IPCC even after they repeatedly lied to you.

Texas has rigged elections if 80% vote for GOP. Yea, just like 80% vote for Putin.

Supermajority support for Democratic presidential candidates is a pattern among Latino voters. In a 2021 Gallup poll, 56% of Latinos identified with the Democratic party, and 26% said they were Republicans.

I see 60 Democratic 30% GOP


A majority of Latino adults (60%) say the Democratic Party represents the interests of people like them somewhat or very well, while about a third (34%) say the same about the Republican Party, according to the new Pew Research Center survey.

Republicans’ greatest pockets of strength are with people who attend religious services weekly (leading Democrats by 26 points among this group) and residents of towns or rural areas (+25). The GOP holds smaller double-digit advantages among Protestants, White adults, men, non-college-educated adults, residents of the South and semi-regular church attenders.

Only partially offsetting these trends, the Democratic Party has gained adherents long term among college-educated Americans -- those with postgraduate education and those with a college degree only.

Yes, you need to parrot lies. We know why. Guess whose wages and jobs are hit hardest by your illegal alien flood? Hint: It isn't evul white people.
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“It is disgraceful to see the longtime antagonists of clean power — who attack it whether it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining — engaging in a politically opportunistic charade, misleading Americans to promote an agenda that has nothing to do with restoring power to Texas communities,” she said.

Texas needs another 40 gigawatts just to supply new immigrant needs. Green isn't going to cover anywhere near that, just a fact. Green is getting people killed. No amount of idiot propaganda from green scammers is going to sell well.
China has already moved far beyond America in their ability to produce all the necessary materials and products used in the EV manufacturing industry.

China has gambled on there being a need.

America is gambling on there being no AGW or climate change crisis.

Which country is benefitting from their decision to gamble?

lol people in Red China's cities have to wear gas masks just to leave their homes the pollution is so thick. Your wrecking the U.S. isn't doing a damn thing to slow down 'global warming', dumbass. China and India are building new coal plants as fast as they can.

No, i didn't claim that China wasn't a big polluter. That's just one of your careless lies

I'm not being paid by China directly but I'm a believer in China's system of capitalism that contains a healthy measure of socialism and perhaps some communism.

The ideas aren't mine, they are China's and they've proven to be the largest success the world has ever seen, on raising hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty.

Do you think China's efforts justify some increase in polluting? Or do you not believe in AGW, and so the point is moot?
I guess it was someone else that was using your screen name that claimed they did not produce as much CO2.
I understand that you are very enthralled with your homeland or at least have to act as if you are so that you are not sent to a labor camp so you can make goods for us Americans at no pay.

But let me educate you just a bit.
To go green we would need to remove everyone from New Mexico and Arizona just to cover those states in solar cells. Then we would have to remove most of everyone from Nevada to allow us to place batteries.
Then we would need to triple our transmission system. That means at a minimum triple the amount of transformers, lines and other parts.
Once all that is in place then we can begin to setup the Trillions of dollars worth of charging stations.
Of course we will have to find a lot more lithium and other minerals since the deposits we know of would only manage to convert about a quarter of the US. That would leave all other countries out of the green equation.
So I have a hard time getting behind a jump on the bandwagon of going green because we just do not have what it would take.

Now if you want to replant the millions of acres of rainforest that would be a lot less costly and could be achieved in a far shorter time period

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Because temperatures on Earth change, and have done for millions of years. This is nothing unusual compared to what we've seen in the last 400,000 years.
Have you asked yourself why NASA is studying climate change?

Are you kidding? So I was right. You trust the space ship division of NASA but not the earth science division. They are corrupt right?

NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a United States government agency that conducts research and development related to space and aeronautics. NASA's work includes:
  • Space exploration
    NASA sends probes into space, including robotic space probes that have visited every planet in our solar system. NASA also plans missions to other planets and outer space, such as the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which attempted to move an asteroid in space.
  • Earth science
    NASA monitors Earth's climate, weather, geology, and more using satellites, planes, and other tools. This data helps us understand what's happening on Earth and prepare for changes.
  • Aeronautics
    NASA conducts research and development to improve the efficiency, safety, and speed of aircraft, including electric propulsion and supersonic flight. NASA also has some of the world's largest wind tunnels.
  • Space technologies
    NASA develops and funds space technologies that will enable future exploration and benefit life on Earth. For example, NASA's work in space has led to technological advances in areas such as health, transportation, and energy.
Yes, you need to parrot lies. We know why. Guess whose wages and jobs are hit hardest by your illegal alien flood? Hint: It isn't evul white people.
Then why are uneducated whites hurting the most?

In 2015, Princeton University economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton coined the term "deaths of despair" to describe the increase in deaths by suicide, drug addiction, and alcohol among less-educated white Americans. They argued that this suffering was linked to economic insecurity and the cumulative effects of long-term economic stagnation. Case and Deaton also linked the crisis to the weakening position of labor, the growing power of corporations, and a health-care sector that redistributes working-class wages to the wealthy.

Bush/Republicans/Corporations sent their good jobs overseas. Attacked them. Said they were lazy and overpaid. And now these deplorables are going to vote for Trump? Good! Fuck em!!! I've been telling them to vote Democratic for years but they still won't listen. Even Ford UAW workers voted for Bush. Well, FUCK EM! Now they are so angry they're going to vote for Trump? Talk about not learning your lesson.
Then why are uneducated whites hurting the most?

Because you said so. Peddle your wishful thinking to somebody as uneducated as yourself. Black and latinos are far less educated, and their crime rates and violence much higher, despite your best attempts at dreaming up fake news.
Because you said so. Peddle your wishful thinking to somebody as uneducated as yourself. Black and latinos are far less educated, and their crime rates and violence much higher, despite your best attempts at dreaming up fake news.
No a study shows. And this is while blacks and other minorities are doing better. They are moving up and uneducated whites have taken a step back. Don't blame Democrats. You and Bush sent all their good paying jobs overseas. They were unionized jobs. You sent their jobs away.

So if they vote for you, they deserve you.
Not at all. Why does NASA study climate change?

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Why is this happening?

Texas GOP Appears To Put Death Penalty For Abortion Patients On 2024 Wish List​

The Republican Party of Texas is considering a platform this week that would define abortion as homicide.

The proposal called for new legislation to solidify fetal personhood ideology into law, define abortion care as homicide and criminalize in vitro fertilization
Because it's a way to milk money from the US tax payers. Same as why they fake moon landings.
So, you don't have an answer, because it doesn't make sense to you either. FYI, there's no shame in being honest once in a while
So, you don't have an answer, because it doesn't make sense to you either. FYI, there's no shame in being honest once in a while
Tell me why if you think you know. I know. It's obvious. The line between air you can breath and outer space is very thin you idiot.

You're from Texas and uneducated? Or with that name are you uneducated and from the Carolinas.
Tell me why if you think you know. I know. It's obvious. The line between air you can breath and outer space is very thin you idiot.

You're from Texas and uneducated? Or with that name are you uneducated and from the Carolinas.
you big poopyhead. I win

Have a blessed life
Tell me why if you think you know. I know. It's obvious. The line between air you can breath and outer space is very thin you idiot.
How thin is "very thin"?

The maximum altitude at which humans can breathe without oxygen is roughly 8,000 meters (26,000 feet). The popular definition of the edge of space: The Karman Line, is defined as 100,000 meters altitude (328,084 feet). The distance between them, 92,000 meters (301,837 feet) is more than 11 times the thickness of the atmosphere in which we can breathe.
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