Why the Democrats should hope trump IS NOT REMOVED from office!

Documents obtained by ProPublica show stark differences in how Donald Trump’s businesses reported some expenses, profits and occupancy figures for two Manhattan buildings, giving a lender different figures than they provided to New York City tax authorities. The discrepancies made the buildings appear more profitable to the lender — and less profitable to the officials who set the buildings’ property tax.

For instance, Trump told the lender that he took in twice as much rent from one building as he reported to tax authorities during the same year, 2017. He also gave conflicting occupancy figures for one of his signature skyscrapers, located at 40 Wall Street.

Lenders like to see a rising occupancy level as a sign of what they call “leasing momentum.” Sure enough, the company told a lender that 40 Wall Street had been 58.9% leased on Dec. 31, 2012, and then rose to 95% a few years later. The company told tax officials the building was 81% rented as of Jan. 5, 2013.

Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies — ProPublica
One of Trump's loans was packaged as a bond. Trump falsified records when applying for that loan.

Since a bond was built and issued based on those lies, that's called securities fraud.

Choke on that! :lol:

What color is your face right now, Rambunctious? :lol:
Securities fraud is a federal crime, so Pence could technically pardon Trump for that. But why would he?

State income tax evasion is a state level crime, so Pence could not pardon Trump for that.
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.

It has more to do with Trump's efforts and that the KY Gov. was a Trump acolyte.

There are other elections as well. Both of Virginia's state houses went blue so now all state wide office holders are Democrats and they have both houses, that hasn't happened since I believe the early 90s.

In Pennsylvania's Delaware and Chester counties went blue. They are Republican strongholds in the Philly suburbs and haven't been blue in decades, I believe in one of those counties it's been 200 years. If Trump loses in 2020 it will be in the burbs and when you lose a stronghold that has been held for generations it's time to talk.
T ….T.....T.....Tax....Tax us some more......T....T...T....Tax...we're a nation of whores! You will take the money from the people with stagnant wealth. Leaving them with less crumbs...All the time bemoaning the rich.
Now we know why Trump has been hiding his tax returns. Because he is a criminal.
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.

It has more to do with Trump's efforts and that the KY Gov. was a Trump acolyte.

There are other elections as well. Both of Virginia's state houses went blue so now all state wide office holders are Democrats and they have both houses, that hasn't happened since I believe the early 90s.

In Pennsylvania's Delaware and Chester counties went blue. They are Republican strongholds in the Philly suburbs and haven't been blue in decades, I believe in one of those counties it's been 200 years. If Trump loses in 2020 it will be in the burbs and when you lose a stronghold that has been held for generations it's time to talk.
T ….T.....T.....Tax....Tax us some more......T....T...T....Tax...we're a nation of whores! You will take the money from the people with stagnant wealth. Leaving them with less crumbs...All the time bemoaning the rich.

Unless you're super wealthy I don't think you have anything to worry about.

But thanks for quoting my post and then proceeding to ignore all the words I put into it.
Securities fraud and tax evasion
With what evidence do you make such foolish wishful predictions?....
Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies — ProPublica

Choke on that! :lol:
More fake news links?.....:21:

That's the best you can do?

I could have posted a worthless fake news link like you did....
Securities fraud and tax evasion
With what evidence do you make such foolish wishful predictions?....
Never-Before-Seen Trump Tax Documents Show Major Inconsistencies — ProPublica

Choke on that! :lol:
More fake news links?.....:21:

That's the best you can do?

I could have posted a worthless fake news link like you did....

That's been your guys' MO since before Trump came on the scene, why stop now?
This is what the submissive Trumptards do. They live in a little bubble where their propagandists keep them totally in the dark. They are hand fed tidbits of lies and innuendos to parrot. So when they are confonted with the wide world of reality, it all looks "fake" to them.

It's sad. A very, very sad existence.
Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

you had better get someone to run against him outside of the group you have now....
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.

It has more to do with Trump's efforts and that the KY Gov. was a Trump acolyte.

There are other elections as well. Both of Virginia's state houses went blue so now all state wide office holders are Democrats and they have both houses, that hasn't happened since I believe the early 90s.

In Pennsylvania's Delaware and Chester counties went blue. They are Republican strongholds in the Philly suburbs and haven't been blue in decades, I believe in one of those counties it's been 200 years. If Trump loses in 2020 it will be in the burbs and when you lose a stronghold that has been held for generations it's time to talk.
T ….T.....T.....Tax....Tax us some more......T....T...T....Tax...we're a nation of whores! You will take the money from the people with stagnant wealth. Leaving them with less crumbs...All the time bemoaning the rich.

Unless you're super wealthy I don't think you have anything to worry about.

But thanks for quoting my post and then proceeding to ignore all the words I put into it.

The suburbs will sink trump....face it....Independent voters just do not want to vote for a criminals as their President. Now...the trump cultist do not care. They would vote for trump even if he was accused of raping women...wait.....

But his 35% of never moving cult members is shrinking. He has taken no actions to expand his base.....which will be his doom.
The Liar in Chief named trump is a gift that keeps on giving! With each tidbit that comes out concerning his extortion involving Ukraine, the more he will be viewed as the Criminal that he is....

If a Dem is elected as President in 2020....NO PARDON FOR trump. He needs to be prosecuted for his crimes...whether they involve his extortion or election fraud conspiracy.

Think about that a moment Donald....Resign now and get Pence to pardon you or wait and lose in 2020 and be prosecuted for your crimes......THINK ABOUT THAT!
if a democrat is elected in 2020.....it will be a miserable 4 years for that one...
The Liar in Chief named trump is a gift that keeps on giving! With each tidbit that comes out concerning his extortion involving Ukraine, the more he will be viewed as the Criminal that he is....

If a Dem is elected as President in 2020....NO PARDON FOR trump. He needs to be prosecuted for his crimes...whether they involve his extortion or election fraud conspiracy.

Think about that a moment Donald....Resign now and get Pence to pardon you or wait and lose in 2020 and be prosecuted for your crimes......THINK ABOUT THAT!
if a democrat is elected in 2020.....it will be a miserable 4 years for that one...

that one = trump?

No, I doubt he will get four years in prison. I expect he will get just a few years. But you never can tell....he could get a lot more....
Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

Perhaps it's that Bevin is so unpopular that even Trump couldn't pull it out for him. And the dems will view this election as "clear evidence" Liz Warren and the medicare for all and stick it to the rich is a clear winning platform

Behind the scenes of Matt Bevin's loss in Kentucky's governor's race
This is what the submissive Trumptards do. They live in a little bubble where their propagandists keep them totally in the dark. They are hand fed tidbits of lies and innuendos to parrot. So when they are confonted with the wide world of reality, it all looks "fake" to them.

It's sad. A very, very sad existence.
OMG, you'd think that the democrats would give up chasing the "road runner" by now. There are statutes of limitations on "crimes", and there are appeals to court rulings, and there are elections coming up in 2020 with Trump favored to win over the socialists. I'm glad you're optimistic, but we know how the hyped-up Mueller Investigation ended up. Here's a look back at 2016 to pump you up for 2020:
The Liar in Chief named trump is a gift that keeps on giving! With each tidbit that comes out concerning his extortion involving Ukraine, the more he will be viewed as the Criminal that he is....

If a Dem is elected as President in 2020....NO PARDON FOR trump. He needs to be prosecuted for his crimes...whether they involve his extortion or election fraud conspiracy.

Think about that a moment Donald....Resign now and get Pence to pardon you or wait and lose in 2020 and be prosecuted for your crimes......THINK ABOUT THAT!
if a democrat is elected in 2020.....it will be a miserable 4 years for that one...

that one = trump?

No, I doubt he will get four years in prison. I expect he will get just a few years. But you never can tell....he could get a lot more....
no that "one", meaning the loser that you guys are sure to pick...
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.
Trump claimed the Kentucky gubernatorial election would be a reflection on him. Dumbass.

Watch Trump's prediction about Governor of Kentucky

"You have to go vote. Because beyond even the governorship..." blah blah blah "...if you lose it sends a really bad message. YOU CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME!"
You are the one that knows every word he says. You are the one obsessed.

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