Why is Texas seeing such weather extremes?

AGW doesn't apply equally to all regions of America, and especially to Texas where conditions have been exacerbated to cause worst case outcomes. And also, most Texans are Christians and the god won't allow it to happen even in the worst conditions created by man.
Texas will be blue soon. Did you know

lol no, it won't; 3 of our border Congressional districts are going red, they're 95% Hispanic, and overall the Latino vote is going close to 80% Republican nation wide. They don't like illegal immigration, and they really don't like kiddie raping faggots, despite your best efforts to bullshit them. The rest of your post is just more rubbish. We have a lot of counties, and west of Fort Worth they've always been under-populated. No news there. Soon our Congressional delegation will match California's and they won't be able to dictate their whims on the rest of the country any more. Your fantasies are just lame.
AGW doesn't apply equally to all regions of America, and especially to Texas where conditions have been exacerbated to cause worst case outcomes. And also, most Texans are Christians and the god won't allow it to happen even in the worst conditions created by man.

Another idiot who doesn't have a clue to Texas demographics, and thinks it's still a western movie set; typical hick from some urban shithole who has never been outside his little town.

It is just the beginning. Scientist see weather extremes and wild fires to increase as the atmosphere warms. It may be too late to reverse much of the damage that fossil fuels have inflicted on the planet? All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

How many solar panels do we need to normalize the weather?
$1 trillion? $10 trillion? $100 trillion?

All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Stop.......giving me more reasons to vote for Trump.
Still wondering how things like EVs are going to replace the thousands of acres of rainforest that have been destroyed.
Still wondering how all the copper needed for transmission lines for charging stations, all the lithium need for batteries, all the steel, etc. are going to be mined.
No one seems to be able to explain how we are going to increase electric production to power all the EVs we would need to replace all the gasoline and diesel powered cars.
Still wondering who was running so many SUVsthat ended the ice ages.
Texas has always had bad weather, for one, and for two, it's the solar and wind scams that keep crapping out and causing power failures, i.e. the idiotic Green garbage.

“It is disgraceful to see the longtime antagonists of clean power — who attack it whether it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining — engaging in a politically opportunistic charade, misleading Americans to promote an agenda that has nothing to do with restoring power to Texas communities,” she said.
How many solar panels do we need to normalize the weather?
$1 trillion? $10 trillion? $100 trillion?

All the efforts that the Biden administration has put in place will be lost if trump is re-elected. He has said he will stop the US efforts to increase EV sales.

Stop.......giving me more reasons to vote for Trump.
Trump can't be permitted to give the rest of the share of EV production to China. The American share of the industry is already hanging on by a thread.

Objections on EV's aside, the move is still on and America won't purposely give it all away to China.
lol no, it won't; 3 of our border Congressional districts are going red, they're 95% Hispanic, and overall the Latino vote is going close to 80% Republican nation wide. They don't like illegal immigration, and they really don't like kiddie raping faggots, despite your best efforts to bullshit them. The rest of your post is just more rubbish. We have a lot of counties, and west of Fort Worth they've always been under-populated. No news there. Soon our Congressional delegation will match California's and they won't be able to dictate their whims on the rest of the country any more. Your fantasies are just lame.

Texas has rigged elections if 80% vote for GOP. Yea, just like 80% vote for Putin.

Supermajority support for Democratic presidential candidates is a pattern among Latino voters. In a 2021 Gallup poll, 56% of Latinos identified with the Democratic party, and 26% said they were Republicans.

I see 60 Democratic 30% GOP


A majority of Latino adults (60%) say the Democratic Party represents the interests of people like them somewhat or very well, while about a third (34%) say the same about the Republican Party, according to the new Pew Research Center survey.

Republicans’ greatest pockets of strength are with people who attend religious services weekly (leading Democrats by 26 points among this group) and residents of towns or rural areas (+25). The GOP holds smaller double-digit advantages among Protestants, White adults, men, non-college-educated adults, residents of the South and semi-regular church attenders.

Only partially offsetting these trends, the Democratic Party has gained adherents long term among college-educated Americans -- those with postgraduate education and those with a college degree only.
Still wondering how things like EVs are going to replace the thousands of acres of rainforest that have been destroyed.
Still wondering how all the copper needed for transmission lines for charging stations, all the lithium need for batteries, all the steel, etc. are going to be mined.
No one seems to be able to explain how we are going to increase electric production to power all the EVs we would need to replace all the gasoline and diesel powered cars.
Still wondering who was running so many SUVsthat ended the ice ages.
You wonder and others will try to do something about it.
Still wondering how things like EVs are going to replace the thousands of acres of rainforest that have been destroyed.
Still wondering how all the copper needed for transmission lines for charging stations, all the lithium need for batteries, all the steel, etc. are going to be mined.
No one seems to be able to explain how we are going to increase electric production to power all the EVs we would need to replace all the gasoline and diesel powered cars.
Still wondering who was running so many SUVsthat ended the ice ages.
China has already moved far beyond America in their ability to produce all the necessary materials and products used in the EV manufacturing industry.

China has gambled on there being a need.

America is gambling on there being no AGW or climate change crisis.

Which country is benefitting from their decision to gamble?

Texas has rigged elections if 80% vote for GOP. Yea, just like 80% vote for Putin.
Putin's share of the vote has passed 80%, due to the popularity of the war against America.
China has already moved far beyond America in their ability to produce all the necessary materials and products used in the EV manufacturing industry.

China has gambled on there being a need.

America is gambling on there being no AGW or climate change crisis.

Which country is benefitting from their decision to gamble?
And yet China is one of the biggest polluters in the world. So do you really want to hold them up as someone to be proud off?
Yesterday I got a Republican who denies man made climate change. I told him I didn't believe we landed on the moon. Boy did he get mad when I doubted NASA

It is undeniable that human activities have produced the atmospheric gases that have trapped more of the Sun's energy in the Earth system. This extra energy has warmed the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere, and biosphere have occurred

So he must thing the Global Warming division of NASA is corrupt but the fly people to the moon department is not. LOL
The climate change DOOMSDAY scam is just that - a hoax

If libs really believed it they would embrace nuclear energy

But they dont
And yet China is one of the biggest polluters in the world. So do you really want to hold them up as someone to be proud off?
Proportionally, and per capita, China is a small fraction of the AGW problem/non-problem depending on your political POV.

And there's no doubt at all that China's attitude toward preventing AGW is positive, while most Americans don't be lieve in AGW.

I think the reason for America's attitude is on account of belief in the god being the only power that can alter climate. Is that about correct?
No doubt going green is going to cost us. Especially when you won't make the corporate polluters pay. But it'll be worth it in the long run. Once the EV stations are built and we slowly get people off gas, your gas prices will go down, the planet will heal itself, you will live 3 years longer. It's all good.

But yea, I would have made the corporate polluters pay more but Republicans won't allow that. They'll just pass on the costs to us right? Pussy.

See, I doubt the entire premise that 120PPM of CO2 raises temperature on planet Earth.

Do you know which gas is used in thermal pane windows, it ain't CO2! It's the third most abundant element in our atmosphere, argon.

Any studies in argon variations? Or water vapor?
See, I doubt the entire premise that 120PPM of CO2 raises temperature on planet Earth.
If mainstream climate scientists actually make the claim that 120 ppm raises temperature on earth, then it's a true claim.

Can you quote that claim by science?

It's an interesting question you've raised!
Just like unvaccinated people paid the most, so too are red states who vote for politicians who argue with science. Also good female doctors are leaving red states. So the women in red states will suffer for their new abortion laws. Back to the days when dentists also delivered children.
Like I said in another thread. Iran has their Morality Police. The US has the Republican Party.

Like forcing people to take an experimental medical procedure or lose their job, business, and kids?

Or like forcing people to apologize for their race?

Or like letting government agencies decide whether parents can be told about their kids' medical conditions?

Or like letting men compete against women in sports?

Or like forcing girls to change and shower with men at school and at the gym?

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