Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.
Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate. Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way. To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.
Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Directing people to the end of the fence, to the “point of entry” is rational—not immoral—as Speaker Pelosi asserts.
She asserts as much because of the sinister forces stirring the Democrat base at present.
The hard left has such hooks into the party’s base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama.
Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers.
So what’s changed? Donald Trump became President.... they were unprepared and are now fighting hard and dirty. Their precious vision of peacenik socialism, coupled with an ample servings of sexual anarchy, religious bigotry, and self superiority is once again slipping through their fingers.

Reforms have armed and continue to empower more individuals to have increased personal economic options than they had known in the stagnant Obama ‘Recovery’ the previous presidential administration oversaw. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Enemy Media can try to ‘Sell/Tell’ us all the exact opposite.
Strangely Trump's approval among Hispanics jumped 19% from December to January. It's now 50%. Some think it's because of the lowest unemployment, others think it's because he's standing up for illegal immigration control.
The obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It's been going on for years. It shows that the PMS Dem Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or about following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason. Our ruling PMS Elites neither know nor care that ordinary voters see their one-world ambitions as treason. Calling It Treason 1 | Scragged
"Politicians at the top of the heap would rather ally with their nominal political opponents to fleece the general public than represent the wishes of the general public."
Personally, I'm not buying it. President Trump hasn’t let me down, yet. The perfidious Democrats have. I’m looking forward to the completion of this term and all it entails and then on to his next.
I read your post and mostly agree. But....

Bottom line......

Even the greatest, best trained, best equipped army on the planet will eventually fall to a dozen men with only swords.......

If that army can be counted on to do "Nothing".....long enough

And that's EXACTLY what the Left has enjoyed for a LONG LONG time. An "opposition" which does nothing but talk and cry. An armed, 100,000,000 man army....ALL cowering in a corner, waiting to be hacked to pieces by 12.

At some point, you either do, or do not. Freedom was never free.

Pat Buchanan: How the establishment won't let the Right make policy and why rebellion may be the only choice
Wait, we're not winning? What the fuck happened? We were winning and winning and winning. Always with the winning.
Bottom line......

Even the greatest, best trained, best equipped army on the planet will eventually fall to a dozen men with only swords.......

If that army can be counted on to do "Nothing".....long enough

And that's EXACTLY what the Left has enjoyed for a LONG LONG time. An "opposition" which does nothing but talk and cry. An armed, 100,000,000 man army....ALL cowering in a corner, waiting to be hacked to pieces by 12.

At some point, you either do, or do not. Freedom was never free.

Pat Buchanan: How the establishment won't let the Right make policy and why rebellion may be the only choice
I'm sorry, who's crying now?
HB..can you clarify? I'm not sure what you're implying or what you mean

If you're alluding to Trumps saying we're winning.....

Trump is a NewYork DEMOCRAT and an Elite.. I never believed he was going to truly raise the republican flag. Until a "Wall" is actually built and standing, I will continue to say it's all an elaborate ruse played against the American People by the Elites and the Establishment.

What Trump is is probably THE greatest political Reality Show ACTOR of all time.
He would sweep the Oscars if in the running. A spectacular performance. All he had to do was say exactly what the right base wanted to hear...and BOY O BOY did he!

The Right Base has refused to take a real stand for so long that the left fully EXPECTS that to continue...right into the rise of Socialism, the fall of capitalism and the eventual rise of Fascism and Marxism.

I'm also convinced the average Left Base person believes things are going "their" way. What they don't realize is that there's the Elites, and then there's everyone else. Including the Left Base. They're just a pliable and convenient tool being used for the Globalists and Elites agenda.
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I read your post and mostly agree. But....

Bottom line......

Even the greatest, best trained, best equipped army on the planet will eventually fall to a dozen men with only swords.......

If that army can be counted on to do "Nothing".....long enough

And that's EXACTLY what the Left has enjoyed for a LONG LONG time. An "opposition" which does nothing but talk and cry. An armed, 100,000,000 man army....ALL cowering in a corner, waiting to be hacked to pieces by 12.

At some point, you either do, or do not. Freedom was never free.

Pat Buchanan: How the establishment won't let the Right make policy and why rebellion may be the only choice
So we're supposed to go out and start shooting these motherfuckers now?
So we're supposed to go out and start shooting these motherfuckers now?

I'd settle for just a FRACTION of the Right base to get off their asses and get out and join a protest.
Or for that matter, if they would just get out and VOTE (symbolic now possibly)

What the Right Should be doing is coming together and figuring out how to collectively defeat this march towards marxism.
Stop feeding the Progressive Cash Cow
Protesting the injustices.
The Right needs a REAL Leader. Not a NewYork Democrat Billionaire Elite.
Someone from the ranks. Someone NOT rich.


I never said anything about shooting anyone.
(Although I firmly believe the day is coming when they will come for the guns, and if they get them even from a majority, the real end game will become apparent) Could be wrong, but that's the way I see it.
Death Angel & Doc7505

You both marked my post #6 as funny. Not a problem. Fair enough.
But would you be so kind as to explain what's "funny" or not accurate in that post?

I'm always willing to learn from others. So show me where I'm wrong and how.

If it's the part about Trump.....will you be more inclined to believe it if the "Wall" never gets built (as usual).
Do you disagree that he's a Billionaire? Do you disagree that he has in fact been on reality TV shows? Can you prove I'm wrong about his past as a NewYork DEMOCRAT?
What IF....I'm right.....and you're wrong?

Mr. Trump does seem to have done "some" things that were good for America. But his choice for SCOTUS for example, Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh IS an Establishment man. His record and his work under George Bush show that. I wonder how many people truly speak from a position of knowledge or simply from a position of emotion?

Don't be like the Left. Explain.
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There was no defeat. Trump is going to nuke them in a few days.

If he had been defeated, American people would have grabbed their arms already and declared the American experiment over.
Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.
Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate. Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way. To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.
Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Directing people to the end of the fence, to the “point of entry” is rational—not immoral—as Speaker Pelosi asserts.
She asserts as much because of the sinister forces stirring the Democrat base at present.
The hard left has such hooks into the party’s base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama.
Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers.
So what’s changed? Donald Trump became President.... they were unprepared and are now fighting hard and dirty. Their precious vision of peacenik socialism, coupled with an ample servings of sexual anarchy, religious bigotry, and self superiority is once again slipping through their fingers.

Reforms have armed and continue to empower more individuals to have increased personal economic options than they had known in the stagnant Obama ‘Recovery’ the previous presidential administration oversaw. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Enemy Media can try to ‘Sell/Tell’ us all the exact opposite.
Strangely Trump's approval among Hispanics jumped 19% from December to January. It's now 50%. Some think it's because of the lowest unemployment, others think it's because he's standing up for illegal immigration control.
The obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It's been going on for years. It shows that the PMS Dem Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or about following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason. Our ruling PMS Elites neither know nor care that ordinary voters see their one-world ambitions as treason. Calling It Treason 1 | Scragged
"Politicians at the top of the heap would rather ally with their nominal political opponents to fleece the general public than represent the wishes of the general public."
Personally, I'm not buying it. President Trump hasn’t let me down, yet. The perfidious Democrats have. I’m looking forward to the completion of this term and all it entails and then on to his next.

The Left is still dependent on Brown Slaves to work their plantations and sweat shops. It's really that simple. The Party of Slavery needs their Illegal Immigrants and are afraid orderly immigration policy would deprive them of that.
Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.
Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate. Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way. To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.
Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Directing people to the end of the fence, to the “point of entry” is rational—not immoral—as Speaker Pelosi asserts.
She asserts as much because of the sinister forces stirring the Democrat base at present.
The hard left has such hooks into the party’s base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama.
Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers.
So what’s changed? Donald Trump became President.... they were unprepared and are now fighting hard and dirty. Their precious vision of peacenik socialism, coupled with an ample servings of sexual anarchy, religious bigotry, and self superiority is once again slipping through their fingers.

Reforms have armed and continue to empower more individuals to have increased personal economic options than they had known in the stagnant Obama ‘Recovery’ the previous presidential administration oversaw. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Enemy Media can try to ‘Sell/Tell’ us all the exact opposite.
Strangely Trump's approval among Hispanics jumped 19% from December to January. It's now 50%. Some think it's because of the lowest unemployment, others think it's because he's standing up for illegal immigration control.
The obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It's been going on for years. It shows that the PMS Dem Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or about following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason. Our ruling PMS Elites neither know nor care that ordinary voters see their one-world ambitions as treason. Calling It Treason 1 | Scragged
"Politicians at the top of the heap would rather ally with their nominal political opponents to fleece the general public than represent the wishes of the general public."
Personally, I'm not buying it. President Trump hasn’t let me down, yet. The perfidious Democrats have. I’m looking forward to the completion of this term and all it entails and then on to his next.
That op ed was a pathetic as the dems. Trump may have lost some votes from the two million or so who were directly affected by not getting pay checks, but the majority of people don't have much use for either side's dysfunction.
Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.
Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate. Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way. To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.
Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Directing people to the end of the fence, to the “point of entry” is rational—not immoral—as Speaker Pelosi asserts.
She asserts as much because of the sinister forces stirring the Democrat base at present.
The hard left has such hooks into the party’s base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama.
Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers.
So what’s changed? Donald Trump became President.... they were unprepared and are now fighting hard and dirty. Their precious vision of peacenik socialism, coupled with an ample servings of sexual anarchy, religious bigotry, and self superiority is once again slipping through their fingers.

Reforms have armed and continue to empower more individuals to have increased personal economic options than they had known in the stagnant Obama ‘Recovery’ the previous presidential administration oversaw. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Enemy Media can try to ‘Sell/Tell’ us all the exact opposite.
Strangely Trump's approval among Hispanics jumped 19% from December to January. It's now 50%. Some think it's because of the lowest unemployment, others think it's because he's standing up for illegal immigration control.
The obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It's been going on for years. It shows that the PMS Dem Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or about following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason. Our ruling PMS Elites neither know nor care that ordinary voters see their one-world ambitions as treason. Calling It Treason 1 | Scragged
"Politicians at the top of the heap would rather ally with their nominal political opponents to fleece the general public than represent the wishes of the general public."
Personally, I'm not buying it. President Trump hasn’t let me down, yet. The perfidious Democrats have. I’m looking forward to the completion of this term and all it entails and then on to his next.

Nice copy and paste.
I suppose you need to but that is a deeeeep dive to find some rather questionable good news.
Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.
Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate. Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way. To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.
Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Directing people to the end of the fence, to the “point of entry” is rational—not immoral—as Speaker Pelosi asserts.
She asserts as much because of the sinister forces stirring the Democrat base at present.
The hard left has such hooks into the party’s base that they have literally forced leadership to completely abandon policy that they supported under President Obama.
Remember in 2013 Senator Schumer got the entire Democrat caucus to vote in lock step approval for a $40 billion border security package that included upwards of $8 billion in building additional miles of barriers.
So what’s changed? Donald Trump became President.... they were unprepared and are now fighting hard and dirty. Their precious vision of peacenik socialism, coupled with an ample servings of sexual anarchy, religious bigotry, and self superiority is once again slipping through their fingers.

Reforms have armed and continue to empower more individuals to have increased personal economic options than they had known in the stagnant Obama ‘Recovery’ the previous presidential administration oversaw. The Progressive Marxist Socialist Enemy Media can try to ‘Sell/Tell’ us all the exact opposite.
Strangely Trump's approval among Hispanics jumped 19% from December to January. It's now 50%. Some think it's because of the lowest unemployment, others think it's because he's standing up for illegal immigration control.
The obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It's been going on for years. It shows that the PMS Dem Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or about following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason. Our ruling PMS Elites neither know nor care that ordinary voters see their one-world ambitions as treason. Calling It Treason 1 | Scragged
"Politicians at the top of the heap would rather ally with their nominal political opponents to fleece the general public than represent the wishes of the general public."
Personally, I'm not buying it. President Trump hasn’t let me down, yet. The perfidious Democrats have. I’m looking forward to the completion of this term and all it entails and then on to his next.

You have NO CLUE what you're talking about. NONE. ZIP.

Another who believes Trump is the Messiah, the end all do all....the Great one. :rolleyes:

You're on your own.
Wake TF up.
Gullible people like you who foolishly think a NewYork DEMOCRAT who put on a Republican badge to play a role has your back......are giving the Left the laughs they insanely enjoy
Read my lips: The Establishment will not permit a "Wall".. They are Globalists. THEY run the show.

so...where's the "Wall" ?

H-Y-S-T-E-R-I-C-A-L :abgg2q.jpg:

The Left isn't "panicked", they're laughing harder than ever.
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