Why the Democrats should hope trump IS NOT REMOVED from office!

Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

Does this video make you sad?

You have never once said anything good about America or our President.

DOD releases video of raid that took out Baghdadi

Real question, do you ever post anything in earnest or is everything just a joke? Are you really asking someone if a video of the Baghdadi raid makes someone sad? Do you know how stupid that makes you look (outside of the other wingnuts of course) that you've so bought into this alternative news bullshit that you really post crap like this?
When a poster has a history of being 100% Anti-American, and Anti-Potus, it's a legit question.

Anti-Trump is not ant-American. You really need to get out of this cult of personality bubble you're in.
Maybe tree sees the dems as anti-American because at their rallies they support being anti-American?
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants
"Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."
Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

Does this video make you sad?

You have never once said anything good about America or our President.

DOD releases video of raid that took out Baghdadi

Real question, do you ever post anything in earnest or is everything just a joke? Are you really asking someone if a video of the Baghdadi raid makes someone sad? Do you know how stupid that makes you look (outside of the other wingnuts of course) that you've so bought into this alternative news bullshit that you really post crap like this?
When a poster has a history of being 100% Anti-American, and Anti-Potus, it's a legit question.

Anti-Trump is not ant-American. You really need to get out of this cult of personality bubble you're in.
The poster makes it clear he is Anti-American. Even the worst American will give America credit when something good happens for America.
He is not the only poster-troll here who does this.
Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

Does this video make you sad?

You have never once said anything good about America or our President.

DOD releases video of raid that took out Baghdadi

Real question, do you ever post anything in earnest or is everything just a joke? Are you really asking someone if a video of the Baghdadi raid makes someone sad? Do you know how stupid that makes you look (outside of the other wingnuts of course) that you've so bought into this alternative news bullshit that you really post crap like this?
When a poster has a history of being 100% Anti-American, and Anti-Potus, it's a legit question.

Anti-Trump is not ant-American. You really need to get out of this cult of personality bubble you're in.
Maybe tree sees the dems as anti-American because at their rallies they support being anti-American?
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants
"Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."


"mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."

This is definitely Jihadi Anti-American Rhetoric, and the overwhelming majority of Democrats Support this, just like they support Anti-Semitism.

BTW, do you know what Omar cited as the reason for divorcing her brother?

"Eeez Deek was So-mal-i, could not feel it."
Last edited:
Does this video make you sad?

You have never once said anything good about America or our President.

DOD releases video of raid that took out Baghdadi

Real question, do you ever post anything in earnest or is everything just a joke? Are you really asking someone if a video of the Baghdadi raid makes someone sad? Do you know how stupid that makes you look (outside of the other wingnuts of course) that you've so bought into this alternative news bullshit that you really post crap like this?
When a poster has a history of being 100% Anti-American, and Anti-Potus, it's a legit question.

Anti-Trump is not ant-American. You really need to get out of this cult of personality bubble you're in.
Maybe tree sees the dems as anti-American because at their rallies they support being anti-American?
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants
"Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."

"mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."

This is definitely Jihadi Anti-American Rhetoric, and the overwhelming majority of Democrats Support this, just like they support Anti-Semitism.

The voices in your own heads is what you two should be worried about.
Judging from the results last night in the red state Kentucky and the blue wave in Virginia, trump continues to pull down the GOP. He is an albatross around the neck of the Republican Party.

He will continue to hurt the GOP every time he Tweets one of his insults and with every witness that comes forward with the damning information in the Impeachment inquiry. Therefore, the Democrats should be happy leaving him in office. A damaged criminal in the White House would be much better for the Dems than someone being nominated like Nikki Haley. She would clobber the Dems in 2020. As it is, if trump stays in office, the Dems have a better chance of winning back the WH.

Perhaps it's that Bevin is so unpopular that even Trump couldn't pull it out for him. And the dems will view this election as "clear evidence" Liz Warren and the medicare for all and stick it to the rich is a clear winning platform

Behind the scenes of Matt Bevin's loss in Kentucky's governor's race
I do not like Warren and her marxist ideology. At all.

I honestly don't know if Warren or Trump are the biggest threat to our future.

I am hoping someone pushes Warren off the top of the heap.

What's funny is that if the impeachment passes the House by the end of the year, all the senators in the Democratic race, including Warren will have to quit campaigning and go back to DC to sit for the Senate trial. That could set them back, what with the primaries so close.

Biden would have a wide open field.

I do hope you are right. Warren bothers me also. I don't think we are ready for her policies...but we weren't ready for the nut case in the White House either....so
Real question, do you ever post anything in earnest or is everything just a joke? Are you really asking someone if a video of the Baghdadi raid makes someone sad? Do you know how stupid that makes you look (outside of the other wingnuts of course) that you've so bought into this alternative news bullshit that you really post crap like this?
When a poster has a history of being 100% Anti-American, and Anti-Potus, it's a legit question.

Anti-Trump is not ant-American. You really need to get out of this cult of personality bubble you're in.
Maybe tree sees the dems as anti-American because at their rallies they support being anti-American?
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants
"Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."

"mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."

This is definitely Jihadi Anti-American Rhetoric, and the overwhelming majority of Democrats Support this, just like they support Anti-Semitism.

The voices in your own heads is what you two should be worried about.
No need for voices in my head, when I can read their Anti-American Hatred and Anti-Semitic Rhetoric on here every day.

The Only Question is, are these pukes from Iran, China, North Korea, Russia, or Libphuckistan, USA. Either way, they are all the same.
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.
Trump claimed the Kentucky gubernatorial election would be a reflection on him. Dumbass.

Watch Trump's prediction about Governor of Kentucky

"You have to go vote. Because beyond even the governorship..." blah blah blah "...if you lose it sends a really bad message. YOU CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME!"
You are the one that knows every word he says. You are the one obsessed.
I'm sorry the facts made your butt hurt, dumbass.

Why would something trump say make my butt hurt? As usual, what trump says is irrelevant but here you are being as emotional as ever.
Say, are you fucking stupid or something?
Rhetorical question.
You whined that people were acting like KY was a big deal. Then I showed you Trump said KY was a big deal to him. Then your butt hurt began in earnest.

Sorry about that! Not. :lol:
Lol your desperation is showing.
If you actually thought instead of reacted like a child, my post would have included him too
But you are an emotional dumbass.
This post tips the hand of the radical democrats. All of a sudden democrats think they can beat Trump in a fair election so why not quit this impeachment B.S. and concentrate on the election. No shit.

Ive tried to express this here before. The serfs run in cycles as the media dances them. It reaches a fever pitch then dies off as CNN switches tactics.
Jim, regarding my post 53 above about Edall piece, even thought the dem generic candidate is up around 20% over Trump (or 2-1) that could be meaningless depending on the actual dem candidate, and the NYT time poll of two days ago that is discussed in other sites, shows Warren losing to Trump in most battleground states, and Sanders barely holding his own, and Biden a narrow fav.

It's not really positive.
Idk why people act like KY is a big deal. They usually have a dem governor.

It has more to do with Trump's efforts and that the KY Gov. was a Trump acolyte.

There are other elections as well. Both of Virginia's state houses went blue so now all state wide office holders are Democrats and they have both houses, that hasn't happened since I believe the early 90s.

In Pennsylvania's Delaware and Chester counties went blue. They are Republican strongholds in the Philly suburbs and haven't been blue in decades, I believe in one of those counties it's been 200 years. If Trump loses in 2020 it will be in the burbs and when you lose a stronghold that has been held for generations it's time to talk.
T ….T.....T.....Tax....Tax us some more......T....T...T....Tax...we're a nation of whores! You will take the money from the people with stagnant wealth. Leaving them with less crumbs...All the time bemoaning the rich.

Unless you're super wealthy I don't think you have anything to worry about.

But thanks for quoting my post and then proceeding to ignore all the words I put into it.

The suburbs will sink trump....face it....Independent voters just do not want to vote for a criminals as their President. Now...the trump cultist do not care. They would vote for trump even if he was accused of raping women...wait.....

But his 35% of never moving cult members is shrinking. He has taken no actions to expand his base.....which will be his doom.

Don't believe the democrat talking points. Incumbent presidents usually win re-election, even if they're impeached. The key will be peace and prosperity and 2020 looks to be peaceful and prosperous. So enjoy Trump for 4-more years.
Only 5 of the last 10 presidents served a second term.
3 of the last 3 presidents served a second term.

It has more to do with Trump's efforts and that the KY Gov. was a Trump acolyte.

There are other elections as well. Both of Virginia's state houses went blue so now all state wide office holders are Democrats and they have both houses, that hasn't happened since I believe the early 90s.

In Pennsylvania's Delaware and Chester counties went blue. They are Republican strongholds in the Philly suburbs and haven't been blue in decades, I believe in one of those counties it's been 200 years. If Trump loses in 2020 it will be in the burbs and when you lose a stronghold that has been held for generations it's time to talk.
T ….T.....T.....Tax....Tax us some more......T....T...T....Tax...we're a nation of whores! You will take the money from the people with stagnant wealth. Leaving them with less crumbs...All the time bemoaning the rich.

Unless you're super wealthy I don't think you have anything to worry about.

But thanks for quoting my post and then proceeding to ignore all the words I put into it.

The suburbs will sink trump....face it....Independent voters just do not want to vote for a criminals as their President. Now...the trump cultist do not care. They would vote for trump even if he was accused of raping women...wait.....

But his 35% of never moving cult members is shrinking. He has taken no actions to expand his base.....which will be his doom.

Don't believe the democrat talking points. Incumbent presidents usually win re-election, even if they're impeached. The key will be peace and prosperity and 2020 looks to be peaceful and prosperous. So enjoy Trump for 4-more years.
Only 5 of the last 10 presidents served a second term.

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