Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

Trump can say whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned. He looks like an asshole whenever he opens his mouth.
Coach is Right ^ | 7/9/15
“We need to create jobs for Americans, not Washington; it is time for America to be back in business,” Donald Trump said as he announced the main planks in his platform to become America’s next President! “It is time to Make America Great Again,” is his campaign’s theme statement. Continuing with his IT’S THE ECONOMY mission statement, Trump, now trending number one in some recent polling, stated: “We need economic growth for everyone, not just Wall Street and the special interests.” “I promise to bring jobs back home and ensure our trade agreements benefit the American worker and protect our...
YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.

No, WE will just FUCK YOU UP, you scum REFUSE to work with us, you deserve destruction...we can recover, there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

Yeah, I didn't think you would have the balls to stand on your own. Let others do the work and you take the credit for the gains and blame the "RINOs" for the defeats. Just a bunch of leeches, willing to do nothing and incessantly demanding that everything has to be your way. You're damn straight I won't work with you, because you don't want to work. You want it handed to you like a spoiled child. Stay home. What else could be expected from children?

Yes, I see you have NOTHING when presented with the Tea party platform... you're simply another Manchurian Republican, But I wonder how much the DNC pays you to fuck up the party?
Would you care to elaborate....Just exactly what did Trump say about illegals( the precise ones who DO commit the offenses he described) that is not true?
He made broad sweeping statements disparaging Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

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He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

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You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

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Are you deliberately being unsophisticated?
He made broad sweeping statements disparaging Mexicans as rapists and murderers.

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He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

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Your made up lie. To avoid criticism for leaving things in context, one would have to go around making full references to previous subjects on a constant basis and normal people don't communicate like that.

Normal people say things like "Johnny went tot he store to buy cigarettes. He had to be 18 to get them, but I don't like doing that because it might make him more prone to by that crap later in his life." Normal people know that you didn't send Johnny to buy literal crap, a metaphor in this case.

Trump used synecdoche in his reference to illegals, leaving the context of his remarks to indicate who he was talking about exactly. You morons take his couple of sentences without the context and claim Trump is a racist. But that is only getting traction among you libtards in your little echo chambers. Everyone else outside the handful of Hispanic fools that trust you morons knows better.

There is no gotcha here, just more of your fascist lies and agit prop.
There is some stupid group that calls itself the National Hispanic Media Coalition that is making all kinds of demands.
Trump's people sent them a very stern warning to cease and desist in slandering Trump's name likeness, trademark. etc or they face a $500 million lawsuit.
The coalition is making demands on advertisers and other entities to break ties with Trump...One can only assume these paper tigers mean "or else"....
Really? Or else what? What the hell are these douche bags gonna do?
The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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The only way that happens is if the Democrats (or people like you) are allowed to keep controlling the dialog.
Don't play stupid ... You are smarter than that.

A great deal of the American people are smarter than that as well ... You just better pray the rest don't figure it out.

The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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The only way that happens is if the Democrats (or people like you) are allowed to keep controlling the dialog.
Don't play stupid ... You are smarter than that.

A great deal of the American people are smarter than that as well ... You just better pray the rest don't figure it out.

The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

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The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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The only way that happens is if the Democrats (or people like you) are allowed to keep controlling the dialog.
Don't play stupid ... You are smarter than that.

A great deal of the American people are smarter than that as well ... You just better pray the rest don't figure it out.

The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

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Your PHONY INDIGNATION is hereby noted...as we all know, He never meant all Mexicans, just illegals... But we do enjoy that INDIGNATION....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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The only way that happens is if the Democrats (or people like you) are allowed to keep controlling the dialog.
Don't play stupid ... You are smarter than that.

A great deal of the American people are smarter than that as well ... You just better pray the rest don't figure it out.

The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

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Your PHONY INDIGNATION is hereby noted...as we all know, He never meant all Mexicans, just illegals... But we do enjoy that INDIGNATION....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You're not enjoying this more than me.

He's losing like Charlie Sheen was WINNING!

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The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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The only way that happens is if the Democrats (or people like you) are allowed to keep controlling the dialog.
Don't play stupid ... You are smarter than that.

A great deal of the American people are smarter than that as well ... You just better pray the rest don't figure it out.

The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Your PHONY INDIGNATION is hereby noted...as we all know, He never meant all Mexicans, just illegals... But we do enjoy that INDIGNATION....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You're not enjoying this more than me.

He's losing like Charlie Sheen was WINNING!

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Indignation is an ugly response when phony! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

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That's what I was talking about ... You are still continuing to try and control the dialog.
Then you are silly enough to tell me to snap out of it when it is obvious we both know you are full of shit.

That is the only thing that is giving Donald Trump any support at all ... He is willing to tell people like you to shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

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The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That's what I was talking about ... You are still continuing to try and control the dialog.
Then you are silly enough to tell me to snap out of it when it is obvious we both know you are full of shit.

That is the only thing that is giving Donald Trump any support at all ... He is willing to tell people like you to shut the fuck up with your bullshit.

How's that working out for you?

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The GOP frontrunner: Donald Trump! (YouGov Poll)

YouGov ^ | July 9, 2015 | Kathy Frankovic
Trump leads the GOP pack this week, though few think he will win the nomination The Republican horserace continues to be a contest of multiple candidates – with frontrunners sometimes ahead by only a few points, and no one dominating the race. In this week’s Economist/YouGov Poll, businessman Donald Trump leads among Republicans, ahead of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
How's that working out for you?

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Thanks for the offer of allowing me to handle up on my end of the dialog.
I will assume (minus any old, stale crap about assumptions) that you are referring to Donald Trump (in regards to my previous statements) and/or his ability to tell the opposition to cram it.

I am not personally invested in Donald Trump or any particular candidate at this time (although I think Mrs. Clinton is a terrible actor and horrible on stage).
At the same time, I do feel that Mr. Trump has broken away from the general sense that the GOP has to keep jumping through the hoops their opposition keeps putting in front of them and following the left-leaning "script" so to say.

I get the feeling that not all people support Mr. Trump as much as they support the fact that we aren't going to let the left control the dialog and lecture us on what is and isn't important to ... Wait for it ... Them.

How does that work out for me ...

It just means that maybe some people will wise up enough to stop bickering about bullshit and start working on things that need to be addressed and in a manner that shows some decisiveness separated from the routine treadmill of ongoing squabbling more concerned with keeping crap stirred up than actually doing anything.

I don't necessarily want someone who is going to appoint themselves King ... But I also don't want someone who is handicapped by being led around like a puppy.
Someone who is willing to say ... "This is what I believe, This is what I want to do ... Here's my idea, but how are we actually gong to do this".
Stop worrying about making everyone happy ... Learn a few things as you go ... Take your knocks for having a backbone and deciding what you want to do instead of what everyone wants to fuss about.

It is working out pretty good for me ... I have had some interesting conversations with folks from all kinds of political affiliations lately.
They are more engaged and more in depth concerning specific ideas and the desire to break away from the "norm".
A lot of times we joke and laugh about Mr. Trump ... But he opens the door to something more than just right-wing/left-wing bullshit.

The bastard said "SOMEBODY is doing the raping", then he said "I guess some of them are good." Both referring to Mexicans. There's a reason why he's been losing money and sponsors like nobody's business. Snap out of your GD rightwing funk and see what's in front of you!

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That's what I was talking about ... You are still continuing to try and control the dialog.
Then you are silly enough to tell me to snap out of it when it is obvious we both know you are full of shit.

That is the only thing that is giving Donald Trump any support at all ... He is willing to tell people like you to shut the fuck up with your bullshit.


And by 'controlling the dialogue', you mean express any opinion?

If Trump can't withstand the expression of anyone's opinion without being 'destroyed' then there's no way he can survive a presidential election. He'd be far too delicate to ever win, let alone perform the job.
You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.

No, WE will just FUCK YOU UP, you scum REFUSE to work with us, you deserve destruction...we can recover, there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

Yeah, I didn't think you would have the balls to stand on your own. Let others do the work and you take the credit for the gains and blame the "RINOs" for the defeats. Just a bunch of leeches, willing to do nothing and incessantly demanding that everything has to be your way. You're damn straight I won't work with you, because you don't want to work. You want it handed to you like a spoiled child. Stay home. What else could be expected from children?

Yes, I see you have NOTHING when presented with the Tea party platform... you're simply another Manchurian Republican, But I wonder how much the DNC pays you to fuck up the party?

The tea party doesn't have a platform, just a propaganda sheet. I'll believe it has a platform when it does more than just complain that everyone won't do what they're told.
It's amazing how coordinated the attack has been on Donald Trump's comments regarding the violence and mayhem brought upon the US Culture by the Ideological Left and their importation of TENS OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS...

I ran across this piece which summed it up nicely...

"... Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Donald would dare to prosecute. Donald Trump will not hesitate. Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked.

Eric Holder could wind up in prison. Valerie Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Jon Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money.

Hillary Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails; or accepting bribes from foreign governmentswhile serving as secretary of State; or for “misplacing” $6 billion as head of State Department; or for the Benghazi coverup.

The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison for targeting and persecuting critics of the president and then purposely destroying evidence. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama Crime Family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.

Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved…just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first day in the White House.

Who knows what Donald will do on day two?

That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. ..."

Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump TheBlaze.com
If The Donald will do that, I will caucus for him here in Iowa. We can give him a head start for the nomination.
How's that working out for you?

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Thanks for the offer of allowing me to handle up on my end of the dialog.
I will assume (minus any old, stale crap about assumptions) that you are referring to Donald Trump (in regards to my previous statements) and/or his ability to tell the opposition to cram it.

I am not personally invested in Donald Trump or any particular candidate at this time (although I think Mrs. Clinton is a terrible actor and horrible on stage).
At the same time, I do feel that Mr. Trump has broken away from the general sense that the GOP has to keep jumping through the hoops their opposition keeps putting in front of them and following the left-leaning "script" so to say.

I get the feeling that not all people support Mr. Trump as much as they support the fact that we aren't going to let the left control the dialog and lecture us on what is and isn't important to ... Wait for it ... Them.

How does that work out for me ...

It just means that maybe some people will wise up enough to stop bickering about bullshit and start working on things that need to be addressed and in a manner that shows some decisiveness separated from the routine treadmill of ongoing squabbling more concerned with keeping crap stirred up than actually doing anything.

I don't necessarily want someone who is going to appoint themselves King ... But I also don't want someone who is handicapped by being led around like a puppy.
Someone who is willing to say ... "This is what I believe, This is what I want to do ... Here's my idea, but how are we actually gong to do this".
Stop worrying about making everyone happy ... Learn a few things as you go ... Take your knocks for having a backbone and deciding what you want to do instead of what everyone wants to fuss about.

It is working out pretty good for me ... I have had some interesting conversations with folks from all kinds of political affiliations lately.
They are more engaged and more in depth concerning specific ideas and the desire to break away from the "norm".
A lot of times we joke and laugh about Mr. Trump ... But he opens the door to something more than just right-wing/left-wing bullshit.

Interesting, so what's your thoughts on Sanders?

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He said ILLEGALS and unless YOU are a racist and think all ILLEGALS are Mexican your wrong.
You are nothing but a two-bit liar of the highest order. Quote Trump using the term "illegals."

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You can follow the narrative all you like.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows to whom Trump was referring....
Shut it.
To you lefties this is nothing more than a golden gotcha moment.
What's the gotcha?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Your made up lie. To avoid criticism for leaving things in context, one would have to go around making full references to previous subjects on a constant basis and normal people don't communicate like that.

Normal people say things like "Johnny went tot he store to buy cigarettes. He had to be 18 to get them, but I don't like doing that because it might make him more prone to by that crap later in his life." Normal people know that you didn't send Johnny to buy literal crap, a metaphor in this case.

Trump used synecdoche in his reference to illegals, leaving the context of his remarks to indicate who he was talking about exactly. You morons take his couple of sentences without the context and claim Trump is a racist. But that is only getting traction among you libtards in your little echo chambers. Everyone else outside the handful of Hispanic fools that trust you morons knows better.

There is no gotcha here, just more of your fascist lies and agit prop.
There is some stupid group that calls itself the National Hispanic Media Coalition that is making all kinds of demands.
Trump's people sent them a very stern warning to cease and desist in slandering Trump's name likeness, trademark. etc or they face a $500 million lawsuit.
The coalition is making demands on advertisers and other entities to break ties with Trump...One can only assume these paper tigers mean "or else"....
Really? Or else what? What the hell are these douche bags gonna do?

Well Trump could step up and tell anyone that is willing to fight these libtards that he will pay their legal costs from any lawsuits.

But what the libtards have going for them at the moment is a history of white guilt that makes whites reflexively concede legitimacy to leftists demands and the more wild their demands the more whites are quick to give in.

We have been taught to damn ourselves from grade school, with all our heroes like Columbus, Washington, Edison, etc being turned into villains. So most white people don't have any idea what is and is not reasonable any more because they have been brainwashed into the reflexive feeling of guilt, especially white men.

But that is hastening to an end as the libtards overplay their hand. The Confederate Battle Flag is an example as well as Phil Robertson and now Trump. I have never seen so many CBFs on public display in my entire life and it is all because of the libtards pissing so many people off. I have never seen such a clumsy, awkward CEO as Trump shoot so quickly up in the polls, and again it is due to libtards trying to shout him down and people begin to look into the facts when Trump refuses to reflexively give in and obey the libtards.

Trump, despite his extremely liberal pro-abortion opinions and desire for nationalized health care, is the darling of the political right today. He would never have gotten so far ahead of the pack were it not for his standing up to the PC Nazi bullies. And people are finally figuring out that both the Democrat and Republican leadership in Washington DC want MORE illegal immigration. The Dems want more voters to over-come the Tea Party and the Republicans want more cheap labor, despite this meaning the permanent minority position of their own party.

And voters everywhere are awakening to this sick criminal game as they suddenly realize now that they and their children are the losers in all this.

Once the libtard reputation for inevitably winning all the time is compromised, like any bully, they will be challenged repeatedly by almost everyone. Then their criminal game is effectively over.
He's losing like Charlie Sheen was WINNING!

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And since Sheen, while claiming to be 'winning', was actually losing, by your own logic, if Trump is 'losing' he must actually be winning instead.

You are an idiot.

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