Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump

So despite his refusal to apologize that has cost him lots of money, and his leading some poles and finishing send on others, he isn't a serious candidate in your opinion?

Well, it sounds like you don't really have a serious opinion, then.

As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

Yes, I prefer an authentic socialist President like Hitlary or Sanders to a stealth socialist like Jebba the Bush.
As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

So you oppose him based on your psychological evaluation administered long distance over the internet. Mighty impressive; do you do telepathy tricks too? :cuckoo:

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

So by 'serious candidate' you mean he isn't a professional politician operating under the zeitgeist of the modern professional political class. He doesn't give canned responses, and run from the PC Nazis. In short he is exactly the man we need for the job.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.

My eyes are wide open and I see Congress with approval ratings in the low teens, led by two liars who promptly made excuses and tossed out everyone of their campaign promises they made to the American people.

Trump cannot possibly harm the GOP's brand or image any more than the GOP RINOs already have, dude.

My point is the he is not a serious candidate and you only need to look at his past behavior to see that. This is nothing but an ego trip for him and he has absolutely no intention of following through. He isn't hurting the democrats, he's hurting the republicans. And since I am a republican, I would rather he didn't do that.

So despite his refusal to apologize that has cost him lots of money, and his leading some poles and finishing send on others, he isn't a serious candidate in your opinion?

Well, it sounds like you don't really have a serious opinion, then.

As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?
As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

Yes, I prefer an authentic socialist President like Hitlary or Sanders to a stealth socialist like Jebba the Bush.

Then you certainly deserve her. Perhaps that's the real intent here.
And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!

So despite his refusal to apologize that has cost him lots of money, and his leading some poles and finishing send on others, he isn't a serious candidate in your opinion?

Well, it sounds like you don't really have a serious opinion, then.

As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?

As long as they keep supplying Bush's and Bush clones, they will!

Such as this idiot, who has about as much chance as George Pataki, Graham, and Jim Gilmore ( yes I hear everyone yelling, "Who's he, and when did he declare!)

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As I said, you can fool some of the people all of the time.

And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?

As long as they keep supplying Bush's and Bush clones, they will!

Jeb just announced record fund raising. He will be the nominee. Trump js a side......no....Trump is a freak show gone bad.....
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.
And you seem to willfully remain fooled.

Let me put into bullet points for you, bubba.

1. If Trump was doing this for the money, why would he stay in as long as he has?

2. If he is hurting the Republicans, then why has he shot up to 2nd place on most polls and to number one in some others?

3. IF he is not a threat to Democrats why are they spilling so much ink attacking him?

We all know the truth about this situation. Trump said some things that the PC Nazis will not tolerate. A bunch of gutless cowards among the professional political class have pissed their pants in response, like Jeb the Bush and are denouncing Trump because they are afraid that the PC Nazis will go after them if they don't.

Meanwhile the more time that the PC Nazis spend on Trump they more they elevate the man in the polls because real Americans are sick to death of these PC Nazi bastards.

Which is why he wont shut up.

Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?

As long as they keep supplying Bush's and Bush clones, they will!

Jeb just announced record fund raising. He will be the nominee. Trump js a side......no....Trump is a freak show gone bad.....

OK, let's see what happens...perhaps we'll GIVE YOU what you want, the destruction of Liberty and Freedom!
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.

No, WE will just FUCK YOU UP, you scum REFUSE to work with us, you deserve destruction...we can recover, there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

And Americans who understand that no matter which liberal wins they're screwed will cast a protest vote for some perhaps fictitious candidate. But only so they can't be accused of being uninterested stay-at-homes.
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?

As long as they keep supplying Bush's and Bush clones, they will!

Jeb just announced record fund raising. He will be the nominee. Trump js a side......no....Trump is a freak show gone bad.....

OK, let's see what happens...perhaps we'll GIVE YOU what you want, the destruction of Liberty and Freedom!

Drama Queen often?
Apparently you didn't read what I wrote, so let me repeat it. He is doing it for the ego trip. He wants the spotlight. He can't stand not being the center of attention. He will do anything, say anything, go through any antics just to make people pay attention to him. This isn't about the presidency or money, it is about his need to be looked at. Christ, how many other billionaires felt the need to go on reality tv?

The reason the democrats are going after him is because he is an incredibly easy target and the mud splashes on the entire party. They can point to him, and the incredibly stupid things he says, and say that is the face of the republican party. And he doesn't give a damn if it damages the party because all he does care about is that everyone is looking at and talking about him. And that is why he won't shut up or tone it down. He will get more and more outlandish to keep the attention on him regardless of what that means. The democrats know he isn't a serious candidate, but they aren't going to let an opportunity like this to pass them by. It is a win-win for them. And when it gets serious, he will walk away. Just as he has always done.

Open your eyes. He is hurting the party and helping the democrats take the presidency again.
Good, it's about time the GOP needs to be flushed of all the DemocRAT lights!

Cause they enjoy losing national election.....?

As long as they keep supplying Bush's and Bush clones, they will!

Jeb just announced record fund raising. He will be the nominee. Trump js a side......no....Trump is a freak show gone bad.....

OK, let's see what happens...perhaps we'll GIVE YOU what you want, the destruction of Liberty and Freedom!

And that is the real goal, isn't it?
So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.

No, WE will just FUCK YOU UP, you scum REFUSE to work with us, you deserve destruction...we can recover, there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

Yeah, I didn't think you would have the balls to stand on your own. Let others do the work and you take the credit for the gains and blame the "RINOs" for the defeats. Just a bunch of leeches, willing to do nothing and incessantly demanding that everything has to be your way. You're damn straight I won't work with you, because you don't want to work. You want it handed to you like a spoiled child. Stay home. What else could be expected from children?
So you prefer a democrat president?

If you guys don't like the republican party, then leave it. Form your own party that is more in line with your thinking and stop sucking off our teat.

YOU leave it, WE ARE THE BASE, get that into your head, without us, you're the Green Party!

That's why we have Trump, who as of today has only spoken the truth, and the Tea Party, to fuck up you DemocRAT lights!

You are not the base. Not even close. But please, prove me wrong. Make the tea party a real party and not just a bunch of dunces riding on the coat tails of the adults. Go and prove yourselves. You have our blessings.
Tell me DemocRAT light, what in this platform, YOU don't approve of... I want to see just how close to Obuma you really are!


Anyone can make a poster. The tea party believes in none of it. But go, prove me wrong and form the great TEA PARTY. Show us RINOs what it is really about and stop expecting us to do the work for you.

No, WE will just FUCK YOU UP, you scum REFUSE to work with us, you deserve destruction...we can recover, there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

Fuck them up?

Get a fuckin life
there are more of us! Millions of us stayed home with McRomney the Progressive moderate!

Republicans have lost four of the last six Presidential elections and five of the last six Presidential popular votes.

So Democrats aren't particularly worried about all these lazy conservatives who don't give a shit about America to vote.
It's amazing how coordinated the attack has been on Donald Trump's comments regarding the violence and mayhem brought upon the US Culture by the Ideological Left and their importation of TENS OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS...

I ran across this piece which summed it up nicely...

"... Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Donald would dare to prosecute. Donald Trump will not hesitate. Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked.

Eric Holder could wind up in prison. Valerie Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Jon Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money.

Hillary Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails; or accepting bribes from foreign governmentswhile serving as secretary of State; or for “misplacing” $6 billion as head of State Department; or for the Benghazi coverup.

The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison for targeting and persecuting critics of the president and then purposely destroying evidence. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama Crime Family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.

Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved…just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first day in the White House.

Who knows what Donald will do on day two?

That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. ..."

Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump TheBlaze.com
The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

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I like a 'good debate.' What exactly has he said that you find disturbing?
His anti-Mexican rhetoric for starters.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
It's amazing how coordinated the attack has been on Donald Trump's comments regarding the violence and mayhem brought upon the US Culture by the Ideological Left and their importation of TENS OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS...

I ran across this piece which summed it up nicely...

"... Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Donald would dare to prosecute. Donald Trump will not hesitate. Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked.

Eric Holder could wind up in prison. Valerie Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Jon Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money.

Hillary Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails; or accepting bribes from foreign governmentswhile serving as secretary of State; or for “misplacing” $6 billion as head of State Department; or for the Benghazi coverup.

The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison for targeting and persecuting critics of the president and then purposely destroying evidence. Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama Crime Family will be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.

Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved…just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first day in the White House.

Who knows what Donald will do on day two?

That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. ..."

Why the Democrats Will Do and Say Anything To Stop Donald Trump TheBlaze.com
The only person stopping Trump is himself. The only thing stopping Trump is his big mouth.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I like a 'good debate.' What exactly has he said that you find disturbing?
His anti-Mexican rhetoric for starters.

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Is there a pro-Mexican rhetoric you'd like to share?

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